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At the very end of the first quarter this year, the United States filed an anti-subsidy case against imported Chinese coated paper and planned to levy a punitive tax of up to 20 percent. The Chinese Government regretted the decision and is working to resolve this matter. As the Chinese foreign exchange watchdog discovered, the surging trade surplus in recent years is partly shored up by a huge influx of international hot money. The supervisory department is bent on checking the speculative capital in an effort to bal-ance China's international payments. At the end of March, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued its guidelines on foreign investment in China. Service and hi-tech companies are welcomed. China itself has invested heavily in overseas mar-kets with a total of $16.1 billion last year, mostly in Latin America. Late in April, China CITIC Bank, the seventh largest bank in China, will be listed on both the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges, the second duel-listing after Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.  相似文献   

<正>Opening markets to foreign investment has long been a cornerstone of China’s opening-up policy.Both China’s economy and foreign companies have achieved significant development over the past decades.At the beginning of 2017,with trade protectionism casting a shadow on the global economy,Chinese President Xi Jinping made a pledge in his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland,that China would always be open to the world.  相似文献   

Xu Xiaonian is a professor of economics and finance at the China Europe International Business School. He has been a managing director and head of research for China International Capital Corp. Ltd. and senior economist with Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific in Hong Kong. He has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank. Xu obtained a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California at Davis and has taught at Amherst College in Massachusetts. At a recent forum sponsored by the China Europe International Business School, Xu discussed the objectives and procedures of China's financial reform. Excerpts of that talk follow:  相似文献   

<正>China’s outbound investment reached$116 billion in 2014.If Chinese firms’investment through third-party financing is included,the total investment would amount to$140 billion,outweighing the country’s capital inflows for the first time in history.In the same year,foreign direct investment in China totaled$119.6 billion.China’s role has transformed from that of a recipient of foreign investment,which it has assumed ever since the reform and  相似文献   

Wu Jinglian, 74, is a respected Chinese economist. He has been a visiting professor at Yale University, MIT, Stanford University and Oxford University and is now a member of the Executive Committee (2005-08) of the International Economic Association. Wu's outspoken viewpoint in 2001 that China's stock markets are more ruthless than casinos created a big stir, but it also earned him widespread respect. At a recent forum held by the China Europe International Business School, Wu talked about why and how China should change the economic growth pattern. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

<正>Since China’s reform and opening-up,Chinese enterprises investing overseas have increased rapidly expanding the scale of overseas investment.Ministry of Commerce data from the 2010 statistical bulletin detailing China’s foreign direct investment show that as of the end of 2010,more than 13,000 Chinese and foreign-invested enterprises in China have directly invested in more than 16,000 enterprises overseas,with cumulative net foreign  相似文献   

<正>How Chinese investment is changing the world China’s reemergence as a global eco nomic superpower during the end of the20th and into the early 21st century wa marked by a long list of firsts,milestones and eye-popping statistics.The 1990-2014 period saw China become the largest manufacturing and export country in the world.China gained admittance to the WTO became a host of the Olympics and saw its cit  相似文献   

"The past year was a fruitful one.Over 10years of comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Italy,we have made new breakthroughs in bilateral ties.These include reciprocal visits between Chinese and Italian leaders,the release of the second three-year action plan on economic cooperation,and the establishment of the Sino-Italian Entrepreneur Committee."Chinese Ambassador to Italy Li Ruiyu told representatives of Chinese enterprises in Europe at a seminar on  相似文献   

EUROPE’S undervalued assets are catching the eye of Chinese firms as the focus of their acquisitions shifts from Asia and the U.S.Europe welcomes such attention,with EU Ambassador to China Markus Ederer recently describing Europe as an ideal destination for investment while  相似文献   

As early as the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment in Europe,many French intellectuals,including Voltaire,developed a strong interest in Chinese culture and advocated that Europe should learn from China's rationalism.In 1688,French King Louis XIV dispatched royal mathematicians to China.  相似文献   

TO THE POINT: The Asian Development Bank sees bullish prospects for the Chinese economy, though inactivity is building in the export and investment fields. China reaps a bumper harvest with grain output totaling 546.41 million tons in 2010 despite numerous natural disasters throughout the year. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has issued a note of caution about frothy house prices across the nation. Two Chinese Intemet companies, Youku and Dangdang, have staged successful debuts on the New York Stock Exchange.China boasts the third largest number of dollar millionaires in the world.  相似文献   

正Since China helped build the Tanzania-Zambia Railway in the 1970s,it has aided African countries in the construction of over 1,000 projects involving infrastructure,agriculture,medical care and water conservancy.Africa is also a major destination for Chinese overseas investment,which has been continuously on the rise.Economic aid and investment from China have helped boost local economies,provided large numbers of jobs,and improved local living standards.  相似文献   

While China has become a haven for foreign investment, some developed countries are becoming increasingly interested in absorbing China's new wealth and spare no efforts in promoting themselves. The Netherlands, China's second largest trading partner in the EU, is among these countries. Before the opening of the 10th China International Fair for Investment and Trade, Han Feenstra, Director for China of the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency in Shanghai, sat down with Beijing Review reporter Yu Shujun to talk about Chinese investment in his home country.  相似文献   

ABright Prospect     
正Some have attributed the tumble of the stock markets in Europe and the United States in early February to the slowdown of China’s economic growth.A number of investors even worry that the Chinese economy will collapse and cause a new financial crisis.Such worries are groundless.  相似文献   

The "2018·China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights" was successfully held at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, on June 28. The seminar was hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the International Institute of Human Rights, and was organized by the Human Rights Institute at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law and the French ADELIE Language and Cultural Exchange Association. The University of Strasbourg, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and European Institute for Political and Strategic Communication were served as co-organizers. Over 60 experts and scholars in the field of human rights from China and Europe attended the seminar in search of the diversity of civilization and human rights protection, focusing on themes such as "the philosophy of human rights in a Chinese context", "the philosophy of human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its reflection", "human rights theory and practice in a pluralistic world", "human rights exchanges and dialogues under the diversity of civilization", and "in search of human rights consensus in diverse civilizations." In the context of respecting diversity, the seminar sought a consensus to promote trans-cultural communication in the form of dialogues and to strengthen understanding between the academic circles of China and Europe.  相似文献   

Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Zambian counterpart Levy Patrick Mwanawasa (far right) study a model of the Chambisi Copper Mine after jointly inau-gurating an economic and trade cooperation zone in Lusaka on February 4. The zone, located in Zambia's Copper Belt Province, is designed to form a pro-duction chain with the Chambisi Copper Smelter as the core enterprise. It is the first project of its kind launched by China in Africa. At the Beijing Summit of the Forum of China-Africa Cooperation last November, the Chinese side promised to set up three to five such cooperation zones on the African continent over the next three years to further strengthen bilateral trade exchanges. The establishment of the zone is expected to boost the development of Zambia's light industry, increase local exports and create job opportunities. During his recent eight-nation African tour, President Hu reiterated that the Chinese Government encourages Chinese enterprises to increase their investment in Africa, in particular in those areas that have a direct bearing on the livelihood of African people.  相似文献   

Germany now has the largest graying population in Europe and is beginning to be dubbed as "Europe’s nursing home".It is,thus,of extreme interest to China,who faces a similar phenomenon and wants to get ideas from others on how to meet the challenges. At the invitation of the Association for Germany-China Friendship Baden-Wurttemberg and the Austri-  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, 210 million Chinese farmers and rural dwellers have abandoned the countryside in search of a better life in China's burgeoning cities. By comparison, the combined labor force of the United States and Europe is a mere 300 million. Writing in The New York Times, Ted C. Fishman a China commentator and contributing editor to Harper's Magazine, called it, without exaggeration, the "largest human migration in history."  相似文献   

An EU Opening     
China stands ready to increase investment in Centraland Eastern European countries Strengthened ties between China and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) were a highlight of Sino-EU relations in 2012.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Fed- eration of French-Chinese As- sociations (FFCA), a Chinese youth plastic arts delegation, sent by the CPAFFC, paid a friendly visit to France from July 18 to 26. To support the holding of the Chinese Culture Year in France and the French Culture Year in China, thethe FFCA, led five French mid- dle school students to China. In July this year, the CPAFFC sent a 5-member delegation consist- ing of students and teachers from the Animation School of CP…  相似文献   

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