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When positive drug results are reported, a common interpretive question posed is whether or not it is possible to put a quantitative finding into context. A standard answer to this inquiry is that a positive hair testing result can be interpreted as meaning that the donor has chronically or repetitively used the drug identified in the hair, but that chronic or repetitive are not defined in the same way for all individuals. The Society of Hair Testing published on June 16, 1999, a consensus opinion on the use of hair in doping situations. However, although accepted in most courts of justice, hair analysis is not yet recognised by the International Olympic Committee. To be considered as a valid specimen for doping control, some issues still need to be addressed. The scientific community has demonstrated significant concern over the proper role that hair drug testing should serve in toxicological applications. Among the unanswered questions, five are of critical importance: (1) What is the minimal amount of drug detectable in hair after administration? (2) What is the relationship between the amount of the drug used and the concentration of the drug or its metabolites in hair? (3) What is the influence of hair color? (4) Is there any racial bias in hair testing? (5) What is the influence of cosmetic treatments? The present report documents scientific findings on these questions, with particular attention to the applications of hair in doping control.  相似文献   

This article reviews the analysis of opiates in hair. Hair matrix pretreatment, hydrolysis, extraction and detection procedures are presented amongst a study of over 70 bibliographic data. In addition, a new method for the extraction of opiates from hair, in which a powdered sample of hair is extracted directly by subcritical fluid, is presented.  相似文献   

Since the first anti-doping tests in the 1960s, the analytical aspects of the testing remain challenging. The evolution of the analytical process in doping control is discussed in this paper with a particular emphasis on separation techniques, such as gas chromatography and liquid chromatography. These approaches are improving in parallel with the requirements of increasing sensitivity and selectivity for detecting prohibited substances in biological samples from athletes. Moreover, fast analyses are mandatory to deal with the growing number of doping control samples and the short response time required during particular sport events. Recent developments in mass spectrometry and the expansion of accurate mass determination has improved anti-doping strategies with the possibility of using elemental composition and isotope patterns for structural identification. These techniques must be able to distinguish equivocally between negative and suspicious samples with no false-negative or false-positive results. Therefore, high degree of reliability must be reached for the identification of major metabolites corresponding to suspected analytes. Along with current trends in pharmaceutical industry the analysis of proteins and peptides remains an important issue in doping control. Sophisticated analytical tools are still mandatory to improve their distinction from endogenous analogs. Finally, indirect approaches will be discussed in the context of anti-doping, in which recent advances are aimed to examine the biological response of a doping agent in a holistic way.  相似文献   

In France during a famous bicycle race, the newspapers documented the degree in which doping seemed to be supervised in some teams by managers and doctors. Use of anabolic steroids and other substances was officially banned in the mid-seventies by sports authorities. This policy has been enforced through urine testing before competition. It is well known, however, that a latency period is all that is necessary to defeat these tests. Nevertheless, hair analysis could be a promising tool when testing for periods that are not accessible to urinalysis any more. We have developed different sensitive methods for testing hair for amphetamines, anabolic steroids and their esters and corticosteroids. For amphetamines, 50 mg of hair were digested with 1 M NaOH, extracted with ethyl acetate, derivatized with TFA and analyzed by gas chromatography positive chemical-ionization mass spectrometry. For corticosteroids, 50 mg of powdered hair were treated with methanol in an ultrasonic bath and subsequently purified using a C18 solid phase extraction column. Analysis was realized by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry. For anabolic steroids and their esters, 100 mg of powdered hair were treated with methanol in an ultrasonic bath for extraction of esters, then alkaline digested with 1 M NaOH for an optimum recovery of other drugs. The two liquid preparations were subsequently extracted with ethyl acetate, pooled, then finally highly purified using a twin solid phase extraction on aminopropyl and silica cartridges. Residue was derivatized with MSTFA prior to injection. Analysis was conducted by gas chromatography coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Thirty cyclists were sampled and tested both in hair and in urine. Amphetamine was detected 10 times in hair (out of 19 analyses) compared to 6 times in urine (out of 30 analyses). Corticosteroids were detected 5 times in hair (methylprednisolone 1 case, triamcinolone acetonide 3 cases and hydrocortisone acetate 1 case) in hair (out of 12 analyses) compared to 12 times (triamcinolone acetonide 10 cases and betamethasone 2 cases) in urine (out of 30 analyses). Anabolic steroids were detected twice (nandrolone 1 case, and testosterone undecanoate 1 case) in hair (out of 25 analyses) compared to none in urine (out of 30 analyses).  相似文献   

In an effort to improve laboratories performing hair analysis in forensic cases, the French Society of Analytical Toxicology (S.F.T.A.) has implemented a proficiency testing program since 1992. Actually about 10 laboratories are participating. Each survey is dedicated to one analyte or one pharmacological class: opiates (6-monoacetylmorphine, morphine and codeine), cocaine and benzoylecgonine, tetrahydrocannabinol, buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine, beta-blockers (metoprolol, atenolol), beta 2-agonists (salbutamol, clenbuterol). Animal hair was tested for clenbuterol. Prior to sending, hair samples were reduced to a powdered form, well mixed to ensure homogeneity, and then tested by GC/MS or HPLC/MS. Results confirm those obtained in a preliminary study on opiates and cocaine analysis in hair: a common analytical procedure has to be used by all the participants, including hydrolysis of hair. It is essential to work on authentic drug-positive hair samples and not on spiked samples. Participation at this program is free of charge and considered as an educational tool. Comparison of the results with those of other laboratories in Europe and USA shows that the analytical methods used during this program are in accordance with all the other procedures.  相似文献   

To validate information on cannabis use, we investigated human hair and pubic hair for cannabinoids (THC and THC-COOH) by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Samples (100 mg approximately) were decontaminated with methylene chloride, then pulverized and dissolved in 1 ml 1 N NaOH for 10 min at 95 °C in the presence of 200 ng of deuterated standards. After cooling, samples were extracted by n-hexane/ethyl acetate after acidification with acetic acid. After derivatization of the dry extract by PFPA/PFP-OH, the drugs were separated on a 30-m capillary column and detected using selected-ion monitoring (m/z 377 and 459 for THC and THC-COOH, respectively). Forty-three hair samples were obtained from fatal heroin overdose cases. Among them, 35% tested positive for cannabinoids. Hair concentrations ranged from 0.26 to 2.17 ng/mg (mean, 0.74 ng/mg) and 0.07 to 0.33 ng/mg (mean, 0.16 ng/mg) of THC and THC-COOH, respectively. As is generally the case for other drugs detected in hair, metabolite concentration was always lower when compared to the parent drug concentration. In pubic hair, THC concentrations ranged from 0.34 to 3.91 ng/mg (mean, 1.35 ng/mg) and THC-COOH concentrations from 0.07 to 0.83 ng/mg (mean, 0.28 ng/mg). In most cases, the highest cannabinoid concentration was found in pubic hair, suggesting that this sample may be the more suitable for cannabis testing.  相似文献   

Anti-doping authorities have high expectations of the athlete steroidal passport (ASP) for anabolic-androgenic steroids misuse detection. However, it is still limited to the monitoring of known well-established compounds and might greatly benefit from the discovery of new relevant biomarkers candidates. In this context, steroidomics opens the way to the untargeted simultaneous evaluation of a high number of compounds. Analytical platforms associating the performance of ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and the high mass-resolving power of quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometers are particularly adapted for such purpose. An untargeted steroidomic approach was proposed to analyse urine samples from a clinical trial for the discovery of relevant biomarkers of testosterone undecanoate oral intake. Automatic peak detection was performed and a filter of reference steroid metabolites mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) values was applied to the raw data to ensure the selection of a subset of steroid-related features. Chemometric tools were applied for the filtering and the analysis of UHPLC-QTOF-MS(E) data. Time kinetics could be assessed with N-way projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (N-PLS-DA) and a detection window was confirmed. Orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (O-PLS-DA) classification models were evaluated in a second step to assess the predictive power of both known metabolites and unknown compounds. A shared and unique structure plot (SUS-plot) analysis was performed to select the most promising unknown candidates and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were computed to assess specificity criteria applied in routine doping control. This approach underlined the pertinence to monitor both glucuronide and sulphate steroid conjugates and include them in the athletes passport, while promising biomarkers were also highlighted.  相似文献   

New specific methods of diazolin detection by microcrystalline and chromogenic reactions as well as by thin-layer sorbent chromatography were developed. These methods were used to detect diazolin, isolated from biological object by water acidified with oxalic acid. It was stated that diazolin is detectable in chlorophorm extraction obtained both from acidic and from alkaline aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

目的 建立测定单根毛发中吗啡含量的放免方法。方法 用卵清蛋白-琥珀酰吗啡作免疫原,免疫新西兰白兔获得高品质抗血清;HPLC纯化~(125)Ⅰ-吗啡,建立放射免疫方法,测定正常人和吸毒人员单根毛发。结果 抗体亲和常数为3.25×10~(11)L/M,放化纯度为95%,比放射性112μCi/μg;方法的灵敏度为0.01ng/ml。对5例正常人及5例戒毒所吸毒人员的单根毛发进行了检测。单根毛发长度9~24cm,重量为0.7~2.1mg,5例正常人测值为1.75±0.37ng/mg(x±s);5例吸毒人员测值为471±204ng/mg(x±s)。结论 所建方法可准确定量单根毛发中吗啡的含量。  相似文献   

The use of a drug to modify a person's behaviour for criminal gain is not a recent phenomenon. However, the recent increase in reports of drug-facilitated crimes (sexual assault, robbery) has caused alarm in the general public. The drugs involved can be difficult to detect due to low dosages or chemical instability. They possess amnesic properties and can be quickly cleared from the body fluids. In these situations, blood or even urine can be of poor interest. This is the reason why this laboratory developed an original approach based on hair testing by LC-MS/MS. Zopiclone (Imovane), due to its short half-life associated with rapid hypnotic activity, is considered as a compound of choice to sedate victims. To document the detection of zopiclone in hair, we first tested specimens obtained from two volunteers who had ingested a single 7.5 mg Imovane tablet, and from repetitive consumers of zopiclone. After pH 8.4 buffer incubation and extraction with methylene chloride/diethyl ether (80/20 (v/v)), hair extracts were separated on a Xterra MS C18 column using a gradient of acetonitrile and formate buffer. Zopiclone and diazepam-d5, used as internal standard, were detected by tandem mass spectrometry. A single exposure to zopiclone was detectable in the first hair segment of two volunteers at concentration of 5.4 and 9.0 pg/mg, respectively. Hair from repetitive consumers tested positive for zopiclone at concentrations of 37 and 66 pg/mg. Hair analysis was applied to two authentic criminal cases. In the first one, zopiclone tested positive in the corresponding hair segment at 4.2 pg/mg, in accordance with a single exposure to the drug. In the other expertise, zopiclone was detected in the two segments analyzed, at 21.3 and 21.5 pg/mg, making unlikely the hypothetical single exposure to zopiclone.  相似文献   

At the annual meeting of the Society of Hair Testing in Vadstena, Sweden in 2006, a committee was appointed to address the issue of guidelines for hair testing and to assess the current status of accreditation amongst laboratories offering drug testing in hair. A short questionnaire was circulated amongst the membership and interested parties. Fifty-two responses were received from hair testing laboratories providing details on the amount and type of hair tests they offered and the status of accreditation within their facilities. Although the vast majority of laboratories follow current guidelines (83%), only nine laboratories were accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 for hair testing. A significant number of laboratories reporting that they were in the process of developing quality systems with a view to accrediting their methods within 2-3 years. This study provides an insight into the status of accreditation in hair testing laboratories and supports the need for guidelines to encourage best practice.  相似文献   

毛发中毒品分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛发分析在法庭毒品分析领域有其独特的优势,很多国家的法化学实验室,毛发分析已成为毒品检测的常规操作,并已得到了法庭的承认、采纳。本文对毒品进入毛发的机制、毛发的现场勘查、毛发中毒品分析程序、毛发中毒品分析结果的评判进行了综述。简单地介绍了毛发在现场勘查中采取、包装、送检的基本方法和技术人员在操作过程中的注意事项,以及针对毛发检验中的特殊技术处理;另外,介绍了毛发中毒品分析的特点,通过分析毛发毒品的药理机制,总结出了一些高效、便利、快速的毒品分析方法,并对各种方法进行了介绍,得出了毛发中毒品分析结果的一些特点。  相似文献   

Opiate levels in hair   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By means of radioimmunoassay-technique, hair samples of users, drug related fatalities, carcinoma patients receiving morphine and of experimental guinea pigs receiving codeine were investigated for opiates. The RIA-investigations require a minimum of material; our routine procedures need only 50 mg of hair. No correlation existed between administered doses of opiates and their concentrations in hair of both human and experimental animals. By sectioning the hair, the approximate period of drug use in man could be detected. However, these findings could not be confirmed by the animal experiments. The growth rate of the hair, diffusion and adhesion processes may influence the transport of drugs along the hair. External contaminations and washing procedures were shown to increase or diminish the drug concentration of the samples.  相似文献   

Testing for anabolic steroids in hair from two bodybuilders.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two male bodybuilders were recently arrested by the French customs in Strasbourg (France) in possession of 2050 tablets and 251 ampoules of various anabolic steroids. It was claimed that the steroids were for personal use and not for trafficing as suggested by the police. Urine and hair specimens were collected from both suspects to clarify the claims. Nandrolone, stanozolol, testosterone and their corresponding metabolites were identified in the urine of both subjects. After decontamination, the hair was hydrolyzed by sodium hydroxide in presence of deuterated internal standards. After extraction with ethyl acetate and silylation, the drugs were identified by GC-MS in the electron impact mode. Hair from both males were positive for nandrolone (196 and 260 pg/mg), testosterone (46 and 71 pg/mg) and stanozolol (135 and 156 pg/mg), clearly indicating steroids abuse. Although not yet recognized by the International Olympic Committee, hair analysis may be a useful adjunct to conventional drug testing in urine from athletes.  相似文献   

AB0 antigens can be extracted from human bone tissue into aqueous solution during boiling and then identified by absorption elution test.  相似文献   

A new method for diatom detection is described. It includes an ultrasonic irradiation procedure with the use of a tissue solubilizer. The method is easy to carry out and is less time-consuming than previous techniques.  相似文献   

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