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An adult man (A) entered a pit to collect seepage at an industrial waste site in Japan. As he suddenly lost consciousness, three colleagues (B, C, D) entered the pit to rescue him. All of these men lost consciousness in the pit. Two workers (A and B) died soon after the accident, one worker (C) died 22 days after the accident, and one worker (D) survived. Since hydrogen sulfide gas was detected in the atmosphere of the pit, gas poisoning was suspected. Toxicological analyses of sulfide and thiosulfate, a metabolite of sulfide, in blood and urine of the victims were made using the extractive alkylation technique combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Sulfide was detected in the blood of A and B at levels of 0.13 and 0.11 mg/L, respectively, somewhat higher than in healthy persons. Thiosulfate was detected in whole blood of deceased victims A and B, in the plasma of deceased victim C, at concentrations of 10.53, 4.59, and 4.14 mg/L, respectively. These values were similar to those found in fatal cases of hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Thiosulfate was not detected in the plasma of survivor D. With respect to urine samples, thiosulfate was the highest in the non-acute death victim C (137.20 mg/L), followed by that in the survivor D (29.34 mg/L), and low (0.90 mg/L) and not detected in the acute death victims, A and B, respectively. Based on these results, all four patients were victims of hydrogen sulfide poisoning. The concentrations of thiosulfate in blood and urine were more useful than that for sulfide for determining hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Thiosulfate in urine was the only indicator of hydrogen sulfide poisoning in the non-fatal victim.  相似文献   

不同于一般临床疾病的诊断,职业病诊断是归因诊断,兼具医学性、法律性的特点。《职业病防治法》第四十六条前两款对职业病诊断作出了原则性规定,其中第二款的法律推定体现了职业病诊断的立法价值取向。然而,职业病诊断标准并未高度契合法律推定条款,法律推定操作性欠佳,诊断实务中不同专家对这两款的各自作用和相互关系认识不一,法律推定的适用与否直接影响诊断结论和法律价值的个案实现。对职业病诊断中该两款的协调及法律推定的操作进行论述,以供参考。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(3):273-283
Transferring theoretical knowledge to practical skills remains a big challenge in forensic science, especially in questioned documents. The examination of handwriting and signatures requires years of practice to develop the necessary skills. While students (and to some extent the general population) often have the impression that it is easy to differentiate handwriting from different persons, in practice, particularly when dealing with simulated signatures, there is a high risk of reaching a wrong conclusion when questioned document experts do not use a systematic approach and/or are not sufficiently experienced (see for example the famous French Dreyfus case). Thus, a novel teaching approach, based on collaborative learning, has been introduced in a theoretical handwriting class to improve the students’ theoretical knowledge, and additionally make them aware of the limitations of their practical skills and give them tools to improve them in their future practice. Through five activities, the students took the roles of victims, forgers, teachers and experts and created their own learning materials (i.e. signatures and mock casework). During those interactive activities, they learned to describe their signature’s characteristics, intra-variability and complexity, and thus evaluate their own signature’s vulnerability (as potential victims). They learned techniques to simulate signatures and detect the resulting forgeries’ characteristics (in the role of forgers). In the role of teachers, they prepared mock casework scenarios and gave feedback to their colleague’s examination of the produced material. As experts, they carried out signature examination as they would in a proficiency test and were exposed to the difficulties an actual expert may encounter in practice. The evaluation of this novel teaching scenario was very positive, as students learned more extensively the possibilities and limitations of signature comparison. They were more active and motivated in their learning experiences. The teaching team also had an improved experience. Some students complained of an increased workload and imprecise instructions. Improvements were tested and are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Human xylazine poisoning is uncommon. This report describes the use of xylazine for intentional poisoning with criminal intent. Two incidents occurred within 3 weeks: the first involved one victim, and the second involved two victims. The clinical presentations were brief coma, bradycardia, hypotension, and hyperglycemia. The victims recalled having been given a drink from a stranger in a hospital waiting room before loss of consciousness. In the first case, general drug screening by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (MS) revealed xylazine in the gastric contents, but liquid chromatography–tandem MS (LC‐MS/MS) of serum did not. In the second incident, LC‐MS/MS screening of both victims’ urine and serum samples revealed an unknown peak in the total ion chromatograms, which a molecular mass database identified as morantel or xylazine. The latter was confirmed by comparison with a xylazine standard. Based on this report, we suggest that xylazine should be classified as a controlled drug.  相似文献   

A study of fatal poisoning due to alcohol and drugs was carried out, to examine the mortality resulting from alcohol and drugs in the Greater Amman County, Jordan. A retrospective review of all autopsy records and certified deaths issued by the Department of Forensic Medicine at Jordan University Hospital in the greater Amman county was undertaken. During the 18 years (1978-1996) 6109 postmortem cases were performed in our department. A total of 60 cases were identified and analyzed according to age, race, sex, manner of death of the victims along with blood alcohol concentration, the drug detected at autopsies, the scene circumstances, and the geographic location of the accident and death.  相似文献   

Among the most difficult cases for law enforcement and medicolegal investigators to investigate are those in which victims have been deliberately burned to cover up a crime, or those in which cremation has resulted from an accident or suicide. This difficulty arises from the fact that the bodies may be destroyed or fragmented. The major objective in these investigations are twofold: The first task is to identify the body using every means available, including the aid of such experts as forensic pathologists, forensic anthropologists, dentists, toxicologists, and serologists as well as fire investigators, who can contribute to the investigation by providing information about the course of the fire.  相似文献   

Lu GZ  Wang JH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):137-139
目的提出对硫酸二甲酯中毒案件损伤程度的评定方法。方法案例中44名中毒者根据GB/Z40-2002《职业性急性硫酸二甲酯中毒诊断标准》进行中毒程度评定,再依据重、轻伤标准作出损伤程度的评定。结果44名硫酸二甲酯中毒案件中重伤4人、轻伤4人;未达到中毒程度,不构成重、轻伤的36人。结论在涉及中毒的案件中,损伤程度的鉴定主要依照国家制定的有关职业性急性化学药品、毒剧药品中毒的诊断及分级标准,结合人体轻、重伤鉴定标准进行。  相似文献   


In the context where terrorism is viewed as an act of crime based on ideology, healing bombing victims using various components of society along with the support of police is critical. The approach is distinct from treatment of other crime victims. This paper describes the strategic role of the police in transforming bombing victims into ‘champions’ to build community resilience, based on the author’s best practice. The transformation process includes five key stages namely physical rehabilitation, psychosocial rehabilitation, harmonization through group therapies and dialogues, empowerment programs, and generating change agents to deliver anti-violence messages. In the process, a collaborative work among police, professionals, experts, civil society, and other proponents is necessary in order to prevent future reciprocal acts of violence in the community.  相似文献   

The pituitary was examined in patients with craniocerebral injuries who died in hospital in various periods after treatment. Control group consisted of victims died at the site of accident. The results indicate the significance of examining the pituitary in craniocerebral injuries for the diagnosis of thanatogenesis, particularly in patients died in hospital. Causes of traumatic changes in the organ were determined, highly incident in the practice of forensic medical experts: directly during injury, as a result of skull bone fractures; during development of dislocation syndrome and in disorders of blood and lymph circulation in the brain matter; resultant from augmenting traumatic edema of the brain.  相似文献   

目的回顾道路交通事故中需要进行涉案者交通方式鉴定的案例。探讨此类案例鉴定的思路和技术方法。方法收集28例近年本单位进行的道路交通事故涉案者交通行为方式鉴定案例,统计涉案者一般情况、损伤程度与交通行为方式的关系,交通事故发生的时间和地点、交通事故中车辆碰撞类型、采用的技术方法等,进行统计学处理。结果本组资料共28起道路交通事故案件,涉案人员共57人,男性50人.女性7人。交通事故发生时间夜间为19例(67.86%),白天为9例(32.14%)。道路类型中,城市市区道路10例(35.7%),城市郊区道路1例(3.6%),省级道路10例(35.7%),高速公路7例(25%)。酒后驾车9例(32.1%)。交通事故类型中,电动自行车与机动车事故5例(17.8%),机动车与自行车事故1例(3.6%),机动车单方事故7例(25.0%);机动车与机动车事故11例(39.3%),机动车与行人事故4例(14.3%)。涉案人员死亡27人,损伤29人,无明显伤害1人。损伤存活者中轻微伤10例(34.5%),轻伤8例(27.6%),重伤1l例(37.9%)。涉案者交通行为方式鉴定种类中,汽车驾驶人和乘车人认定16例(57.1%),摩托车驾驶人和乘车人认定1例(3.6%),电动自行车驾驶人和乘车人认定5例(17.8%),自行车推行和骑行状态认定1例(3.6%),摩托车推行和骑行状态认定1例(3.6%),行人横过公路方向4例(14.3%)。涉案者交通行为方式鉴定采用的技术手段和方法.包括法医学活体损伤检验、法医学尸表检验、涉案肇事车车辆痕迹检验、DNA检验鉴定、现场人体模拟实验等。结论根据人体(活体或尸体)的体表损伤形态特征、痕迹分布,分析其致伤物和致伤方式,结合车辆痕迹检验结果,得出确认符合某种交通行为方式或者不符合某种交通行为方式的判断,结合案件的相关情况分析重建交通事故过程.是进行涉案者交通行为方式鉴定的基本思路。  相似文献   

This article deals with the usefulness and limitations of dental identification methods of human burn victims of two buses accidents in Spain. The first accident happened in Bailen in 1996 and involved 28 badly burned Spanish victims. In the second, in Illescas in 1997, 8 Japanese and 2 Spanish victims lost their lives. In both accidents, postmortem forensic procedures for identification were used, including external and internal examination, routine photographs, and dental examination. Dental identification was established in 57% of the cases in the Bailen accident and 80% in the Illescas accident. The success rate of dental identification varies considerably depending on the nature of the accident, the nationality and country of residence of the victims, the incidence of dental treatment, the availability of adequate dental records, and the degree of dental injuries. A discussion of procedures and methods for identification recommended when dealing with burn victims is included.  相似文献   

一氧化碳(CO)气体中毒致人死亡多见于自杀和意外事件,采用纯CO气体杀人的案例国内罕有报道。本文报道了一起采用瓶装纯CO气体致人中毒死亡的案例,作案方式隐蔽,作案手段鲜见,且伪造了作案现场,给侦查带来一定困难。经刑事技术人员认真细致地现场勘查、尸体检验和物证提取检验,结合调查访问,最终明确了案件性质,认定了犯罪嫌疑人,全面还原了其作案过程。笔者总结分析了该案刑事技术工作中的要点和难点,希望能对同行们有所帮助。  相似文献   

Determinations of blood cyanide and carboxyhemoglobin concentrations were performed in 18 victims found dead in buildings after fires during a 2-year period. The results indicated that 50% of the victims had been exposed to toxic levels of hydrogen cyanide and 90% to toxic levels of carbon monoxide. Lethal concentrations of carbon monoxide were found in 83% of the victims. In one case a lethal blood cyanide but a non-toxic blood carboxyhemoglobin value was found. It is concluded that carbon monoxide appears to be more important than hydrogen cyanide as a toxic agent in the fire atmosphere, but cyanide poisoning without carbon monoxide poisoning may, under certain circumstances, be the cause of death in fire victims.  相似文献   

This paper presents the approach of computer simulation to clarify the questions faced by forensic experts about what causes the various injuries characteristic of two motorcycle victims, including the motorcycle driver and the back seat occupant on the motorcycle, and how to exactly confirm which one of them is the motorcycle driver. Two typical motorcycle-car accident cases were reconstructed to analyze the movement and the load of both the motorcycle driver and the back seat occupant in the collision course. In case one, the back seat occupant suffered fatal head injuries when he fell on the ground after being thrown higher than the motorcycle driver over the top of the car. In case two, the compressive force loaded by the right tibia of the back seat occupant was larger and more durative compared with the motorcycle driver; the back seat occupant suffered a bursting fracture injury of his right tibia. These results might be useful for forensic experts in dealing with similar motorcycle-car collision accidents in the future.  相似文献   

Accident investigation is frequently cited as the cornerstone of an effective occupational health and safety program. We suggest that the literature on accident investigation is based on a model of witnesses as neutral and accurate recording devices. The literature on eyewitness testimony and criminal investigation offers strikingly different conclusions. We review these findings and point to their implication for research on accident investigation in occupational health and safety contexts.  相似文献   

This paper considers the case in which potential victims affect each other by taking care. Analyzing standard liability rules, we show that the rule of strict liability with a defense of contributory negligence is in the best position to induce the efficient outcome, i.e., this liability rule ensures efficiency if victims affect each other negatively, that is care by one victim increases the accident exposure of other victims. This rule also makes attainment likely if victims affect each other positively, that is if care by one victim decreases the accident exposure of other victims. In contrast, other standard liability rules fail to induce first-best care.  相似文献   

In this population-level study, we analyzed how well changes in drug and alcohol use among homicide victims explained declining homicide rates in New York City between 1990 and 1998. Victim demographics, cause of death, and toxicology were obtained for all homicide (N = 12573) and accidental death victims (N = 6351) between 1990 and 1998 from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York (OCME). The proportion of homicide and accident decedents positive for cocaine fell between 1990 and 1998 (13% and 9% respectively); the proportion of homicide and accident decedents positive for opiates and/or alcohol did not change significantly. Changing patterns of drug and alcohol use by homicide victims were comparable to changing patterns of drug and alcohol use in accident victims, suggesting that changes in drug and alcohol use among homicide victims between 1990 and 1998 cannot solely explain the decline in NYC homicide rates.  相似文献   

The forensic odontological examination of 112 victims in the 1983 air accident near Abu Dhabi is described with particular reference to the problems encountered in the age assessment of the 26 children, and serves to illustrate that dental identification in aviation accidents may be of only limited application in Asian victims. Following this accident, other means of identification had misguidedly been removed by the recovery teams. Of those identified, half were by dental means alone, but this amounted to only 6.24% of the total number of victims.  相似文献   

对交通事故中人体衣着痕迹的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体衣着痕迹是交通事故痕迹中人体痕迹的重要组成部分。通过对人体衣着痕迹特征的研究与应用,对交通事故的责任车辆认定,对肇事人的责任追究起着重要的证据作用。  相似文献   

目的探索一氧化碳中毒存在的个体差异性,分析女性可能存在的抵御一氧化碳中毒的机制。方法收集207例不同来源的一氧化碳中毒死亡者血液,测量COHb含量,将案例按照不同的因素分类进行统计学分析。结果不同一氧化碳的来源对于死者的COHb浓度影响显著,而性别对于COHb浓度影响不显著,少年儿童和老年人有可能对COHb的抵御能力差于成年人。  相似文献   

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