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In this contribution, the authors explore the differences and interplays between the rights to privacy and data protection. They describe the two rights and come to the conclusion that they differ both formally and substantially, though overlaps are not to be excluded. Given these different yet not mutually exclusive scopes they then apply the rights to three case-studies (body-scanners, human enhancement technologies, genome sequencing), highlighting in each case potential legal differences concerning the scope of the rights, the role of consent, and the meaning of the proportionality test. Finally, and on the basis of these cases, the authors propose paths for articulating the two rights using the qualitative and quantitative thresholds of the two rights, which leads them to rethink the relationship between privacy and data protection, and ultimately, the status of data protection as a fundamental right.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):319-331
Forensic science plays an increasingly important role in the criminal justice system; yet, many forensic procedures have not been subject to the empirical scrutiny that is expected in other scientific disciplines. Over the past two decades, the scientific community has done well to bridge the gap, but have likely only scratched the tip of the iceberg. We offer the discriminability-reliability distinction as a critical framework to guide future research on diagnostic-testing procedures in the forensic science domain. We argue that the primary concern of the scientist ought to be maximizing discriminability and that the primary concern of the criminal justice system ought to be assessing the reliability of evidence. We argue that Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis is uniquely equipped for determining which of two procedures or conditions has better discriminability and we also demonstrate how estimates of reliability can be extracted from this Signal Detection framework.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2014,11(4):273-294
A major challenge to digital forensic analysis is the ongoing growth in the volume of data seized and presented for analysis. This is a result of the continuing development of storage technology, including increased storage capacity in consumer devices and cloud storage services, and an increase in the number of devices seized per case. Consequently, this has led to increasing backlogs of evidence awaiting analysis, often many months to years, affecting even the largest digital forensic laboratories. Over the preceding years, there has been a variety of research undertaken in relation to the volume challenge. Solutions posed range from data mining, data reduction, increased processing power, distributed processing, artificial intelligence, and other innovative methods. This paper surveys the published research and the proposed solutions. It is concluded that there remains a need for further research with a focus on real world applicability of a method or methods to address the digital forensic data volume challenge.  相似文献   

The processing of personal data across national borders by both governments and the private sector has increased exponentially in recent years, as has the need for legal protections for personal data. This article examines calls for a global legal framework for data protection, and in particular suggestions that have been made in this regard by the International Law Commission and various national data protection authorities. It first examines the scope of a potential legal framework, and proceeds to analyze the status of data protection in international law. The article then considers the various options through which an international framework could be enacted, before drawing some conclusions about the form and scope such a framework could take, the institutions that could coordinate the work on it, and whether the time is ripe for a multinational convention on data protection.  相似文献   

Public and private sector organisations are now able to capture and utilise data on a vast scale, thus heightening the importance of adequate measures for protecting unauthorised disclosure of personal information. In this respect, data breach notification has emerged as an issue of increasing importance throughout the world. It has been the subject of law reform in the United States and in other jurisdictions. This article reviews US, Australian and EU legal developments regarding the mandatory notification of data breaches. The authors highlight areas of concern based on the extant US experience that require further consideration in Australia and in the EU.  相似文献   

There has been much work dedicated to crime analysis and intelligence in recent times. Independently, physical evidence has shown great potential for linking crimes and bringing solid informative data through the increased use of multiple databases. However, their informative potential is still often underestimated and has been poorly integrated into police information systems. We propose a framework that fully introduces this data into an intelligence based system. This framework is built on the study of inference structures extracted from investigators’ every day implicit reasoning processes. Five specific inferences are studied with the particular problem of serial burglary investigation across independent police and legal structures. On the basis of such an analytical approach, a computer prototype has been designed; it has shown great promise and has resulted in several operational successes.  相似文献   

The new E.U. proposal for a general data protection regulation has been introduced to give an answer to the challenges of the evolving digital environment. In some cases, these expectations could be disappointed, since the proposal is still based on the traditional main pillars of the last generation of data protection laws. In the field of consumer data protection, these pillars are the purpose specification principle, the use limitation principle and the “notice and consent” model. Nevertheless, the complexity of data processing, the power of modern analytics and the “transformative” use of personal information drastically limit the awareness of consumers, their capability to evaluate the various consequences of their choices and to give a free and informed consent.  相似文献   

This article considers the development of data protection laws from a position on the periphery of legal consciousness to the situation where it is the subject of intensive legal and media publicity. Focusing on the recent controversies surrounding the use of Facebook apps for political purposes, the article will consider the role and limitations of data and privacy protection laws. The question will be posed – if not answered – whether national or regional laws can be effective in what increasingly is a global information society.  相似文献   

Data protection and privacy gain social importance as technology and data flows play an ever greater role in shaping social structure. Despite this, understanding of public opinion on these issues is conspicuously lacking. This article is a meta-analysis of public opinion surveys on data protection and privacy focussed on EU citizens. The article firstly considers the understanding and awareness of the legal framework for protection as a solid manifestation of the complex concepts of data protection and privacy. This is followed by a consideration of perceptions of privacy and data protection in relation to other social goals, focussing on the most visible of these contexts–the debate surrounding privacy, data protection and security. The article then considers how citizens perceive the ‘real world’ environment in which data processing takes place, before finally considering the public's perception and evaluation of the operation of framework against environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss and apply data protection principles in the context of employment. The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), passed by the Malaysian Parliament in 2010, has affected many aspects of life in Malaysia, including employment. Storage of data by employers is rampant. Management, as the data user, is duty bound to safeguard the employees' data according to the PDPA. Likewise, the employees, as data subjects, enjoy some rights under the PDPA. The author also examines issues of privacy law: whether such law exists in Malaysia and, if so, whether it can be reconciled with the PDPA's principles. The author adopts legal methodology anchored in exploratory analysis, with the legislative text as the main reference point.  相似文献   

随着人类基因组计划的迅猛发展,已有越来越多的Y染色体SNP位点被发现,在个人识别、家系谱的建立、疾病的预测与诊断方面,Y染色体单核苷酸多态性提供了非常有价值的遗传标记。同样在法医学中也有广阔的应用前景。本文综合介绍了SNP和Y-SNP的一般特性及在法医学中的应用价值。  相似文献   

微卫星标记具有高度灵敏性、高度特异性及操作简便省时的特点,使其在目前的动物遗传标记研究中成为一种应用广泛的分子标记技术。本文就牛微卫星标记的特点、研究现状及其在法庭科学中的应用加以论述,并对前景加以评定。  相似文献   

Business Registers (BRs) are a very important information resource for investors, creditors, financial institutions and public authorities. The possibility to aggregate and interconnect these data at a European level could enhance the transparency of companies towards those actors and add a great deal of value to the raw Business Register data. The European BRITE project intended to provide adequate tools to meet these demands. BRITE will provide easier access and cross-border interoperability of Business Register data throughout Europe. On the other hand, the processing of BR data within the BRs and BRITE triggers several important European legislations such as the Data Protection Directive and the Directive on the re-use of public sector information. In this paper, the processing of BR data will be analysed from the perspective of both data protection and public sector information laws, analysing as well the relation between both regulations. Do these regulations strike an optimal balance between the interests of private data vendors to re-use BR data and enhance business transparency and the need to protect the personal data of natural persons?  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an investigation to quantify variations in elemental concentrations amongst different particle size fractions obtained from a suite of sediment samples collected from the River Avon, UK. Concentrations of 49 elements determined by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-AES and ICP-MS) were compared using conventional and multivariate statistical methods in order to assess compositional differences between different size fractions and between different samples. The results showed significant differences between different size fractions and the bulk sediments, but indicated that all of the size fractions considered (<150, 63-150, 20-63 and <20microm) provided an adequate basis on which to identify associations and differences between samples. It was concluded that, while in certain specific circumstances it may be most appropriate to make forensic comparisons based on a very narrowly defined particle size range, for the majority of purposes the <150microm fraction provides the best compromise between sample size requirements and data resolution.  相似文献   

An area of concern which relates to privacy intrusions in Hong Kong is the substantial changes that have taken place in recent years in relation to news gathering and reporting and the activities of local paparazzi. The issue that needs to be addressed is how intrusions of privacy can be protected in Hong Kong. The most significant reform to date has been the enactment of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance which provides rules for the fair handling of information about living individuals. However, the Ordinance is concerned only with data protection and does not provide a general privacy right. This article demonstrates the inadequacies of existing legislation for general privacy protection and examines the possibility of developing a separate action for general privacy via a) an action of extended breach of confidence as demonstrated by the UK model and b) a sui generis cause of action as can be seen in the New Zealand courts.  相似文献   

Non-invasive documentation methods such as surface scanning and radiological imaging are gaining in importance in the forensic field. These three-dimensional technologies provide digital 3D data, which are processed and handled in the computer. However, the sense of touch gets lost using the virtual approach. The haptic device enables the use of the sense of touch to handle and feel digital 3D data. The multifunctional application of a haptic device for forensic approaches is evaluated and illustrated in three different cases: the representation of bone fractures of the lower extremities, by traffic accidents, in a non-invasive manner; the comparison of bone injuries with the presumed injury-inflicting instrument; and in a gunshot case, the identification of the gun by the muzzle imprint, and the reconstruction of the holding position of the gun.The 3D models of the bones are generated from the Computed Tomography (CT) images. The 3D models of the exterior injuries, the injury-inflicting tools and the bone injuries, where a higher resolution is necessary, are created by the optical surface scan.The haptic device is used in combination with the software FreeForm Modelling Plus™ for touching the surface of the 3D models to feel the minute injuries and the surface of tools, to reposition displaced bone parts and to compare an injury-causing instrument with an injury.The repositioning of 3D models in a reconstruction is easier, faster and more precisely executed by means of using the sense of touch and with the user-friendly movement in the 3D space. For representation purposes, the fracture lines of bones are coloured. This work demonstrates that the haptic device is a suitable and efficient application in forensic science. The haptic device offers a new way in the handling of digital data in the virtual 3D space.  相似文献   

In recent years, the reinforcement of security policies alongside the expansion of information systems for law enforcement and crime prevention entailed growing restrictions to personal data protection principles and procedural rights in the European Union. This paper seeks to elucidate this trend, while matching it with an EU institutional discourse based on balancing and proportionality. Indeed, EU institutions regularly present security measures and fundamental rights as somewhat symmetric values to be easily conciliated through balancing and proportionality. Considering the raising of the protection of personal data to the status of a fundamental right by the Charter of Fundamental Rights, its effect on a possible rebalancing of the values at stake is discussed. Yet, we conclude, for the time being, the potential for just and democratic solutions provided by the ideas of balancing and proportionality does not appear to be properly used.  相似文献   

MicroRNA(miRNA或mi R)是一类21~25nt大小的高度保守的内源性单链非编码RNA,在生物体内广泛存在。近年来,在临床研究中与心血管疾病相关的mi RNA不断得以证实,但其在法医学鉴定方面的研究尚未有报道。本文就mi RNA的研究进展及其在心血管疾病中的应用,以及在心源性猝死法医学鉴定中的应用前景进行综述。  相似文献   

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