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大湄公河次区域经济合作前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化进程中 ,随着经济区域化的发展 ,传统区域经济理论的基础发生了动摇 ,区域创新成为区域经济发展的强大引擎和推进器 ,始于 1 992年的大湄公河次区域经济合作 ,以它崭新的面貌和积极的姿态成为一个新的经济、贸易及投资热点 ,且展现了美好的发展前景  相似文献   

在中美贸易争端不断升级的背景下,提升"一带一路"沿线国家投资的便利化水平对于我国拓展新的贸易空间和投资市场具有重要意义。基于基础设施水平、法制环境、金融与电子商务、劳动力市场等四个指标系统构建了近期"一带一路"倡议沿线48个国家的投资便利化水平指标体系。通过对沿线国家投资便利化的比较分析可知,虽然沿线国家间的投资便利化总体得分相对较低且各国存在明显差异,但是总体便利化得分呈现增长的趋势。未来应在加强基础设施互联互通、深化金融与货币合作、推动自贸区建设、提高通关便利程度和协调贸易投资规则等方面采取切实措施,以进一步提升"一带一路"沿线国家投资便利化程度。  相似文献   

在全球贸易保护主义抬头的国际环境下,"一带一路"沿线国家的投资便利化可通过需求创造机制、分工深化机制、互联互通机制和区域合作机制显著促进进出口贸易的发展,以有效应对贸易保护主义和逆全球化挑战。由于"一带一路"沿线国家投资的准入成本较高、政策协调难度较大、不稳定因素较多,使得投资便利化的相关机制难以形成,影响了其在应对贸易保护主义和逆全球化方面作用的有效发挥。中国可依托跨境电子商务、自贸区和软文化实力重构"一带一路"沿线国家的供应链体系、价值链体系与跨文化认同,提高"一带一路"沿线国家的投资便利化水平。  相似文献   

Guangxi’s geographical location in the Southwest region of mainland China has resulted in its delay of economic modernization until 1992, compared to those coastal provinces in the southeast. In order to stimulate its economic development, Guangxi has to enhance its foreign trade, including border trade, with neighboring countries and to introduce and utilize foreign direct investment from abroad for its infrastructures and manufactures. In analyzing the case of Guangxi, this paper tries to make a comparison between Guangxi on the one hand and Guangdong and Yunnan on the other, and then to find the different patterns in the process of their economic development in terms of their structures of foreign trade and foreign direct investment. This paper also addresses the issue of central-local relations by explaining the disruption of a planned economy in mainland China and the decline of central government in regulating local economic activities. She received her MA degree from The City University of New York. Her major research interest is in provincial and regional economic development in mainland China. Currently she is working on a project of state-owned enterprises in mainland China. Her recent publications include “The Pattern of Guangdong’s Foreign Trade: An Analysis,” Mainland China Studies, Vol.41, no.2 (February 1998) and “Regional Economic Integration and Yunnan’s Foreign Trade,” Mainland China Studies, Vol.41, no. 5 (May 1998).  相似文献   

The last decades' trend towards the creation of a world market of goods and services and the upsurge of China as a global competitor ought to be considered as an important challenge for the European Union. In contrast to this interpretation, the European Union policy towards China has suffered from an absence from a long run view. European institutional behaviour has been based on applying measures that were solely reactions to the policies launched by the United States. Finally, the difficulty of finding common interests among all member countries has been a constant in the relationship with China. The European Union has recently shown a clear concern about the unavoidable need of improving European firms' competitiveness, especially in order to overcome the Chinese access to the internationalised division of labour. Nevertheless, it is still difficult to observe a thorough treatment for the economic challenge of emergent economies as a whole in many European policy measures.  相似文献   

Trade and investment are crucial drivers of economic growth. Successful execution of trade and investment policy can elevate a developing country to a sustained growth path and make it self-reliant. Bangladesh implemented a trade liberalization policy in the 1980s, deviating much from its conservative trade policy. This article assesses the impacts of trade, investment in physical as well as human capital, and a few trade policy variables on income surge for the liberalized regime. The econometric analysis finds that export, import, and domestic investment stimulate income. The impact of foreign investment is not conducive. Public spending on education also contributes to the income surge. Among the policy variables, trade openness and currency depreciation produce a beneficial impact. Population growth retards economic growth. The baseline results hold in the estimations involving several specifications of variables and testified as robust. The article views that a comprehensive approach to trade and investment policy would ensure the comparative advantage of trade and the well-being of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

党的十七届四中全会分析了党所处的历史方位,提出全党要增强忧患意识.总体来说,当前党的建设与新形势新任务的要求相适应,但也存在着社会环境变化与党的建设改革不到位的矛盾.因此,我们要以改革创新精神提高党的建设科学化水平,以保证党的思想理论的科学性、党的制度建设的科学性以及工作方式和活动方式的科学性.  相似文献   

政治文明是社会主义对文明发展的新贡献。作为社会主义条件下文明的组成部分 ,政治文明的主要内容是民主政治的形式。建设社会主义政治文明 ,必须以制度建设为重点 ,而民主程序的制度建设则是其中的核心。  相似文献   


In December 1993 the Taiwan government adopted a policy called nanjin zhengce or sudpolitik, a policy aimed at diverting part of Taiwan's trade and investment flows from China to Southeast Asia. This paper addresses the following questions: what is sudpolitik? why adopt such a policy? what are the economic, political, and strategic considerations in the pursuit of this policy? which countries are its specific targets? how do the countries directly affected by this policy respond to it? The paper also discusses the issue of Taiwan's aid in connection with sudpolitik. While the effectiveness of the policy is far from clear at present, the paper concludes with four observations: Taiwan's trade and aid are beginning to intertwine; Taiwan's diplomacy is largely economically or commercially led; Taiwan has achieved some positive results in improving its relations with Southeast Asian countries; and, Taiwan has reached a new stage in its economic development whereby it needs to invest overseas in order to sustain its economic growth. Overall, sudpolitik represents a novel step in Taiwan's diplomatic practice.  相似文献   


This article uses extensive fieldwork data to focus on the question of how Chinese and Japanese companies are competing in neighboring countries of Asia, and what economic forces will shape their future growth in the region. It begins by briefly discussing the history of Chinese and Japanese investment in the South and Southeast Asian regions. It traces the development of Japanese overseas investment policies, as well as China's more recent ‘Going Out’ government program to encourage overseas flows of capital. It then builds on prior political economy work as it uses case study focuses, with primary data based on the author's fieldwork research in several nations of Southeast Asia and in India, of the two key sectors of automobiles and electronics. It compares and contrasts the investment strategies of companies from each country, as well as the successes and failures of investments in the industries. It finds that Japanese companies’ advantages lie in industries utilizing advanced technology and management skills. Though the Japanese continue to lead in many areas, including automobiles, they have begun to face competition and potentially reduced profits in vital manufacturing areas. Meanwhile, Chinese overseas companies have made significant advances in the consumer electronics sector, using low prices and good quality, though overseas automobile investments have gained little traction. The article concludes that, if the Chinese can improve their product quality, capitalize on improving managerial skills and a deeper level of experience in the region, and establish brands they can sell with reliable distribution networks, Japanese companies could face losses to their Asian neighbor in these important parts of the continent they have dominated for decades.  相似文献   

This study examines conditions under which states in East Asia engage in the development of regional institutions. It assumes that crucial external events and shocks, which produce specific historical breakpoints – critical junctures – constitute a significant breakpoint at which the regional states willingly elevated a path to develop regional institutions to a new level. The analysis of the development of regional institutions for a free trade area and food stock for emergency revealed that regional states in East Asia changed their views on the evolving reality created by external shocks and such changes led to the creation of new regional institutions.  相似文献   

贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神 ,全面建设小康社会是我省在新时期的一项重大任务。党中央提出的科学发展观 ,为全面建设小康社会提出了新的明确要求。因此必须用科学发展观总结审视我省以往的发展成就和不足 ,思考今后的发展模式 ,以期能够对我省全面建设小康社会提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Devereux  John  Chen  Lein Lein 《Public Choice》1999,98(1-2):43-57
We study the effects of growth and changes in the external terms of trade on protection. There are two sectors, an urban sector and a rural sector, and trade policy is used to redistribute income between them. We show that growth precedes trade liberalization. In addition, we find that trade reform is triggered by falls in the world prices of primary exports or intermediate imports. These results are shown to hold for tariffs and quotas.  相似文献   

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