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最高人民法院关于在民事审判工作中适用《中华人民共和国工会法》若干问题的解释于2003年7月9日正式公布。它是对2001年10月27日修改的《中华人民共和国工会法》实施一年多的情况予以总结而作出的具有法律效力的规范性解释,对于保障工会的合法权益,推动工会法的贯彻实施,从而促进劳动关系的协调和社会的稳定,将起到重要作用。  相似文献   

本文论述了政治文明及其他社会文明因素对中国司法体制改革的影响,探讨了当今中国司法体制改革所面临的问题及解决方案.  相似文献   

我国<合同法>正式确立了表见代理制度,但规定得比较简单、原则.关于表见代理有许多问题存在争论,而现行<合同法>中关于表见代理制度的规定存在明显缺陷,有必要对<合同法>规定的表见代理成立条件做出某些法律适用上的限制性解释.建议进一步完善表见代理的立法规定.同时,就表见代理在司法实践中的认定以及程序操作等常见问题也存有一些值得探讨之处.以期对表见代理的理论和实践有所帮助.  相似文献   

浅议劳动仲裁与司法监督   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要保证劳动争议仲裁的质量 ,有效地维护劳资双方的合法权益 ,稳定职工队伍和企业秩序 ,促进经济发展 ,维护法律尊严 ,将劳动争议仲裁纳入人大司法监督是当前可行的办法之一。  相似文献   

农民工合法权益的保护是国家构建和谐社会、关注民生的重要内容。在现有机制下,建立多重的纠纷解决办法,并实现有效的对接,对于营造全社会维护农民工合法权益的氛围,维护社会稳定,缓解司法压力将起到有效的作用。  相似文献   

随着社会体制转型,"小政府、大社会"的出现,政府越来越倾向于通过购买社会服务的方式,将自身的一部分社会管理职能还权社会,交由民办非企业来承担。但是在这种模式下,民办非企业的日常运作、办公行政需要政府提供资金、资产来维持,其工会成立后,工会经费收支需要核算、审计,这就牵涉到其内部的财务管理问题。  相似文献   

司法社工是近年来在上海等国内大城市出现的一项新兴行业,他们运用社会工作的专业方法和技巧,为处在违法犯罪边缘的社区特殊人群提供服务.在推进社工职业化建设的进程中,社工机构作为新社会组织相继建立了工会,开展了工会工作.司法社工行业的工会工作既属于新时期"两新"组织工建的范畴,又紧密地结合了社会工作职业的特点.  相似文献   

功能翻译理论是翻译研究学派的一个重要分支,它不仅能够指导翻译文本研究,也对实际教学活动的开展具有极大的启示作用。在功能理论指导下,高职高专笔译课的教学更具实用性和目的性,使翻译教学真正以学生为中心,有效地提升学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

申诉机制为行政诉讼介入教师与学校之间的争议处理提供了可能。但现行法律规定的局限,使得大量的争议无法进入行政诉讼;对部分争议的审查,自由裁量过大,欠缺公平性;以申诉处理决定为审查对象不利于定纷止争。应根据学校管理的特殊性,规定申诉作为行政诉讼的前置程序,明确将涉及教师基本权利且因管理而引发的争议纳入行政诉讼受案范围。在审查标准上,针对学校单方解聘、辞退、开除处分等处理决定,应适用程序审查兼实体审查原则;针对职称评审决定,应适用形式审查以及程序审查原则;对于所涉学术问题,如是否达到某一级职称之学术标准,则应尊重评审专家之意见。  相似文献   

面对社会主义市场经济条件下经济高速发展而思想道德建设跟不上的新情况 ,必须大力加强思想道德建设 ,树立起与社会主义市场经济相适应的价值观、道德观 ;坚持社会主义意识形态的主导地位 ;道德建设必须与市场经济、法制建设相结合 ,理论与实践相结合。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的逐步确立和发展,人们的精神世界发生了很大的变化。在道德伦理方面出 现了功利化和自我意识增强的倾向,在精神信念方面表现出虚无倾向和现实主义的趋势。  相似文献   

新形势下,社会主义劳动竞赛不仅要继续存在,更应该积极地研究其新内容,探索其发展的新途径、新办法,不断创新劳动竞赛形式,提高竞赛运行机制和竞赛质量,实现劳动竞赛质量的提高和飞跃。  相似文献   

随着中国市场经济体制和行政体制改革的不断深入,城市中传统的纵向单一性社区结构逐渐向横向多元性结构转变.传统单位型社区向新型社区转型过程中,单位介入力量的逐步减弱引发社区中传统社会支持网络的衰落.文章分析了传统单位型社区的社会支持模式,探讨了新型社区社会支持网络重构过程中需要解决的问题、所面临的困难以及可资利用的资源.  相似文献   

S.M. Hillier and J. A. Jewell, Health Care and Traditional Medicine in China 1800–1982, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983. Pp.xix + 452; £25.00.

D. Banerji, Poverty, Class and Health Culture in India (Vol.1), New Delhi: Prachi Prakashan, 1982. Pp.x + 309; Rs.100.

W.A. Zaman, Public Participation in Development and Health Programs: Lessons from Rural Bangladesh, London and New York: University Press of America, 1984. Pp.xix + 291; £15.15. (paperback).

J.K. van Ginneken and A.S. Muller (eds.), Maternal and Child Health in Rural Kenya: An Epidemiological Study, Beckenham, Kent: Croom Helm, 1984. Pp.viii + 373; £15.95.

The expression ‘political economy of health’ has quite different implications to scholars working within differing paradigms. The range of interpretations is apparent from an overview of work in this field in recent years. Two studies of singular importance for the student of health politics and health care in Asia are singled out for detailed review: one on China, the other on India. The reviewer also raises the question as to how far health education has been seen in the radical tradition as contributory towards the process of politicisation in peasant societies: here the literature is more scattered and a deeper analysis would be well repaid.  相似文献   

This article deploys the term “migrant melodrama” to describe contemporary cultural production that trains a melodramatic imagination on migrants. It argues that migrant melodrama often reconfigures suffering as a necessary step in the progress toward inclusion and belonging. To interrogate this assumption, the article analyzes three prominent examples of migrant melodramas that feature children traveling north across national borders without adult caretakers: the 2006 journalistic narrative Enrique’s Journey: The Story of a Boy’s Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with His Mother, by Sonia Nazario; a 2009 HBO documentary film inspired by Nazario’s book, Which Way Home, directed by Rebecca Cammisa; and the 2007 fictional film Under the Same Moon, directed by Patricia Riggen. The article proposes that migrant melodrama plays a role in the commodification and circulation of undocumented migrant suffering in a global market, a phenomenon that the author terms “the political economy of suffering.” Performances of suffering can be exchanged in the political economy of suffering for any number of privileges, from a handout to a visa, and are linked to major international economic and political decisions, such as migration policies that regulate human mobility across nation-state borders. The political economy of suffering is a web of transactions in which performances of undocumented migrant suffering are exchanged in attempts to promote empathy, tolerance of mobility, and respect for migrant human rights. In different ways, all three of the works analyzed accept the underlying logic of the political economy of suffering.  相似文献   

非农化村庄经济形成的社会学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非农化村庄经济是非农化村庄存在发展的基础 ,是非农化村庄现存格局的决定性因素。非农化村庄经济的形成是农村城镇化中诸多要素共同作用的结果 ,其中 ,自主选择空间与自由流动资源的并存是非农化村庄经济形成的前提 ,非农化村庄利益共同体的内聚是村庄经济形成的动力 ,以非正式制度为主的村社积累机制是村庄经济形成的机制保证。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the young men from agrarian backgrounds who work as field marketing agents for companies like Monsanto in western Maharashtra, India. They promote pesticides, herbicides and other agrichemicals to farmers who often belong to higher castes. My ethnography suggests that the promotion of agrichemicals deploys the idiom of agricultural extension, upsetting India's tenacious social hierarchies on the one hand, and driving corporate profits and indebtedness among farmers on the other. With respect to the subordination of agriculture to industrial capital, I contend that farmers and marketing agents can neither be arrayed against one another, nor is their relation to industrial capital alike. Agrichemicals marketing troubles dichotomous frameworks, such as farmers against industrial capital. Ultimately, I call for re-conceiving political economy in terms of graded informality, where opportunities and constraints for accumulation map onto a gradient, rather than fall on opposite ends of a binary.  相似文献   

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