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THE year 2010 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and India. The last six decades witnessed conflicts and problems, but the consensus has been reached that these problems cannot be allowed to obstruct bilateral relations. This year Indian President Pratibha Patil will pay an official visit to China, and the hotline is ready for both prime ministers. The leaders meet regularly, and Wade and business exchange continues to grow rapidly.  相似文献   

Clean and scale the fish, and cut out gills and guts. Cut off the fish head and halve. Cut open the fish along the length of its backbone, leaving the tail on. Cut out the backbone and ribs. Make diagonal cuts on the surface of the fish. Marinate the fish flesh and head in cooking wine and salt. Dice onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and carrots, and scald them. Heat oil in wok. Coat the fish head and meat in flour and egg yolk. Deep fry until  相似文献   

LAND is a resource vital to life and production. China Today recently visited Wang Dacao, head of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Land and Resources. We asked him how the province protects and utilizes its land and resources for the purposes of sustainable development and benefit of later generations.Rich ResourcesThe land and sea within the boundaries of Liaoning Province, northeastern China  相似文献   

Invited by the Bosnia and Herzegovina-China Friendship Association (BHCFA), the Stand- ing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia and Montenegro, and the Federation for Bulgarian-Chinese Friendship, a CPAFFC delega- tion headed by its vice president Liu Zhiming paid a goodwill visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and Bulgaria from Sep- tember 14 to 25, 2005 and was accorded high courtesy. It had extensive contact with person- ages of the political and …  相似文献   

Nanjing Yiming Investment Consulting & Trading CompanyOur company is located in the Nanjing Jiangning High-New Economic & Technical Development Zone. We mainly engage in project investment and research, business consultancy, and trading. The level of projects we recommend ranges between US $300,000 and US $30 million. We have so far recommended projects to 50 or more domestic and international investors.  相似文献   

There is potential for China and the United States to work together in many areas and improve global governance. Competition is not an obstacle as long as it is healthy. This was the message from a webinar, Reset and Reshape—China-U.S. Relations and Global Governance, held on March 12. Hosted by Beijing Review, the event was attended by experts on China-U.S. relations from both countries. This is an edited excerpt from what they said。  相似文献   

Chop chicken leg into small pieces and marinate in 10 grams soy sauce for 20 minutes. Deep-fry in oil for 5 minutes until brown, and then remove.Peel potatoes and cut into irregular chunks, deep-fry in oil for 5 minutes until brown, remove, and place in a casserole dish.Heat oil in a wok, stir-fry minced scallion and  相似文献   

Mince the chicken breast, add egg white and chicken broth, and cook until the mixture thickens.Slice the soaked fish maw, and cleanse in lukewarm water. Slice the cooked ham and then shred. Put green soya beans in a wok and scald. Rinse in cold water to retain the original color.Heat some lard in a wok, add spring onion sections, stir-fry until their fragrance exudes, and remove the onion. Add chicken broth, salt, the Shaoxing wine, spring onion and ginger mixture, and fish maw slices. Bring to the boil, turn down the heat  相似文献   

A CPAFFC working group led by Wang Hongqiang, deputy director general of the Depart- ment of American and Oceanian Affairs visited Trinidad and To- bago, and Barbados from June 29 to July 5. President George Maxwell Richards of Trinidad and Tobago met with the working group at the Presidential Palace on June 30. He spoke highly of the achievements China has made in reform and opening up. He said, China’s economic development iseye catching, but in many coun- tries people have littl…  相似文献   

Serbia and Montenegro had been linked since 1918, when Serbians, Croatians and Slovenians formed a kingdom after the end of World WarⅠ. When the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was born in 1929, Serbia and Montenegro were part of it. The Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia was founded in 1945, after the victory against Fascists during World WarⅡ, and comprised the six constituent republics of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. In 1963, the country was renamed the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.  相似文献   

China's largest regional cooperation project to date, 9 + 2 Regional Cooperation encompasses eight provinces: Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; and the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. It is based on mutual complementation of advantages and sharing of resources.  相似文献   

From July 20 to July 27, 1996 the first Chineseand Nigerian arts and crafts exhibition jointlysponsored by the Nigeria-China Friendship Asso-ciation (NCFA) and the Cultural Office of the Chi-nese Embassy in Nigeria was held in Lagos. It waswarmly received by the local visitors and highlypraised by the Nigerian government and the press.  相似文献   

Name and Specifications:Ming Dynasty Blue and WhitePorcelain Brushwasher in Dragon and Phoenix Design, This round bowl is 20.8 cm indiameter.Its inside base is decorated in the auspicious dragon and phoenix motif, andon its outer base are printed two lines of six Chinese characters that mean“Made in theXuande Reign of the Great Ming Dynasty.”  相似文献   

On November 6,2004,a Chi-nese and Japanese painting and calligraphy exhibitioncosponsored bythe CPAFFC andthe Association for the Promo-tion of Chinese Culture and Art(APCCA)was held in the Exhi-bition Hall of the Sports Centrein Wuxi,a rich region of fish andrice in southern Jiangsu and fa-mous historical and cultural citythat has nurtured large numbersof great masters of art.With the purpose of furtherstrengthening friendship and ex-changes between the Chineseand Japanese people an…  相似文献   

ACCORDING toancient Chinese phi-losophy,a person’shometown is the start-ing and ending point of his or herlife.A hometown and its inhabi—tants are like the roots and leavesof a tree.Those that go awayeventually return,a concept spiri—tualized in the Chinese idiom.“Falling leaves settle on their  相似文献   

Sweet and Juicy     
Yang Faxiu's kiwifruit are one of a kind. The Sichuan agri-businesswoman shows Chinese producers can use research and marketing savvy to get their food products onto European supermarket shelves. HER brochures are as green as her smile is broad. Buzzwords like "health," "green color" and "environmental profection" (sic) pepper her glossy brochures. Bespectacled and glamorous in a schoolmistress kind of way, Yang Faxiu says her kiwifruit are a whole new taste on the brown furry fruit with the green flesh eaten for their vitamin C. Haggling with Dutch retailers at a recent trade fair in Chengdu, the boss of Jinhe Agricultural Company is all confidence and little bluster. She's got the goods.  相似文献   

100 grams mushrooms12 rape hearts5 grams salt2 grams MSG20 grams (2 tbsp) cooking oilWash mushrooms and slice. Clean the rape hearts, and cross-cut stem ends.Heat oil in a wok, and stir-fry the rape hearts for the short time it takes till their color changes. Add 750 grams (1 1/2 cups) of water. When boiling, add salt, MSG, and mushroom slices. Bring to the boil once more. Serve.Features: clear and refreshing.Effect: Nourishes the heart and stomach.  相似文献   

TANGIBLE disparity existsbetween standards of life inChina’s rural and urbanareas,and in their levels ofgender equality.This adds com-plexity to China’s overall maritaland famitial situation.The urbaneconomy and culture are movingin the direction of those of devel—oped countries,as the rural econo—my shifts from being agriculture-dominated to one co—buttressed by  相似文献   

Love and Destiny     
first met Adrian five yearsago.Helping each other tolearn English and Chinesebrought us together,and itwas some time during one ofthe days or evenings we met tostudy that we fell in love.Fromthat time on we spent happy,  相似文献   

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