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随着经济全球化的纵深发展,劳工权益与贸易问题联系越发紧密。从NAFTA到韩美FTA,美国在FTA中厉行劳工标准,将贸易与劳动挂钩。虽然这种行为遭到发展中国家的强烈反对,但基于国际贸易对劳工标准的影响确实存在加之自由贸易协定带来的巨大利益,有发展中国家也开始在FTA谈判中纳入劳工条款。不过,由于各FTA缔约方谈判力量的差异,因此其劳工条款也不甚相同。本文拟对韩美FTA与中新FTA劳工条款进行比较分析并略提管见。  相似文献   

罗斌 《法制与社会》2011,(21):26-29,41
随着《知识产权协定》的签署,美国、欧盟等发达国家和地区逐渐认识到全球范围的多边会谈不易达成符合发达国家利益的知识产权保护体系,于是试图以双边或多边的投资或贸易保护协定推行高标准的知识产权保护,因此形成了TRIPs-Plus条款。本文分析了该类条款的法律特征,及在其他国家间产生的影响,旨在为我国今后参与国际知识产权保护和签订自由贸易协定提供有益的参考和启示。  相似文献   

《北美自由贸易协定》争端解决机制的创新及意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、新争端解决机制的特点NAFTA投资争端解决机制,是在《美加自由贸易协定》(FDA)和美、加、墨三国作为当事一方的双边投资条约基础之上发展起来的,在一定程度上也受到世界贸易组织(WTO)前身关贸总协定(GATT)争端解决机制的影响,与经合组织(OECD)的《多边投资协定(草案)》(MAI)有  相似文献   

朱颖 《知识产权》2006,16(5):87-91
美国重视知识产权的作用,因而通过国内立法严格保护知识产权。进入20世纪80年代后,知识产权已成为国际贸易的一个重要因素。为了在国际范围维护美国的利益,美国就产生了“特别301条款”,并修改了“337条款”,但美国并不满足与此,结果促使了多边贸易体制中产生了《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》,但美国仍觉不满,随着推行“竞争性自由化”战略,美国在区域和双边领域产生了一系列的自由贸易协定,美国借助自由贸易协定把美国国内的知识产权保护法律写入协定文本。  相似文献   

《中新自由贸易协定》中自然人移动条款的法学评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
规定有自然人移动条款的《中国新西兰自由贸易协定》于2008年10月1日实施,这是我国与发达国家订立的首个自由贸易协定,也是中国与外国(或国际组织)订立的自由贸易协定中首个包含自然人移动条款内容的协定,意义重大。本文重点分析了这些条款的五个特点,并指出了该条款的两点不足:(1)没能充分反映从事贸易的自然人自由移动的要求;(2)缺乏对关于相关人士的配偶、子女家庭等往来和停留便利的规定。  相似文献   

钟立国 《时代法学》2009,7(6):41-49
北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)是世界上第一个南北型自由贸易协定,在借鉴关贸总协定争端解决机制的基础上,创设了一整套较有效的争端解决机制。之后美国在与其他国家签订区域贸易协定时,在借鉴、吸收其经验教训的基础上,对争端解决机制又逐步作了一些重大改进,较有代表性的,  相似文献   

美国的知识产权国际保护的法律体系主要由国内贸易法中的"特别301条款"和"337条款"、WTO框架下的TRIPs协议、双边自由贸易协定中的知识产权保护条款等组成,形成了一个多层次的保护网络。美国知识产权国际保护的法律体系及其特点,对我国知识产权保护、对提高我国自主创新能力、对积极应对国际知识产权诉讼,有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

王彦志 《当代法学》2021,35(2):44-58
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)是东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)主导、中国积极推动、ASEAN其他亚太重要伙伴国积极参与达成的超大规模自由贸易协定.RCEP投资章节体现并推进了兼顾投资保护、促进、自由化、便利化和东道国正当公共政策目标规制权的高水平、平衡化的全球发展趋势.RCEP投资章节具有诸多亚洲特色,主要包括:审慎节制的投资保护条款、渐进务实的投资准入自由化条款、具体细化的投资促进与便利化条款、以例外条款为主的东道国规制权和社会条款、灵活包容的发展条款、暂时搁置的投资者与国家间争端解决条款.RCEP投资章节存在若干不足,主要包括:过度限制了公平公正待遇、可能过度限制了间接征收认定标准、缺失了合作性的可持续发展与社会条款、搁置了投资争端解决条款、增加了国际投资法的复杂性.RCEP投资章节将来需要进一步完善.  相似文献   

沈伟 《中外法学》2012,(5):1046-1068
鉴于日益增长的国际投资仲裁体系和通过双边投资协定(及其与之联系的国际投资仲裁案例)施加于东道国保护外国投资的国际法义务的重要性,合理解释和适用中国签订的为数众多的双边投资协定的投资争端仲裁条款就显得极为重要。本文以谢业深诉秘鲁共和国案管辖权裁决所涉及的"争端"定义的范围、"涉及征收的赔偿数额"的解释、"分岔路口"条款、国内法院和华盛顿中心仲裁的相互关系、诉诸华盛顿中心仲裁的同意以及程序权利的最惠国待遇等问题为切入点,重点考察了中国第一代双边投资协定中限制性投资争端解决条款的解释和适用。此外,本文从中国最近签署的若干个自由贸易或投资协定的投资仲裁条款中简要分析其中核心成分的立法趋势。  相似文献   

王燕 《法学》2018,(2):150-162
自由贸易协定的话语成效取决于谈判国能否根据本国谈判目标进行规则供给,与冲突规则展开竞争,并使其经贸规则兼备形式上的一致性和实质上的有效性等若干条件。由中国已签署的14项自由贸易协定的话语建构判断,中国具备了一定的规则供给和规则竞争能力,只是现有的经贸规则若应用于"一带一路"建设,则存在与基础设施建设相关的规则供给不足,对正在形成的不利规则主动防御意识不够,合作型条款建构过度而应对贸易投资壁垒有效性欠佳等问题,亟需在中国与"一带一路"沿线国家的自由贸易协定中加以完善。  相似文献   

This study gives evidence through the International Comparative Law, two rules that come from standardization bodies of different nature, such as standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ASTM International (ASTM International), which are recognized in the international trade and domestic trade, but it plays erratically, being in some significant cases and not in others mandatory. Thus constituting real technical barriers to trade through discriminatory criteria, contrary to the provisions and spirit of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of which Mexico, the U.S. and Canada are also part.  相似文献   

近年以来,美国与欧盟等发达国家利用TRIPS协议的弹性规定,在与其他国家签订的自由贸易协定中大量加入TRIPS-plus条款。这些条款通过对TRIPS的拓展以及限制来提高知识产权保护标准,在药品的专利保护领域尤为突出。实践证明,TRIPS-plus条款严重影响了发展中国家药品的可及性。我国作为大量依靠仿制药品的发展中国家,在国内立法以及签署自由贸易区协定等国际条约时,应当对TRIPS-plus条款保持高度警惕,审慎引入专利链接制度,为数据独占保护设置限制条件,保留强制许可、平行进口等TRIPS允许的弹性条款,尽量为国内政策预留一些选择空间。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the provisions of the Agreement on Investment of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (the “ASEAN”), especially those on the scope of application, national treatment, Most Favored Nation (MFN) treatment, expropriation, and investor-state dispute resolution. The paper then compares the new agreement with other international investment agreements concluded by China or ASEAN. In comparison with existing Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) between China and individual ASEAN member states, there are significant changes in the Investment Agreement which provides a higher standard of investment protection. Such an investment protection is common in the new generation of Chinese BITs, which were signed by China since 2000. However, unlike some other investment agreements in free trade arrangements, the Investment Agreement rarely touches upon the investment liberalization, although the Framework Agreement of ASEAN-China FTA provides for creating a liberal investment regime. This paper concludes that negotiating an investment agreement in China’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) is regarded as an opportunity to update its old BITs, but China is not yet prepared to undertake investment liberalization in its FTAs. The ASEAN-China Investment Agreement is, rather, an extension of China’s BITs at the regional level, which is a demonstration of China’s growing influence at this level.  相似文献   

Trade regimes at all levels have confronted the dual challenge of rapidly expanding foreign direct investment, and the vigorous growth of international environmental regimes. Attempts to develop a global investment regime have encountered resistance, not least from environmental interests. At the same time, regional trade regimes have sought to address both the environmental and the investment agenda but in a very different manner. This article looks at problems encountered with the investor-state dispute settlement process established by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The institutional dimension of this process is largely drawn from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and existing international institutions for commercial arbitration. The article traces some of the difficulties encountered in attempting to use institutions designed for a specific purpose and implemented in one organizational context, to achieve a different purpose in another organizational context. It discusses the problems that arise when institutions appropriate for settling commercial disputes between private actors are used as the basis for balancing private interests and public goods, the environment in particular. It highlights the importance of a more developed understanding of the interplay between institutions and organizations at the international level so as to avoid undesired outcomes.  相似文献   

Twelve years after the inception of the North American FreeTrade Agreement (NAFTA), the US policy on the protection offoreign investment is evolving. This article compares the provisionson investment in the recent US free trade agreements (FTAs)and the 2004 model bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with NAFTA’s.While most of the provisions are similar, some differences canbe identified, both in substantive and procedural forms. Weexplain this evolution by a learning process of the US administrationfrom the NAFTA experience. We argue that the new features ofthe FTAs and of the revised model BIT result from the US interestin reaching a better balance between the protection of investmentand the protection of state sovereignty. This American concernstems from a reaction to the claims filed by foreign investorsunder NAFTA Chapter 11, at least some of which were perceivedas ‘frivolous’ by the US government. However, therecent US FTAs and model BIT do not reveal a thorough policyreorientation but rather adjustments to the policy at the basisof NAFTA’s investment chapter.  相似文献   

The ongoing feud over the export of Canadian softwood lumberto the US is likely one of the most litigated trade disputesin history. In April 2001, the fourth round of the lumber disputecommenced. The ensuing five-and-a-half years featured a numberof cases being filed before panels constituted under the NorthAmerican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization(WTO), as well as, for the first time, US domestic courts. Duringthe summer of 2006, as with the two rounds of the dispute immediatelybefore it, Canada and the US negotiated a settlement. This articlepresents a broad overview of the softwood lumber dispute andexamines what was accomplished in the Lumber IV litigation.It explores the decisions rendered by NAFTA and WTO panels,as well as the historic foray by Canadian parties into the UScourts. It also analyses lessons learned from the softwood lumberlitigation, and the potential applicability of these lessonsto other complex trade disputes.  相似文献   

中国-东盟自由贸易区发展模式之探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
慕亚平  林昊 《中国法学》2002,(5):140-146
本文从基本原则和发展目标及组织机构等方面 ,探索了拟建立的中国 -东盟自由贸易区的发展模式 ,指出未来的中国 -东盟自由贸易区应当仿效北美自由贸易区 ,建立一个高效的强有力的组织机构体系 ;参照欧盟做法并依据WTO规则 ,确定其规范性文件直接适用的效力和优先适用的效力 ;在解决争端方面 ,借鉴北美自由贸易区的模式 ,并考虑建立“预警机制” ;在表决程序方面 ,采用“一国一票”表决制度。  相似文献   

Through comparisons with dispute resolution procedures in the North American Free Trade Area's Side Agreements, and with the debate over the direct effect of World Trade Organization obligations in the European legal order, this paper demonstrates that three of the European Court of Justice's most important decisions—Commission v. Luxembourg and Belgium, Van Gend en Loos and Costa v. ENEL—should be understood as combining to reorganise general international law's relationship between the EU Member States by substituting national court application of European obligations for the use of interstate retaliation as an enforcement mechanism, and thus providing the foundations for the EU's distinctive legal order.  相似文献   

2013年8月,国务院正式批准在上海设立中国大陆境内第一个自由贸易区-中国(上海)自由贸易试验区(“上海自贸区”)。2013年9月29日,上海自贸区正式挂牌成立,拉开了中国新一轮改革开放和经济转型升级的序幕。国务院2013年9月27日公布的上海自贸区总体方案明确指出,上海自贸区的设立是为了在新时期加快政府职能转变、探索管理模式创新、促进贸易和投资便利化,为全面深化改革和扩大对外开放探索新途径。是国家的战略需要。  相似文献   

Compared with other World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements,the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement has receivedrelatively little scholarly attention. This paper will illustratethat the TBT agreement has already exhibited potential to penetrateinappropriately into the domestic regulatory order and threatendomestic regulatory autonomy in unexpected ways, even if manyimportant provisions are still to be elucidated in follow-updispute settlement practice. This unwarranted intrusion intodomestic regulatory autonomy is largely due to the reluctanceof WTO panels and the AB to explore the telos of the TBT Agreement.Under the TBT Agreement, not only the conflict between tradeliberalization and regulatory autonomy of WTO Members is intensified,but also the legitimacy of the WTO as a powerful regulator inthe increasingly globalized world is itself being put to question.  相似文献   

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