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Abstract. The paper replies to Bix and Soper ( Bix 2007 ; Soper 2007 ). Bix's paper raises methodological questions, especially whether a form‐theorist merely needs to reflect on form from the arm‐chair so to speak. A variety of methods is called for, including conceptual analysis, study of usage, “education in the obvious,” general reflection on the nature of specific functional legal units, empirical research on their operation and effects, and still more. Further methodological remarks are made in response to Soper's paper. Soper suggests the possibility of substituting “form v. substance” of a unit as the central contrast here rather than form v. complementary material or other components of a unit. Various reasons are given here for not doing this. Among other things, it is also argued here that form does not, contrary to Soper's suggestion, always follow substance.  相似文献   

One year after the public consultation on the modernisation of the Convention 108, the Council of Europe issued the latest modernization proposal in March 2012 reviewed on the basis of the 27th Plenary meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Convention (from 29 November to 2 December 2012) and the 26th meeting of its Bureau (from 6 to 8 February 2012). Professor Graham Greenleaf and Mr. Nigel Waters on behalf of the Australian Privacy Foundation International Committee and a consortium headed by CLSR Editorial Board member Professor Sylvia Kierkegaard together with Dr. Elisabeth Thole, Professor Dr. Willem Grosheide and CLSR Professional Board Member Joseph V. DeMarco submitted separately their comments to the proposed text. Plenary meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Convention 108 will take place in Strasbourg from 19 to 22 June 2012, during when the draft text will be approved.  相似文献   

Blood specimens and stains submitted from all geographic regions of West Virginia were analyzed for six genetic markers: International ABO, phosphoglucomutase (PGM), esterase D (ESD), erythrocyte acid phosphatase (EAP), adenylate kinase (AK), and adenosine deaminase (ADA). The four-year study indicates that markers identified were distributed in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and are consistent with population data previously reported.  相似文献   

In the third of our series of articles considering the EU’s limited harmonisation of the laws regulating the activities of businesses using the Internet, we look at EU rules on the use of data collected online. We consider the principles governing the processing of personal data collected online. We then discuss the new rules on the use of cookies and the practical difficulties facing website operators in complying with them and conclude with a brief overview of the rules governing the transfer of personal data outside the EEA.  相似文献   

A morphine to codeine ratio greater than unity (M/C>1) has been suggested as an indicator of heroin use in living individuals. The aim of this study was to examine the morphine to codeine ratio in a large population (N=2438) of forensically examined autopsy cases positive for 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and/or morphine in blood and/or urine. Blood and urine concentrations of 6-MAM, morphine and codeine were examined using GC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods. In 6-MAM positive samples, the M/C ratio was greater than unity in 98% (N=917) of the blood samples and 96% (N=665) of the urine samples. Stratification of 6-MAM negative cases by M/C above or below unity revealed similarities in morphine and codeine concentrations in cases where M/C>1 and 6-MAM positive cases. Median blood and urine morphine concentrations were 8-10 times greater than codeine for both groups. Similarly to 6-MAM positive cases, 25-44 year-old men prevailed in the M/C>1 group. In comparison to cases where M/C ≤ 1, the M/C ratio was a hundred times higher in both 6-MAM positive and M/C>1 cases. The range of morphine concentration between the lowest and the highest quintile of codeine in M/C>1 cases was similar to that in 6-MAM positive cases. This range was much higher than for M/C ≤ 1 cases. Moreover, linear regression analyses, adjusted for age and gender, revealed a strong positive association between morphine and codeine in 6-MAM positive and M/C>1 cases. The M/C ratio appeared to be a good marker of heroin use in post-mortem cases. Both blood and urine M/C>1 can be used to separate heroin users from other cases positive for morphine and codeine.  相似文献   

本文基于审判实践出现的问题,对抵押期间进行了探讨。作者认为,我国《担保法》对抵押期间不作规定,并非立法疏漏,而是作为物权的抵押权性质使然。  相似文献   

Distinguishing between bloodstains caused by a spatter pattern or by expirated blood may be crucial to a forensic investigation. Expirated blood is likely to be contaminated with saliva but current techniques have limited sensitivity, especially with small bloodstains. We report that a PCR assay, designed to detect salivary bacteria, can amplify streptococcal DNA from saliva stains applied to fabrics for at least 62 days after seeding. Bacterial DNA was detected when 0.01 µl of saliva was present in the stain and the amplification was not affected by contamination with blood. These findings indicate that PCR amplification of salivary microbial DNA may have application in the identification of expirated bloodstains in forensic case-work.  相似文献   

环境立法目的刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于世界主要国家环境立法目的的不同,环境立法中存在“目的一元论”与“目的二元论”的冲突,我们应反对狭隘的人类中心主义思想的环境立法目的一元论、抛弃同时追求多项价值目标的环境立法目的二元论,要明确保护生态系统整体的价值才是当代环境立法的惟一目的。  相似文献   

公众参与机制是现代行政法的核心内容.就理论层面而言,该制度所包含的内在价值与共和、自由、法治之间存在着紧张关系.就实践层面而言,该制度也存在参与不足与参与过度的问题.国外公共参与制度的发展为我们提供了有益的借鉴,为重构公共参与机制提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

樊凤林 《时代法学》2005,3(5):61-64
加强刑事立法,对推进依法治国、构建和谐社会和提高执法能力与水平具有重要意义。因此,我国刑法应设立见死不救罪,提高巨额财产来源不明罪的法定刑,把经济性犯罪的死刑规定减少到最底限度;同时建议将测谎仪等问题纳入我国的刑事诉讼法中。  相似文献   

对<专利法>第三次修订中的几个问题进行了讨论,针对专利平行进口、专利行政执法,本次修订未涉及到的无效程序,专利侵权抗辩,以及专利法未明确的何为在中国完成的发明等问题,提出建议.  相似文献   

约翰·哥特利勃·费希特(Johann Gottieb Fichte,1762-1814)是继康德之后反映法国革命的德国理论的第二位代表人物。1762年5月19日他出生在德国奥伯劳济慈的一个叫拉梅诺的乡村。1774年入中学,1780年就读耶拿大学神学系,翌年转入莱比锡大学神学系学习神学和法学;1784年辍学后,经人介绍先后在莱比锡、苏黎士、但泽当家庭教师;1791年因其著作《试评一切天启》被误为康德所写而暴得大名;1794年任耶拿大学教授,开始创建知识学体系;1799年教授被撤,迁往柏林继续完善和修改他的知识学体系;1810年任柏林大学教授和哲学系主任,1811年成为第一任当…  相似文献   

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