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在新一轮经济增长过程中,农民要想更加富裕,遇到许多新的制约因素。为此,必须拓宽增收渠道、创新工作机制。  相似文献   

After this year's ninth suicide at Foxconn on May 14,Dr.Lu Huilin,an associate sociology professor at Peking University,and another eight sociology scholars,started to draft a letter to sound the alarm about the plight of China's new generation of migrant workers.The letter was issued on May 18 and has been published by different newspapers.Lu has also handed over a request to Foxconn to conduct field surveys at the company during his summer break in July.  相似文献   

北京是举世闻名的历史文化名城,曾有六个朝代在此建都,由于得天独厚的社会环境,北京传统工艺美术行业名师荟萃,巧匠云集,以历史悠久、风格独特、品种繁多、技艺精湛、典雅名贵而享誉中外,它表现了我国传  相似文献   

ZHAO Qiju, Shi Mingying and Shi Linfen are local heroines in Gaozhai Village of Pingba County, under the jurisdictionof Anshun City in Guizhou Province. The prosperity they have achieved through cultivating roxburgh rose (Rosa roxburghii tratt) has inspired a folk song popular among local farm- ers. This triumvirate of entrepreneus- es is regarded as a paradigm for local potential business women.  相似文献   

<正>With financial support from the government,more people in Tibet are moving into new residences To Ahsang,who lives in a two-story  相似文献   

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the normalization of US-China relations (1979-2004), China Today is pleased to publish the following candid exchange of personal experiences between a Chinese and an American.Eighty-one-year-old journalist Zhang Yan's first contact with Americans was in 1944 during WWII, when he met several US 14th Air Force GIs stationed in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming. After the normalization of Sino-US relations in 1979, Zhang was one of the first Chinese correspondents stationed in Washington DC  相似文献   

High time for India and China to work cooperatively to realize Asian century No one could have put a simple proposition better than Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi did in early March on the mending of the India-China relationship.Bilateral ties have been uneasy following the conflict between the two armies along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the western sector of China-India border areas last year.  相似文献   

传统意义上的私房菜,是开在住宅或写字楼中,无招牌、无跑堂、无固定菜单,依仗厨师独具创意的手艺而得以经营的餐饮买卖。说到底,卖的是一种色、香、味的独一无二。  相似文献   

为适应瞬息万变的国际、国内市场信息,采用国际标准和国外先进标准非常重要,文章就国际标准的概况、检索及采用国际标准的意义作了介绍,并用实例说明采用国际标准的效果。  相似文献   

The activity of "555 New Stars of Inspirations" finally drew down the curtain in Beijing on July 28, 2000 after three months' collection and evaluation (see introduction on the June issue of China Today). Five inspirations including "Sinking of Ships Will Never Happen Again" proposed by Wu Zhenguo from Xiamen, "No Drought in Desert in the Future" by Hong Ming from Shanghai, "Soothing Heart-attack Patients by Music and Words of the Family Members" by Jing Bei from Beijing, and "Wir…  相似文献   

At the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010 held by the World Economic Forum, also known as the Summer Davos, Chinese economists and officials held heated discussions on whether China  相似文献   

How should the international community overcome the current stalemate in the North Korean nuclear crisis? North Korea conducted its second underground nuclear test on May 25, sparking a strong reaction from the international community. This was in sharp contrast to less than a year ago when the world  相似文献   

WHEN I asked Zhang Yuzhen whether she missed her late husband, the 84-yearold paused for some time before answering my question with a curt no. Having expected her eyes to mist over and her voice to crack, I was quite taken aback. Later, however, as we chatted in their small courtyard it became clear that Yang Shanzhou’s career as a regional official and dedication to afforestation in his retirement meant that he had spent little time with his family. Despite their long separation Yang Shanzhou was affectionate towards his  相似文献   

文化市场的形成与发展是顺应社会发展需求的客观现象。我国的文化市场自改革开放以来已走过了二十年的历程,其积极的作用不能抹煞。但是,也还存在许多问题,有些问题十分严重,在一定程度上造成了劣质文化对先进文化的驱逐态势。因此,必须依法加强对文化市场的综合整理,拓展先进文化的发展空间,这里的关键是要真正坚持“三个代表”思想、以大局为重,不要再推诿扯皮,甚至借机谋私。  相似文献   

始终高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,把用邓小平理论武装干部职工作为宣传思想工作的首要任务,是武钢理论武装工作的显著特色。近年来,武钢根据中央精神及省市委有关要求,紧密结合国际国内形势,紧密联系公司生产经营和改革发展实际,紧密联系干部职工的工作实际和思想实际,以学习党的十四大、十五大和十五届四中全会精神为重点,牢牢抓住中心组学习这个龙头不放,带动全公司各层次的理论学习,不断掀起理论学习的新高潮。通过理论学习,促进了武钢在观念、体制、技术、管理和企业文化等方面的创新,取得了可喜的成绩,为打好武钢改革发展攻坚…  相似文献   

如何进行乡村建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乡村建设,就是将乡村建设得适宜于农民居住,让乡村在中国现代化建设中充当稳定与发展的力量。乡村建设,就是要将乡村建设得山川秀美、风景宜人,就是要将乡村建设得祥和安宁、幸福快乐,就是要将乡村建设得经济发展、生活方便。本文对乡村建设的步骤、层面及乡村建设的研究三个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

正Protection of consumers'rights improves with amended laws and technology By Li XiaoyangBurger King China was recently in hot water in Nanchang,Jiangxi Province in east China,where some of its stores were accused of using expired ingredients,according to an annual consumer rights program broadcast by China Central Television on July 16.Initiated in 1991 to expose problems and malpractices in the domestic market,the  相似文献   

<正>China intensifies crackdowns on illegal surveying and mapping activities On May 10,the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping(SBSM) announced 10 major cases of illegal surveying and mapping  相似文献   

The 2015 annual sessions of China’s National People’s Congress(NPC)and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)signify a new chapter in the country’s quest to achieve a moderately prosperous society in all aspects through deepening reforms,advancing the rule of law,and imposing strict discipline on its Communist Party members.In 2013,China put forward the goal of comprehensively deepening reform,which entails promoting the improvement and develop-  相似文献   

Valentine's Day has always been a romantic and refreshing day for people in love.Come to Huarun Ole Supermarket to make a wish  相似文献   

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