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During the second virtual meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States within four months,President Joe Biden reiterated the U.S.position of not supporting“Taiwan independence”on March 18.He clearly affirmed the historic significance of the signing of the Shanghai Communiqué50 years ago.  相似文献   

AT present,Chinese consump-tion of coffee is far less than that of tea products.However,with the improvement of peo-ple's living standards and the growing coffee culture coupled with the huge demographic dividend that stimulates domestic consumption,there has been a continuous expansion in the coffee consumption.  相似文献   

We arrived very late to the city shimmering with neon lights. The road was narrow, long and winding, but the driver knew it like the back of his hand. We entered huge gates decorated with flags and the guesthouse owner decked out in traditional attire welcomed us by serving up a late night dinner. Tasty.The place we arrived at was Danba, or Rongzhag, a county of the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province. Zhonglu is one of the area's oldest and best pre-served villages. In Tibetan, the name means the promised land.  相似文献   

AFTERIarriVedintheUSinAugUst,1994,IkeptwonderingwhyGoddividedtheearthintoEastandtheWest,makingthemsodifferentinsomanyaspects.IstUdiedintheCommunicationsDepartmentofillinoisStateUniversity,andIlivedintheso-calledInternationalHouseoncampus,adormforbothinternationalandamericanst-"dents.Usually,twostudentssharedoneroom.Sincemyroommatedidnotshowupforthesemester,thecoordinatorofthedormaskedmetomakeachoicebetweenlivingaloneandpayinganother260dollarsfortheprivilege,orhavingaroommate.Ipreferre…  相似文献   

After 30 years of reform,the Chinese film industry awaits more progress To celebrate this year's 60th anniver-sary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a stellar cast of China's top filmmakers and actors are making a film temporarily named Founding a Country. The film stars many household names-Andy Lau, Jiang Wen, Ge You, Vivian Wu, and prestigious directors Chen Kaige and Feng Xiaogang-who all make appearances. Han Sanping is behind the camera.  相似文献   

正On March 20,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang took questions from the press after the conclusion of the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress(NPC)in Beijing.Edited excerpts of his comments follow:  相似文献   

A professor’s sentence for swinging causes mass debate Ma Yaohai, an associate professor of computer science at Nanjing University of Technology in east China’s Jiangsu Province, was  相似文献   

Scenes from daily life flow on a 20-meter-high screen where the audience witnesses how they are transformed into the square characters of Chinese calligraphy.This is Chinese artist Xu Bing's animated video,The Character of Characters,in which each Chinese character is presented as a picture.Through hand-painted animation,the video illustrates how the Chinese writing system has originated and evolved.Xu said the work was derived from observing and analyzing the work of the 14thcentury calligrapher Zhao Mengfu,and then adding imagination to it.  相似文献   

<正>The presentation of the vanguard work,My Dream3D,the innovative production by the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe(CDPPAT),directed by Joy Joosang Park,provided the film’s domestic premiere at Beijing’s Olympic Park onApril7.The show provided an intriguing insight not  相似文献   

Lacquerware is the most representative handicraft of Yangzhou with a history of more than two thousand years.It originated in the Warring States Period(475-221 BCE),thrived in the Han(206BCE–220 CE)and Tang(618-907)and peaked in the Ming(1368-1644)and Qing(1644-1911)dynasties.Yangzhou lacquer articles were sent to International Expos in 1910,  相似文献   

正On March 8,Foreign Minister Wang Yi responded to questions on China’s foreign policy and international relations at a press conference on the sidelines of the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress.Edited excerpts of his answers follow:  相似文献   

IN 2000,when I first arrived in Paris,there were limited French products seen on the Chinese market,and vice versa.Fourteen years later,when I started Bonjour Brand,French products had deeply penetrated the Chinese high-end market.As an organizer,volunteer or visitor,I've participated in many initiatives to promote Chinese culture in France.These include activities involving calligraphy,paint-ing,Chinese opera facial makeup,embroidery,and paper-cutting,all of which are excellent art forms from China.However,despite these cultural promo-tion attempts,when you ask a French person what comes to mind when they think of China,the answer is invariably the Great Wall,made-in-China products,kungfu and pandas.  相似文献   

IN 2000,when I first arrived in Paris,there were limited French products seen on the Chinese market,and vice versa.Fourteen years later,when I started Bonjour Brand,French products had deeply penetrated the Chinese high-end market.As an organizer,volunteer or visitor,I've participated in many initiatives to promote Chinese culture in France.These include activities involving calligraphy,paint-ing,Chinese opera facial makeup,embroidery,and paper-cutting,all of which are excellent art forms from China.However,despite these cultural promo-tion attempts,when you ask a French person what comes to mind when they think of China,the answer is invariably the Great Wall,made-in-China products,kungfu and pandas.  相似文献   

市长热线诞生于20世纪80年代,在大数据及各类新兴技术快速融入社会治理及城市治理的大背景下,面临诸多严峻的挑战。但作为一个由政府背书的平台,市长热线在社会治理领域依然具有不可替代性,可以发挥民意收集器情绪缓冲带解决问题枢纽站施政检测仪等多重效能。当前形势下,依托精细化数据运营,市长热线的发展趋势应是真正进化为城市治理智库,既能提升民意收集的速度、对城市运行态势研判的精准度,还能提升社会监督政务服务的广度和深度,有力促进社会公众广泛参与城市治理的多元治理格局的形成。  相似文献   

改革开放20多年来,我国的经济实力有了很大的提高,其中城市化的发展引人瞩目。在今后的城市化过程中,分析、评价和借鉴国际城市化趋势的特点,对科学、合理选择我国城市化之路至关重要。一、经济全球化与城市化发展经济全球化是21世纪国际环境的基本趋势,是适应国际竞争需要,推进国际贸易和全球统一市场建立,加快全球市场化进程和国际分工的一种趋势和过程。它是当今世界经济结构进行大调整,发达国家主宰世界经济发展的一种体现,也是每个国家,尤其是发展中国家发展本国经济必须面临的难题。推进城市化是国别经济发展的充分体现…  相似文献   

<正>China's logistics industry is scrambling for more consumer information Chinese delivery giant SF Express recently unleashed a battle for supremacy on logistics data and power when it entered into conflict with Cainiao Network,a smart logistics network under the e-commerce giant Alibaba Group.On June 1,SF Express and Cainiao Network fell into ruthless recrimination,accusing each other of shutting down their  相似文献   

At the invitation of theCPAFFC, a twelve-memberDutch delegation of seniorparlimentarians and entrepreneursled by Frans Weisglas, first vicepresident of the Second Chamberof the Netherlands' States Gen-eral, paid a visit to Beijing,  相似文献   

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