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J. Bowyer Bell 《Society》1991,28(3):49-60
He is author of a book on the IRA, The Secret Army,and other books on terrorism, among them Transnational Terror; A Time of Terror: How Democratic Societies Respond to Revolutionary Violence; and The Gun in Politics,published by Transaction.  相似文献   

A study of the conditions under which parents reproduce their political ideologies in their adolescent children, conducted in Israel, shows that (1) parents do reproduce their political outlooks, (2) there is a greater likelihood that hawkish parents will have like-minded children than dovish ones, and (3) whereas the reproduction of doves is dependent on higher education, hawks reproduce regardless of their level of education, authoritarianism, or religiosity. The data are from 400 parent/child interviews. Cohort and intrafamily analysis are used to explain the change from generation to generation and the continuity and change within families. Clues to the tendency to move right are discerned in (1) the relative hawkishness of parents of 18-year-olds who are about to begin their army service, (2) the relative complexity of the dovish position, (3) the continuous Israeli-Arab conflict into which Israeli adolescents are born, and (4) the rise of the ideology advocating Israel's right to the territories conquered in 1967.The study of ideological continuity between generations and within families is part of a project that examines the negotiation of political identity of adolescents through the interaction of family, television, and peers (Liebes, 1987), sponsored by the Spencer Foundation.  相似文献   

I develop a method to measure the ideology of candidates and contributors using campaign finance data. Combined with a data set of over 100 million contribution records from state and federal elections, the method estimates ideal points for an expansive range of political actors. The common pool of contributors who give across institutions and levels of politics makes it possible to recover a unified set of ideological measures for members of Congress, the president and executive branch, state legislators, governors, and other state officials, as well as the interest groups and individuals who make political donations. Since candidates fundraise regardless of incumbency status, the method estimates ideal points for both incumbents and nonincumbents. After establishing measure validity and addressing issues concerning strategic behavior, I present results for a variety of political actors and discuss several promising avenues of research made possible by the new measures.  相似文献   

思想政治教育的意识形态功能与社会思潮引领   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自改革开放以来,我国社会各种思潮相互激荡.充分发挥思想政治教育的意识形态功能正是用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮的主要途径.社会思潮在社会意识结构中具有特殊的地位和作用.正确有效地发挥思想政治教育的意识形态功能应当坚持做到三个结合:一是原则上的一元性与多层次性相结合;二是途径上的灌输性与渗透性相结合;三是方针上的批判性与建设性相结合.  相似文献   

Lawrence Veysey 《Society》1988,25(2):58-61
He is retired and lives in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Although the literature examining the relationship between ideological congruence and electoral rules is quite large, relatively little attention has been paid to how congruence should be conceptualized. As we demonstrate, empirical results regarding ideological congruence can depend on exactly how scholars conceptualize and measure it. In addition to clarifying various aspects of how scholars currently conceptualize congruence, we introduce a new conceptualization and measure of congruence that captures a long tradition in democratic theory emphasizing the ideal of having a legislature that accurately reflects the preferences of the citizenry as a whole. Our new measure is the direct counterpart for congruence of the vote-seat disproportionality measures so heavily used in comparative studies of representation. Using particularly appropriate data from the  Comparative Study of Electoral Systems,  we find that governments in proportional democracies are not substantively more congruent than those in majoritarian democracies. Proportional democracies are, however, characterized by more representative legislatures.  相似文献   

党的思想路线即认识路线,是党的思想法宝,实事求是是其核心内容.本文探讨了党的思想路线的历史渊源,论述了党的思想路线的理论基础及坚持党的思想路线的重要意义.  相似文献   

A growing concern among municipal officials across the United States is that their policymaking capacity is under attack by state legislatures who are increasingly likely to preempt those municipalities. However, determining the extent to which municipalities are preempted is challenging. We overcome this by surveying a large sample of municipal officials from across the United States. We find that officials from municipalities that are more ideologically distant from their state overall are more likely to report being preempted by their state government. Moreover, this pattern is driven by more liberal municipalities in both Republican and Democratic states reporting higher rates of preemption. Additionally, municipalities under unified state governments are more likely to report preemption, especially those under unified Republican control. These findings have important implications for the quality of representation in our federalist system and indicate that preemption is not just an issue between Republican states and liberal urban cities.  相似文献   

Competitive elections do not produce representation. We demonstrate that elections in which incumbents win by landslides yield Representatives who are ideologically closer to their voters than elections with narrow margins. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ideological proximity to one's Representative creates feelings of trust and efficacy, but that competitive elections do not. In fact, since competitive elections produce ideological distance between voters and their Representatives, and that distance produces dissatisfaction, competitive elections indirectly reduce voters' feelings of trust and efficacy. Thus, competitive elections are paradoxically harmful to representation.  相似文献   

Prior to the leadership of Margaret Thatcher, traditional academic assumptions about the British Conservative party focused on its emphasis on party unity, the centrality of loyalty to the party, and its ideological pragmatism in the pursuit of power. The leadership of her successor, John Major, was undermined by disunity, disloyalty and ideological conflict, which contributed to the Tory party's removal from power. The ideological implosion of one the most disciplined and electorally successful parties in Western Europe, has stimulated considerable academic appraisal. This article considers the design and utilisation of the ideological typologies of contemporary British conservatism that have been used by academics to help explain the nature of this ideological conflict. By analysing these developments in typological design, we can enhance our understanding of the ideological realignment of contemporary British conservatism in the immediate post-Thatcherite era.  相似文献   

中国模式是客观存在,同时至少在两个子模式——政治模式、经济模式上展示了她的特色与独特魅力;中国模式是一种发展中的模式,需要不断改进,是对世界和中国自身的发展经验的汲取、总结和累积;思想解放运动是"破"与"立"的辩证统一,中国模式的形成过程与思想解放深刻关联,五次典型的思想解放运动推动了中国模式的形成。  相似文献   

论和谐社会与意识形态建设   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
构建和谐社会,需要对人们的思想观念和价值体系进行引导,使社会主流意识形态得以确立。因此,加强意识形态建设是构建和谐社会的题中应有之义。  相似文献   

论考核思维的突破   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要想使考核结果客观准确,必须克服来自考核认知过程中的主、客体和情境干扰因素,但在实际操作中,由于我们的考核思维始终停留在线性思维、狭隘的系统思维和缺少中介思维上,这样就很难克服上述干扰困难.因此,必须在考核思维上要有所突破将非线性思维(混沌思维)、生态学思维和虚拟数字中介思维运用到考核中去.  相似文献   

胡艳 《学理论》2012,(4):134-135
从育人目标、现状分析、对策研究三个方面入手,分析了高校两课教育所面临的问题与挑战,从坚信党的创新理论,加强自身人格修养,推行创造性教学方法,提高教学科研能力方面入手,提出了高校思政课教师如何增强思想政治课的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

党的思想政治工作是经济工作和其他各项工作的“生命线”。做好思想政治工作 ,必须讲究恰当的作用方式。思想政治工作作用方式 ,是指思想政治工作者的思想与思想政治工作对象的思想发生作用所采取的方式。两种思想发生联结后 ,它们之间必然要发生这样那样的相互作用 ,为此 ,我们要研究它们之间的作用采取什么样的方式进行。在思想政治工作过程中 ,如何发挥思想政治工作作用方式的作用 ,才能使本社会占统治地位的思想为人们所接受 ,并内化为自己的需要 ,这正是思想政治工作实践提出的现实课题。一、理论启发所谓理论启发 ,是指思想政治工作者…  相似文献   

新时代党的意识形态独树一帜、逻辑清晰、内涵丰富、意蕴深远,是马克思主义同中国国情、党情、民情相结合的时代产物。通过对中国共产党意识形态的审视,不难发现意识形态文化溯源可追溯至中国底蕴深厚的文化自信,思想溯源可追溯至西方意识形态的辩证借鉴,理论溯源可追溯至马克思主义经典作家的精神精华,实践溯源可追溯至中国共产党实践经验的总结。从文化、思想、理论、实践四个向度把握中国共产党意识形态的来源,有助于提升对新时代党的意识形态的认识,引导人民砥砺奋进,发挥意识形态的极端重要作用。  相似文献   

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