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就业是最基本的民生,而消除就业歧视则是实现高质量发展的关键。本研究通过梳理就业歧视 相关文献,结合劳动力市场就业歧视的主要类型及表现,分析就业歧视产生的原因及对就业市场的影响。研究发 现,随着社会发展就业歧视类型逐渐多样化,出现户籍、性别、年龄、健康等歧视,也导致我国劳动力市场分割、 人力资源流动不畅、劳动者不公平感加强等危害。研究建议,我国应完善相关就业法规,维护就业者合法权益, 打造公平公正的劳动力市场环境,促进高质量充分就业的实现。  相似文献   

就业歧视是中国劳动力市场上长期存在的普遍现象。通过对2002年、2007年及2013年的招聘广告样本进行内容分析,统计我国劳动力市场上就业歧视的现况及其趋势,研究结果表明,进入新世纪以来,招聘广告中出现雇佣歧视要求的比例并未明显下降,我国劳动力市场的就业歧视现象依然严峻。  相似文献   

现实生活中普遍存在的就业歧视现象,严重影响了劳动力市场的正常发育与成长,损害了就业市场的公平竞争环境,也损害了劳动者的劳动就业权。本文结合反就业歧视的历史和现状,针对目前我国反就业歧视立法存在的不足和问题,探讨了加强和完善反就业歧视立法的途径和主要内容。  相似文献   

浅析就业歧视问题及其解决之道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中国劳动力就业市场打破原有界限,日益活跃的今天,就业歧视问题也凸现出来,成为阻碍劳动力市场正常发展的关键因素。就业歧视存在于劳动力市场中的各个层面,它不仅反映了社会不公,而且对劳资关系产生了不良影响,使得雇员和雇主双方都受损。应当制定相应的反歧视法律,以维护社会正义并保证市场经济的正常运行。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展以及劳动力市场的进一步开放,就业歧视现象也日益盛行、形式多样.就业歧视是对法律的公然践踏,不仅侵犯了劳动者的平等就业权,也给社会带来了严重的危害,成为建立和谐社会一个很不和谐的音符.因此,保证公民的平等就业权,消除就业歧视,是推动我国法治化进程的重要内容.  相似文献   

大学生劳动者因其社会性别角色的定位,往往被排斥在次要劳动力市场,就业困难且频遭歧视,社会性排斥是劳动力市场分割的"借口",而分割的劳动力市场又强化了社会排斥程度,如果没有相关的约束,这个恶性循环机制难以规避。通过深刻剖析社会排斥与中国劳动力市场大学生隐性就业歧视的原因及危害,采用多维、综合、动态的方法,着重围绕大学生劳动力市场研究失业与社会排斥的关系,凸显经济性或社会机制动因,为政策和制度的建立提供理论研究的依据。  相似文献   

在《法制日报》2007年2月14日撰文,提出了他对就业促进法的三点期待。其一,期待“就业促进法”能严厉禁止和惩处各种就业歧视。笔者认为,当下的劳动就业市场存在着各种五花八门、或明或暗的“就业歧视”。如,性别歧视、年龄歧视、身体歧视、健康歧视、地域歧视、学历歧视等等。显然,这些大量存在的歧视,不仅在总量上对充分就业的实现构成极大的妨碍,而且在品质上更是对公平就业环境的严重侵害,必将置那些相对弱势的劳动群体于更加恶劣的就业处境中,恶化他们的生活乃至生存环境。  相似文献   

我国禁止就业歧视若干法律问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反对和禁止就业歧视是促进就业的突出和重要的内容。在《中华人民共和国就业促进法(草案)》向社会公开征求意见的大背景下,对就业歧视问题进行研究和探讨具有重要的意义。我国现行禁止就业歧视法律规范存在诸多问题,建议采取制定《反就业歧视》,成立专门解决就业歧视问题的机构,确立工会在反歧视中的职责,加强国家和政府责任等措施禁止就业歧视。  相似文献   

受新冠疫情等多重因素影响,高校毕业生就业形势越发严峻。本研究在梳理高校毕业生就业相 关理论的基础上,从毕业地、高校类型、学科及家庭因素等方面对高校毕业生就业现状进行了总结。研究认为, 高校毕业生就业存在的主要问题有劳动力需求收缩、就业稳定性变差、“慢就业”现象升温及就业歧视加剧等, 原因主要是劳动力市场就业结构性失衡、用人单位适合毕业生的岗位稀缺、高校毕业生就业能力不足及就业服 务缺乏针对性等。研究建议,为改变高校毕业生就业现状,应完善促进就业创业政策,加强就业服务和权益保障, 建立健全教育与就业的联动机制,提高高校就业工作实效性,同时毕业生也应顺应变化转变观念,制定职业规划, 培育就业能力。  相似文献   

我国《劳动法》第三条规定:劳动者享有平等就业和选择职业的权利。第十二条规定:劳动者就业不因民族、性别……不同而受歧视。在我国人才市场与世界接轨的今天,还不同程度地存在着性别歧视、容貌歧视、年龄歧视等等形形色色的就业不平等现象。有关人士指出,就业歧视的现象不容忽视,尤其是我国入世后进行人才市场的规范时,应该引起高度重视,因为这与 WTO的一些基本原则有相抵触之处。  相似文献   

Discrimination is commonly experienced among adolescents. However, little is known about the intersection of multiple attributes of discrimination and bullying. We used a latent class analysis (LCA) to illustrate the intersections of discrimination attributes and bullying, and to assess the associations of LCA membership to depressive symptoms, deliberate self harm and suicidal ideation among a sample of ethnically diverse adolescents. The data come from the 2006 Boston Youth Survey where students were asked whether they had experienced discrimination based on four attributes: race/ethnicity, immigration status, perceived sexual orientation and weight. They were also asked whether they had been bullied or assaulted for these attributes. A total of 965 (78 %) students contributed to the LCA analytic sample (45 % Non-Hispanic Black, 29 % Hispanic, 58 % Female). The LCA revealed that a 4-class solution had adequate relative and absolute fit. The 4-classes were characterized as: low discrimination (51 %); racial discrimination (33 %); sexual orientation discrimination (7 %); racial and weight discrimination with high bullying (intersectional class) (7 %). In multivariate models, compared to the low discrimination class, individuals in the sexual orientation discrimination class and the intersectional class had higher odds of engaging in deliberate self-harm. Students in the intersectional class also had higher odds of suicidal ideation. All three discrimination latent classes had significantly higher depressive symptoms compared to the low discrimination class. Multiple attributes of discrimination and bullying co-occur among adolescents. Research should consider the co-occurrence of bullying and discrimination.  相似文献   

Developmentally salient research on perceived peer discrimination among minority youths is limited. Little is known about trajectories of perceived peer discrimination across the developmental period ranging from middle childhood to adolescence. Ethically concentrated neighborhoods are hypothesized to protect minority youths from discrimination, but strong empirical tests are lacking. The first aim of the current study was to estimate trajectories of perceived peer discrimination from middle childhood to adolescence, as youths transitioned from elementary to middle and to high school. The second aim was to examine the relationship between neighborhood ethnic concentration and perceived peer discrimination over time. Using a diverse sample of 749 Mexican origin youths (48.9 % female), a series of growth models revealed that youths born in Mexico, relative to those born in the U.S., perceived higher discrimination in the 5th grade and decreases across time. Youths who had higher averages on neighborhood ethnic concentration (across the developmental period) experienced decreases in perceived peer discrimination over time; those that had lower average neighborhood ethnic concentration levels showed evidence of increasing trajectories. Further, when individuals experienced increases in their own neighborhood ethnic concentration levels (relative to their own cross-time averages), they reported lower levels of perceived peer discrimination. Neighborhood ethnic concentration findings were not explained by the concurrent changes youths were experiencing in school ethnic concentrations. The results support a culturally-informed developmental view of perceived peer discrimination that recognizes variability in co-ethnic neighborhood contexts. The results advance a view of ethnic enclaves as protective from mainstream threats.  相似文献   

Ethnicity-based negative treatment during the transition to college may affect the long-term adjustment of ethnic-minority youth. We examined within-person changes in youths' perceptions of overt discrimination and their sense of their ethnic group being devalued by the larger society among 563 Latino, European, Asian, and other ethnic minority emerging adults across the transition to college (M (age)?=?17.79, SD?=?.37, 54.7% female). Analyses tested for group and context differences and associations between perceived discrimination and societal devaluation of their group and adjustment. Results indicate that although perceived discrimination decreases over time, perceived devaluation by society increases. Social context did not affect changes in perceived discrimination and societal devaluation. Whereas perceived discrimination was associated with depressive and somatic symptoms for everyone, perceived societal devaluation was only consequential for ethnic minorities. Future research should identify possible moderators to help students cope with experiences of discrimination and feelings of not being valued by society.  相似文献   

Ethnic microaggressions are a form of everyday, interpersonal discrimination that are ambiguous and difficult to recognize as discrimination. This study examined the frequency and impact of microaggressions among Latino (n = 247) and Asian American (n = 113) adolescents (M (age) = 17.18, SD = .75; 57 % girls). Latino adolescents reported more frequent microaggressions that dismiss their realities of discrimination and microaggressions characterized by treatment as a second class citizen than Asian Americans, but similar levels of microaggressions that highlight differences or foreignness. There were no ethnic differences in the extent to which adolescents were bothered by microaggressions. Moreover, even supposedly innocuous forms of discrimination are associated with elevated levels of anxiety, anger, and stress, which may increase feelings of depression and sickness. Microaggressions should be recognized as subtle discrimination that send messages about group status and devaluation, and similar to overt discrimination, can evoke powerful emotional reactions and may affect mental health.  相似文献   

The current study examined the impact of racial discrimination stress on internalizing symptoms and coping strategies in a sample of 268 African American early adolescents (mean age = 12.90; 56% female) from low-income communities. Information about discrimination stress, coping, and internalizing symptoms was obtained via adolescents’ self-report. It was predicted that discrimination stress would be positively associated with depression and anxiety, as well as culturally-specific coping. Finally, culturally-relevant coping and mainstream coping were examined as moderators of the association between discrimination stress and internalizing symptoms. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that discrimination stress was positively associated with depression and anxiety and predicted culturally-relevant coping while controlling for mainstream coping. Communalistic coping moderated the association between discrimination and anxiety, but demonstrated a vulnerability function by increasing anxiety at high levels of discrimination. The results highlight the salience of racial discrimination for African American adolescents and the importance of considering culturally-specific coping behaviors.
Noni K. Gaylord-HardenEmail:

Perceptions of racial discrimination constitute significant risks to the psychological adjustment of minority youth. The present study examined the relationship between perceived racial discrimination and peer nominations of victimization among 173 (55 % female) African American, European American and Latino youth. All respondents completed peer nominations of victimization status whereas the African American and Latino youth completed subjective measures of racial discrimination. The results indicated that African American and Latino’s subjective perceptions of racial discrimination were linked to nominations of overt and relational victimization when rated by their European American peers. The results suggest that there is consistency between African American and Latino youth’s perceptions of racial discrimination and nominations of peer victimization by their European American peers.  相似文献   

Racial discrimination has serious negative consequences for the adjustment of African American adolescents. Taking an ecological approach, this study examined the linkages between perceived racial discrimination within and outside of the neighborhood and urban adolescents’ externalizing and internalizing behaviors, and tested whether neighborhood cohesion operated as a protective factor. Data came from 461 African American adolescents (mean age = 15.24 years, SD = 1.56; 50 % female) participating in the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods. Multilevel models revealed that perceived discrimination within youth’s neighborhoods was positively related to externalizing, and discrimination both within and outside of youth’s neighborhoods predicted greater internalizing problems. Neighborhood cohesion moderated the association between within-neighborhood discrimination and externalizing. Specifically, high neighborhood cohesion attenuated the association between within-neighborhood discrimination and externalizing. The discussion centers on the implications of proximal stressors and neighborhood cohesion for African American adolescents’ adjustment.  相似文献   

Discrimination Distress During Adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amidst changing patterns of accommodation and conflict among American ethnic groups, there remains a paucity of research on the nature and impact of racial and ethnic discrimination on development in multiethnic samples of youth. The Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index along with measures of caregiver racial bias preparation and self-esteem was administered to 177 adolescents drawn from 9th–12th graders self-identified as African American, Hispanic, East Asian, South Asian, and non-Hispanic white. Youth from all ethnic backgrounds reported distress associated with instances of perceived racial prejudice encountered in educational contexts. Instances of institutional discrimination in stores and by police were higher for older youth and particularly for African American and Hispanic teenagers. Encounters with peer discrimination were reported most frequently by Asian youth. Reports of racial bias preparation were associated with distress in response to institutional and educational discrimination and self-esteem scores were negatively correlated with distress caused by educational and peer discrimination. The importance of research on discrimination distress to understanding adolescent development in multiethnic ecologies is discussed here.  相似文献   

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