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刘连泰 《法学家》2020,(2):45-56,192
公平市场价值是征收补偿的通常标准,是自愿的买家愿意支付给自愿的卖家的价格,包含了财产对于财产权人的平均主观价值,不包含特殊的主观价值和自治价值。补偿超过平均主观价值的主观价值技术上不可能;财产权是法定的权利,负有社会义务,法律不补偿财产权人的过敏反应;补偿某些特殊的主观价值与宪法价值不兼容,还可能给财产权的策略性抵抗提供正当理由。许多域外征收法规定不补偿特殊主观价值,但特殊主观价值可以通过其他概念在个案中进入补偿。中国征收法采通行的公平市场价值补偿标准,没有规定主观价值的补偿,但主观价值可以通过社会稳定风险评估、补助和搬迁奖励部分进入补偿额。  相似文献   

目的 计算不同时间大鼠骨骼肌新鲜度指标(K值、K1值、K0值、H值、P值、G值和IMP比例)变化规律,研究其与早期PMI的关系,筛选出最优评价指标,用于早期PMI推断.方法 SD大鼠处死后,保存在20℃恒温条件下,于死后即刻(0h)、4h、8h、16h、24h、32h和48h提取大鼠双后腿骨骼肌,利用高效液相色谱仪测定...  相似文献   

This paper considers a situation in which the outcome of a random variable, x~, must be split between two individuals, but only one of them (the agent) actually observes the true value that the variable takes. The agent reports a value of the variable to the principal, who then either accepts this report and each participant receives a predetermined share of the reported value of x~, or he rejects the report and carries out an investigation into the true value of x~. If the investigation reveals that the agent reported falsely (fraud), then each participant receives a predetermined payoff that depends on both the true value of x~ and the value of x that the agent reported. The paper finds a payoff function for the case of discovered fraud that provides the proper incentives for the agent to always report truthfully independently of his utility function. The model has direct applications for both tax evasion and insurance fraud.  相似文献   

Value judgment is at the core of civil law. This paper explores how scholars of civil law reach mutual understanding and consensus on specific value judgment by rational discussion in the context of multiple value orientation. Based on a brief evaluation of the theory of legal argument and with the basic value consensus of Chinese civil law scholars as the premise, this paper proposes two substantive rules of argumentation for scholars of civil law to discuss value judgment: First, a strong of equal treatment should be carried out in the absence of sufficient and justified reasons or otherwise; Second, the freedom of civil subject should not be restrained in the absence of sufficient and justified reasons or otherwise. To reach mutual understanding, and on the basis of that to reach new consensus on specific value judgment further, scholars of civil law should base their discussions on substantive rules of argumentation for value judgment, follow rules and forms of argumentation as procedural techniques, and apply proper methods of argumentation. This paper also explores the application of substantive rules of argumentation on two specific value judgment issues of civil law scholars.  相似文献   

Lactic acid concentrations in brain tissue of humans have been shown to increase with an extended agonal period. Infants and children dying from various causes are undergoing different stress conditions terminally and the postulate of this study is that natural death cases and traumatic asphyxia cases are characterized by varying agonal periods, the former being somewhat prolonged with the latter being rather brief. One-hundred-and-two cases of infants and children were examined for vitreous humor lactic acid concentrations. They were divided into two major categories, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and non-SIDS cases. SIDS was further divided into SIDS without additional findings and SIDS with secondary findings which contributed to death. The non-SIDS category included traumatic asphyxia cases as well as those dying from blunt trauma, known respiratory diseases, and other causes. Categorical mean values and standard deviations were calculated. The vitreous humor lactic acid mean value for traumatic asphyxia was significantly lower than the mean value for SIDS. Also the mean value for known respiratory diseases was statistically lower than the mean value for SIDS with secondary findings. These findings are probably suggestive of agonal time differences and may be a reflection of the various mechanisms of death.  相似文献   

美国行政征用补偿市场价值计算方法解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在行政征收征用中,补偿的计算方法直接涉及被征用人的切身利益,具有重要意义。在美国行政征用的补偿中,市场价值常用计算方法、市场价值计算的时间、限定继承和非限定继承不动产权益的价值计算方法,以及相关影响被征用财产市场价值的因素,对我国的实践具有很高的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

近期,一些国家通过街头政治的方式迅速地实现了民主转型。但是,这种"转型"是不稳定的,存在许多隐患。民主转型的实质是民主的信念和价值的最终确立。处在转型过程中的社会,其以往的政治价值必然同民主的价值发生激烈的冲突。在不断的相互碰撞中,双方互相吸取彼此的思想要素,最终形成一种具有本国特色的主流政治价值。但价值不是空洞的口号,一定的制度体现着价值的内涵,同时制度也形塑着价值。政治价值重构的结果最终会带来政治体制的改变。本文认为,在政治价值重构的问题上,需要形成被民众接受的权威,政府与社会之间形成互相纠错机制,尤其是要协调民主价值与学习西方具体制度这二者的关系。  相似文献   

公正和效率作为刑事诉讼的两个基本价值目标,在侦查讯问中有其具体体现和要求。在侦查讯问中,公正和效率之间的本质关系是侦查讯问既得实体价值和程序性价值之间的平衡问题。在方兴未艾的世界法治化潮流和建设社会主义法治社会目标的推动下,如何在侦查讯问中秉承效率与公平并重,更加注重公平之理念,实现侦查讯问既得实体价值和程序性价值的平衡,是司法体制改革当中的一个重要课题,本文试从超社会正常评价体系的视角,对于这个问题做一些浅薄的初探。  相似文献   

行政诉讼制度运行良好的一个重要指针就是法官能够在行政诉讼案件中运用正确的法律推理思维与方法而得到“正当的个案裁判”。法律推理具有不同于形式逻辑推理的重要特征。从一个具体行政案件的判决论证过程中,可以发现合宪性解释对于“作为具体化之宪法”的行政法来说具有重要的作用,而行政争议中复杂的价值冲突也使得价值衡量的推理方法尤为值得关注。  相似文献   

当多元价值成为社会存在的一个不争事实时,一元价值社会中价值教育存在的合理性理据就丧失了。30年来,我国社会价值模式的转变也必然导致了对灌输式价值教育模式的否定,然而在转变后的多元价值社会中,价值教育不可能支持价值中立和完全宽容的立场。因此,多元价值背景下,价值教育需要向培育价值理性和捍卫客观的价值秩序,以及促进价值分享和价值对话方向转变。这不但是捍卫价值教育自身的需要,同时也是捍卫多元价值社会存在的需要。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-equation price-wage model that enables to test whether the inflationary pressure on wage rate is only present when the rate of inflation is greater than some threshold value. Since the likelihood function for this model is very nonstandard, we develop a small-sample Bayesian approach to estimate its parameters. Our empirical results for Poland, 1962–1993, give support to the hypothesis of the price- wage spiral with a positive threshold value of inflation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Bitemark cases continue to raise controversy due to the degree of expert disagreement which is frequently seen. Using a case mix of 49 bitemark cases from 2000 to 2007 each injury was independently assessed for its forensic significance using a previously described bitemark severity scale. Following the assessment, the mean value for the bites was categorized according to the crime type, the degree of expert agreement, and the judicial outcome. Results suggest that bitemarks found in child abuse cases have statistically significantly lower forensic value than those in other crime types, that bites where there is mutual agreement between experts will have higher forensic value than those where there is disagreement at trial, and that cases in which DNA has provided an exoneration will demonstrate similar quality to those where a conviction was secured. Forensic odontologists should carefully assess bitemark evidence and ensure that it meets certain minimums in relation to the presence of class and unique features before undertaking an analysis.  相似文献   

In this study of perceived legitimacy, Australian citizens from a randomly selected national sample first responded to information about how judicial authorities responded to two crimes (green protest, date rape) in terms of seriousness and recommended punishment. They also provided ratings of the importance of a set of values for judicial authorities compared with self, and measures of global value discrepancy, procedural fairness, expertise, and legitimacy. Results showed that perceived legitimacy was negatively related to global value discrepancy and that the information provided to participants about judge’s position primed differences in value discrepancy only for the date rape crime. Other findings also implied that the nature of the offense moderated legitimacy/value discrepancy relations. Perceived legitimacy was also positively related to procedural fairness and the expertise of the authority, and higher when the judicial authority was perceived to assign specific values as even more important than participants did themselves.  相似文献   

With the fast growth of economic globalization in international economy, the liberalization-oriented lawmaking has emerged, which resulted in a preliminary orderly mechanism in the global free market, but fair value is lost in the rule making of international economic law, hence resulting in a crisis of legitimacy itself. For this subject, it is necessary to find out the theory of restructuring fair value in the dispute on the essence of justice within the contemporary theory of free capitalism, and the theory of Rawls’ plural justice offers some hints. Of course, it is also quite basic for developing countries and China to anchor their roles properly and make strategic selections in restructuring fair value of international economic law.  相似文献   

论被害人诉讼地位的理论基础   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨正万 《中国法学》2002,(4):166-178
立法虽然确立了被害人的当事人地位,但由于其理论基础没有得到全面的揭示,致使刑事诉讼理论、立法和实践中的被害人问题仍然没有得到解决。文章从尊严价值理论、报应观念和救济原理三方面揭示了被害人当事人地位的理论基础。认为被害人所持的报应观念是被害人参与刑事诉讼的工具性理论基础;而尊严价值理论为被害人享有作为一个人所享有的权利提供了根据,它从终极人文关怀的角度解释了被害人参与诉讼的理论基础;救济原理则揭示了被害人参与诉讼的特殊性,是被害人参与诉讼的独特根据。  相似文献   

The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 introduces a social value duty. It requires public authorities in England and Wales that are carrying out procurement activities to ‘consider’ how such activities might ‘improve … economic, social and environmental well-being’. This article analyses qualitative, empirical data on how the social value duty has been interpreted and applied across local government in England. Although only a weak legal duty, this law has made a notable impact on practice. The article explains the changes brought about in practice under the social value duty and seeks to understand why these changes have occurred. It does so by recognizing local government procurement markets, as well as local government organizations themselves, as strategic action fields. In these fields, there are competing visions for social value. It is through conversations between actors that a common meaning comes to be attached to the law.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropologists commonly use simple linear regression to estimate the value of a dependent variable, such as stature, for a single specimen where the value of the independent variable, such as humerus length, is known. Published studies providing regression equations for such use almost invariably include the standard error of estimate. Unfortunately, it is exceptional for forensic anthropologists to use the standard error to calculate correctly the confidence limits for their single predicted value. We attempt to show why this may be and provide explicit guidelines for the proper construction of confidence interval in such circumstances.  相似文献   

李瑛 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):39-43
刑事司法协助是国家关系的重要内容,是一国司法权的有效域外延伸,具有重要的外交价值和司法价值。开展刑事司法协助问题的研究,特别是建立我国现代引渡制度,对于打击跨国犯罪、引渡跨国犯罪、追究逃窜到国外罪犯的刑事责任、监控追缴赃款赃物等方面具有重要意义。目前,在我国现存的各种法律规范以及与外国签订的司法协助协定之中,缺乏切实可行的措施。为此,制定切实可行的引渡制度仍是任重而道远的法制任务。  相似文献   

双亲皆疑亲子鉴定STR分型亲权指数计算方法探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
计算标准三联体亲子鉴定的PI值及探讨双亲皆疑亲子鉴定PI值计算的可靠方法 ,对常规STR分型鉴定结果 ,根据Eseen M ller计算理论 ,总结出标准三联体亲子鉴定计算PI值的 4个公式 :1/ p ,1/ ( 2 p) ,1/ (p +q) ,1/ ( 2p +2 q)。提出适用于双亲皆疑亲子鉴定的一种新的PI值计算方法 ,并与其他方法进行比较。认为该方法取值Y时 ,既考虑随机男女生孩子的可能性 ,也考虑假设父 (或假设母 )与随机个体生孩子的可能性 ,更符合随机原则。  相似文献   

藏族群体7个Y-STR基因座及单倍型的遗传多态性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Zhao D  Wang BJ  Ding M 《法医学杂志》2004,20(2):88-91
目的调查藏族Y染色体7个STR基因座及单倍型的遗传多态性。方法应用PCR、变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结合银染显色分型技术,检测67例藏族男性DNA样品。结果在DYS393、DYS389Ⅰ、DYS19、DYS390、DYS389Ⅱ、DYS392等6个基因座中共检出25个等位基因,DYS385基因座检出22个等位基因组,频率分布在0.0149~0.5075之间,各基因座DP值分布在0.5075~0.8991之间,以DYS385基因座最高。由7个基因座组成的YH6系统单倍型有51种,DP值为0.9887,DYS393与DYS389Ⅱ基因座等位基因少,推测藏族群体在进化过程中可能发生过瓶颈事件。结论上述7个STR基因座属于高鉴别能力基因座,单倍型具有很高的遗传多态性。  相似文献   

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