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周宝妹 《河北法学》2006,24(1):141-144
作为劳动法中的一个重要概念,作为劳动法律关系中的一个重要主体,用人单位可以说是组成整个劳动法大厦的基石之一.用人单位是指具有用工资格,享有用工权利,履行用工义务的社会组织.用人单位具有平等的法律地位,在立法过程中,不能因用人单位的类型、规模等的不同而有不同的规定;在执法过程中,不因是国有企业还是非国有企业而有所差别.用人单位与劳动者之间存在冲突是一个不争的事实,但是在社会分工越来越细,人与人之间相互依赖程度越来越高的现代社会,用人单位与劳动者之间更多的体现为联合.尽管劳动法以保护劳动者合法权益为己任,但这种保护应该建立在用人单位与劳动者利益平衡的基础之上.用人单位的各项权利义务都应当以用人单位与劳动者利益平衡为前提.  相似文献   

国家统一司法考试与我国加入WTO对中国法学教育提出了新的要求。结合我院刑法学教学的实际,刑法学教师必须准确、客观、系统地讲授刑法知识,运用相关的教学方法,建立教学行为规范,充分调动学生课堂思维的积极性,作到师生同步思维,提高教育效果,从而提高我院刑法教学的质量。  相似文献   

In an earlier article (1979 American Bar Foundation Research Journal 1), James A. Sprowl described a new computational processor that enabled attorneys to automate repetitive client-interviewing and document-drafting tasks. In this article, Sprowl and coauthor Ronald W. Staudt describe the first experimental use of the new processor to serve the clients of a law school clinic. In the experiment attorneys and secretaries were trained to design automated practice systems. The authors analyze the results of this experiment and draw some preliminary conclusions about the future usefulness of automated law practice systems.  相似文献   

周伟 《政法论丛》2007,(3):13-21
就业中的年龄不属被劳动法禁止的歧视种类。据对1995年我国《劳动法》施行到2005年这11年期间30万份报刊广告招聘条件的统计,用人单位录用劳动者主要集中在35岁以下,40岁以上普遍受到用人单位的差别排斥。年龄歧视成为劳动法规定的平等就业与现实差距最大的一个现象。用人单位对劳动者实行不合理的年龄差别,严重限制、剥夺并影响到劳动者平等就业权利的实现。消除这个普遍的、严重的歧视种类:一方面可以在制定劳动就业促进法中增加禁止年龄歧视的种类,另一方面可以考虑在制定反歧视法中明确把年龄歧视作为法律禁止的歧视类型。  相似文献   

成序  罗琦 《政法学刊》2002,19(4):8-11
国家统一司法考试与我国加入WTO对中国法学教育提出了新的要求。结合我院刑法学教学的实际,刑法学教师必须准确、客观、系统地讲授刑法知识,运用相关的教学方法,建立教学行为规范,充分调动学生课堂思维的积极性,作到师生同步思维,提高教育效果,从而提高我院刑法教学的质量。  相似文献   

何锦前 《北方法学》2013,(2):143-152
在现代化转型的大背景下,农民就业成为涉及全局的大问题,也是相关立法必须解决的难题。如果立法中的规定强调政府主导而不注重权利保护,就可能导致法律父爱主义的倾向。《就业促进法》浓厚的法律父爱主义色彩埋下了政府裁量权过大、农民就业权受侵蚀等隐患。为此,应彰显农民的就业权利和自由,以理性、确定和比例三原则来规制政府行为,淡化甚至褪去立法的父爱主义色彩,走出价值悖论的迷宫,使该法善始善终,最终实现其促进就业的目的。  相似文献   

An important service that police psychology can offer law enforcement administrators is assistance in the selection of future officers. Police psychologists have traditionally focused on the identification of psychopathology and exclusion of applicants who were found to be mentally ill. The introduction of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) has changed what had been considered appropriate exclusion criteria because of the introduction of increased civil rights protections for persons with disabilities. At the same time, increasing civil liability for law enforcement departments in regard to officer misconduct has compelled police psychologist to evaluate potential for future misconduct by non-clinical means. The scientific examination of biographical data may be one method of establishing the relationship between officer candidate variables and future misconduct. This paper examined the predictive validity of biographical information for a sample of 2965 police officer candidates. Results indicated that several biographical variables were significantly correlated with later termination. However, results of regression analyses indicated that biographical variables alone accounted for limited variance in the prediction of police officer termination. The use of biographical information as a sole determinant of police candidate suitability was not supported and the use of additional sources of data would be required for effectual forecasting purposes.  相似文献   

2006年初,法国由于“首次雇佣合同”法案,暴发了大规模的学生罢课和工人罢工。分析和反思这一事件,可以获得三个方面的立法启示:一是要关注政府主导立法的危害,重视立法过程的重复性、对抗性和妥协性;二是要关注法之本身的合法性,重视“法上有法”,避免“合法性危机”;三是要关注社会中介组织的立法影响,并给予其恰当的法治定位。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the Chancellor of the Exchequer's announcement in the 2006 Budget that, after the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise ('RAE 2008'), it is the government's firm presumption that the system for assessing research quality and allocating quality-related funding to United Kingdom universities will be mainly metrics based, RAE 2008 is vitually certain to proceed and to have considerable significance for legal research in the United Kingdom. In this rapidly developing and controversial context, this paper uses statistical analysis of the data from RAE 2001 to construct a series of metrics-based rankings which, when taken together, provide a reliable and coherent ranking of leading United Kingdom law journals.  相似文献   

American Civil Law Origins: Implications for State Constitutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the effect of initial legal traditions on constitutionalstability in the American states. Ten states were initiallysettled by France, Spain, or Mexico and had developed civillaw legal systems at the time of American acquisition. AlthoughLouisiana retained civil law, the remaining nine adopted commonlaw. Controlling for contemporaneous and initial conditions,civil law states have substantially higher levels of constitutionalinstability at the end of the twentieth century. We speculatethat this effect is attributable to instability in propertyrights caused by the change in national governments and to thelegacy of the civil law system.  相似文献   

试论就业歧视及其公法规制   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
竹文君 《河北法学》2004,22(10):77-80
就业歧视既是经济问题、社会问题,更是法律问题。当前我国普遍存在的就业歧视问题之根源在于市场经济条件下用人单位效益至上价值原则与劳动者平等就业价值理念两者之间的难以趋同,是当今法律面对的一种尴尬。国家对单位用人自主权进行公法意义上的规制是社会本位理念下的现代劳动法发展趋势之所在,制定反就业歧视法应作为完善劳动立法的一个重要方面。通过立法进一步明确平等就业的权利保障机制和违法救济措施,以期消除就业歧视、引导和推动我国劳动就业市场健康向前发展。  相似文献   

在劳动合同所适用的法律规范中,无论是跨越劳动法部门还是劳动法部门内部都有一般法与特别法之区分。对劳动合同不仅优先适用特别法,而且还应当在不违背特别法立法目的和基本精神的前提下补充适用一般法。对跨越《劳动合同法》生效前后的劳动合同,应当处理好适用新法与适用旧法的衔接和交叉的问题。对《劳动法》配套法规,应当依据劳动法语境中抵触与否的判断标准,确定其在《劳动合同法》生效后是否继续适用。  相似文献   

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