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论短缩的二行为犯   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张明楷 《中国法学》2004,(3):147-156
短缩的二行为犯(间接目的犯)是以实施第二行为为目的的犯罪,但只有第一行为是构成要件行为,第二行为不是构成要件行为;间接故意可以成立短缩的二行为犯;短缩的二行为犯的目的实现与否,既不影响犯罪的成立,也不影响犯罪既遂的认定;行为人实施了作为目的的第二行为时,应根据四种不同情形区分罪数;不具有特定目的的人与具有特定目的的人共同实施短缩的二行为犯中的第一行为的,以及后行为人参与实施第二行为的,应当根据刑法规定及部分共同犯罪原理,分别不同情形判断是否成立共犯。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(79):17506-17512
This rule revises existing regulations concerning the preparation, submission and approval of State agency cost allocation plans used in computing claims for Federal Financial Participation under public assistance programs. It also reflects the transfer of responsibility for review and approval of the plans to the Division of Cost Allocation (DCA) in the Department's regional offices. This responsibility was previously assigned to the Social and Rehabilitation Service which was abolished by Secretarial Order published on March 9, 1977 (42 FR 13262). The current rule has been rewritten so that it is clearer, easier to understand and more specific. The Department's Informal Grant Appeals regulation relative to cost allocation plans and indirect cost rates (45 CFR Part 75) is also being updated and revised to make it consistent with Supart E, Cost allocation plans, of 45 CFR Part 95, General administration--grant programs (public assistance and medical assistance). Although these regulations are final, the Department has decided to invite public comments for the reasons described in the Supplementary Information below. Comments may be submitted in the manner described below. If changes are needed as a result of the comments received, those changes will be published in the Federal Register along with the comments received and the Department's responses to those comments.  相似文献   

廖根为 《犯罪研究》2008,(6):35-41,47
网上交易犯罪是一种经济利益驱动型犯罪,其犯罪成因可通过经济犯罪基本模型进行研究。作为常见的经济犯罪成因分析模型,犯罪成本收益理论认为:网上交易犯罪与犯罪预期收益有关,犯罪预期收益越大,犯罪越可能发生;与直接成本、心理成本、道德成本、竞争成本等间接成本有关,成本越小,犯罪越可能发生:与犯罪被惩罚的概率有关,概率越小,犯罪越可能发生;与被发现犯罪被惩治因数有关,已发现犯罪受到惩罚的概率小,其犯罪可能性也越大;还与个人心理恐惧常数有关,心理恐惧常数越小的个人,其犯罪概率越大。所以,可通过犯罪收益、直接成本、间接成本、机会成本、侦查措施、个体控制等几个方面进行控制犯罪。  相似文献   

What does it mean to talk about the “cost of civil justice”? What can be done to bring down that cost? This article addresses these two important questions. Drawing on data collected by the Civil Litigation Research Project, the authors first examine the components of cost and then present an extensive analysis of what is by far the dominant element of the cost equation-legal services. The analysis of the cost of legal services examines the amount of time lawyers devote to cases and the rates they charge for their time. The major factors influencing time include adversariness, stakes, litigant goals, and court (federal versus state); hourly rates appear to be determined primarily by the legal services market. The article closes with a discussion of the implications of the results of the analysis for reforms of the civil justice system that might seek to lower the cost of justice.  相似文献   

陈尚志 《政法学刊》2003,20(6):11-13
触目惊心的官员腐败犯罪说明我国的监督机制亟待完善。我国监督文化存在的缺陷,使得监督官员腐败犯罪的氛围难以形成,并导致监督机制缺乏力度,反腐法网不严密,贪污贿赂犯罪机会多、成本低,法律对官员腐败犯罪缺乏应有的威慑作用。因此,必须采取中央主导型反腐败模式,建立高效、独立、权威的反腐专门机构;以法律形式确立公务员制度、财产申报制度、储蓄实名制度;制定专门的《反贪污贿赂法》,严密法网,堵塞漏洞,减少腐败犯罪的机会,提高犯罪成本。  相似文献   

Cross-sectional studies of crime have typically relied on crude crime rates when making comparisons between countries. Crude rates control for population size but implicitly assume that all members of the population are equally at risk. Empirical studies have shown that, cross-nationally, risk varies by age and sex. Standardization of crime rates removes the confounding effects of variable age and sex population distributions. Since age/sex-specific crime rates are generally unavailable for many countries, the method of indirect standardization is the most desirable technique. Age/sex-adjusted homicide rates for 76 countries are presented, and two comparative measures are suggested. It is shown that while the United States has a higher homicide rate than all but 15 countries; in most cases, the magnitude of the difference, not controlling for age/sex differences, is overestimated. Crude rates underestimate differences between the United States and countries with higher rates of homicide.  相似文献   

We are revising the Medicare hospital inpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS) for operating and capital-related costs to implement changes arising from our continuing experience with these systems, and to implement certain provisions made by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Pub. L. 109-171), the Medicare Improvements and Extension Act under Division B, Title I of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109-432), and the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (Pub. L. 109-417). In addition, in the Addendum to this final rule with comment period, we describe the changes to the amounts and factors used to determine the rates for Medicare hospital inpatient services for operating costs and capital-related costs. We also are setting forth the rate of increase limits for certain hospitals and hospital units excluded from the IPPS that are paid on a reasonable cost basis subject to these limits, or that have a portion of a prospective payment system payment based on reasonable cost principles. These changes are applicable to discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2007. In this final rule with comment period, as part of our efforts to further refine the diagnosis related group (DRG) system under the IPPS to better recognize severity of illness among patients, for FY 2008, we are adopting a Medicare Severity DRG (MS DRG) classification system for the IPPS. We are also adopting the structure of the MS-DRG system for the LTCH prospective payment system (referred to as MS-LTC-DRGs) for FY 2008. Among the other policy decisions and changes that we are making, we are making changes related to: limited revisions of the reclassification of cases to MS-DRGs, the relative weights for the MS-LTC-DRGs; applications for new technologies and medical services add-on payments; the wage data, including the occupational mix data, used to compute the FY 2008 wage indices; payments to hospitals for the indirect costs of graduate medical education; submission of hospital quality data; provisions governing the application of sanctions relating to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act of 1986 (EMTALA); provisions governing the disclosure of physician ownership in hospitals and patient safety measures; and provisions relating to services furnished to beneficiaries in custody of penal authorities.  相似文献   

倍率式罚款是罚款具体数额得以"随行就市"的技术手段,是"过罚相当"制裁原则得以动态化实现的规范机制。设定倍率式罚款的两大要素是用以计算罚款数额的特定基数与乘数倍率。由于特定基数的类别和乘数倍率的大小共同决定了罚款数额的幅度弹性,因此两大要素的恰当选择无疑对倍率式罚款的可行性、合理性和有效性具有至关重要的制约意义。本文基于司法案例和立法文件的实证分析,着重研究倍率式罚款的设定问题,包括特定基数与乘数倍率间的关联性、各自的选择原则和方法以及相关的设定技术。  相似文献   

Regulatory costs are an essential aspect of the efficiency and quality of regulations. Moreover, they are a genuine loss of welfare which have a negative impact on national income. Surprisingly, regulatory costs are often neglected or misinterpreted in regulatory assessments, except—though only recently—for administrative compliance costs. One important reason is the lack of a clear and consistent definition as well as a practical and exhaustive typology of regulatory costs. This conceptual paper presents a cost taxonomy that takes into account all costs of regulation. We identify 16 direct and two indirect regulatory cost types. The former are costs borne by society in preparing and implementing regulations. For the government, they consist of information, decision-making, drawing-up, planning, administrative start-up, operational, monitoring, and enforcement costs. Citizens and businesses, on the other hand, incur rent-seeking, information, planning, three types of compliance, delay and enforcement costs. The indirect costs comprise the efficiency loss plus, in the event of poorly designed or market-based regulation, also transaction costs. The neglect of any of these costs may lead to the underestimation of costs in absolute or relative terms and thus to inefficient regulatory choices.  相似文献   

建立一套测定人指纹 ABO血型的方法体系。运用间接免疫酶技术和免疫印迹技术 ,对指纹胶纸提取的指纹、银粉显现提取的指纹、直接转移至硝酸纤维素膜 (NC膜 )上的指纹、银粉显现转移至 NC膜上的指纹、“5 0 2”胶熏显转移至 NC膜上的指纹等进行 ABO血型检测。上述 5种方法采集的 2 12枚指纹 ,绝大部分能正确地检出 ABO血型 ,检出率为 90 %~ 93.8% ;未能检出的样本为非分泌型人指纹。应用间接免疫酶技术及免疫印迹技术测定人指纹的 ABO血型的方法具有特异性强、准确可靠、检测方便等优点 ,在法庭科学中易推广应用 ,并能发挥重要的作用  相似文献   

3D打印冲击下专利间接侵权制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20多年来,3D打印技术的迅猛发展及其打印成本的不断下降,使其渐渐开始融入到人们的日常生活之中。在网络时代背景下,3D数据文件作为侵权客体的"关键部件",能够通过网络共享迅速地传播,将给现有的专利侵权制度带来一场变革。3D打印模式下专利侵权呈现出"版权化"趋势,使现有专利侵权制度中共同侵权的实用性严重"萎缩",而借鉴帮助侵权、代位侵权也并非长远之计。所以,面对专利侵权"新模式",归根结底还是专利间接侵权制度的构建问题。与此同时,借鉴美国《数字千年版权法》也是应对冲击的策略之一。  相似文献   

Is there a middle path between the existing case law of the European Court of Human Rights, which rarely requires accommodation of a religious individual's beliefs, and a ‘general right to conscientious objection’, which would exempt religious individuals from all anti‐discrimination and other rules interfering with manifestations of their beliefs? The author argues that failure to accommodate is better analysed as prima facie indirect discrimination, to highlight the exclusionary effects of non‐accommodation on religious minorities, and that the presence or absence of direct or indirect harm to others (or cost, disruption or inconvenience to the accommodating party) could guide case‐by‐case assessments of whether the prima facie indirect discrimination is justified. The author then applies a harm analysis to the examples of religious clothing or symbols and religiously motivated refusals to serve others, recently considered by the European Court of Human Rights in Eweida and Others v United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Both Switzerland and the United States are highly affluent societies and rank consistently among the top five countries in the world in per capita income, both are Western democracies, both are highly urbanized, and both are highly industrialized. Thus, it is quite surprising to discover that Switzerland has much lower rates of crime and delinquency than is the case for the United States, a fact which is especially true for violent crimes. This paper attempts to explain the sources of the differences in crime rates between the two countries and gives special attention to a comparison of juvenile misconduct in the two countries.

In the first section, difficulties are discussed concerning the measurement of crime and delinquency in Switzerland, a country which collects few data on social problems in general. Some general trends are shown to be clear, however, including marked increases in drug abuse and suicide cases among the young in Switzerland. In the subsequent section, previous explanations of crime in Switzerland as compared to the United States are reviewed with special emphasis on Clinard's famous Cities with Little Crime: The Case of Switzerland (1978). The limitations of earlier interpretations are considered in detail. Finally, this paper ends by generating a set of theoretically and practically informed hypothesis for explaining the differences in crime rates between the two countries. It is hoped that these hypotheses will form the basis for more detailed research in the future.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years UK and Swedish insolvency law has moved in the direction of company rescue rather than enforcing secured creditor priority. However, both countries show a low take up rate of rescue procedures. This paper uses a cost-benefit approach to examine the choices faced by key stakeholders using the now conventional transaction cost paradigm. The paper argues that it is predominantly the ex post indirect and time costs which explain the poor take up of customised rescue procedures. In both countries the ex ante cost of delay in filing also presents a tough challenge not fully addressed by policymakers. JEL Classification K22  相似文献   

The SHARE program, which set per diem prospective rates for New Jersey hospitals during the period 1975-1982, is evaluated. Analysis suggests that this program did contain hospital cost increase. However, the program threatened the viability of most inner-city hospitals. Indirect evidence suggests that there was cost-shifting in response to this program, which regulated payment for only Blue Cross and Medicaid patients. Structural features of this program and its successor, the New Jersey DRG program, are analyzed; and implications for the Medicare prospective payment system are examined.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(140):37590-37596
This final rule allows skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) that provide fewer than 1,500 days of care to Medicare beneficiaries in a cost reporting period to have the option of receiving prospectively determined payment rates in the following cost reporting period. The prospectively determined payment rates are based on components of SNF costs such as routine operating costs, capital-related costs, and a return on equity for proprietary facilities for routine services furnished before October 1, 1993. This rule also specifies that the return on equity provision for proprietary SNFs is eliminated for services furnished on or after October 1, 1993.  相似文献   

This final rule updates the annual payment rates for the Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for inpatient hospital services provided by long-term care hospitals (LTCHs). We are also consolidating the annual July 1 update for payment rates and the October 1 update for Medicare severity long-term care diagnosis-related group (MS-LTC-DRG) weights to a single rulemaking cycle that coincides with the Federal fiscal year (FFY). In addition, we are clarifying various policy issues. This final rule also finalizes the provisions from the Electronic Submission of Cost Reports: Revision to Effective Date of Cost Reporting Period interim final rule with comment period that was published in the May 27, 2005 Federal Register which revises the existing effective date by which all organ procurement organizations (OPOs), rural health clinics (RHCs), Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), and community mental health centers (CMHCs) are required to submit their Medicare cost reports in a standardized electronic format from cost reporting periods ending on or after December 31, 2004 to cost reporting periods ending on or after March 31, 2005. This final rule does not affect the current cost reporting requirement for hospices and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) facilities. Hospices and ESRD facilities are required to continue to submit cost reports under the Medicare regulations in a standardized electronic format for cost reporting periods ending on or after December 31, 2004.  相似文献   

This study describes ecological associations between self-inflicted death rates and prison-level environmental indicators over the period 2000-2002 in England and Wales. The objective was to assist in the development of interventions for reducing the incidence of self-inflicted deaths in prisons in England and Wales, by identifying risk factors, including overcrowding, positive drug tests, the number of assaults, purposeful activity, offending behaviour programmes, and cost per prisoner. Poisson regression was used to estimate associations between self-inflicted death rates and these potential risk factors, controlling for different categories of prison. The annual rate of self-inflicted death during 2000-2002 was 1.14 per 1000 (95% CI 0.98 to 1.34), with no evidence for a difference in the two years. Highest rates were in the Male Local and Women's prisons at 1.86 (95% CI 1.42 to 2.26) and 2.27 (95% CI 1.35 to 3.84) per 1000 respectively. In a multivariate analysis, overcrowding, assault rate and purposeful activity were significant. In an analysis controlling also for prison category, only purposeful activity remained independently significant, as a protective factor (RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.92, p=0.02) with weaker evidence for a positive association with positive drug tests (RR 1.41, 95% CI 0.96 to 2.05, p=0.08). Despite concerns about the quality of routinely collected data and the interpretation of ecological associations, this study suggests that a higher level of purposeful activity is independently associated with lower rates of self-inflicted death, whatever the prison category. This adds support to other studies conducted at the level of the individual prisoner.  相似文献   

We are revising the Medicare hospital inpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS) for operating and capital costs to implement changes arising from our continuing experience with these systems. In addition, in the Addendum to this final rule, we are describing changes to the amounts and factors used to determine the rates for Medicare hospital inpatient services for operating costs and capital-related costs. These changes are applicable to discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2003. We also are setting forth rate-of-increase limits as well as policy changes for hospitals and hospital units excluded from the IPPS that are paid on a cost basis subject to these limits. Among other changes that we are making are: changes to the classification of cases to the diagnosis-related groups (DRGS); changes to the long-term care (LTC)-DRGs and relative weights; the introduction of updated wage data used to compute the wage index; the approval of new technologies for add-on payments; changes to the policies governing postacute care transfers; payments to hospitals for the direct and indirect costs of graduate medical education; pass-through payments for nursing and allied health education programs; determination of hospital beds and patient days for payment adjustment purposes; and payments to critical access hospitals (CAHs).  相似文献   

The impact of gun control and gun ownership levels on violence rates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What effects do gun control restrictions and gun prevalence have on rates of violence and crime? Data were gathered for all 170 U.S. cities with a 1980 population of at least 100,000. The cities were coded for the presence of 19 major categories of firearms restriction, including both state- and city-level restrictions. Multiple indirect indicators of gun prevalence levels were measured and models of city violence rates were estimated using two-stage least-squares methods. The models covered all major categories of intentional violence and crime which frequently involve guns: homicide, suicide, fatal gun accidents, robbery, and aggravated assaults, as well as rape. Findings indicate that (1) gun prevalence levels generally have no net positive effect on total violence rates, (2) homicide, gun assault, and rape rates increase gun prevalence, (3) gun control restrictions have no net effect on gun prevalence levels, and (4) most gun control restrictions generally have no net effect on violence rates. There were, however, some possible exceptions to this last conclusion—of 108 assessments of effects of different gun laws on different types of violence, 7 indicated good support, and another 11 partial support, for the hypothesis of gun control efficacy.  相似文献   

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