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ON March 20,2021,the latest archaeological discovery at the Sanxingdui ruins site gripped the public's attention:more than 500 ancient artifacts were unearthed in the six newly dis-covered sacrificial pits,including a bronze portrait with painted eyes.a gold mask,and a bronze holy tree sculp-ture.After 34 years since the last finds,these new items become part of the Sanxingdui collection.  相似文献   

在现代生活中,“文明”一词越来越为人们所广泛运用。因此有必要对文明概念的含义、文明与文明时代、文明时代与现代文明、现代文明的结构等,作出进一步的探讨和说明。  相似文献   

生态文明--人类文明发展的必由之路   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
迄今人类所经历的农业文明和工业文明,在一定程度上都是以牺牲自然环境为代价,去换取经济和社会的发展.生态文明是对传统发展观的一种革命性变革,它是从生态危机中引发的忧患意识出发,对人类自然观和价值观的深刻反思和变革.它以发展的眼光和动态的观点来看待和处理人与自然的关系以及人与人的关系,兼顾当前与长远,局部与全局的利益,以确保人类社会得以永续发展.  相似文献   

Out of the Red     
正A state-owned enterprise grasps new opportunities In a huge dome immersed in blue laser lights,people experience a breathtaking race along glowing glass rails,accompanied by adrenaline-pumping music with3D graphics fashing past their eyes. It’s not  相似文献   

An international gathering of anthropologists and ethnologists opens Chinese academics to more conversations about cultures  相似文献   

Out of the Box     
<正>Experiments in education seek to enhance young people’s developmenIf students from China and Denmark were tested in reading,math,English,innovation and cooperation,in which aspects do you think Chinese students would win or lose?Many people would probably doubt Chinese students’innovation and cooperation capabilities.For a long time,Chinese students have been tagged as smart and diligent,but less creative and cooperative,due to the educational system they experience,particularly at the elementary level.However,several facts  相似文献   

Out of the Flood     
正Before the torrential rain hit the city,Zhengzhou,capital of Henan Province in central China,has seldom been associated with flooding.But unprecedented heavy rain poured on July 20,and within an hour from 4 to 5 p.m.the city saw 201.9mm of precipitation,the highest hourly amount ever recorded in China.  相似文献   

傅治平 《湖湘论坛》2007,20(4):39-42
第四文明,又叫生态文明,这是一种被生态环境逼出来的文明.从社会文明发展的纵向看,生态文明是继原始文明、农业文明、工业文明之后的一种新的文明形态;从社会文明的横向面看,随着环境的恶化及人类对人与自然关系认识的加深,生态文明的主体地位必将被不断提升,成为与物质文明、精神文明、政治文明相提并论的一种文明.今天,我们只有"四大文明"共建,做到四个文明协调发展,才能构建起和谐社会.  相似文献   

In his virtual meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on November 16, President Xi Jinping, from the perspective of a commu-nity with a shared future for humanity, pointed out that China and the United States need to increase their communication and coopera-tion, tend to their domestic affairs and, at the same time, shoulder their share of international responsibilities, as well as work together to advance the noble cause of world peace and development. Xi also expressed his readiness to work with President Biden to build consensus and take active steps toward moving China-U.S.relations in a positive direction as doing so will advance the interests of both populations and meet the expectations of the international com-munity.  相似文献   

GARBAGE, shortages of water and diminishing energy resources are the triple miseries of Chinese municipalities, bottlenecking an otherwise powerful momentum in urban development. At the Shanghai Expo, several pavilions are offeting answers, and while waste management solutions may be the least sexy of the three, they've gotten a lot of attention. Ugliness is being made beautiful as well as functional.  相似文献   

The Communist Party of China's (CPC)Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) had a busy year in 2009 as it worked to fight corruption.  相似文献   

论社会主义政治文明与资本主义政治文明之间的区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李奎 《理论月刊》2007,(5):40-43
社会主义政治文明与资本主义政治文明是人类文明发展史上两种不同类型的政治文明,二者既对立又统一,既相区别又相联系,在竞争和比较中共同生存和发展。本文重点讨论社会主义政治文明与资本主义政治文明的九点不同,即从:起源、演进发展、历史形态、经济基础和阶级基础、内涵、本质特征、价值选择、理论品质、前景与发展方向九方面区分两者不同。  相似文献   

正It's been little over a year since the master plan for the Hainan Free Trade Port was released,and all across the province,the effects of bold new policies are taking shape in the form of key industrial parks brimming with business headquarters,research facilities,specialized medical centers,and innovation centers.  相似文献   

IT was at the lowest level I’ve ever experienced, says Li Zhongjian, describing last year’s business confidence in Zhejiang Province’s economic powerhouse, Wenzhou. Li, who has been doing business for 30-odd years, is president of Wenzhou Orient Light Industry Co., Ltd, one of the city’s most prominent enterprises. Nowadays, however, Li is cautiously hopeful about the future. After the release of the China’s 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015) for the Growth of Small  相似文献   

Out in the Cold     
China is set to experience severe employment difficulties in 2009 against the global economic crisis. The huge number of migrant workers will become the first victims of this crisis. Since  相似文献   

生态文明:人类文明的新形态   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
余谋昌 《长白学刊》2007,(2):138-140
当今时代是人类社会的一个大变革的时代.建设生态文明是这个时代的基本特征.我国以社会主义和谐社会为目标,发展循环经济,建设环境友好型社会和资源节约型社会,表明已经向着生态文明的方向前进.我国生态文明建设,是在中国优秀的文化传统基础上,在经济社会和自然环境的现实条件下,通过价值观的转变以及由此带来的生产方式和生活方式的转变,作为国家行为由全国人民的创造性生态化的实践实现的.中华民族将以率先建设生态文明为人类作出新贡献.  相似文献   

政党的产生是人类政治文明发展的重大成就,也是人类政治文明进一步完善的领导力量。中国的政治文明建设必须坚持中国共产党的领导,为此加强党的建设,不仅关系党自身的生存和发展,更关系中国政治文明的发展和进步。只要坚持党的领导和加强党的建设,中国的政治文明的目标一定能够实现。  相似文献   

宪法和政治文明在上层建筑领域内相互作用,相互影响.宪法是政治文明的产物,政治文明使宪法保持稳定和发展,宪法对政治文明又起到保障和促进作用.坚持和完善我国宪法,对于实现和发展具有中国特色的社会主义政治文明具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

罗桂全 《桂海论丛》2007,23(3):20-22
在构建社会主义和谐社会进程中,探讨法治文明与道德文明各自的特性及其内在联系,有助于我们深刻认识和把握二者的互动规律及和谐关系,进而说明社会主义“三个文明”同构建和谐社会的要求是相互统一的,为我们构建社会主义和谐社会,提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

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