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The inner soft tissues of the larynx (i.e., true vocal cord, false vocal cord, paralaryngeal space) were examined by special preparation of the larynx: thyroid cartilage was detached from the cricoid and the laryngeal cords, which could then be examined. Bleeding (not visible before) was found in 18 of 40 cases of persons killed by throttling or choking; bleeding occurred whenever blunt trauma of the throat had taken place (n = 8). Hemorrhage develops even in cases without damage to the laryngeal skeleton; this bleeding can result from direct compression of the larynx (large and not well defined bleeding) and can originate indirectly (small hemorrhages mostly in the vocal muscles). The finding of hemorrhages like this can help to demonstrate that the victim has undergone a violent attack on the throat.  相似文献   

During the consecutive examination of the larynges of (81) deceased persons (strangulation by hand and/or ligature, blunt force against the neck, from other persons), the cricothyroid and cricoarytenoid-articulations were prepared and opened, and capsular or articular cavity hemorrhaging was found in 30% of all cases; a clear distinction being found between effect of manual strangulation (43%) or blunt trauma (44%) on the one hand and strangulation by ligature alone (9%) on the other. The greater the extent of injury to the cartilages the more articular lesions are found as an expression of the mechanical load on the entire laryngohyoid structure.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognized laryngeal injury in young female victims of manual strangulation is described. Twelve larynges that were retrospectively and prospectively collected at the Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario (1982–1997) were used for this study. In all instances, the larynges were from cases of strangulation (mean age 27±10 years, range 20–46) with classical postmortem findings of asphyxia and either manual or combined manual and ligature strangulation. None of the larynges had fractures of the lamina of the thyroid cartilage, superior cornua, or cricoid cartilages. However, in 9 of the 12 cases (75%), sagittal sections revealed multifocal acute haemorrhages into the base of the superior cornua of the thyroid cartilage at the point of origin from the laminae. The presence of acute intra-cartilaginous haemorrhage into the larynx likely represents the disruption of small blood vessels due to elastic deformation of the flexible larynx during strangulation. The recognition of this form of laryngeal injuries broadens the pathological findings in cases of asphyxia associated with pressure on the neck.  相似文献   

A method of preparing the larynx in forensic cases is described especially when death occurs by strangulation (manually or using some form of ligature). After the usual dissection of the hyoid bone and the upper horns of the thyroid cartilage, the complete larynx is clipped and fixed in formaldehyde overnight. The first part of dissection after that is to cut away the thyroid gland and the remaining muscles in front of the larynx, except for the cricothyroid muscle and the esophagus and hypopharynx from the back of the larynx. The complete thyroid cartilage is dissected out, and then a horizontal cut is made through the cricoid cartilage. Median-sagittal halving of the remaining larynx completes the gross dissection. Arytenoid cartilages are exposed by dissection of the arytenoid muscles and opening the cricoarytenoid joints. Now all parts of the laryngeal skeleton and all articulations are examined, and all muscles and soft tissues are visible and can be clipped for histological examination.  相似文献   

Report of two cases: Violations at soft parts of the neck and at larynx pointed to an attack against the throat by strange hand, but local vital reactions showed that the attack had been survived. A 54-year old woman had little excoriations in the skin of the neck, the right great horn of hyoid bone and the left upper process of thyroid cartilage were broken, the fractures were bloodshot. No petechiae in skin and conjunctivitis. Death occurred from a suicidal poisoning of soporifics. The attack against the throat (throttling by hand, conceded by the culprit) had been survived. That was recognizable on a clear cell-reaction in the bleedings within the muscles of the neck. A 87-year old man was found in his rummaged home. Violations of the skin in the face pointed to attacks against mouth and throat; additional maltreatment by gagging and fettering (in the meantime untied) could be supposed. -- Histological examination showed advanced cell-reaction in the wounds, partially even intracellular iron pigment; there was a superposition of old and recent injuries, but even the recent had been survived many hours. The situation of finding the corpse, bleedings inside the iliac muscles, little hemorrhages in the mucosa of the stomach and acetone in blood and urine pointed to a death lately from cold. But complete clearing-up of the case was not yet possible.  相似文献   

Suicides by ligature strangulation are rare events. In Berlin (3.5 million inhabitants; ca. 500 suicides per year) approximately one case per year occurs. Here, we present the main findings of 19 cases investigated between 1978 and 1998, compared to 47 cases of homicidal ligature strangulation. Two of the 19 suicidal victims had single fractures of the upper thyroid horns and one victim a fracture of a lower thyroid horn; other types of laryngohyoid injuries were not observed. In the homicidal series, the laryngohyoid structures were unaffected in 26 cases (12 of these victims were children or adolescents), single thyroid horn fractures were present in three cases and more significant injuries in 18 cases. Macroscopic bleedings of the laryngeal muscles were found in 12 victims of the homicidal group and in none of the suicidal. Bleedings in the neck muscles seldom occurred in suicides. According to these findings, the laryngohyoid injuries can be helpful in the differentiation of suicide from homicide, if more than a single thyroid horn fracture or a laryngeal soft tissue trauma is present.  相似文献   

We present two cases of autopsy detection of laryngeal masses with medico-legal implications. The first is a 56-year-old man who died suddenly of asphyxia due to upper airway obstruction caused by a large glosso-epiglottic retention cyst and glottic oedema. Hypothesis of medical liability was raised, due to delayed tracheotomy as the result of repeated failed attempts at oral intubation by various physicians. Difficult oral intubation due to the presence of a laryngeal mass in an asphyxiating subject requires rapid tracheotomy. The second case deals with a 43-year-old woman who died of asphyxia due to airway obstruction, as a result of injury of a cavernous laryngeal haemangioma after homicidal manual strangulation, with severe haemorrhagic infiltration of the surrounding soft tissues. Damage to laryngeal/hypopharyngeal masses should be considered as a possible sign of manual strangulation, as well as neck skin bruises/abrasions and laryngeal haemorrhages.  相似文献   

The laryngeal cartilages undergo age changes, including mineralization and ossification. Keen and Wainwright defined, in male and female subjects, recognizable stages of radiopacity of the thyroid, cricoid, and arytenoid cartilages. The present study analyzed quantitatively the degree of laryngeal radiopacity to determine whether radiography of the larynx can be used routinely in forensic pathology to estimate age at death. In each of 82 subjects, the larynx was removed during forensic autopsy and subjected to radiography in an anteroposterior orientation. Each radiograph was independently scored by two observers. For each case, the degree of laryngeal radiopacity was evaluated according to the classification of Keen and Wainwright. There was a positive correlation between the total score of laryngeal radiopacity and age (correlation coefficient = 0.74). It was concluded that this method is simple, fast, and nondestructive and has a good reproducibility between observers. Because there was a wide interindividual variability in the same age class, this method must be associated with more accurate methods.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of mechanical asphyxia as a cause of death, especially smothering and choking lacking evident injury, is one of the most difficult tasks in forensic pathology. The present study investigated the intrapulmonary expressions of aquaporins (AQPs; AQP-1 and AQP-5), as markers of water homeostasis, in forensic autopsy cases (total n=64, within 48 h postmortem) of mechanical asphyxiation due to neck compression (strangulation, n=24), including manual/ligature strangulation (n=12) and atypical hanging (n=12), smothering (n=7) and choking (n=8), compared with sudden cardiac death (n=14) and acute brain injury (n=11). Quantification of mRNA using a Taqman real-time PCR assay system demonstrated suppressed expression of AQP-5, but not AQP-1, in smothering and choking, compared with that in strangulation as well as sudden cardiac death and acute brain injury death. Immunostaining of AQP-5 was weakly detected in a linear pattern in the type I alveolar epithelial cells in smothering and choking cases, while cardiac and brain injury death showed marked positivity, and most strangulation cases had AQP-5-positive granular aggregates and fragments in intra-alveolar spaces. These observations indicate a partial difference in pulmonary molecular pathology among these causes of death, suggesting a procedure for possible discrimination of smothering and choking from sudden cardiac death.  相似文献   

Cases of combined suicide are infrequent findings, especially cases in which each method can be lethal. In interpretation of cases with a multitude of serious injuries it might be impossible to discover minor injuries which had occurred in the course of a preceding confrontation, because they may be masked by the general traumatization. In two cases of suicidal fall from a height neck injuries and petechial bleedings were found. The first case (woman 53 years) was a combination suicide (strangulation by ligature, deep incisions into her wrists, jump out of the window). The intensive petechial bleedings in the face could be explained as a result of ligature strangulation and the fracture of a lower thyroid horn as an indirect fracture resulting of the head traumatization. In the second case (girl, 14 years) petechial bleedings in the face were found. Furthermore the victim had marks on her neck-skin, consisting of well-lined bleedings and scratches, presenting a clear pattern, which could be related to a necklace. An explanation of these injuries as a result of a direct impact could not be given. Something must have happened prior the fall. Informations concerning the last hours before her suicide could not be obtained but a strangulation-attempt (by herself? by others?) must be ascertained. The histological investigation of the skin of this region arised a negative vital reaction, therefore a very short interval between that event and the death was assumed.  相似文献   

Sixty-one cases of hemorrhaging of the laryngeal muscles are reported among 86 deaths due to compression of the neck (strangulation by ligature and/or with the hands, blunt force); the results of histological examinations of these cases (laryngeal muscles; hemorrhaging of the cervical muscles and tongue in numerous cases) are discussed, as well as 55 comparative cases (natural, violent death) with regard to vital changes from the hemorrhaging aspect. Although sanguineous infiltration of the laryngeal muscles can occur after death (prone position), it differs macroscopically and in some cases also microscopically from the vital type: extensive bleeding on the inside of the larynx or dorsally above the larynx (PCA muscle), possible combined with histologically detectable ruptures of muscle cells, must be viewed as the result of laryngeal compression suffered when still alive. No clear-cut evidence of emigration or infiltration of leukocytes was found in the cases of immediately fatal strangulation, but there was occasional evidence (6 cases) when protracted maltreatment had taken place. Although there was no clear correlation with age, sex, type of impact, cause of death, or amount of laryngeal bleeding, in 25 of the 61 cases leukocytes were sometimes detectable in enormous amounts within the extravasation; the ratio exceeded that to be expected from the composition of the blood. Findings of this nature have also been made in cases of vital bleeding in other violent or natural deaths; they are not a cell reaction in the proper sense but, when distinctly marked, a vital event--at least in the laryngeal region. These findings can support the assumption of the amount of hemorrhaging in deaths in which the survival time was inadequate for a leukocyte emigration. In 20 cases such findings were combined with localized leucocytosis, which is regarded as an early vital reaction.  相似文献   

Hemorrhages of the tongue can be useful for the diagnosis in cases of lethal neck compression. The reported frequencies of tongue bleedings in the literature in cases of suicidal hanging range from 0 to 14% and in homicidal strangulation (str.) from 5 to 37%. This study gives a summary of the incidence and intensity of tongue bleedings in cases of homicidal str. by ligature, manual str., suicidal str. by ligature and suicidal hanging. In 25% of all homicides significant or massive hemorrhages of the tongue were detected. In contrast to this, in suicidal hanging the tongue was unaffected in 95%. The causes of massive hemorrhages here (2%) could be explained by an "abnormal" position of the loop.  相似文献   

In Finland, homicide by ligature strangulation is a rare event. The purpose of this study was to investigate recent homicide cases by ligature strangulation and to analyse offence and offender characteristics. All forensic psychiatric evaluation statements of offenders accused of ligature strangulation homicides during the 7-year period 1996--2002 (n=19) were reviewed retrospectively. Thirty-five percent of the victims were females. In four cases, the victim was the offender's intimate partner; in one case, it was the stepson; in one case, a father and in the rest of the cases (n=13), an acquaintance. None of the cases involved planning, sadism or sexual elements. In 89% of the cases, the offender was either intoxicated or on drugs at the time of the offence and in 94% of the cases, the victim was found at the scene of the killing. Of the offenders, 63% had crime history, and approximately half of the offenders had experienced parental alcohol abuse, domestic violence or previous trauma. Most of the offenders were unemployed at the time of the offence. In all, 89% were diagnosed as having personality disorder and two were schizophrenic.  相似文献   

Is it possible to distinguish between suicidal and homicidal strangulation by the extent of the injuries of the larynx if the results of the police investigations are uncertain? Therefore evaluation of the German publications (115 reported cases of suicidal strangulation) and our own cases (17 cases). Hereafter more intensive injuries of the neck are extremely rare in cases of self-strangulation. Casuistic: Body of a 40 years old woman with signs of strangulation. The husband declared his wife strangulated herself in the bathtub with the belt of a bathrobe. Autopsy: Typical findings of drowning, intensive injuries of the neck tissues and the larynx. Kind and extent of the findings are speaking well for an assault mainly by manual strangulation. Undepending of the medical findings the police investigations are almost excluding a suicide. Condemnation of the husband.  相似文献   

Finland has one of the highest homicide rates in Western Europe, and almost every tenth homicide is caused by asphyxiation. Reliable statistics, a strict legislation, and an exceptionally high medico-legal autopsy rate formed a base for a nationwide analysis of asphyxia homicides (n = 383) during 30 years. The cases were identified through multiple records, and all the forensic pathology case files were studied in detail. In more than one out of five cases, there were indications of staging, and the homicide was revealed first at autopsy in close to one in ten cases. The vast majority of the homicides took place in private locations and involved persons known to each other. Every third victim was an intimate partner, and every tenth a child. Almost half of the victims died from manual strangulation, one in three from ligature strangulation. Smothering, choking, neck compression with a firm object, and thoracic compression were more rare methods. Drownings were excluded from this study material. Of all the victims, 7% had no observable external injuries. Petechiae were recorded in approximately in 61%, laryngohyoid fractures in 47%, and vocal cord hemorrhages in 16% of the cases. Every tenth female victim had genital injuries. Toxicological analyses were performed in close to all of the cases, and almost three out of four victims tested positive for blood alcohol. The various aspects of the demographics and autopsy findings covered in this study contribute reliable and accurate data to further strengthen the spectrum of observable medico-legal characteristics of asphyxia homicides.  相似文献   

The article presents the analysis of knitted trauma to the hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilages, revealed while searching for fresh fractures of the laryngopharynx skeleton for medico-legal purposes. Neck organocomplexes (n = 440) were completely prepared after fixation in formalin. Old injuries were found in 17.3% of cases, and in 3.2% of cases two elements of the complex were formerly broken. More often there was consolidated trauma to the thyroid (11.4% of cases) and cricoid cartilages (7.3%) and, rarely, to the hyoid bone (1.6%) and cervical part of the trachea (0.2%). These injuries occurred twice as often in men (20.3% of cases) than in women (P < 0.01). Substantiated conclusions are: (1) people of working age are most prone to neck trauma; and (2) from the 1960s the percentage of such traumas in the St. Petersburg region has grown due to urbanization. This article presents data on the localization and morphology of the injuries, as well as a review of symptoms and the course of blunt neck trauma. Despite the difficulties associated with the complete regeneration of injured tissues, forensic pathologists can obtain certain information which police officials may be interested in.  相似文献   

Petechial hemorrhages or ecchymoses in the skin of the face and/or in eyelids and/or conjunctivae are one important feature in postmortem diagnosis of lethal strangulation. On the other hand, petechial bleedings can occur in various causes of death, especially in cases of neck or thoracic compression, they can occur in acute cardiac failure, as a result of blood or skin diseases or as a postmortem phenomenon. The focus of this investigation (retrospective study of 279 corpses, found initially in a prone position or some other face down position) was to analyse the frequency of postmortem (hypostatic) hemorrhages and factors which may influence their development. Petechial hemorrhages in livor mortis in the skin of the trunk and extremities were found in 110 cases (39%). The frequency ranged from 41% in the side position and 44% in the kneeling position to 50% in the prone position. Increasing intensity of livor mortis resulted in an increasing frequency of hemorrhages, up to 59%. In cases with a body-mass-index (BMI) of more than 26 the frequency of hemorrhages increased up to 64%. In cases without livor mortis when the corpses were found as well as in cases with complete movement of livor mortis after turning the corpses, no hemorrhages were found. If hypostasis was partly or completely fixed, the rate of hemorrhages increased up to 50%, without additional increase in longer postmortem intervals. Obviously postmortem petechiae develop neither very soon nor days after death, but within a period of several hours after death.  相似文献   

Laryngohyoid fractures are a frequently investigated matter, especially in the forensic literature. On the other hand, there are only very few (old) forensic reports of such fractures in survived cases. However, healed fractures are not seldom found in forensic autopsies: In a personal series of 1160 forensic autopsies (adult persons) a careful dissection of the laryngohyoid complex was done by 1 investigator. Only a macroscopic examination of the cartilages was carried out; radiographs and histological slices were not regularly made. Therefore only a part of existing old fractures is detectable; for example, healed fissures are not visible with this simple method. Furthermore, asymmetries of the thyroid laminae cannot be declared as posttraumatic without additional examination, because this condition is described as possible anatomic anomaly. From that, the injury frequencies presented here only mark the lower threshold of the existence of such findings. Healed fractures of the upper thyroid horns and the major hyoid horns can be easily detected even in a routine examination, if healing resulted in a fixed dislocation or apposition of bone surrounding the former fracture site. In the present series, this was the predominant localization of old fractures: the upper thyroid horns (43 cases), followed by the hyoid cornua (12 cases), a combination of both sites (5) and cricoid fractures (5). Of the total 65 healed fractures (5.6%), 35 were found in the group of 290 chronic alcoholics (12.1%) and only 3.4% in non-alcoholics. In the subgroup of middle-aged alcoholics, the fracture rate increased up to 19%. However, this group did not present a higher rate of fresh laryngohyoid injuries (not related to strangulation) than the other cases. The old fractures probably resulted from minor "daily" injuries (like falls), which are common, especially in chronic alcoholics. The frequency of such findings should be in mind if an apparently fresh fracture, found in an actual autopsy, should be related to the cause of death: there is a real chance, that this fracture occurred prior, and without causal connection to the factors resulting in death. Therefore a histological examination of the age of this finding is necessary. Cricoid fractures are quite uncommon, except in serious external neck trauma. In 1 of our 5 cases, this fracture was caused by repeated cruelty, finally resulting in death.  相似文献   

Artifactual injuries of the larynx produced by resuscitative intubation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Over a period of 9 months we examined a series of 50 deaths due to natural and unnatural causes in which there had been endotracheal intubation and chest compression during resuscitation at the scene or in the emergency department shortly before death. In 37 of 50 cases (74%) there were airway injuries directly resulting from the intubation procedure which we documented using a standardized protocol and photography. Specific airway injuries, ranging from petechiae to contusions, included oral injury (28%), posterior pharyngeal injury (16%), epiglottic injury (22%), piriform recess injury (12%), laryngeal and tracheal mucosa injury (64%), strap muscle hemorrhage (14%), and cutaneous injury of the neck (4%). In addition, we recorded the presence of facial (6%) and conjunctival petechiae (21%) and attributed these changes to resuscitative chest compression. No cases had associated fractures of the hyoid or thyroid cartilage. Based on our findings, we conclude that resuscitative intubation can cause artifactual injury that may mimic inflicted injuries caused by neck compression, including strangulation and neck holds.  相似文献   

All cases of death caused by explosions of explosive solids, fluids and gases in Sweden during the 6-year period 1979-1984 were analyzed. Among the total of 61 fatalities 33 (54%) were due to accidents (2/3 of them occupational and 1/3 miscellaneous accidents), 25 (41%) were suicides, and only 3 (5%) were associated with terrorist activity. About one half of the occupational accidents were caused by deficient safety devices or defective equipment, while the other half was due to transgression of regulations. All suicides were males, relatively elderly, the majority of them burdened with somatic and mental diseases, alcoholism, social or economical problems, most of them being familiar with explosives. The anatomical localization of suicidal explosive injuries was regular and symmetric, while the accidental and terrorist injuries showed great variations. The terrorist-associated deaths had common features different from all other death cases, strongly suggesting the same type of bomb and the same terrorist group. Explosives caused only superficial burns or singes. Symmetric hemorrhages of the vocal folds and fracture of the laryngeal skeleton were found, as well as ruptures of trachea and lungs. When not ruptured, the lungs showed to different types of injury: hyperinflation, probably due to the blast-induced barotrauma to the respiratory passages, or lung contusions. In cases of suspected terrorist explosions close collaboration between the forensic pathologists and police investigators is mandatory since the bodies of victims protect parts of the bomb from fire or from being spread over a larger area and thus constitute a part of the crime scene.  相似文献   

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