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朝鲜半岛形势正经历深度震荡:朝鲜核导计划继续向危险临界点推进;韩国政局动荡增加其对外政策走极端的可能;朝韩对抗空前激化,双方以己为主统一半岛的明争暗斗进入新的阶段。萨德入韩集中展现了地区形势衍变的深层动因,即域外大国借助半岛推进针对其他大国的战略目标,恶化大国合作解决半岛无核化问题的前景。为了重启对话进程,中国提出半岛无核化与停和机制转换并行推进的构想,有待各方呼应以解局势之困。  相似文献   

目前,全球经济虽企稳向好,但博弈竞争日益激烈。在全球化进程放缓,全球系统性风险不断增加的大变局下,东北亚区域发展合作面临新的机遇与挑战。《东北亚论坛》继续搭建东北亚高端学术交流和沟通协调的平台,期待与各国学者通过交流对话加深了解、凝聚共识,在“不确定性”中寻求确定性,在世界变局中把握发展大势,为东北亚和平发展大计提供智库支持。为此,《东北亚论坛》在2018年第1期特别组织三位外国优秀的智库学者撰文,就“一带一路”框架下东北亚区域合作中面临的大国协调与东北亚地区安全架构、东盟共同体对东北亚区域一体化建设的启示等一系列具体问题进行了深入探讨,以飨读者。  相似文献   

The security dilemma on the Korean Peninsula demonstrates that there is no way out by relying on deterrence to safeguard one’s own security.The region is in urgent need of a permanent peace mechanism for the purpose of common security on the basis of denuclearization.  相似文献   

正The situation on the Korean Peninsula has witnessed a major shift since 2018:the road towards a resolution of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue has returned to the path of negotiation,and major breakthroughs and improvements have been made in bilateral relations between the US and the DPRK,between North and South Korea,as well  相似文献   

北方和南方为了通过实现朝鲜半岛无核化来消除核战争的威胁、创造有利于我国和平与和平统一的条件、环境,并对亚洲和世界和平与稳定作出贡献,特发表宣言如下:  相似文献   

张琏瑰 《东北亚论坛》2013,(3):13-24,127
朝鲜进行第三次核试验目的是多重的,既有加速其核武器实用化进程的需要,也有令有关国家摊牌,迫使之承认其核国身份的用意。这是朝鲜实现其做永久核大国战略目标关键一步。维护朝鲜无核化正处于成败岔道口。朝鲜半岛无核化遭到破坏,包括朝鲜人民在内,各方皆是输家,其中尤以朝鲜的近邻中国受害为甚。  相似文献   

The Kurdish issue in the Middle East reflects the complex regional ethnic conflicts. The Kurdish independence movement has grown stronger in recent years and it is now an important factor driving the geopolitical evolution of the Middle East, which has been manipulated by both external and regional powers.  相似文献   

In his speech, Wang Yi reiterated the importance of September 19 Joint Statement in upholding the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia, and urged all parties to make concerted efforts to restart the talks.  相似文献   

正Mr.Qi Xuchun.Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC and Vice-President of CAFIU met with the European-American Young Leaders Delegation.(Oct.19)Mr.Liu Hongcai,Vice-Minister of IDCPC and Vice-President of CAFIU met with the European-American Young Leaders Delegation.(Oct.20)  相似文献   

80年代末、90年代初,朝鲜半岛曾一度出现前所未有的和解局面。但自去年10月以来,围绕核检查等问题,朝鲜半岛局势再次趋于紧张,引起国际社会的广泛关注。一、南北关系的进展和波折随着国际形势总的趋向缓和,南北朝鲜在相互对峙了40多年后,又坐下来共商民族统一之大业,经过共同努力,双方关系取得突破性进展。在政治方面,自1989年起,南北双方先后进行了多种级别、各个方面的接触、谈判和交流。迄今,仅总理级会谈即达8次。特别是进入1991年以后,双方关系取得较大改善。当年9月,南北加入联台国,12月南北总理先后签署了《关于北南和解、互不侵犯和合作  相似文献   

朝鲜半岛核问题,一方面是国际裁军领域中复杂斗争的一个缩影,另一方面可看出有关国家在这场危机中的基本立场和态度,也反映了各国在东北亚地区的战略谋划和基本利益谋求。本文通过对半岛核问题历程的回顾与分析,客观地再现了核问题的一系列曲曲折折,揭示了隐藏于核问题北后更为深层次的国际关系,从中分析了半岛核问题与东北亚地区国际关系格局变动及其重构之间的内在联系。本文强调,朝鲜半岛核问题是当代东北亚地区国际政治、经济战略利益格局再调整中矛盾运动的半岛,需要美国以及整个东北亚国家的合作与努力,而平等对话和平解决半岛核问题的唯一途径。  相似文献   

The construction of the future East Asian order must return to the track of political dialogue, consultation, and step-by-step efforts. It is necessary to review the process of establishing the order of the South China Sea to understand this.  相似文献   

<正>Since the North Korean nuclear issue emerged in the early 1990s,it has been of growing importance to China-U.S.relations.On the one hand,China and the United States basically take the same position on the issue:They both call for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and oppose the development of nuclear weapons by the two Koreas;and they advocate peaceful settlement of the issue through the Six-Party Talks,because it will  相似文献   

正Currently,a debate about the country’s China policy is underway in the United States,which is the biggest and the most significant debate since 1989.The debate is mainly between the United States’China experts,scholars of international politics and foreign affairs experts,and includes many former government officials.The massive number of reports,dissertations and journals on the topic of whether the China policy  相似文献   

Middle East security has become a prominent global issue which is constantly exacerbating the uncertainty of the region and the world. Establishing a stable and valid security governance system is imperative for the region, but is bound to be a long and arduous process through internal and external coordination and appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

The Sri Lankan economy has achieved remarkable growth ever since the end of civil war, but it has been perplexed by mounting external debt, which is deeply rooted in the country's history and mainly caused by structural constraints of its economy. While Sri Lanka's debt anxiety toward Chinese investment is ill-grounded, there is room for improvement in specific investment and cooperation models of Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

正Japan is not a claimant country of the South China Sea.However,it has been meddling in the South China Sea issue in recent years.Japan’s meddling has brought greater uncertainties to the already complicated situation,and it increases the challenges China faces in safeguarding its maritime rights and its initiative for the development of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.  相似文献   

<正>In the building of China’s national image,international opinions play a particularly important role.Given that a country influences international opinion to a large extent through thestoriesit tells,we should try to tellChina storiesto help the world better understand China.In the era of global informationalization,global support hinges on who wins public  相似文献   

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