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作为世界上第一个提出可再生能源目标的国家,澳大利亚通过新能源规划、财税激励、能源创新及可再生能源证书等一系列法律与政策支持新能源发展,正在实现由传统能源产业向新能源产业转型。能源法律的趋同化和中澳两国相似的能源结构为借鉴澳大利亚成功经验奠定了基础。作为主要的能源消费国,中国应充分发挥能源战略的引领作用,完善新能源法律体系;继续加大财税政策扶持力度,培育新能源市场;依托能源创新,推进两型社会建设。  相似文献   

日本能源法律制度探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本已形成了由能源政策基本法立法为指导、各能源专门立法为中心内容、相关部门法实施令等为补充的能源法律体系。根据这一能源立法体系,日本建立了较为完善的能源法律制度,具体包括能源管理制度、能源战略与规划制度、能源储备制度、能源开发制度、能源节约制度。  相似文献   

正"一带一路"战略的提出为中国与中亚地区的能源合作提供了契机,能源合作必然会成为重点发展领域。目前两地间的能源合作的法律渊源主要依靠各自国内法律制度、多边条约和双边协定或协议,存在着法律环境不良,保护力度不足,多边或者区域性的能源合作机制缺乏的短板。在此环境下,我国与中亚能源合作的法律渊源的完善,一是要督促中亚各国提升法制化水平,二是要建立区域性能源合作机制,三是要推进相关BIT的修订工作。  相似文献   

从电力法肇始的中国能源法制建设已经走过了二十余年,但是能源法律远未满足中国能源发展转型之需,更无法与已铸成社会主义法律体系的其他法律相媲美。能源法立法“进一步,退两步”,一方面演绎着能源领域法律制度创新的悲壮与维艰,另一方面也夯实了能源体制对能源法及其制度演化的决定作用。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国海外能源投资迅猛发展的同时,也面临着诸多新的风险。因此,海外能源投资者必须要增强法律风险防范意识,深入研究东道国法律和政策;完善海外投资保险制度体系,升级双边投资协定;增强环境法律对策,遵守东道国法律政策规定;启动ICSID机制,加强国际法层面的法律保护机制,才能确保我国海外能源投资的顺利开展。  相似文献   

于浩 《中国人大》2009,(24):32-33
《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》于2005年审议通过后,对加快推动我国可再生能源开发利用产生了非常重要的作用。这部法律,不仅成为我国可再生能源发展的重要法律保障,在国际上也产生了积极的影响。但是随着近年来我国可再生能源产业快速发展,可再生能源法实施中存在的一些问题逐步暴露出来。为解决这些问题,全国人大代表多次提出了议案和建议。  相似文献   

从世界能源体系演变的历史逻辑来看,从垄断走向竞争的市场化转变是总的趋势。纵观各国能源法律政策,调节模式逐步实行有限市场化,但由于世界能源市场的复杂多变,各国仍通过战略性措施与市场化手段并举来确保供应安全。中国应积极推进能源市场化,并为确保供应安全设立"法律之阀"。  相似文献   

美国总统巴拉克.奥巴马上任伊始即颁布了一整套"能源新政",希望通过大力发展新能源产业、提高能源利用效率、倡导绿色消费、积极应对全球气候变化等手段来同时实现能源安全、经济复兴和减缓气候变化的多重目的。中美同为世界最大的能源生产国和消费国,而中国目前正在进行能源基本法律的立法工作,奥巴马的"能源新政"将对我国产生重要影响并提供有益启示。  相似文献   

在能源供需矛盾日益突出的今天,多元化的能源策略是发展的必须。这需要我们在扩大能源进口的同时,致力于可再生能源的开发和节约型、循环型经济的打造。十届全国人大常委会高度重视能源问题,积极谋划制定和修改有关能源的法律,在审议修订后的节约能源法时,很多委员提出了见解深刻的意见和建议。在此,摘发四位委员的发言。  相似文献   

陈淑芬 《求索》2010,(3):148-150
作为能源进口大国,美国的能源运输主要是依靠海运。保障海上能源运输通道安全一直以来都是美国国家战略的重要组成部分。9.11后,海上恐怖主义愈演愈烈,美国政府从法律制度上进行了一系列尝试和努力,制定大量海上反恐的措施和法规。在推动国际社会立法发展的同时也提出了诸多挑战。中国应以此为鉴,不断完善海上反恐法律机制,积极参与国际能源安全机制的构建。  相似文献   

The China–US relationship is a multidimensional complex one involving both traditional and nontraditional security issues. However, nontraditional security issues (NTS) have become paramount in reshaping Sino–US relations, though there is no absolute boundary between NTS and traditional security. With both traditional security issues and NTS issues being solved according to the involved nations' prior experience in dealing with traditional security matters, it stands to reason that there is a very fine line, if that, between NTS and traditional security and that they are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Although the energy threat is more likely to be considered a traditional security matter than concerns such as the terrorism threat or climate change issue, the energy threat actually contains some NTS characteristics, like how to get full use of natural resources and the relevance with climate change. This article, to some extent, explains the dynamic between traditional and nontraditional security through the case study of China–US relations.  相似文献   

该文指出,低碳经济理念的兴起缘于人们对能源安全和气候安全的重视,其实质是能源高效利用,核心是能源技术和减排技术创新、产业结构和制度创新以及人类生存发展观念的根本性转变,最终目标是保证人类社会具有长期持续的发展能力。面对低碳经济时代,中国的可持续发展战略在路径选择上要体现出新的内涵。  相似文献   

Dingli Shen 《当代中国》2001,10(29):717-722
China is facing a myriad of internal challenges and problems, the energy issue being one of the most outstanding of them. With the rapid development of the Chinese economy, there emerged acute energy and environmental problems which need to be alleviated. This paper examines this challenge, and puts forward alternative solutions. It also evaluates its impact on regional security.  相似文献   

Suisheng Zhao 《当代中国》2008,17(55):207-227
China has adopted a state-centered approach towards energy security to deepen political and commercial relationships with all energy producing nations and to aggressively invest in oil fields and pipelines around the world. Applying this approach to its relations with its Asia–Pacific neighbors has produced mixed results. While China's energy diplomacy has brought about opportunities for cooperation with some of its neighbors, notably some countries in Central Asia and continental Southeast Asia, it has become a source of conflict with some other neighbors, especially those with border disputes over maritime territories which may have rich natural resources. This paper examines China's state-led search for energy security and its implications for China's relations with Asia–Pacific countries.  相似文献   

China's National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce have jointly issued new measures for security review of foreign investment. Issued on December 19, 2020 under the approval of the State Council, the new measures are set to take effect on January 19.  相似文献   

在严峻的社会治安环境面前,警察所面临的警务工作异常繁重、工作压力异常巨大,基层一线民警因长期超负荷工作导致体力、精力严重透支,普遍存在不同程度的职业倦怠。建立健全警察休假制度既体现了国家对作为劳动者的警察休息权的尊重和保障,也是公安机关依法治警、从严治警、从优待警的具体举措。因此,各级公安机关应当在科学合理、统筹兼顾的基础之上,在学习、借鉴国外先进制度的基础上尽快建立科学、合理的警察休假制度。  相似文献   

六、全面深化能源体制改革充分发挥市场在能源资源配置中的决定性作用、更好发挥政府作用,深化重点领域和关键环节市场化改革,破除妨碍发展的体制机制障碍,着力解决市场体系不完善等问题,为维护国家能源安全、推进能源高质量发展提供制度保障。  相似文献   

This article attempts to examine how China perceives its energy security issues. A survey of its research on energy issues offers hints on how experts influence the Chinese leadership. This article briefly looks at the assessment of the energy situation in China and the policy programmes released to tackle the problems. It then analyses the policy programmes and evaluates the overall strategy. It mainly relies on published data from China to reflect a Chinese view. China in some ways would like to follow Japan's example in response to the international oil crises in the 1970s, i.e. upgrade its industrial structure, introduce energy conservation measures, develop new sources of energy supply, and engage in an ‘energy diplomacy’ to diversify and guarantee its energy supply.  相似文献   

Although China and the US are starting their fourth decade of energy cooperation, it is only recently that there has been a concerted US effort to create a framework for US–China bilateral energy relations. The past 30 years have witnessed many successful energy projects that have lacked follow through and institutionalization, often becoming ‘one-off’ exercises that duplicated previous projects. Recent initiatives intend to establish long-term linkages between US and Chinese energy bureaucracies, linking energy efficiency, energy security, and environmental issues. The US is nesting the bilateral relationship in global and Asia–Pacific multilateral energy and environmental regimes, and is also using bilateral agreements as mechanisms to promote domestic energy and environmental reform. This paper will examine US–China relations in the Asia–Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate and the Five-Country Energy Ministerial.  相似文献   

我国经济的高速发展对能源有极大的需求,煤炭资源在能源实际消耗中占70%以上。煤炭产业在国民经济中占有重要地位,是民族地区的基础产业和优势产业,也是民族地区重要的经济支柱。民族地区煤炭产业经过几十年的高速发展却存在诸如环境污染严重、安全问题频发、产业结构和产品结构不合理等多种问题。推进民族地区煤炭产业持续健康发展,要以外部成本内部化促进煤炭产业环境保护,以安全文化建设促进煤炭产业安全生产,以组建大企业集团促进煤炭产业结构升级,以整合技改促进煤炭产品结构调整。  相似文献   

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