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预告登记制度比较考察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨雪飞 《河北法学》2006,24(11):179-186
作为一项重要的物权制度,预告登记起源于中世纪之普鲁士法,其旨在保全以不动产物权变动为目的的债权请求权,赋予该请求权物权的排他效力.该制度为德国、日本、瑞士等国家法律所继受.试图以这些国家的预告登记制度作为比较研究的对象,全面揭示预告登记的范围、性质、效力及构成要件等问题,并就此提出构建我国预告登记制度的一些建议.  相似文献   

刘兵红 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):63-67
产生于中世纪的英国衡平法地产权是英国财产法极具特色的制度安排。衡平法地产权经历了从对人权到对世权的演变之路:起初,衡平法法院在承认受托人普通法地产权人权利的基础上赋予衡平法权益人对受托人请求交付地产收益的相对性的权利,后来衡平法权益人的利益可以对抗除支付合理对价且善意受领普通法地产的第三人以外的任何人,成为真正对世权意义上的地产权。了解衡平法地产权之演变可以了解对人权与对世权对话与沟通,有助于各种财产权的权利性质的分析与把握。  相似文献   

共同抵押权是为共同担保同一债权而于数项不同财产上设定的抵押权。共同抵押不应包括法定一并抵押。共同抵押权担保的债权虽为一个但抵押权的标的为数个独立财产。共同抵押可分为按份共同抵押和连带共同抵押,但原则上不包括按份共同抵押。共同抵押的抵押人可以为同一人,也可为不同的人;共同抵押的设立也不以一次同时设立为必要。共同抵押的各标的物可为不动产也可为动产,各抵押财产上抵押权是否设立依一般抵押权的设立规则确定,不以登记为共同抵押必要。共同抵押设立时未约定数抵押财产执行顺序时,抵押权人得自由选择是先就某抵押财产行使抵押权还是就全部抵押财产行使抵押权。共同抵押权人对于共同抵押的数项财产同时实现抵押权时,同时受各抵押财产的价金分配,此时各抵押财产按照其价额的比例分担所担保的债权额,不发生他抵押人或后顺序抵押权人的求偿权行使。共同抵押权人仅就共同抵押财产的某一或某几项财产实行抵押权并受偿其全部债权时,由于各抵押财产异时分配其担保的债权额,若数抵押财产不为同一人所有或者存在后次序抵押权,则发生他抵押人或者后顺序抵押权人的求偿权行使问题。共同抵押的抵押人既有债务人又有物上保证人时,物上保证人不能享有先诉抗辩权,但为保障物上保证人的利益,物上保证人得主张债务人优先负担。共同抵押权人放弃债务人提供的抵押担保的,物上保证人在抵押权人放弃的利益范围内不再承担担保责任。  相似文献   

This article discusses the legal implications of a novel phenomenon, namely, digital reincarnations of deceased persons, sometimes known as post-mortem avatars, deepfakes, replicas, holographs, or chatbots. To elide these multiple names, we use the term 'ghostbots'. The piece is an early attempt to discuss the potential social and individual harms, roughly grouped around notions of privacy (including post-mortem privacy), property, personal data and reputation, arising from ghostbots, how they are regulated and whether they need to be adequately regulated further. For reasons of space and focus, the article does not deal with copyright implications, fraud, consumer protection, tort, product liability, and pornography laws, including the non-consensual use of intimate images (‘revenge porn’). This paper focuses on law, although we fully acknowledge and refer to the role of philosophy and ethics in this domain.We canvas two interesting legal developments with implications for ghostbots, namely, the proposed EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act and the 2021 New York law amending publicity rights to protect the rights of celebrities whose personality is used in post-mortem ‘replicas’. The latter especially evidences a remarkable shift from the norm we have chronicled in previous articles of no respect for post-mortem privacy to a growing recognition that personality rights do need protection post-mortem in a world where pop stars and actors are routinely re-created using AI. While the legislative motivation here may still be primarily to protect economic interests, we argue it also shows a concern for dignitary and privacy interests.Given the apparent concern for the appropriation of personality post-mortem, possibly in defiance or ignorance of what the deceased would have wished, we propose an early solution to regulate the rise of ghostbots, namely an enforceable ‘do not bot me’ clause in analogue or digital wills.  相似文献   

Laws of intestate succession determine how the estate of a person who dies without a will is distributed. Researchers have struggled with the question of how to infer the donative intent of persons who die intestate. Based on an empirical study of unmarried committed partners, we compare the usefulness of two methods of social research for informing intestacy law: will studies and interviews with living persons about their preferences for estate distribution. The results indicate that for some groups of unmarried committed partners, will studies may not adequately reflect the extent to which intestate decedents wish their partner to share in their estate. In addition, the results demonstrate a close correspondence between respondents' actual wills, when they had them, and their distributive preferences on hypothetical scenarios. These findings are discussed as they relate to an examination of which sources of social scientific evidence are most useful in informing the law of intestacy.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on various legal-related aspects of the application of blockchain technologies in the copyright sphere. Specifically, it outlines the existing challenges for distribution of copyrighted works in the digital environment, how they can be solved with blockchain, and what associated issues need to be addressed in this regard. It is argued that blockchain can introduce long-awaited transparency in matters of copyright ownership chain; substantially mitigate risks of online piracy by enabling control over digital copy and creating a civilized market for “used” digital content. It also allows to combine the simplicity of application of creative commons/open source type of licenses with revenue streams, and thus facilitate fair compensation of authors by means of cryptocurrency payments and Smart contracts. However, these benefits do not come without a price: many new issues will need to be resolved to enable the potential of blockchain technologies. Among them are: where to store copyrighted content (on blockchain or “off-chain”) and the associated need to adjust the legal status of online intermediaries; how to find a right balance between immutable nature of blockchain records and the necessity to adjust them due to the very nature of copyright law, which assigns ownership based on a set of informal facts, not visible to the public. Blockchain as a kind of time stamping service cannot itself ensure the trustworthiness of facts, which originate “off-chain”. More work needs to be done on the legal side: special provisions aimed at facilitating user's trust in blockchain records and their good faith usage of copyrighted works based on them need to be introduced and transactions with cryptocurrencies have to be legalized as well as the status of Smart contracts and their legal consequences. Finally, the economics of blockchain copyright management systems need to be carefully considered in order to ensure that they will have necessary network effects. If those issues are resolved in a satisfactory way, blockchain has the potential to rewrite how the copyright industry functions and digital content is distributed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical approach to children's rights in youth justice, located within a wider rights‐based theory of criminal justice which emphasises the centrality of citizens' autonomy. Understanding what is special about children's rights in the youth justice system requires an understanding of how children's autonomy differs from that of adults. One difference is that within the legal system children are not considered to be fully autonomous rights‐holders, because childhood is a time for gathering and developing the assets necessary for full autonomy. These assets should be protected by a category of ‘foundational’ rights. It is argued that an essential component of a rights‐based penal system for children is that it should not irreparably or permanently harm the child's foundational rights. The concept of foundational rights can then underpin and strengthen international children's rights standards, including those relating to the minimum age of criminal responsibility, differential sentencing for children and adults and a rights‐based system of resettlement provision.  相似文献   

顾浔 《政法论丛》2014,(1):135-144
随着中国企业对非洲的投资日益增长,在非洲购买不动产发展实业的案例也越来越多。由于殖民地历史和当地习惯法的双重影响,非洲国家规制不动产交易的法律呈现出多种样态并存的现象。巨额的交易价格和资产的不可移动性致使在非洲投资不动产存在各种风险。如何从法律层面控制和防范风险成为中国企业海外投资不动产的重要课题。,以中国企业在尼日利亚购买土地为实例④,探讨尼日利亚的土地市场、契据交付、产权登记、土地法律渊源、产权移转流程、合同规则等理论及操作实践,旨在为在尼日利亚投资的中国企业和个人提供法律指引,降低在当地投资的法律风险。  相似文献   

石慧荣 《现代法学》2003,25(4):153-157
《利用外资改组国有企业暂行规定》规定了产权转让、股权转让、债转股、资产转让和增资扩股五种改组方式。其规定的"债依人留、债随人走"的债务承继原则和职工代表大会介入改组程序、职工安置先行等措施,体现了保护债权人、企业职工、外国投资者的合法权益以及公平和效率相结合的精神,但在债权人利益和职工权益维护上仍有注意不够的地方。该规定的施行,使修改外商投资企业法的紧迫性更显突出。  相似文献   

Legal context. IP lawyers need a better understanding of theimplications of new technology when advising their clients onlegal strategies for appropriating rents from the exploitationof intellectual property rights in the digital environment.Conversely, clients seeking to ascertain the permissible limitsfor accessing material on the Internet must be made aware ofthe critical distinction between contractual and copyright issues. Key points. Licensing of copyright will continue to be an efficientinstrument for resolving issues relating to compensation andboundaries for permissible use. A sound understanding of thedigital environment will ensure that potential problems associatedwith the scope of the restricted acts under the Copyright, Designsand Patents Act 1988 can be avoided. Lawyers should also beaware of the possible policy developments relating to the exploitationof digital content following the deliberations in the GowersReview. Lawyers should also re-examine the submissions in boththe Grokster and Perfect 10 cases, recognizing the circumstanceswhen copyright arguments raised in other jurisdictions may beimported into the United Kingdom. Practical significance. The absence of any UK legal precedentwith regard to the copyright issues arising from the disputebetween search engine providers and copyright owners providesno excuse for failing to consider how contractual instrumentsmay efficiently resolve issues relating to the appropriationof rents from intellectual property rights. The absence of a‘fair dealing’ exception does not inevitably meanthat, should a similar dispute as that in Google v The Author'sGuild arise in the United Kingdom, a copyright infringementwill have taken place.  相似文献   

不动产物权登记行为在性质上是一种公法行为而非私法行为,准确地说是行政行为。不动产物权登记行为在行政行为的类型上属于准法律行为的行政登记行为。作为准法律行为的不动产物权登记并不能直接产生私法效果,需要在已经形成的私法关系基础之上结合登记行为才能产生私法效果,但能直接产生公法效果。对于民事争议与行政争议交织的案件,当事人可直接就民事纠纷提起诉讼,根据民事确权的内容申请登记机关重新登记,无需进行行政诉讼。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(1):116-126
Given the size and complexity of many digital forensic science device examinations, there is a need for practitioners to formally and strategically determine a course of conduct which allows them to undertake the most robust and efficient examination possible. This work outlines both the need for practitioners to have a digital evidence strategy (DES) when tackling any given examination scenario, how to construct one and the concerns which exist when no formal DES is in place. Approaches to DES development are examined and the context to which they should be deployed are analysed, with focus being on the use of DESs at the examination/processing stage of the investigative workflow. Finally, a ‘DES skeleton’ is offered to guide practitioners as they seek to create their own DES.  相似文献   

扩大的权利与扩大的义务——数字艺术行为哲学论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字艺术是一种基于人工智能技术创生的新型艺术形态,其本质在于双重互动不确定性机制.在该机制的作用下,数字艺术行为秩序较之原子艺术行为秩序发生了重大而深远的变化.首先,数字艺术开拓出一种人人享有的创作权和传播权,消解了原子艺术秩序中的艺术创作特权和传播特权,数字艺术创作权利的本质是一种艺术发表权.其次,通过艺术发表权,数字艺术衍生出一种原子艺术秩序没有的艺术接触权,接触权也是一种普遍的、平等的、人人共享的艺术权利.另外,数字艺术还抑制了主权者的艺术监管权力.数字艺术上述扩大的权利也相应为数字艺术主体衍生出同等数量的艺术义务.相对于原子艺术秩序中的那些义务,数字艺术义务的履行即尊重各项数字艺术权利的行使、避免生产传播有损于社会大众身心健康的艺术作品在当下人工智能社会遭遇到了巨大的挑战.  相似文献   

We are the middle of a global identity crisis. New notions of identity are made possible in the online world where people eagerly share their personal data and leave ‘digital footprints’. Multiple, partial identities emerge distributed across cyberspace divorced from the physical person. The representation of personal characteristics in data sets, together with developing technologies and systems for identity management, in turn change how we are identified. Trustworthy means of electronic identification is now a key issue for business, governments and individuals in the fight against online identity crime. Yet, along with the increasing economic value of digital identity, there are also risks of identity misuse by organisations that mine large data sets for commercial purposes and in some cases by governments. Data proliferation and the non-transparency of processing practices make it impossible for the individual to track and police their use. Potential risks encompass not only threats to our privacy, but also knowledge-engineering that can falsify digital profiles attributed to us with harmful consequences. This panel session will address some of the big challenges around identity in the digital age and what they mean for policy and law (its regulation and protection). Questions for discussion include: What does identity mean today? What types of legal solutions are fit for purpose to protect modern identity interests? What rights, obligations and responsibilities should be associated with our digital identities? Should identity management be regulated and who should be held liable and for what? What should be the role of private and public sectors in identity assurance schemes? What are the global drivers of identity policies? How can due process be ensured where automated technologies affect the rights and concerns of citizens? How can individuals be more empowered to control their identity data and give informed consent to its use? How are biometrics and location-tracking devices used in body surveillance changing the identity landscape?  相似文献   

农民股东用以入股的土地承包经营权构成公司对债权人担保的"责任财产",但其目前又承载着事实上的生存保障功能。土地承包经营权的"责任财产性"与"保障性"形成明显的冲突与紧张关系,由此产生农民股东与债权人之间的利益冲突。分别探讨公司成立阶段、运营阶段、清算阶段的农民股东与债权人之间的利益冲突的表现形式及其解决方案,尤其对于清算阶段的利益冲突,在评析当前各家学说利弊得失的基础上,提出"优先购买权+入股保险+入股风险基金"的三位一体的立体化解决思路,应具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In the Medicaid planning context, the answers to seemingly easy questions are often quite elusive. Client identification is fundamental to every attorney-client relationship, yet resolving this basic question for Medicaid planners has sparked some debate. This essay explores the difficult question Medicaid planners encounter regarding client identification. The author, Mr. Rosenfeld, reveals the lack of guidance provided by contemporary legal ethic codes and then investigates some of the client representation models currently used by practitioners. Upon identifying the inherent conflict of interest that often develops in estate planning, Mr. Rosenfeld argues that individual client representation is the only ethically acceptable model of representation.  相似文献   

不动产登记簿的公信力和善意取得制度是两种构造迥异的物之交易信赖保护机制。善意取得制度以占有不足以充分表征动产所有权为构造前提,以竭力衡量所有权人与善意第三人的利益关系为轴心;不动产登记簿的公信力制度以不动产登记簿可以作为权利外观为构造前提,以完备的不动产登记制度为根基。善意取得制度的效果只能是第三人由无权利人取得物权;不动产登记簿的公信力所具有的效果不但有积极信赖保护与消极信赖保护之分,且其积极信赖保护的内容除由无权利人取得物权外,还包括由有权利人取得物权、受领给付、获得权利顺位等。因此,以善意取得制度保护不动产交易的便捷与安全,其局限非常明显。物权法第106条应限缩解释为主要适用于动产,不动产交易的信赖保护可通过解释物权法第16条来实现。  相似文献   

何小勇  姜俊 《行政与法》2012,(1):104-109
预购商品房抵押是伴随着商品房预售制度的产生和银行为防范住房金融业务信贷风险而出现的一种担保方式。我国的法律、部门规章、司法解释在不同时期从不同角度对预购商品房抵押进行立法规制,但对其应具备何种法律效力未予明确,无法衡平商品房预售中各方参与主体的利益。本文通过对法律规制的变迁及相关司法判例的探讨,分析了预购商品房抵押的性质、效力及纳入预告登记制度的可能性,使其与现行的物权法律体系相协调,以维护住房金融市场的稳定有序。  相似文献   

Given the nature of knowledge and characteristics of the intellectual property rights system, technological transactions tend to be governed by contracts that are costly and not highly profitable. This explains why there are so few technology licensing agreements. However, in some situations, private and specific institutions tend to enable property rights to be more precise, knowledge transfers to be easier, and technology licensing agreements to be less complex to design and to run. This explains why there is a concentration of technology licensing agreements in some industries and in some relational situations. These shed light on the design of firms’ strategies to valorize intellectual assets and of public policies to stimulate innovation and diffusion.  相似文献   

李帅 《财经法学》2020,(1):25-34
数字经济模式下,商业竞争手段日趋多样。通过爬虫行为获取同业经营者线上数据并作营利用途,除有不正当竞争之嫌外,还构成对传统市场机制的严峻挑战。依据不同标准,可将技术爬取的数据划分为多种类型。受到爬虫不当行为影响的权利在边界范围、主体身份以及法律属性等方面呈现复合特征。从本源看,受损事实的发生多是因相关数据性质不明,从而使...  相似文献   

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