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This essay responds to D. Davis and W. C. Follette (2002), who question the value of motive evidence in murder cases. They argue that the evidence that a husband had extramarital affairs, that he heavily insured his wife's life, or that he battered his wife is ordinarily of infinitesimal probative value. We disagree. To be sure, it would be foolish to predict solely on the basis of such evidence that a husband will murder his wife. However, when this kind of evidence is combined with other evidence in a realistic murder case, the evidence can be quite probative. We analyze cases in which it is virtually certain that the victim was murdered but unclear who murdered her, and in which it is uncertain whether the husband murdered the wife or she died by accident. We show that in each case motive evidence, such as a history of battering or of infidelity, can substantially increase the odds of the husband's guilt. We also consider the actual case on which Davis and Follette base their paper. We argue that testimony of Davis on the basis of the analysis presented in their paper was properly excluded, for it would have been misleading and unhelpful.  相似文献   

Deterrence lies at the heart of the criminal justice system and policy. There is a lack of information on citizen??s perceptions regarding a critical element of the deterrence process as it manifests through the communication of sanction threats. This study uses data from over 400 adults to examine their knowledge regarding the probability of detection and the average punishments for DUI, and also assesses the contribution of demographic and theoretical variables in predicting perceptions of detection probabilities and punishment estimates. Results show that persons over-estimate the likelihood of detection and provide higher estimates for average sentence lengths, but very few variables predict deterrence perceptions. An investigation of the resetting effect shows that persons tend to lower the estimated likelihood of punishment after experiencing a punishment. Deterrence may work better if researchers and policy officials understand what influences these perceptions and how they may be modified.  相似文献   

This article investigates the responsive and purposive consequences of overpayment by studying changes in job satisfaction and absenteeism over time. Overpayment is defined as the positive deviation from the net earnings subjectively considered being fair. Two theoretical approaches are tested providing differing predictions: The self-interest model predicts that any increase in earnings always increases individual job satisfaction and that no changes arise in the number of days absent. The justice model predicts that overpayment reduces individual job satisfaction, and that absenteeism decreases in the period that follows. These predictions are tested with longitudinal data from a large-scale survey by means of fixed-effects regression analysis. The results show that increases in pay that are perceived as overpayment decrease job satisfaction and reduce absenteeism in the subsequent period.  相似文献   

Upon entering the legal realm, the expert witness must begin to define his or her role and establish a working relationship with the attorneys. The authors recommend that relationships between the social scientist and the attorneys be subject to clear and explicit agreements and that the role of the expert witness be defined so that the social scientist maintains control of any needed research. Potential expert witnesses should be aware of the unique research problems they may encounter and be prepared to deal with these obstacles. Throughout the research, the expert should be cognizant of the adversarial setting in which the results will be presented, and must carefully document and substantiate the research accordingly. Finally, the social scientist should be aware of the potential consequences of participating as an expert witness.  相似文献   

姜明安 《法学家》2004,(1):13-15
为深化经济体制改革,促进我国经济社会的全面发展,<中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定>规定了一系列相应的重大措施.其中之一即是"转变政府经济管理职能".  相似文献   

李兰英 《现代法学》2005,27(4):74-78
德国关于间接故意与有认识过失的合一论的主张与我国学者所提出的复合罪过的概念各有特定含义,“合一论”的罪过形式的出现有其特定的类型划分和观念为前提。复合罪过现象的原始含义不同于合一论。应该结合我国《刑法》分则的具体罪名来进行真正复合罪过形式的研究。  相似文献   

鉴定启动的“令状主义”与“随意主义”   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
鉴定的启动是鉴定制度的核心内容.本文对世界各国鉴定启动模式的利弊和变化趋势以及鉴定启动的目的进行分析后发现,鉴定启动的法官控制模式更合符启动鉴定的目的,同时为克服法官控制模式启动鉴定的弊端,应当赋予当事人平等的请求鉴定权,并建立与之配套的技术顾问制度.  相似文献   

刑法中“其他”及“等”略考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刑法条文是以语言为载体来表达一定立法意图的.因而,刑法用语对于理解刑法条文之规定具有重要意义.但是,刑法中大量的"其他"与"等"这些不确定内容词语的使用造成了刑法的确定性下降,对罪刑法定原则构成了威胁.本文以详细的统计数字为基础,考察了刑法中"其他"与"等"的使用情况、存在的问题;并对减少"其他"与"等"的使用、"其他"与"等"的解释权作了探讨.  相似文献   

When they have addressed highly controversial subjects, the bioethical commissions of the last decade have tended to avoid explaining the ethical justifications for their recommendations. This omission is consistent with the typical preference of policymakers for "muddling through," because it is often possible to reach agreement on specific decisions even when disagreeing sharply on principles. In bioethical policy, this omission of reasons has some special consequences. It allows commission members to ignore "slippery slope" arguments, which are based on the claim that the logic of justification adopted to address the current problem will ultimately lead us to great harms. Case-by-case decision-making--along with the omission of reasons for decisions--will tend to highlight the benefits of innovation, and downplay possible long-term effects that might be ethically upsetting.  相似文献   

商标先用权的立法确认及其在司法实践中的适用,既体现了“使用”的价值得到了立法者和司法者的认可, “使用”在商标权取得过程中的地位藉此得到了明确,也充分弥补了我国商标注册制的缺陷与不足.但由于我国《商标法》相关规定的局限性,商标先用权在适用过程中仍然可能出现困难.为此,应当将对“商标”的保护延伸至“商业标识”,并强调商标的实际使用及其在先性而非其影响力,同时应当正确理解商标在先使用的主观状态.  相似文献   

《查拉图斯特拉如是说》是尼采思想发展第三阶段中最为成熟的作品,尼采本人亦将其称作"第五福音书"。聚焦于该书第三卷,"论幻觉与迷"一章囊括了尼采思想殊为重要的三个方面,即在隐微术背景之下人的"上升"、"复返"、"形变"。本文通过梳理"论幻觉与迷"的内容意涵,管窥尼采思想的总趋势,从而对"上升"、"复返"、"形变"这三个形异而质联的概念形成一些认识。  相似文献   

姚兵兵 《知识产权》2003,13(2):38-41
一、据以论述的实际案例1 原告:江苏好孩子集团公司(下称好孩子公司)。 被告:江阴市精品商厦有限公司(下称精品商厦)。 被告:上海大阿福童车有限责任公司(下称大阿福公司)。 被告:上海福祥儿童用品有限公司(下称福祥  相似文献   

杨诚 《行政与法》2005,(5):71-72,75
在实践中"公告"与"通告"常常被错用,而学界通常认为它们发文机关的级别不同,告知内容的特性不同、告知的范围也不同,事实上,"公告"与"通告"的主要区别还在于行文目的不同.  相似文献   

特定历史条件下形成的城乡二元社会保障体制已经成为制约我国经济及社会和谐发展的瓶颈,突破这一瓶颈势在必行。纵观社会保障制度完善之国家,无不立法先行。在我国,制定一体化的社会保障法是逐渐消除二元结构社会保障体制的理性选择。在制定我国城乡“一元化”的社会保障法过程中,应始终贯穿“统筹”思想,确立适合我国国情的社会保障法原则和价值理念,正确处理好社会保障法的本土化与国际化关系。  相似文献   

“警察”,“公安”与“治安”概念辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张兆端 《政法学刊》2001,18(4):34-36
"警察"与"公安"是既有联系又有区别的两个概念."警察"概念,既可以作名词用,又可以作动词用,指国家或政府中负责社会治安行政管理和刑事执法职能的专门机构、人员力量及其职务行为或实践活动过程."公安"概念是一个状态名词,指"公共安全"或"公共安宁",表示社会秩序安宁的状态."公安"概念如果不加"人员"、"队伍"、"机关"、"工作"等主语词,就很难说是指"警察".从现代社会治安实践与理论发展的趋势和要求看,我们必须在广义和狭义两个层面上使用"治安"概念.我们在使用"警察"、"公安"与"治安"概念时,必须根据具体语言环境正确处理好科学规范与使用习惯的关系.  相似文献   

关于"法律"一词是如何使用的,在中国的康熙时期和孟德斯鸠时期进行比较具有重要意义.因为,它们之间存在间接而又重要的联系.经过比较,我们可以发现并且深入理解"法律"一词的"世界流通"问题,进而从新的角度理解中西法学关系.而知识社会学的方法对近代这段历史研究有着重要启发.  相似文献   

薛凡 《中国司法》2007,(5):55-57
一、强制执行公证文书的基本价值——一个大致的概括按照中国一位法官的说法,“……公证是‘静态司法’,审判是‘动态司法’”①,而强制执行公证正是联结这两种不同形态司法活动②的一辆直通车。公证人出具强制执行公证文书特别是签发执行证书,意味着强制执行程序的启动,更广义  相似文献   

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