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The latter part of 1996 and the first part of 1997 produced continuing changes to the laws concerning employee benefits, as both Congress and the courts continued to focus on this area of the law. This article highlights some of the more important developments during the period with particular focus upon those of concern to the insurance industry.  相似文献   

The first part of this article highlights important judicial developments involving employee benefits and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), as amended, during the latter part of 2003 and the first part of 2004, including the most significant U.S. Supreme Court and federal circuit court decisions. The second part covers recent legislative and regulatory developments in employee benefits law. This article is not meant to be exhaustive, but discusses the more important developments during 2003-2004, with particular focus on issues of concern to the insurance industry.  相似文献   

The impact of health reform on employee health benefits programs could be dramatic. Depending on the health reform program adopted, employers could face significant new regulatory and economic burdens in operating employee health benefits programs or could find themselves greatly relieved of such burdens. President Clinton's proposal, in particular, would dramatically alter today's practices. This article focuses on how the Clinton proposal would change employee health benefits programs. Although President Clinton has indicated a willingness to compromise, his legislation may prove to be a house of cards, with all provisions interdependent. Employers should study all pending proposals carefully and weigh in on the debate so as to ensure that lawmakers are fully educated before making potentially irreversible decisions.  相似文献   

Considering the investment that companies make in establishing and improving fringe benefits, it appears that many of these same companies do very little to translate benefits into a value dimension that employees will understand and appreciate. One answer to the problem is a simple, easily customized form letter that can be given to employees along with their W-2 forms.  相似文献   

With the marked increase in employee benefits litigation, employers and benefit plan sponsors are searching for ways to avoid such lawsuits, minimize their exposure in such lawsuits, and maximize their ability of prevailing in such lawsuits. Benefit claim processing and administration have become fertile areas for lawsuits. Consequently, improving benefit claim processing and administration obviously becomes important, and an area where affirmative actions by the employer and plan sponsor will produce many litigation-related benefits. This article will discuss, in a very simple and straightforward manner, various actions an employer or plan sponsor can take which will decrease the number of lawsuits, minimize the potential exposure if a lawsuit is filed, and maximize the ability of prevailing if a lawsuit is filed.  相似文献   

Magnus M 《The Personnel journal》1981,60(2):103-4, 106-7
Productivity--why it's low and how to enhance it--is on everyone's mind these days. A major component of productivity is employee satisfaction. If an employee is dissatisfied, feels unappreciated or under-compensated, that employee will not perform to the best of his or her ability. How is the personnel administrator to address this pressing problem? One answer that emerges is employee recognition programs. In many cases, properly run recognition programs can boost awareness of the organization, build employee pride, raise morale and, ultimately, increase productivity. As some of our respondents observed, higher salary is not the best answer. While a larger paycheck is always appreciated, everyone's pride is boosted by a public demonstration of appreciation.  相似文献   

当前我国社会利益不均衡的突出表现是收入差距"全范围、多层次"逐步扩大.利益不均衡源于收入分配秩序混乱及两次分配的制度性缺陷.这种差距的扩大若不能及时解决,社会各阶层在经济发展过程中将产生过多的被剥夺感,其结果可能从经济利益的冲突转化为深刻的社会矛盾.因此,必须通过深化改革,建立起全社会的利益均衡共享机制.  相似文献   

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