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诱惑侦查是一种特殊的侦查方式,在世界范围内已得到许多国家的立法认可.我国在立法上没有对其作出规定,但在实际侦查中已有应用.尽管学界对诱惑侦查的合法性存在较大争议,但是基于冲破侦查"瓶颈"的需要,再加之诱惑侦查的实施具有法律容许性,如能够对诱惑侦查在法律上予以规制,那么,诱惑侦查必将对收集犯罪证据、控制犯罪起到关键性作用.  相似文献   

为了追诉“隐蔽性无被害人犯罪”,诱惑侦查已为许多国家认可,我国司法实践中对此也有运用。由于诱惑侦查具有无法克服的局限性,极易侵犯公民权利。因此,我国立法应在有限度地允许使用的同时,对适用范围加以严格限定,对适用过程严格控制。  相似文献   

在司法实践中,诱惑侦查的合法性是一个十分突出的问题。借鉴国外的理论与实践,我国应当以诱惑侦查的基本分类来界定其合法性。同时,为了便于评判、证明诱惑侦查的合法性,我国还应当确立合法性诱惑侦查的具体标准和诱惑侦查人员出庭作证制度。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查是当今世界许多国家侦查走私犯罪的重要措施和手段,我国也在不同程度地适用这一有效方法。由于缺乏必要的规范和指导,实践中存在不少问题,影响了其效能的充分发挥,也极易侵害公民的合法权益。鉴此,本文分析了走私犯罪案件运用诱惑侦查的条件,提出了走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查中诱饵的设计方案,以及走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查的策略和方法,以期能对我国当前的缉私实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查是当今世界许多国家侦查非法买卖枪支案件的重要措施和手段 ,我国也在不同程度地适用这一有效方法。由于缺乏必要的指导 ,实践中存在不少问题 ,影响了其效能的充分发挥 ,也极易侵害公民合法权益。鉴于此 ,本文分析了非法买卖枪支案件运用诱惑侦查的条件 ,提出了非法买卖枪支犯罪案件诱惑侦查中诱饵的设计方案 ,以及非法买卖枪支犯罪案件诱惑侦查的策略和方法 ,以期能对我国当前的缉枪实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查是一把双刃剑,用之不当,可能侵犯公民的合法权益。为限制诱惑侦查的负面效应,应当明确诱惑侦查合法性的判断标准。美国刑法通过承认警察圈套辩护来区分合法的诱惑侦查和非法的诱惑侦查。关于警察圈套的成立标准,理论上有客观标准与主观标准之争,前者关注引诱行为的内容和性质,后者聚焦于被引诱者的主观可责性。从人类的认识实践出发,二者并非对立关系,而是相互依存的关系。借鉴美国的理论与实务,我国应兼采客观标准与主观标准之长,采用"分离式混合"标准来认定诱惑侦查的合法性,禁止犯意引诱型诱惑侦查,严格限制引诱程度和诱惑侦查的适用范围。  相似文献   

作为主动型侦查手段的一种特殊形式,诱惑侦查在打击犯罪,维护社会秩序方面具有较高的效能,然而我国侦查机关在运用这一手段时却存在着诸多混乱的情况。这种局面与我国试图实现“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”的宏伟目标是相悖的。在侦查程序日益强调人权保障的今天,对我国诱惑侦查制度进行法律规制无疑是一项重要的课题。  相似文献   

基于抢劫案件之基本特点 ,运用诱惑侦查手段是提高其侦破效率的关键。适用诱惑侦查的抢劫案件应有其特定的范围 ,并须是系列抢劫案件 ,且在通过其他手段无法发现犯罪嫌疑人线索时才允许采用。侦查诱饵的设置应考虑被害人角色扮演、抢劫目的物或随身携带物特征、适合抢劫行为的时空环境等三项因素。运用诱惑侦查手段的主要目的在于发现、确定和缉捕犯罪分子 ,终止系列抢劫行为 ,以此为基准 ,可以从行动方案的拟定、化装守候行动的展开和适时抓捕行动的实施等构建诱惑侦查的方略。  相似文献   

本文从立法和司法实践两个方面分析了我国刑事立案程序中存在的弊端,并对其程序的独立性提出了质疑.认为现行立法的不合理导致在立案阶段侦查机关采用侦查手段和强制措施的非法性,同时也是司法实践中不"破"不"立"现象的一个成因.在考察了国外相关立法之后,建议取消立案程序,代之以相对简化的初步侦查步骤,将其纳入侦查大程序之中.  相似文献   

吴常青 《理论探索》2011,(1):128-131
现场指认作为侦查机关经常采用的侦查行为,虽与讯问犯罪嫌疑人、现场勘查、侦查实验、辨认有一定联系,但就其性质而言,是一种相对独立的侦查行为。我国刑事司法实践中,现场指认存在一定问题:违反无罪推定原则,违反侦查秘密原则,可能侵犯犯罪嫌疑人权利和导致犯罪嫌疑人脱逃。为保障犯罪嫌疑人人权和规范侦查权力,有必要通过立法规制现场指认,具体包括:立法应明确规定现场指认,明确现场指认需遵循的原则,确立现场指认的具体程序。  相似文献   

通过对《中国廉政史鉴》典章制度卷的梳理,我们可以看到中国古代监察制度表现出来的几个特点:监察权是治权之权,监察官是治官之官;监察与权力相伴而生;监察权是耳目之寄;国家要培养监察官的锐气;监察官有特殊的任职要求;监察必须保持充分独立。同时,我们也发现,中国古代监察制度依靠权力集中来制约权力,注定就是一个悖论,只要分权和民主还未得到启蒙,这个悖论就难以克服。了解这些,对于进一步完善当前的监察制度具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

Despite current dire warnings, study of episodes in the history of industrial espionage and economic spying reveal that surreptitious collection of manufacturing and other business secrets has been a methodical, calculated and abundant practice. Widespread predation of commercial information in the sixteenth to twentieth centuries is illustrative of the insatiable appetite for proprietary information for both private and governmental interests, and cases as varied as those of pre‐industrial times to the sophisticated covers used by the Third Reich attest to the lengths gone to for obtaining a variety of industrial secrets. The patterns and tactics used in other eras are instructive for our own, and place contemporary commercial espionage activity in an historical context, asserting that current industrial spying is part of a larger legacy.  相似文献   

手机短信息诈骗犯罪的手段、成因、特点及防范   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
手机短信息诈骗犯罪的主要手段有 :中奖引诱 ,销售廉价走私商品 ,有偿提供六合彩特码 ,征婚骗局 ,结交“Q友” ,办理证件。手机短信息诈骗犯罪的特点 :犯罪手法具有新颖性、隐蔽性、欺骗性 ;犯罪主体具有团伙性。手机短信息诈骗犯罪的防范对策 :大力开展防范宣传 ,提高人们的防范意识 ;加快立法进程 ,完善法制 ;电信部门应加强管理 ,推进改革 ;规范银行管理 ,严格执行规定 ;公安机关力争取证调查透彻 ,全面查处案件  相似文献   

Kalb C 《Newsweek》1999,134(6):52-59
You don't have to be wrinkled or rich to go under the knife. New techniques are luring more and younger patients, while doctors hurry to set up shop. But there are risks as well as options in cosmetic surgery's new age.  相似文献   

In this previously unpublished interview, William Colby, former US Director of Central Intelligence, discusses the Intelligence Community's relationships with Congress and the White House, the value and conditions for effective human intelligence, the challenges of managing the Central Intelligence Agency, and his experience leading the Agency during the domestic spying scandals of the 1970s. Colby argues that the attentiveness of congressional intelligence committees waxes and wanes, just as it does for any other oversight committee. He states that Congress and the press, along with the integrity and initiative of individual citizens working in the intelligence community, provide the strongest guards against abuse. The interview was conducted in 1991, the last year of the Cold War.  相似文献   

The arms race between the superpowers made spying on science and technology very important during the Cold War. However, whether Western secret services managed to recruit valuable sources in the research laboratories of the Soviet Union is a subject about which very little is known. This article shows that in the early 1960s the distinguished East German physicist Heinz Barwich did indeed spy for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) within the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, near Moscow. It also demonstrates that the Berlin Wall, built in 1961, had a considerable impact on Western espionage in East Germany.  相似文献   

During World War II, the United States Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) created a confidential fishermen informants program to ensure the security of the fishing industry vital to the U.S. and its allies and to relay intelligence on enemy military and espionage activity along the coasts. In the Sixth Naval District, headquartered in Charleston, South Carolina, the program relied on shrimp boat captains who volunteered to be confidential observers. Those deemed loyal were indoctrinated, equipped with confidential grid charts and the means and procedures to communicate with case officers, and assigned code names to protect their identity as they fished the Atlantic. Although aspects of this secret domestic counterintelligence program were inherently flawed and provided limited intelligence, it reveals how ONI recruited Americans to engage in domestic spying and provide early warning without devolving into vigilantism.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the relevance of intelligence gathering as an essential prerequisite for any political or military decision, and the resulting special relationship between rulers and spies, through a theoretical comparison between renowned classics and niche literature on strategy, literature, philosophy and political science belonging to several periods and historical contexts. Findings suggest that criticism on intelligence does not concern its utility, but rather the reliability of the sources, the obstacles presented by intelligence gathering and the ethics of spying. Spies are often described as ‘ramifications’ of the ruler, to whom they are tied by a special relationship of trust, rooted in a spirit of sacrifice, adequate remuneration and honours.  相似文献   

Between 1930 and 1945, the Soviet Union played a significant role in American domestic affairs. Although its agents’ infiltration of social movements and government agencies is well known, their parallel and highly successful practice of espionage against American industrial and military technology is less familiar. Washington officials were aware of Soviet spying, but mired in the Depression and then preoccupied with war, they mounted only a limited response, reflecting a political culture that did not emphasize active counterintelligence efforts. As a result, early Cold War revelations of unmistakable Soviet espionage shocked Americans, polarizing the Soviet‐American relationship and introducing a zealous domestic security apparatus.  相似文献   

This article looks to answer the question of why the James Bond novels and films should matter to scholars of intelligence and national security. We argue that Bond is important because, rightly or wrongly, and not without inaccuracy, it has filled a public knowledge vacuum about intelligence agencies and security threats. On another level, this article explores the unexpected yet important interactions between Bond and the actual world of intelligence. We contend that the orthodoxy dictating that Bond and spying are diametric opposites—one is the stuff of fantasy, the other is reality—is problematic, for the worlds of Bond and real intelligence collide, overlap and intermesh in fascinating and significant ways. In short, Bond is important for scholars because he is an international cultural icon that continues to operate at the borders of fiction and reality, framing and constructing not only public perceptions but also to some degree intelligence practices. Core narratives of intelligence among not only the public but also policymakers and intelligence officers are imagined, sustained, deepened, produced and reproduced through and by Bond. We conclude that Bond and intelligence should be thought of as co-constitutive; the series shapes representations and perceptions of intelligence, but it also performs a productive role, influencing the behaviours of intelligence agencies themselves.  相似文献   

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