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进入21世纪,几内亚湾地区安全形势日趋复杂。中国与几内亚湾地区国家开展了多种形式的和平与安全合作:支持地区国家的安保能力建设;参与联合国在该地区的维和行动;参与地区国家战后重建等。目前,双方在和安合作中仍存在一些制约因素。鉴于此,中国参与国际和安合作的理念应有所突破,进一步深化和创新以发展促和平的理念和方式,将预防冲突置于合作的优先位置,并在加强自身能力建设的基础上,适度加大对几内亚湾地区和安事务的参与力度。  相似文献   

While a common strategic intention to reform global cyberspace governance has set a solid strategic foundation for cybersecurity cooperation among the BRICS countries,the major challenges ahead call for further development of their agenda to help raise the voice of developing countries in the governance system.  相似文献   

Poverty reduction cooperation has been a solid foundation for the development of China-ASEAN relations. In this article, the authors attempt to expound what makes Chinese assistance unique and how China can become an even more popular aid provider in assisting less developed ASEAN members.  相似文献   

China has achieved a unique feat in economic growth, maintaining an China an average annual growth rate of nearly 10 percent for more than three average three decades since reform and opening-up. As a neighboring country joined by common mountains and rivers, China's prosperous economy is the best driving force for the development of South Asia and SAARC integration. The economic relations between China and SAARC have developed The developed rapidly over the past ten years, although there exist hurdles that impede Sino-SAARC cooperation. The Chinese leadership has put forward quite a few cooperative initiatives to further enhance Sino-SAARC cooperation.  相似文献   

Over the past five years, Lancang-Mekong Cooperation has achieved fruitful results in mechanism building and practical cooperation, but the mechanism is also facing challenges brought about by conflicting interests among regional countries, increased uncertainties in their foreign policies, intensified great-power competition, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It should strengthen top-level design, uphold openness and inclusiveness, and improve the supporting framework, thus generating more momentum to usher in a new Golden Five Years and promote the Lancang-Mekong community of shared future for peace and prosperity.  相似文献   

Global economic governance is facing a complex and grim situation where the old dynamics are being replaced by new ones and competition is becoming more intense. China has established a new direction to participate in and lead global governance,and it is strengthening coordination and intellectual support for global governance.  相似文献   

来自中国与东盟的恐怖分子正在出现合流,主要表现在两方面,一是借道东南亚前往中东的中国偷渡者数量在增加,二是少数中国籍极端分子与东盟国家的恐怖组织共同在东南亚地区从事暴力活动。恐怖活动的新特征将中国与东盟国家的安全利益紧密联系在一起,要求双方重视反恐问题在地区安全对话中的紧迫性,加大政治关注与物质投入,采取更有效的反恐合作措施,推动相关机制构建。  相似文献   

In stark contrast to the increasing geopolitical and geo-economic value of the Indian Ocean, the effects of regional governance mechanisms are less satisfactory than expected to address the intertwined traditional and non-traditional security threats. The international community should, based on existing security mechanisms, work to build a kind of governance that is more open, inclusive, pragmatic and sustainable.  相似文献   

Since its establishment, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has achieved fruitful security cooperation. In SCO security cooperation, common security challenges are the essential thrust, shared aspirations for stability and development are the driving force, and the leading role of China and Russia is the core support for its upgrading. In the future, SCO member states need a stronger sense of security community and more security cooperation to build an SCO community of security for all.  相似文献   

The building of a community of common security is an extremely important yet difficult step towards the community of shared future in China’s neighborhood,mixed with competitions in power,institutions,and concepts.The"dual coordination"strategy for neighborhood security is a Chinese response to the current situation and future trends.  相似文献   

正In 2018,Chinese President Xi Jinping's proposal to pursue innovative development and upgrade China's cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) states through the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) received warm responses from LAC countries.Brazil,as the foremost Latin American power and a member of BRICS,has been  相似文献   

For Dragana Mitrovic, a professor at the University of Belgrade, the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative is a complex and multilevel initiative, which will take decades to fully develop. The initiative can be viewed as an attempt by China and its partners to reshape the existing global order and better tailor it to their needs.  相似文献   

The new changes in global economic governance have not only brought opportunities for China’s participation,but have also increased its risks and challenge.Under the concept of wide consultation,joint contribution and shared benefits,priority should be given to institutional building,agenda setting and economic security protection in key countries and regions.  相似文献   

上海合作组织成立至今,安全合作成果丰硕,为上合组织建设和发展作出重要贡献。成员国有关安全合作理念达成的共识不断凝聚增强;安全合作的法律基础和机制建设得到丰富和完善;以反恐、执法、防务合作为主要内容的务实合作卓有成效。共同的安全挑战是上合组织安全合作的重要推力,成员国对稳定与发展的共同诉求是重要动力,以中俄大国为引领是安全合作提质升级的核心力。当前和未来一段时期,上合组织成员国依然面临诸多安全挑战,需要强化安全共同体意识,加强务实安全合作,合力打造上合组织安全共同体。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, political cooperation has been the priority of SCO cooperation, playing a decisive role in the formulation of significant SCO policies and leading the organization's development. Amid challenges, the SCO should improve its top-level design from a strategic height and a long-term perspective, and establish common goals based on a shared identity while making cooperation more efficient.  相似文献   

Over the past 17 years, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has made significant progress in regional economic cooperation. The membership expansion has brought opportunities, but the internal and external negative factors that hinder in-depth development of economic cooperation still need to be properly addressed.  相似文献   

Green development is not only significant for high-quality Belt and Road construction, but also for the new development paradigm of domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. As global green governance steps up, the green BRI may correct the current global governance deficit and boost a green recovery in the post COVID-19 era, making up for the lack of sufficient green public goods while facilitating the establishment of a global ecological civilization.  相似文献   

As an important force in global security governance, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization needs to continue tapping the potential and expand the space of cooperation following its admission of new members. Non-traditional maritime security is undoubtedly an important choice with both necessity and feasibility.  相似文献   

Cooperation between China and CEE countries has made tremendous progress since its inception and has distinctive features. However, there are also obstacles that need be addressed to maintain the momentum of cooperation and facilitate the successful implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative in a wider scope.  相似文献   

Middle East security has become a prominent global issue which is constantly exacerbating the uncertainty of the region and the world. Establishing a stable and valid security governance system is imperative for the region, but is bound to be a long and arduous process through internal and external coordination and appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

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