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Cowley G 《Newsweek》1997,129(26):56-67

钟卫国 《理论导刊》2005,1(4):28-30
党的十六大提出的“确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则”具有重大意义。对马克思的劳动价值论进行深入剖析后可知,马克思并不是价值一元论者,而是价值多元论者,但他的价值论和西方经济学的价值论有所不同。当今社会的按劳分配只能且理应是在生产要素按贡献分配范畴内的按劳动力价值分配。之所以强调按劳分配为主,并不是因为其与生产要素按贡献分配是两个不同的分配范畴,而是因为在生产诸要素中,劳动是唯一的主观因素,是价值的唯一源泉和价值大小的首要决定因素。惟有理清按劳分配与生产要素按贡献分配的关系,才能真正廓清非劳动收入与剥削收入的关系。  相似文献   

Daniel B. Klein 《Society》2009,46(2):137-146
The paper develops the idea of configuration of ownership to distinguish three primary political ideologies: (classical) liberalism, conservatism, and leftism. The liberal configuration is atomistic in its recognition of owners and ownership claims; it conforms closely to Adam Smith’s “commutative justice,” which Smith represented as a sort of social grammar. The conservative configuration also strives for a social grammar, but it counts among the set of owners certain spirit-lords such as God and Patria. The liberal and conservative configurations become isomorphic if and only if the ownership claims of the conservative spirit-lords are reduced to nothing. The left configuration ascribes fundamental ownership of resources to the people, the state, and sees laws as organizational house-rules into which one enters voluntary by choosing to remain within the polity; the type of justice that pertains is parallel to Smith’s “distributive justice,” which Smith associated with aspirational rules for achieving beauty in composition. The scheme illuminates why the left’s conception of liberty consists in civil liberties. The formulation of configurations is used to interpret the semantics of the three primary ideologies. Meanwhile, it is noted that actually existing parties and movements are admixtures of the three primary ideologies. For example, what makes Republicanism “conservative” is that it is relatively conservative; it by no means thoroughly or consistently rejects the precept of collective ownership by the polity.
Daniel B. KleinEmail:

王小丽 《学理论》2012,(9):87-88
为了使历史学更好地适应社会,历史学走向大众,历史教育与研究也趋于社会化,但在将历史学推向社会的过程中也产生了诸多问题,因此,历史学适应社会要有正确的方向。  相似文献   

Amihai Glazer 《Public Choice》2008,134(3-4):247-254
A person may vote for a candidate to please citizens who prefer the same candidate, and to anger citizens who dislike the candidate. Such behavior is consistent with high turnout (though any one vote is unlikely to be decisive), with strategic voting, and with candidates adopting divergent positions.  相似文献   

Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice (2009 Sen, A. 2009. The idea of justice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) mistakenly characterizes transcendental accounts of justice as being unable to compare non-ideal alternatives, and thus misfires as a criticism of Robert Nozick and John Rawls. In fact, Nozick’s disinterest in when rights may be overridden does not bespeak indifference to specific questions of comparative assessment, and Lockean rights do give determinate advice in everyday circumstances. Sen correctly reports that Rawls’s theory is defective at giving practical normative advice, but the basic problem is the over-rigidity of Rawls’s absolute priority relations, not transcendentalism. Sen’s search for a complete moral theory requires that he produce one. Act consequentialism is one promising complete theory of justice, having both transcendental grounding and clear methods for comparative assessment. I also propose moving from Sen’s capabilities standard of social justice to one based on functioning. The latter facilitates distinguishing between trivial and worthless capabilities and important and worthwhile ones, and focuses social justice more squarely on the end of well-being.  相似文献   

应对突发事件的政策环境建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效应对突发事件,在制定突发事件应对措施时,应加强政策环境建设。加强政策环境建设有重要的意义,它是有效应对突发事件的基础和出发点,决定着应对突发事件的政策的变化和发展方向,界定了应对突发事件政策的目标和内容选择。可采取的具体措施主要有:建立强大的经济后盾,为突发事件创造物质保障;增强全民的道德伦理教育,为突发事件创造稳定的环境;加强政府的危机管理水平,使突发事件的危害降低到最小程度;加强政策立法,使应急措施权威化;建立强大的信息反馈系统,使突发事件及早就诊。  相似文献   

王晓刚 《理论导刊》2005,13(11):23-25
"各尽所能,按需分配"的思想最早由空想社会主义者提出,在马克思那里这一思想得到改造与升华,并将之作为共产主义社会高级阶段的一个基本特征.十六届四中全会把形成各尽所能、各得其所而又和谐相处的社会作为党的奋斗目标写进党的文献."各尽所能,各得其所"正是马克思关于"各尽所能,按需分配"思想在社会主义初级阶段的具体体现,"各尽所能,各得其所"又是当前构建社会主义和谐社会的重要目标.  相似文献   

The principle of fairness, first introduced by H. L. A. Hart in 1955, is able to support a workable theory of political obligation upon liberal premises. In a previous paper, 'Presumptive benefit, fairness, and political obligation', I argued that the principle can establish general obligations to cooperate in the provision of 'presumptive public goods' (that is, public goods that are indispensable to the typical member of society). Because a wider range of governmental services is necessary for the provision of presumptive goods, the principle also supports obligations to support 'discretionary public goods' (goods that are desirable but not indispensable). The 'indirect argument' developed in this paper counters the criticisms of my previous paper presented by A. John Simmons in 'The anarchist position: a reply to Klosko and Senor'.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Kesteven's 'Talking to Fishers' appeared in the March 1996 issue of AJPA 55(1). Here, Nick Rayns takes issue with Dr Kesteven's observations on the South East Fishery Workshop, held at Bateman's Bay in September 1994. Dr Kesteven's rejoinder follows this response.  相似文献   

一、信息化是现代化的重要推进器1 信息技术对经济增长的贡献日增。根据西蒙·库兹涅茨的研究 ,在人均国民生产总值 30 0~10 0 0美元的时期 ,加工制造业内部结构转换加快 ,当上升到人均国民生产总值 10 0 0美元以上的时期 ,服务业比重迅速增大。反过来 ,经济发展水平的提高在很大程度上又取决于产业结构的高级化。在工业化完成之后 ,信息产业将是影响经济增长的主要变量。传统产业受到市场容量和科技进步的制约 ,经济增长必须由高于平均增长率的新兴产业来支持 ,通过结构性转换来实现技术创新和产品创新。产业结构转换节奏越快 ,经济增长越…  相似文献   

Errata to     
《Public Choice》1980,35(1):128-128

Errata to     
《Public Choice》1981,37(2):388-388

重视行政程序提高依法行政水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从一定意义上讲,依法行政主要是依法定程序行政。行政程序对于具体行政行为具有积极而重要的意义。我国历来就有轻视程序的文化传统,现实社会中,行政活动轻视程序的问题依然比较严重。重视行政程序、加强程序建设在我国显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

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