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A New Use for Practitioners in Teaching Negotiation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article examines the role that practitioners as guest lecturers have traditionally played in the teaching of negotiation. The authors argue that, as seen from the perspective of student learning, this traditional role has not utilized the practitioner's expertise and experience to an optimal degree. Because of this, they have redesigned the role of the practitioner as guest lecturer in their negotiation course. They describe this new role in some detail. Their goal is to encourage students to understand how and why integrative negotiation techniques can work beyond the classroom in what students call the "real world."  相似文献   

劳尔·普雷维什 ( 1 90 1~ 1 986)是 2 0世纪拉美历史上“最有影响的经济学家”1,被公认为是“发展中国家的理论代表”2。在他所提出的一系列经济发展理论中 ,影响最大、争议最多的就是“贸易条件恶化论”。这一理论认为 ,发展中国家初级产品的贸易条件存在长期恶化的趋势。因为它是由普雷维什最早提出来的 ,所以也被称为“普雷维什命题”3 。一 “普雷维什命题”的主要内容所谓贸易条件 ,实际上就是一种交换关系 ,是一个国家以出口交换进口的条件。当出口能够交换到更多进口时 ,贸易条件就改善 ;反之 ,贸易条件就恶化。对贸易条件变化的…  相似文献   

军事学说作为俄罗斯军事思想的集中体现,代表着俄最高当局最新的军事政策的动向。俄新版《军事学说》的出台,标志着俄军事理论发生了新的重大变化。从发展看,在短期内俄军事理论总体框架难有大的变化。  相似文献   

葛兵 《东南亚纵横》2009,(12):71-74
中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立,迫切需要培养大批既懂多国语言又熟悉专业知识的“双语”型高级专门人才。因此,加强双语教学,学习借鉴东南亚等国家的人才培养经验,创新人才培养模式,是广西高校未来人才培养改革需要研究解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

借鉴东盟国家经验提高我国农民健康保障水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立后,我国农村卫生事业发展有了长足进步,基本建立了农村县、乡、村三级医疗卫生服务网,对保障农村居民健康、促进农村经济发展和社会进步发挥了积极作用。然而,随着我国经济体制改革的不断深化和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,原有的以集体经济为依托的农村医疗卫生  相似文献   

2020年11月,东盟10国和中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰共15个亚太国家正式签署了RCEP,并且各缔约方均承诺将尽快完成协定的核准程序,使RCEP尽早正式生效.有关各方正式签署RCEP及其日后生效,标志着东亚区域合作进入了新阶段,但并非东亚区域合作进程的终点.RCEP正式生效后仍然面临着东亚区域合作方向的选择问题.为了全面落实RCEP的相关规定并在此基础上进一步推动东亚区域合作深入发展,必须继续坚持东盟在东亚区域合作中的主导地位.考虑到东亚地区的特殊性,在深化RCEP等制度性区域合作的同时,仍需坚持开放的地区主义原则,积极探索东亚区域合作的新形式;需要积极推动RCEP框架下的经济技术合作,促进区域包容性发展.此外,还应该在东盟主导下深化区域政治安全合作,促进政治安全合作与区域经济合作良性互动.  相似文献   

自党的十八大以来,中国国际战略发生了诸多重要变化,在思想、理念和战略方面都开拓了新的局面、拓展了新的方向.可以说,新时代中国的共同利益论和大国责任论是在长期的历史积淀下形成的,满足于中国和平发展的创新性理念.中国的共同利益论和大国责任论各有其发展逻辑,但又在新时代的新理念新思想新战略当中不断交融、相与为一.在这个层面上,共同利益与大国责任的对接实际蕴含着以下三个维度的内容:中国共同利益论的“大国责任导向”;中国大国责任论的“共同利益导向”;国际战略是共同利益与大国责任对接的依托.  相似文献   

当前欧盟对华战略认知与政策新趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中欧关系在经历1995至2005年间平稳发展之后,近几年出现了波折。这些波折的实质是中国崛起的步伐加快,欧盟对中国的总体战略认知和对华政策取向发生了变化:对中国的经济崛起心理不平衡;期望中国承担更多责任;双边关系中的人权等价值观被强化;欧盟的亚洲政策在中国与其他大国间趋于平衡。面对这种变化,一方面要坚信中欧合作的战略基础并未发生改变,另一方面也要认识到中欧关系复杂性在增加。  相似文献   

我们这次论坛的主题是"多样性与挑战",我觉得这个题目选得很有意义.拉丁美洲和加勒比地区是一个充满活力、富于创造力的地方,这里的人民很善于学习和吸收各种外来元素,从而创造出丰富多彩而独具特色的本民族的东西,不断地繁荣我们人类知识的宝库.  相似文献   

拉美国家经济改革的经验教训   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
拉美国家的经济改革至少为我们提供了以下几点有益的启示。第一 ,在经济全球化的环境下 ,开放市场政策如果没有相应的和灵活的宏观经济政策的支持 ,是很难取得预期的理想效果的。第二 ,在转变政府职能的改革过程中 ,如何处理好政府与市场、中央政府 (联邦政府 )与地方政府的关系 ,对拉动经济增长、增加就业和避免在政府职能转变的过程中因利益再分配造成的收入分配不公现象的加剧 ,减少经济改革对社会的冲击 ,保持一国政治、经济和社会的稳定至关重要。第三 ,必须重视农业发展。笔者以墨西哥为例 ,阐述了政府在改革进程中忽视农业发展造成的危害性。  相似文献   

This article analyzes journalistic framing of the 1995 Fourth UN World Conference on Women in two mainstream American newspapers, The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times . The research identified recurrent themes used by the two newspapers to frame the event before, during, and after it took place. Content analysis of all conference-related stories in both papers showed that journalists focused on incidents and problems related to logistics rather than on the issues the conference was convened to consider. When substantive issues were mentioned, they were accompanied by little or no background analysis. Further, journalists often framed the conference by its geographical and ideological contexts, emphasizing the diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China. Stories tended to marginalize and stereotype certain institutions and political groups, and journalists were unlikely to cover the event by seeking a diversity of voices from among its participants. Results also suggest that the repeated association of themes with particular individuals and groups is an important contribution to the construction and ultimate salience of news frames.  相似文献   

The literature on democracy suggests that new democracies should have difficulty emerging during war or in the aftermath of armed struggle, yet Portugal's current democracy emerged simultaneously with the end of the nation's unsuccessful war in Africa. This article addresses the reasons and argues that democracy triumphed not simply in spite of the war but also, in part, because of it. The costs and geography of the war itself, the capacity and rootedness of the state that waged the war, the political culture of the regime's military officers, and the war-related timing of Portugal's first elections all helped prevent the emergence of an anti-democratic coalition and contributed to ensuring a successful transition to democracy. The article ends with three ideas that merit closer examination: that different sorts of wars leave different legacies for democracy; that wars that leave state bureaucracies intact or stronger are more likely to be followed by lasting democracy than those which do not; and, finally, that the ideologies of military elites are pivotal to the outcome of post-war democratic transitions.  相似文献   

伊朗研发核技术的决心(包括能力)与美欧阻遏伊朗拥核的立场严重对立。美国不能容忍伊朗拥核坐大,但能够采取的手段有限,而伊朗问题又涉及诸多大国利益。伊朗核问题将使中东局势乃至大国关系更加复杂,包括对中国的国家安全产生影响。  相似文献   

论“日美防卫合作新指针”及相关法案的出台   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“日美防卫合作新指针”及相关法案是在美日战略的转移、“中华威胁论”、右翼战争翻案逆流高涨等背景下出台的。“日美防卫合作新指针”及相关法案有悖于日本和平宪法 ,是使日本宪法空洞化的“战争法”,带来的后果不可低估  相似文献   

Coverage of Irish Republican Army (IRA) attacks and the Northern Irish peace process is affected by both the country a media organisation is located and their format. The coverage of the IRA in 1996 was studied in five newspapers based in Ireland, Northern Ireland, the UK and the USA to reveal similarities and differences in language use, stories reported and general emphasis. The frequency of keywords was examined to show that the location a newspaper is based in affects the stories run by the newspaper. However, the format of a newspaper affects the framing of this coverage more than the location. These results were analysed through the lens of two leading theories pertaining to media–public relations: agenda-setting theory and framing theory. While both are shown to be partially useful in explaining the results, a more holistic view that accounts for public influence on media coverage would be even more useful. As a result of this narrow focus on only one part of media–public relations, the two theories do not exhibit predictive power, and further study should be conducted to expand their scope to encompass the public’s affect on media coverage.  相似文献   

俄罗斯新军事学说解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年2月5日,俄联邦总统梅德韦杰夫签署关于批准俄联邦军事学说(以下简称军事学说)的第146号总统令,同时宣布废除2000年2月21日由俄联邦代总统普京签署的旧版俄联邦军事学说,标志着俄罗斯新军事学说正式出台。这部并不算长的新军事学说以军事理论原则为基础,在对俄联邦面临的军事危险和军事威胁进行分析后,详细阐述和列举了俄联邦的军事政策及国防的军事经济保障。作为引导今后一段时期内俄罗斯军事力量发展走向的重要文件,它的出台引起国际社会的广泛关注。  相似文献   

<正>The Report of the 18thNational Congress of the CPC pointed out that we must earnestly promote public diplomacy.The key phrases here areweandearnestly.Who arewe?What kind of organizations and people does it refer to?How can beearnest?These questions are worth the contemplation of people like us who are performing China’s public diplomacy.  相似文献   

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