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It Takes Two to Tango   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese President Hu Jintao's recent state visit to the United States is viewed by many Chinese as a great success, not only because it has resulted in deeper understanding between the two nations, but also because it is perceived as having paved the way for more stable, all-round development of bilateral ties on a long-term basis. China-U.S. relations have a long history of twists and turns, and have seen controversies and clashes from time to time. For instance,  相似文献   

正China’s aviation industry makes a splash by producing large amphibian aircraft The world’s largest amphibious aircraft,a Chinese-made plane,rolled off the production line in late July in Zhuhai,South China’s Guangdong Province.The event,which took place in front of an audience from industry,government and military  相似文献   

While most of Europe goes on holiday or sits glued to the London Oympics,the euro sovereign debt crisis continues to preoccupy policymakers.In the last week of July,it appeared as if the crisis had reached Olympian proportions as the Spanish Government looked set to follow its banks and seek a bailout from the EU.Dealing with Greece is one problem.Dealing with Spain,and potentially Italy,are problems of a vastly different dimension.As rumors grew of a Spanish bailout request,markets fell and the euro dipped against the dollar.  相似文献   

On August 30, the Graduate School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology announced it would expel students who were taking too long to complete advanced degrees. The relevant regulations say completing a master's degree shouldn't take longer than four years and a doctor's degree eight.  相似文献   

In February 2007, when I visited China as a member of an Egyptian delegation, I was surprised to find that Chinese people could talk about corruption so openly. I had gotten the impression from Western media that China always avoided touching on thetopic.  相似文献   

一九五三年,山西襄汾縣丁村村南的汾河東岸,發現了一些動物化石。經過山西省文物管理部門進一步調查,又获得了原始牛角、象的下頜骨、犀牛和馬的牙齒等化石,還有人工打擊的石片等。一九五四年秋,中國科學院古脊椎動物与古人類研究所同山西省文物管理部門等單位組成發掘隊,在這里又進行了系統的調查發掘。他們在以丁村為中心的長达十一公里、寬五公里的地段内,發現大批石器、動物化石和三枚人類牙齒化石。經古人類學家鑒定,这三枚牙齒,一為上内側門齒,一為右下二臼齒,另一為右上外側門齒,均属于一个十二三岁儿童个体的;从齒冠較高、體積較小、嚼面紋理不甚複雜及石化程度等特徵考證,比較早發現的‘北京猿人’進步,而比現代人原始,属于人类发展史上的古人階段的一種人類,故命名為‘丁村人’。  相似文献   

Editor:The Beijing—based Economic Daily recentlycarried the headline,“China Takes Three Steps As theWorld Takes One”—an observation on China's eco-nomic growth.Its 16 percent annual GDP growthmeans that Pudong is advancing at double that speed.This phenomenal growth rate makes Pudong the cen—tral focus of this issue.  相似文献   

中央电视台《经济半小时》在《对话》栏目请吴敬琏先生从"问题"的角度谈了自己对股市的一些认识和看法,目的十分明确,即希望中国的股市走向规范健康,为投资者提供畅通和较为安全的投资渠道。但万万没有料到,吴敬琏先生当时的一番言论却引起了轩然大波,遭到许多媒体、学者、股民甚至重量级经济学家的"围追堵截"。有人指责他的"言论"有操纵股市之嫌,是最近股市下跌的直接"导火索";有人指责他"情绪化"、"偏激不专业"、"不是股民,没资格谈股市";甚至有些经济学家还给他戴了不少帽子,认为他"反感股市","否定股市的成就",暗含着否定"国企改革和改革开放"的意思。  相似文献   

By launching an assembly line in Tianjin, Airbus will help promote the aviation industry in the municipality Of late, the Chinese Government has been keen on making Tianjin the country's northern economic hub over Beijing, and Airbus has taken a big step to fulfill that huge order. The French company has agreed to locate its first civil aviation aircraft assembly  相似文献   

China Takes Wing     
COVER STORY If all goes according to plan, Chinese air travellers will be boarding big commercial airliners designed and manufactured in China by the year 2020. The aviation market, long dominated by Boeing and Airbus, will face a home grown challenge in a lucrative arena that is forecast to see China purchase 2230 new aircraft in the period leading up to 2025. It is hoped that many of those aircraft would be stamped “Made in China.” With government lending its weight to the development process, the civil aviation industry is aware it will take time to get into full flight and has fastened its seatbelts. Known for its high risk, hi-tech input and snail pace returns, the industry is taking it one step at a time all the way to the runway.  相似文献   

最近,浙江省衢州市市委书记蔡奇到省会杭州推销20几个“衢州保姆”。对这件事,衢州有人评论说,市委书记应该琢磨大事,管全局,搞些沽名钓誉的小事,有失身份。但本人对蔡书记的所为拍手称快。 群众利益无小事。凡是涉及群众切身利益和实际困  相似文献   

Nobody likes a critic-especially one in a foreign country. There's something deeply irri- tating about foreigners moaning  相似文献   

党的十二届三中全会《决定》指出:“社会主义的根本任务就是发展社会生产力,就是要使社会财富越来越多地涌现出来,不断地满足人民日益增长的物质和文化需要。”深圳青年提出了:“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”这个口号。经过实践证明,这个口号是完全符合党的《决定》的。过去,人们把“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”,视为资本主义的特产,似乎社会主义可以不讲时间,不讲效率。因此,“上班磨洋工,下班打冲锋。”成了一种通病。诚然,资本家提出了类似的口号,但他们是为了从工人身上榨取血汗,攫取更多的剩余价值。我们社会主义却是要创造出比资本主义更高的劳动生产率,使生  相似文献   

Fu Chengyu, Chief Executive of China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), has been honored with the 2006 China Business Leader award. In a unanimous agreement by the jury, Fu's strength and courage in taking his company to the brink of a takeover of California-based oil and gas  相似文献   

Change in diplomatic parlance hints at a further warming of Sino-U.S. ties, even as differences continue If there is one word that has emerged as a keyword in Sino-U.S. relations since 2005, that is "stakeholder." It first came up in a speech last September by U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, who proposed that China be a "responsible stakeholder" in the international system. To many experts in international studies, it indicated that Washington was setting  相似文献   

The painful reforms chosen by French voters to rejuvenate their sluggish economy have smoothed the way for Nicolas Sarkozy to take up France's top political job.The 52-year-old leader of the ruling right-wing Union  相似文献   

China's market-oriented operation of its for- eign exchange reserves, the world's largest,made substantial progress with the inauguration of a long- awaited investment ann on September 29.Among the company's star-studded management team is Gao Xiqing,a former Wall Street lawyer,who is tasked with day-to-day investment decisions. Gao has been designated as gen-  相似文献   

China's third largest state-owned bank makes a key acquisition to expand its private banking services overseas The Bank of China Ltd. (BOC) just got one step closer to expanding its private banking services in other countries.  相似文献   

American television shows find a devoted Internet audience in China It is the end of an era! many Chinese netizens exclaimed after the four heroines of the ABC network’s hit TV  相似文献   

Chinese exporters have been on the ropes in recent times,taking severe body blows from accusations of below-quality or dangerous products being exported to the United States.At a press conference on August 27,Li Changjiang,Minister of  相似文献   

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