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We use matched employee–employer records from the teacher labor market to explore the effects of late teacher hiring on student achievement. Hiring teachers after the school year starts reduces student achievement by 0.042 SD in mathematics and 0.026 SD in reading. This reflects, in part, a temporary disruption effect in the first year. In mathematics, but not in reading, late‐hired teachers remain persistently less effective, evidence of negative selection in the teacher labor market. Late hiring concentrates in schools that disproportionately serve disadvantaged student populations, contributing to challenges in ensuring an equitable distribution of educational resources for all students.  相似文献   

Journal of Chinese Political Science - I built a political economy model to empirically explore the factors that could contribute to the cooperation between adversarial dyads, with special focus on...  相似文献   

当前,环境问题仍是制约我国高质量发展的突出因素,重污染企业发展由于"高污染""高排放"的特性,不仅受到社会各界的高度关注,还被赋予更多的环境责任。在这样的背景之下,重污染企业的社会责任履行水平已经成为影响其市场竞争力的重要因素。因此,本文基于中国2010—2019年351家重污染上市企业的相关数据,探究重污染企业社会责任和全要素生产率之间的关系。结果表明,重污染企业社会责任履行水平提高不仅可以直接提高企业全要素生产率,还可以通过增加企业研发投入来间接影响全要素生产率。  相似文献   

当前我国研究生招生制度过于强调外语能力,是偏离创新能力的选拔制度。对比西方国家的博士外语能力要求,我国研究生招生制度应该改革走"双轨制"道路,对应西方哲学博士和专业博士两种培养模式,招收学术研究生和专业研究生。专业研究生应以科研创新能力为选拔核心,改变过于注重外语能力的选拔方式。  相似文献   

Organizations wax and wane, and some cease to exist altogether. The Standards Board for England was abolished after a 10‐year life. Created to regulate the ethical behavior of local politicians in England, the ethics of politics was undermined by the politics of ethics. This article analyzes the life of the Standards Board initially through the lens of a life‐cycle approach to organizations but finds that a problem‐cluster approach provides a sharper picture. Over its lifetime, the Standards Board faced a number of crises; its failure to resolve these crises and an unfavorable political climate led to its demise.  相似文献   

廉政建设可以有效减少各种腐败行为对生产力发展造成的阻力和障碍。在全面建成小康社会奋斗目标实现的关键阶段,探讨廉政建设的生产力效应问题具有重要意义。廉政建设通过激发劳动者工作积极性、促进生产资料合理配置、优化生产力发展环境来推动生产力的发展。廉政建设的生产力效应可通过价值导向效果、精神激励效果、行为转化效果来检验。我们需从落实全面从严治党、创新廉政体制机制和构建廉政先进文化等方面入手,加强廉政建设,助推生产力发展。  相似文献   

The likelihood of experiencing poverty at some point during the adult life cycle is estimated. These probabilities are derived through a set of life tables built upon 25 waves of data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, and represent an alternative approach to studying poverty than prior empirical studies. Life table analyses are divided into early adulthood (ages 20–40), middle adulthood (ages 40–60),and later adulthood (ages 60–80). The findings indicate that individuals within the sample face a significant risk of poverty at some point during their adult lives, particularly during the early and later stages of adulthood. Duration tends to be relatively short (1 or 2 years), but once poverty occurs, it is likely to occur again. Results also reveal the profound life‐course effect that race, education, and gender have upon the likelihood of encountering poverty during the adult years. Several policy and research implications are discussed. © 2001 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

The flypaper effect refers to the phenomenon whereby expenditure stimulus from unconditional grants exceeds that from an equivalent increase in income. The flypaper effect has been described as "money sticks where it hits." The present study empirically tests the flypaper effect for the Indian economy. The study also tests the asymmetry hypothesis that looks at the impact of retrenchment in grants. Results obtained in the present study show the flypaper effect to be vindicated. We find that both capital and revenue expenditures receive a greater stimulus from grants than would an increase in income. Results show that in the prereform period both revenue and capital expenditures are maintained during periods of grant cuts. However, in the postreform period it is only expenditures on revenue accounts that are maintained in periods of grant reduction. We also find that during periods of grant reduction, state governments maintain their expenditure programs by raising their own tax revenue. This suggests that grants from the center have had a disincentive effect and could be a reason that state governments have not exploited their tax potential to the fullest. By bringing to the fore the disincentive effect of grants we wish to emphasize the urgency of taking a closer look at restructuring and redesigning our system of intergovernmental transfers.  相似文献   

This study examines the time to adoption of local option fuel taxes (LOFTs) among Florida counties from 1972 to 2015. Florida county governments are authorized to levy up to 12 cents of LOFTs in the form of three separate instruments. Using a Cox proportional hazards model, this study finds that additional LOFT instruments in place affect time to adoption and that the factors associated with the adoption of LOFTs differ from those of local option sales taxes. Additionally, there is evidence that suggests the legal structure of LOFTs affects both the time to adoption and the relationship with other LOFTs.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of political turnover on economic performance in a setting of largely unanticipated political change and profoundly weak institutions: the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Exploiting census‐type panel data on over 7,000 manufacturing enterprises, we find that the productivity of firms in the regions most supportive of Viktor Yushchenko increased by more than 15 percentage points in the three years following his election, relative to that in the most anti‐Yushchenko regions. We conclude that this effect is driven primarily by particularistic rather than general economic policies that disproportionately increased output among large enterprises, government suppliers, and private enterprises—three types of firms that had much to gain or lose from turnover at the national level. Our results demonstrate that political turnover in the context of weak institutions can have substantial distributional effects that are reflected in economic productivity.  相似文献   

Many schools have recently experimented with moving breakfast from the cafeteria to the classroom. We examine whether such a program increases achievement, grades, and attendance rates. We exploit quasi‐random timing of program implementation that allows for a difference‐in‐differences identification strategy. We find that providing breakfast in class relative to the cafeteria raises math and reading achievement by 0.09 and 0.06 standard deviations, respectively. These effects are most pronounced for low‐performing, free lunch‐eligible, Hispanic, and low body mass index students. A lack of differences by exposure time and effects on grades suggest that these impacts are on test‐taking performance rather than learning. At the same time, the results highlight the possibility that measured achievement may be biased downwards, and accountability penalties may be inappropriately applied, in schools where many students do not consume breakfast.  相似文献   

The recent increase in the number of students classified as English language learners (ELLs) has focused significant attention on reclassification policy, which governs the process by which ELLs move toward, and are deemed to reach, full English proficiency. In this paper, we draw on a data set containing annual individual‐level records for every Wisconsin student ever classified as an ELL between the 2006–07 and 2012–13 school years to estimate the effects of being reclassified at the end of 10th grade—a crucial period on the pathway to postsecondary education—on several measures related to students’ postsecondary attainments. We estimate these effects in a regression discontinuity framework, exploiting Wisconsin's policy rule that automatically reclassifies ELLs who score above a specified cutoff on the state's English language proficiency exam. Our analysis indicates that being reclassified as fully English proficient in 10th grade has a positive effect on students’ ACT scores. It also provides some evidence of a positive effect on high school graduation and the probability of enrolling in a postsecondary institution the fall after graduation. Together, our analyses provide evidence on the effects of a policy directly relevant to the country's fastest growing student population, and we close the paper with a discussion of the implications for research and policy.  相似文献   


Millions of individuals and families in the United States do not have access to stable housing. Recent policies in the United States and the rest of the developed world emphasize programs intended to prevent homelessness through temporary financial assistance. This article explores the impact of the largest homelessness prevention program in U.S. history, the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP), on residential instability, using a national sample of families with children enrolled in school. The identification strategy exploits variations on the location of HPRP providers. Using data on the ratio of K–12 students experiencing homelessness in school districts, we find that HPRP is associated with reductions in the percentage of homeless students for districts closer to an HPRP provider. However, the impacts of HPRP fade out when program benefits end, bringing into question whether homeless prevention can help families achieve self-sufficiency in the long run.  相似文献   

在高校思想政治教育中渗透生命价值观教育,引导大学生养成积极乐观的人生态度,激发他们的生活自信心;树立自利利他观念,克服自私自利心理,增强社会责任感;建立和谐融洽的人际关系,在互爱互助的氛围中快乐成长,既是加强大学生生命价值观教育行之有效的途径,也是高校和谐校园建设的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

This overview surveys the conceptual and practical development of the policy sciences as an independent field of academic studies. It outlines the conditions that led to the emergence of this field and its expansion over the years. In addition, the article portrays the range of substantive topics and methodologies of the policy sciences. Finally, it presents the logic that guided the structure of this symposium.  相似文献   

Development economists frequently emphasize the importance of good infrastructure for economic growth. Can governments attract private capital in infrastructural investments through policy reform? We address this question by showing that, in the case of electricity generation, a simple legislation enabling independent power production increases private investment in electricity generation by more than an order of magnitude. Contrary to the conventional wisdom on the importance of constraints on executive power for credible commitment, we find that such constraints neither draw private capital nor condition the effectiveness of policy reform. We also find that both domestic and foreign investment increase with IPP reform. Evidence for these claims comes from an instrumental variable analysis of power sector reforms and private electricity generation in all developing countries for the years 1982 to 2008. Simple and politically uncontroversial policies can generate positive results in developing countries.  相似文献   

探讨了建立军民融合式装备研发投资中介的现实意义,并着重分析了军民融合装备研发投资中介在军工科研领域中所发挥的三大优势,即发挥突出的专业优势,减少国防研发投资风险;发挥灵活的模式优势,提高国防研发投资收益;发挥独特的资金优势,降低国防研发融资门槛。  相似文献   

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