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The notion of ‘equity’ is undergoing conceptual repositioning in international law today, embracing individuals as well as states and gaining an association with human rights and the politics of protest. In the context of these developments, the present paper enquires into the premodern roots of this ancient and rich term through three historical vignettes: first, the emergence of aequitas in Roman law – as a source of law anchored in analogy and empathy – and in particular its relevance to the ambiguous status of slaves; second, the importance of ‘natural equity’ to the consolidation of ‘natural rights’ during the Franciscan poverty debate in 14th century Europe, and finally, ‘common equity’ in the rights-based constitutional order proposed by the Levellers in 1640s England. In its root sense, I conclude, what we might call ‘radical equity’ has historically lent itself to trenchant critique of the law, centred on the individual as subject of right.  相似文献   

This article argues that the peculiarly ‘common law tradition’separation of common law and equity had at its origins a principledbasis in the concept of ‘conscience’. But ‘conscience’here did not mean primarily either the modern lay idea, or the‘conscience’ of Christopher St German's exposition.Rather, it referred to the judge's, and the defendant's, privateknowledge of facts which could not be proved at common law becauseof medieval common law conceptions of documentary evidence andof trial by jury. The concept of a jurisdiction peculiarly concernedwith this issue allowed the ‘English bill’ procedureto be held back to a limited subject area rather than—asin Scotland and the Netherlands—overwhelming the old legalsystem. By the later 17th century, however, the concept of consciencehad lost its specific content, leaving behind the problem, stillwith us, of justifying the separation of ‘equity’.  相似文献   

作为被害人保护的一种制度,刑事和解逐渐成为各国解决刑事纠纷的有效机制,但也面临着诸如私力救济和公力救济之间,法律面前人人平等原则和同罪不同罚之间的矛盾。对于我国刑事司法制度的引进与构建而言,有必要从深层次上探索这些冲突和矛盾问题。从我国现实考察,可以看出无论从历史传统、现实的刑事案件的压力以及国际环境,都具备了确立刑事和解制度的条件。但是,应当确立一定的程序和规则,使刑事和解制度在规范的轨道上运行。  相似文献   

对魏伊丝代际公平说的全面反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘卫先 《现代法学》2011,33(2):152-160
为保护地球环境资源而创设的代际公平理论是建立在两个错误认识的基础上的,即把集合概念的人类视为类概念的人类和把地球环境资源财产化。假如没有后代人,人们也同样应该承担保护地球环境的义务。魏伊丝舍今世而求助于后代人及其权利,其原因在于权利时代所型塑出来的权利思维模式和路径依赖。虽然代际公平理论能够给我们提供观察和解决环境问题的时间视角,但它本身并不是什么新的法律理念,无法担负起指导现代环境法制建设和环境保护实践的重任。  相似文献   

River basins have provided resources for the advancement of human civilization from the earliest historic times. With river basin development has also come conflict, particularly in the past century. In response, the international community has developed generalized, global principles for the equitable allocation of water resources between nation-states, most notably through the 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. These principles, however, have rarely been explicitly put into practice. To resolve or avert conflict in the world's 261 international river basins, riparian nations have instead relied upon treaties that incorporate basin-specific needs and conditions and define equity at the most local level. An examination of the progression of geographic thought on river basin development reveals a spatial focus that has not evolved beyond the basin and landscape scales. The absence of theoretical underpinnings for global frameworks may explain why riparian nations have not widely adopted general principles for the equitable allocation of water resources in actual treaty practice.  相似文献   

作为国有资产管理体制的关键环节,组建国有控股公司是实现我国国有资产科学有效管理的必然选择。然而,基于国有股权的特殊性质,实践中国有控股公司中的国有股权行使与法律监管还普遍存在诸如国有代表不合格、内部人控制严重、监管措施弱化等突出问题。本文认为,要明确国有股东的范围、代表制度及其职能定位,并对后股权分置时代即全流通条件下的国有股权行使与监管进行必要的制度建设。  相似文献   

This article seeks to examine thecurrent scope of the equitable principle that``equity will not allow a statute to be used asan instrument of fraud'. In particular, itexamines the meaning of fraud in this contextand the question whether the so-called rule inRochefoucauld in Boustead [1897] 1 Ch.196 can be applied legitimately in theenforcement of informal rights for the benefitof third parties.  相似文献   

Goldsworth  John 《Trusts & Trustees》2007,13(10):591-592
Oh! Court of Equity, misnamed, where doubt Leads many in; whencefew or none, get out;
These woeful opening lines of a poem‘Court of Chancery’ by a Reginald James Blewittin 1827, was the way he took up the tomahawk, as he termed itin his preface, against a dire national enemy. In practice,in Lincoln's Inn, he found the great delay and ruinous expensesof a Chancery suit had become proverbial. After giving up practicehe found the tranquillity of the park at Fontainebleau moreconducive to overcoming his previous anguished existence withhis verse satirizing the tedium of proceedings, its expenseand the follies and conceits of former colleagues. Former colleaguesare named in  相似文献   

一、对股权转让的限制的分析(一)股权与股权转让权股权又称股东权(shareholder's right),指股东基于股东资格而享有的从公司获取经济利益并参与公司经营管理的权利。股权即是财产权,又是社员权。以其行使目的为准,股权可分为自益权和共益权。此种分类方法是股东权最为重要的分类方法,为日本学界通说,也逐渐为我国学术界广泛采用。股权转让权原则上归属于股东的自益权,但具有特殊性,受到来自方方面面的限制。(二)股权转让的基本原则股权转让的两项基本原则是股权的自由转让原则和股权的概括转让原则。其中股权的自由转让原则是指股东有权自由…  相似文献   

论未经其他股东放弃优先购买权的股权转让合同之效力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未经股东放弃优先购买权的股权转让合同效力问题至今尚无定论。分别从解释论和立法论角度批判了无效说、法定生效要件说、效力待定说和撤销说,认为以上各说过多地侵害了转让人和受让人间的契约自由,并且不合理地损害了受让人的利益,故上述学说均不足取。未经其他股东放弃优先购买权的股权转让合同应是成立即生效的合同,且生效说较好地处理了股权转让自由价值和公司人合性价值之间的冲突,有利于实现其他股东及股权转让合同双方当事人的相关利益平衡。  相似文献   

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