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<正>With financial support from the government,more people in Tibet are moving into new residences To Ahsang,who lives in a two-story  相似文献   

High time for India and China to work cooperatively to realize Asian century No one could have put a simple proposition better than Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi did in early March on the mending of the India-China relationship.Bilateral ties have been uneasy following the conflict between the two armies along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the western sector of China-India border areas last year.  相似文献   

A 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred off the east coast of Honshu,Japan on March 11,inducing a tsunami.Sendai,a twinned friendship city of Changchun,was seriously affected,so the Municipal Government of Changchun made a speedy decision to provide assistance.  相似文献   

非战争军事行动拓展了军队军事实践的领域,也丰富延伸了军队政治工作内容.做好非战争军事行动中政治工作必须结合非战争军事行动的特点和完成多样化军事任务要求,着力在统一官兵思想、搞好舆论引导、创新工作方法、构建联合指挥体系、提高核心军事能力上下功夫.  相似文献   

MANY people thinkthat volunteeringat sports eventsis trendy and fun.but it's also a seri-ous responsibility," says Ren Yanling,who was a volunteer at the 2004 Ath-ens Olympics, and is due to help outat the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.Italy. "We don't get paid, we providevital help, and we have little time tothink about enjoyment." She's got apoint - the term "volunteer" umbrellasa range of boring and sometimes menialtasks. "When I worked in Athens, therewas no contract between volunteer…  相似文献   

This January 15,a team of fifteen young Chinese people headed for myanmar to work as volunteers in the sectors of agricultural technology,agricultural equipment manufacture,agricultural software devel- opment and rice quality analysis,also to teach swim- ming.Having lived in this beautiful,unspoilt country for six months,they have many stories to tell.  相似文献   

Valentine's Day has always been a romantic and refreshing day for people in love.Come to Huarun Ole Supermarket to make a wish  相似文献   

How should the international community overcome the current stalemate in the North Korean nuclear crisis? North Korea conducted its second underground nuclear test on May 25, sparking a strong reaction from the international community. This was in sharp contrast to less than a year ago when the world  相似文献   

江宗盟 《北京观察》2006,(10):30-31
从赡养老人、抚养孩子,到债务偿还、劳资纠纷,有道是“家家有本难念的经”,生活中许多人都会遇上这类问题。有了问题该如何解决?不少人想去律师事务所咨询又缺乏经济能力。有人竟为此付出了不应有的代价。2003年“三八”妇女节前的一次社区宣传活动中,北京市第一中级人民法院原院长杨庭春和市第二中级人民法院原副院长韩文中等几位退休的法律工作者决定在潘家园南里社区成立一支志愿者队伍,为群众做义务普法宣传、为有需求的人免费进行法律咨询。这支志愿者队伍最大的特点就是由银发老人组成。其中70岁以上的4人,年龄最大的76岁,最“年轻”…  相似文献   

An all-out operation announced by the Pakistani army in mid-April against the Taliban and other extremist groups has putt he country in the spotlight of the global war on terrorism.Neighboring the battle-scarred Northwest Frontier Province( NWFP)to the west,Punjab Province,the country’s most populousp rovince,plays a vital role in both political and economic spheres.Salmaan Taseer,Governor of Punjab Province,sat down with visiting Beijing Review President and Editor in Chief Wang Gangyi and talked about ant...  相似文献   

THREE decades earlier most Chinese people would have regarded a romantic relationship with a foreigner as something beyond their imaginations, even actively seeking to avoid such a taboo scenario. However, as the opening-up and reforms nudged China into interacting with the outside world, societyhas begun to view this as a normal occurrence. Expats are no longer exotic and mysterious to ordinary Chinese people, and interracial couples have risen out of China's increasingly intemationalized society.  相似文献   

<正>China intensifies crackdowns on illegal surveying and mapping activities On May 10,the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping(SBSM) announced 10 major cases of illegal surveying and mapping  相似文献   

THE First Session of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) came to a successful conclusion on March 14, 2003. As he left the Great Hall of the People, CPPCC member Li Junru told this reporter, "CPPCC members come from different parties, organizations, ethnic groups and  相似文献   

DURING a break between meetings on the train from Hunan's Changsha to Chenzhou on February 2, 2008, Xinhua News photographer Yao Dawei took the opportunity to photograph Premier Wen Jiabao, who was touring snow-hit southern China earlier this year. "I saw the Premier sitting motionless by the window, a cup of tea on the table in front of him," recalls Yao. "The train was speeding across a territory of ice and snow, trees laden with thick snow and ice cones, and now and then devastated iron transmission towers in the distance jumped into view.  相似文献   

坚持人民本体论努力构建和谐社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建社会主义和谐社会作为新时期我党执政的重大实践,必须坚持以人民为本体.特别是作为经济欠发达地区,构建和谐社会的任务更加艰巨,坚持人民本体论显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

刘爱芳 《湖湘论坛》2007,20(1):57-59
从行政法的平衡论来看,政府信息公开制度在整个行政法律制度体系中具有改变行政机关与公众之间信息不对称状况,加强了公民权与行政权对等的地位,并为其他行政程序制度平衡功能发挥提供基础的法律功能.这一平衡功能能否充分发挥取决于政府信息公开制度是否具有公开主体多元性、公开内容广泛性尤其是公开主体、公开内容以及公开程序的法定性.  相似文献   

十六大以来,我党逐步形成了科学发展社会主义和谐社会的理论。这一理论内容十分丰富,是我党理论创新的最新成果。今天,我们要深化对这一理论的研究,使之更加完善,成为推动各项工作的强大思想武器。  相似文献   

行政救济是行政法治的必然要求,也是行政民主与社会公正的重要体现.如何建立完善的行政救济机制是行政法学界的热门话题.国内公法学者韩春晖在《现代公法救济机制的整合——以统一公法学为研究进路》一书中,提出了“多元和整合是现代公法救济机制发展过程中‘一体两面'”的基本命题.该论断直击我国当前公法救济机制的现实问题和困境,是进一步发展和完善我国公法救济机制的精准判断和科学指引.其中,“多元化”是现代行政救济机制发展的明显趋势,“整合”则是现代行政救济机制发展和完善的必由之路.  相似文献   

王绍霞 《青年论坛》2007,(4):110-112
我国法律中没有建立起完善的婚内侵权救济制度。按目前法律规定,夫妻在婚内不能提起损害赔偿诉讼,离婚时损害赔偿诉讼也受到诸多限制。婚内侵权如何救济就成为法学界一个难题。从我国立法、司法实践出发,借鉴世界各国立法实践,从保护夫妻权利、尊重夫妻独立主体地位等考虑,应该建立以损害赔偿为主的婚内侵权救济制度,并可通过个人财产补偿、共同财产分割、诉讼时效中止等方式实现。  相似文献   

关于西部地区农村贫困与反贫困问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马纳提 《中国发展》2009,9(5):65-68
中国贫困人口越来越集中于西北部地区的趋势有其深层次的原因,包括西部地区经济发展相对缓慢,农民能在改革时期从农业增长中获得的利益有限,并且这些地区现有的贫困人口大部分居住在边远的乡镇和农村,特别是山区。该文从当前中国西部农村贫困地区的地域特征、资源秉赋条件等现实出发,提出有利于西部农村贫困人口持续脱贫的若干建议和思考。  相似文献   

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