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Together with the People's Republic of China as a whole,Chinese athletes have undergone an extraordinary process of development in the past 60 years, from being almost nonexistent to becoming highly accomplished and influential on the international stage. China has shed its image as the sick man in East Asia.  相似文献   

Time to Get Fit     
China tries to boost citizen involvement in sports to become an international power in competitions Retired 56-year-old Beijing resident Chu Lirong stood outside the city's National Stadium,the site of the Beijing Olympics  相似文献   

On March 15,the U.S.Federal Reserve announced it would slash its benchmark interest rate by100 basis points to 0-0.25 percent,marking the return of the zero-interest rate era.The Federal Reserve also launched a quantitative easing scheme worth$700billion.On March 23,the Federal Reserve Board announced plans to remove its cap on the purchase of treasuries and mortgage-backed securities to stabilize the market a policy that equals unlimited quantitative easing.  相似文献   

“积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应”,是指导社会主义社会时期宗教工作的行动指针。法律在引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应中起着重大的作用,对国家法律、法规和方针政策的遵守是“相适应”的内涵,关于宗教的法制建设是“相适应”的重要保证,营造良好的法律、政策环境是引导“相适应”的具体措施之一。“法律为宗教与社会主义社会相适应服务”是对宗教与法律理性关系的新阐释。  相似文献   

The Right Fit     
Democracy was a hot topic at the recently concluded National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee sessions.This world has different races and nations as well as diversified forms of democracy.These diversifications do have something in common,such as the pursuit of freedom and providing citizens with the rights to vote and to be voted for.  相似文献   

The eighth round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue(SED) and the seventh round of the China-U.S. High-Level Consultatio on People-to-People Exchanges took place in Beijing on June 6-7. Prior to the most intensive annual dialogues between the two nations, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs convened the 16 th Lanting Forum in Beijing on June 2, during which distinguished scholars and senior Chinese officials in diplomacy, economy and education gave opinions on the development of, and questions surrounding, China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

经典作品作为"经过历史积淀、实践检验、大众认同的具有一定典型性、权威性,并在长期的社会生活实践中产生过积极影响的文化结晶与优秀著作",是经过历史冲刷而遗留下来的宝贵文化遗产。它博大精  相似文献   

TotheeastoftheBeijingZoo,abuildingisunderconstructionwhichwillopenthisJuneas"TheHappyCastle,"thefirstdepartmentstoreforchildreninthecapital.ThegeneralmanageroftheHappyCastleisTeddeSmart,aNorthAmericaninhislateforties.TedfirstcametoBeijinginearly1996,andsaysthatheneverimaginedthathewouldlastfouryearsinBeijing.HefeltthatforeignersinBeijingwereall"laowai"inthewordsofthelocalBeijingdialect.Hepresentedhimselfasaprimeexample.However,henowsayshedoesn'tplantogobacktotheUnitedStatesforalongtime…  相似文献   

ONE old saying that is par-tlcularly rooted in theChinese consciousness is“Spring is the most mean-ingful season.”It has particularsignificance in rural regions,where spring is the time for plow-iug,and for planning the work for  相似文献   

正The Paris climate deal is only a step forward in a long war with a distant end in sight By Deng Yaqing The possibly catastrophic consequences of a warming atmosphere motivate government officials from countries all over the world to gather together every year and negotiate over fighting global climate change.After a legally binding climate deal was reached in Paris among nearly 200 nations last year,the  相似文献   

正My earliest memories of settling in China upon arrival are related to shopping for clothes. Before leaving home, my mother packed my bags with thick, warm clothing, given that China's weather wasn't as warm compared to Nigeria's. But in October when I got here, the weather was warmer than my outfits were suitable for, and there was a need for change.  相似文献   

Other than at Christmas and New Year, large-scale commercial performances by China's dozen-plus orchestras are rare.  相似文献   

AnurbanresidentinChinagenerates440kilo-gramsofrubbishayearonaverage,accordingtoofficialstatistics.Thefigureisincreasingatanestimatedrateof8tol0percentayearasurbanizationaccelerates.Facedwiththemountingpilesofrubbish,thequestionnaturallyarisesastowhowillpaythecostofwastecollectionanddisp0sal.InmostcitiesinChina,fundingcomesfromthelocalgovernmentbudgets.Thisoftenresultsinlargeamountsofrubbishnotbeingdealtwith,especiallysincepriorityisbeinggivent0indus-trialdevel0pment-Beijingstartedt0collectth…  相似文献   

“My mother was shat-tered at my choosing a road so opposed to her own political beliefs,”recalls Gao Ying THE Christians that live in China are generally either born into Christian families or are converts. After the "cultural revolution"  相似文献   

GLOBALIZATION has given China rapid access to world state-of-the-art technologies. Mobile phones, the Internet and constantly emerging new services based on them - MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), MSN (Multiple Subscriber Numbering), mobile QQ and the latest CRBT (coloring ring-back tone) service - have forged a large-scale "thumb economy" dominated by its youth.  相似文献   

正Facing declining physical stamina,advisers urge improvingsports and exercises for youngsters As a former athlete,Wen Yang is a fitness fanatic.Following the principle of catch'em young the Beijing resident,who now runs a garment business in the capital,is particular about his son's physical exercises.Seven years ago,when the boy became a primary school first grader,Wen felt the physical training at the school was insufficient.So he,with the support of other parents,set up a football club where youngsters can continue physical exercises after class.  相似文献   

正As new technologies continue to revolutionize the world of sports,e-fitness emerges as a trendy lifestyle Without having to physically join the run, Huang Lixing made it across the finish line of the Xiamen marathon last October. The 45-year-old sport enthusiast from Zhangzhou, Fujian Province,  相似文献   

ALL Chinese adhere to the old maxim: "Eating is paramount" and accordingly approach each meal in a seriousand responsible manner.Historians agree that the most famous and grand of all imperial banquets was that held in celebration of Emperor Qianlong's 80th birthday in 1791. Qian-  相似文献   

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