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本刊今年初发表了《李嘉诚和他的时代》一文,反响强烈。本文则全面解剖了李嘉诚麾下的“旗舰”——和记黄埔有限公司(简称和黄),揭示出这一跨国公司的奥秘。  相似文献   

我的小妹是中缅合资企业里的白领,她给我办了一个临时签证,让我去缅甸玩玩.  相似文献   

策划人语在我国党政权力体系中,县委书记是一个数量庞大而又极为特殊的群体。正如中组部部长李源潮所说,县一级在我们党和国家组织结构中处于关键地位,县委书记是中国共产党执政治国的骨干力量,是党的中高级领导干部的重要来源。建设好县级领导班子,全国大局就能基本稳定。尽管县委书记总数不到县处级以上领导干部的1%,但权力大、责任大、影响大。由于传统丰厚的郡县制政治制度和文化遗产,当人们耳闻目睹一些名声不  相似文献   

菲德尔·卡斯特罗,一个响亮的名字,一位国际政坛上的重量级人物,一名敢于同世界超级大国--美国针锋相对的古巴领袖.这个一生之中常穿绿色军装、抽着古巴雪茄、满脸大胡子的世界性男人用其毕生的经历向世界证明了一个真理,那就是为自由而斗争其乐无穷.  相似文献   

北京热烈庆祝奥运会倒计时一百天4月30日是北京奥运会开幕倒计时一百天的日子。北京奥运会倒计时100天誓师动员大会在人民大会堂隆重举行。当晚,第四届北京2008奥运歌曲评选活  相似文献   

其实我们身边一直都有沉默权的影子。“你有权保持沉默。否则你所说的一切将作为呈堂证供”,这是香港警匪片里的惯用台词。这句话宣讲的就是沉默权。 沉默权,又叫反对自我归罪的特权,是指在刑事诉讼中,被指控犯有罪行或有犯罪嫌疑的人,在  相似文献   

埃及首都开罗位于尼罗河畔,是一座历史悠久的古城,也是非洲最大的城市,人口1200多万.开罗以它的奇特建筑和古老独特的风情吸引着世界各地的游客.  相似文献   

特种部队是朝鲜人民军最强大的精锐力最,也是朝鲜武装力量独一无二的前锋——金日成  相似文献   

宠物美容师其实是体力、脑力和美感综合在一起的一项工作.咪宝告诉记者,宠物美容并不是仅仅替狗儿洗澡,而是借着顶级的美发用品和精湛的修剪技法,为它们遮掩体型缺失、增添美感.所以宠物美容师不但需要拜师学艺、考证照、更要不断吸收新知识以拥有一流的专业技艺和独到的造形设计.  相似文献   

苏丹位于非洲东北部,濒临红海,国土面积约占非洲总面积的8%,是非洲面积最大的国家,同时又是一个拥有多达600多个部族的多民族国家.作为非洲民族成份最复杂的国家,苏丹既不是纯粹的阿拉伯家园,也不是简单的非洲黑人的国土.从苏丹人的婚俗中便能感受到这个国家的奇妙之处:非洲风情和伊斯兰文化在这里对立、排斥,却又不得不紧紧地糅合在一起.就像来自埃塞俄比亚高原的青尼罗河和来自维多利亚湖的白尼罗河,千回万转,却不得不在喀土穆汇成一条尼罗河,奔腾不息地向地中海流去……  相似文献   

Kluger J 《Time》2007,169(18):61-62

The influence of Chester Barnard in contemporary management and organization theorising is substantial but often barely acknowledged. Contemporary authors sometimes ‘borrow’ a fragment to support their case but his was a fundamentally holistic work which sought to interweave and integrate rather than dissect and disintegrate. The research data reported in this paper were not generated to test Barnard's work but in the process of analysis, it emerged that Barnard spoke in a voice which echoed closely the comments of senior executives. Indeed, he is the only theorist to do so in such a comprehensive way. On further reflection, it was found that his work embraces a breadth and depth of conceptual thought which remains unequalled in our vast literature. His intellectual foundations were quite radical for his time, again in a way which does not find contemporary parallel. In what remains a rare gestalt analysis of organization, he manages to blend the contradictions and conflicts of individual and organization and inherent fickleness and ambiguity of social life together with a dexterity and integrity which resembles the practitioners of executive arts rather more than contemporary theorists. This paper seeks to highlight some of the areas in which his work still exposes our current lack of conceptual imagination and ability.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the components of local government budget processes and their relationship to fiscal stress. While many cities and counties are suffering from stressful fiscal situations, leading in some cases to bankruptcy filings or other severe measures, their budgets have to be balanced, unlike the federal government and some state governments. Using survey data from a large number of jurisdictions, this paper shows how local governments have developed budget processes which respond to these changing fiscal situations. Governments use computers, collect and analyze many different types of information, and use budgetary information for other management purposes in order to improve productivity. Budget processes are providing good information to local government decision makers which is helping them respond constructively to the fiscal crises of the 1990s.  相似文献   


As of March 2003, the immigrant population in the United States (US) has reached 33.5 million individuals. Finding a way out of poverty is very difficult for many immigrants due to both individual and institutional barriers to savings and asset accumulation. Given that the primary sources of wealth among native-born households is through homeownership, it is only fitting that foreign-born households would also wish to achieve the “American Dream.” This paper outlines significant supports and barriers to savings and, more importantly, homeownership among US immigrants. Several suggestions for asset-based policy development for immigrants are also included in the discussion. By examing these concepts, policy practitioners can learn how to improve economic well-being for current immigrants and future generations of Americans.  相似文献   

Cole W 《Time》2004,164(9):47

二战后,美国保守主义成功地从分散的知识分子活动发展为共和党的政治实践。民主党最初是以向极左方向发展来回应这种挑战,结果造成了自我分裂。20世纪80年代以后,新民主党人努力用新的公共哲学来改造民主党,取得了明显的效果,但它在与保守主义争夺话语权方面还有待进一步努力。  相似文献   

美国主要以贸易政策的立法机制为基础,以反倾销诉讼、人世谈判和技术出口管制为主要手段,通过贸易与政治的相互渗透实现其歧视性贸易目标。美国的歧视性贸易政策措施虽然保护了生产商的利益,但也产生了明显的负效应。以双边和区域自由贸易协定、技术性贸易壁垒和技术出口管制为主要特征的歧视性贸易政策仍将继续。  相似文献   

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