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The Sixth China-ASEAN Expo sought to enhance regional cooperation and trade in advance of the coming regional free trade zone  相似文献   

ON April 10,2005, famous Chinese painter Chen Yifei died in Shanghai at 59 years of age, just before he could finish what would have been his debut film, Barber. In January, two professors at the country's top university, Tsinghua, passed away at the untimely ages of 36 and 46 years old. The causes of their deaths were remarkably similar - overwork. Fatigue had affected their health, but they failed to seek timely  相似文献   

把社会主义"必须首先置于现实的基础上"是马克思主义一个重要原理.建国50年来,从毛泽东到邓小平到江泽民三代中央领导集体,围绕什么是社会主义,怎样建设、巩固和发展社会主义这一主题,进行了多方面的探索,其经验教训也是多方面的,而集中到一点,就是怎样把社会主义切实置于当代中国现实的基础上,保证社会主义沿着正确的轨道胜利前进.  相似文献   

正At the 10th meeting of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs on August 17,President Xi Jinping,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee,called for the promotion of common prosperity after China has built a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  相似文献   

The time has come for the government to act on China’s growing income gap"Common prosperity"an aspiration deeply rooted in the Chinese people is key to the sustainable economic and social development of the country.Fair and equal income distribution will help inspire a majority of laborers instead of a small coterie of company owners and managers.  相似文献   

性别统计是衡量社会发展过程中性别问题的重要手段之一.目前,我国性别统计在人口指标、婚姻与家庭指标、就业指标、收入和财产指标、教育指标卫生与保健指标、社会参与指标、犯罪与被侵犯指标、生活时间分配指标等方面都存在很大的缺口.这些缺口可以通过性别统计的专项调查弥补,也可以开发其他的统计信息.本文既是通过人口普查的资料来讨论国家统计中融入性别统计的现况和可能从人口普查中利用的性别统计信息,期望能为性别统计的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

Just as the world economy approaches the light at the end of the tunnel, the debt crisis in Greece is growing into a grim menace to economies in Europe and beyond, raising the specter of widespread regression.  相似文献   

SUIYANG County in north- ern Guizhou is known in the region as an incubator of poets. County records compiled from the early Yuan Dynasty (279-68) until today show that a great many Chinese poets emerged from Suiyang. Since the found- ing of the people…  相似文献   

SHANDONG Province holds for itself one sixth of China's coast line - 3,000-plus kilometers punctuated by more than 200 ocean bays, including 70-odd with high commercial value. This makes it the section of China's east coast with the largest number of sites appropriate for deep-water port construction north of the Yangtze River mouth. Shandong has long been a national forerunner in marine science and technology: it is home to more than 40 percent of Chinese institutes in this realm, and its associated professional researchers and educators.  相似文献   

AMERICAN scholar Alvin Toffler once said that where there is a culture, a prosperous economy will sooner or later develop, and that where there is a prosperous economy, there will be culture. The connection between culture and economy in Ordos' development is plain to see.There is far more to Ordos than the horse-head fiddles, boiled mutton and grassland legends with which ill-informed outsiders generally associate it. Compared with the Inner Mongolia regional capital Hohhot, Ordos, with its thronged bars, KTV parlors and palatial market square, has more the ambience of a southern metropolis than a northern Mongolian city. It is easy to forget that just outside the city sprawl vast, desolate grasslands and deserts.  相似文献   

Anyone I talked to, whether private entrepreneurs, spokespeople for local trade associations, or government officials, all stressed the positive side of the crisis.L IKE any reporter headed to places like Wenzhou today,  相似文献   

本文介绍了主权财富基金这一新兴金融力量的概念,简述了它的发展特点和发展原因,并对典型国家主权财富基金管理模式进行了描述和分析,进而总结了主权财富基金与各国政府(或议会)、财政部、中央银行和投资机构之间的关系。最后,文章就国外政府对其主权财富基金的治理方式做了介绍和分析,认为财政投资的信息公开和有效的监督有助主权财富的收益,政府治理是主权财富基金更好发展的重要一环。  相似文献   

Stephen Thomas  Ji Chen 《当代中国》2011,20(70):467-478
China has established two of the world's newer large sovereign wealth funds (SWFs): the official China Investment Corporation (CIC), and the non-official and less transparent State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) Investment Company (SIC). Both provide alternative investment opportunities for China's exploding foreign exchange reserves, at US$2.4 trillion at the end of 2009, the largest in world history. This paper will address how China has accumulated its huge and growing foreign exchange reserves, and what roles these reserves, until 2007 managed only by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), have played in the establishment and development of China's two new SWFs. We will look specifically at why China's foreign exchange reserves have developed, and how the new SWFs are a part of broader efforts to provide investment alternatives for China's ballooning foreign exchange surpluses, particularly in light of the inflow of ‘hot’ foreign speculative funds. We will then point out some of the difficulties for China's financial officials of SWFs as they try to pursue multiple and sometimes competing goals, set by boards of directors representing different bureaucratic and economic interests, all within the context of a general lack of transparency and a rapidly growing economy. Finally, we will present our conclusions about the future roles of the two SWFs as well as of the policies being developed to decentralize foreign exchange reserve holdings while at the same time not slowing the growth of China's foreign trade surpluses, nor its foreign direct investments, nor its overall economic growth. We will also examine the effects of US-promoted Chinese currency appreciation on the future of China's foreign exchange reserves and its sovereign wealth funds.  相似文献   

中国的慈善事业:问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周丽萍 《北京观察》2006,(11):24-26
慈善事业的发达程度是一个社会文明进步的标志,是实现社会主义和谐社会的基础之一。慈善事业作为社会救助体系的重要组成部分,具有促进社会公平、实现共同富裕、维护社会稳定,提升公众社会责任与公德等多方面的功能,直接关系到社会主义和谐社会的构建。1994年,我国成立了第一个慈善机构--中华慈善总会。短短的10余年时间,我国的慈善事业得到了较快的发展。如震惊世界的印度洋海啸灾难发生后,我国企业、民间团体和普通百姓在短短40天内就募集了近5亿元人民币作为援助,令国际社会刮目相看。更有最新统计表明,去年一年和今年上半年,北京市慈善…  相似文献   

Papercut art, which originated in China, dates back more than 3,000 years. Created and spread by ordinary people, the art has been compared to a "wild Hower" growing year after year, appearing everywhere. Today, this vibrant and colourful "wild flower" grows in many countries.  相似文献   

近年来台湾社会贫富差距持续扩大,引发民众愈加强烈的不满。民进党顺势操作,加强了关于贫富差距、阶级矛盾的论述和宣传,并将其作为2010年"五都选举"的重要诉求,更将其与ECFA直接挂钩,抹黑ECFA为幕后推手。本文初步探讨了贫富差距问题的诱因及民进党加强贫富差距、阶级矛盾论述宣传的实质和目的以及对于台湾社会、政党政治、两岸关系的影响等,并在此基础上提出了相关的启示。  相似文献   

敖翔 《大连干部学刊》2010,26(12):23-26
中国将开始一次全方位发展模式的转型。其中重要一点就是由国富到民富的转型。国富到民富的转型有助于充分激发整个社会的创造活力和推动经济持续健康发展:有助于实现社会的安全运行、巩固党的执政基础和国家的强大。为了实现这一转型,就必须解放思想深化转型的思想力;提升企改形成转型的牵引力:调整分配增强转型的承载力:关注民生凝聚转型的向心力:政府转型提高转型的执行力.  相似文献   

Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province on China's southeast coast isn't as famous as other urban giants people usually associate with the country's manufacturing power, but over the three decades since reform and opening-up began, this medium-sized city has positioned itself as the source of an impressively high percentage of many common goods. Wenzhou currently produces 10 percent of the national inventory of garments, 20 percent of its shoes, 60 percent of its razors, 65 percent of its locks, 80 percent of its eyeglasses, and 90 percent of its metal-shelled lighters and felt-tip pencils.  相似文献   

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