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1.《危险化学品安全管理条例》2.《危险化学品重大危险源监督管理暂行规定》3.《药品出厂价格调查办法(试行)》4.《贵阳市住房公积金管理办法》5.《广东省渔港和渔业船舶管理条例》  相似文献   

1.2011年8月5日国家安全生产监督管理总局令第40号公布2.自2011年12月1日起施行第一章总则第一条为了加强危险化学品重大危险源的安全监督管理,防止和减少危险化学品事故的发生,保障人民群众生命财产安全,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》和《危险化学品安全管理条例》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。  相似文献   

正【本刊讯】为深刻吸取天津港"8·12"瑞海公司危险品仓库火灾爆炸事故教训,天津市政府要求,全市重大危险源单位要于2016年3月底前完成对本单位重大危险源的重新辨识分级、安全评估和登记备案。为加强监督管理,天津还将建立健全安全监测监控体系,完善控制措施。意见规定,重大危险源须配备温度、压力、液位、流量、组分等信息的不间断采集和监测系统,以及可燃气体和有毒有害气体泄漏检测报警装置,并具备信息远传、连续记录、事故预警、信  相似文献   

城市重大危险源应急系统协同机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应急管理已经成为城市发展过程中的一项重要主题。本文在分析城市重大危险源应急系统结构和功能的基础上,构建了基于资源和信息共享的城市重大危险源应急系统协同机制,突出了协同机制对重大危险源应急系统有效运行的重要作用,为进一步完善城市重大危险源应急系统协同体制提供了可以借鉴的策略和方法。  相似文献   

重大危险源安全规划与监控是城市安全的重要保障   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文提出了我国城市化进程带来的城市安全规划问题,论述了重大危险源安全规划的内容和方法,介绍了重大工业事故预防体系和重大危险源实时监控系统的技术要点,建议在城市规划中加强安全规划和建设,以确保可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着我国工业企业的发展,企业生产规模越来越大,使用化学品种类越来越多,重大危险源分布广泛。由于80%以上的化学品有易燃易爆、有毒有害、腐蚀放射等危险性,且其生产工艺复杂,高温高压突出,一旦发生事故,则极可能造成巨大的社会危害。更危险的是,目前人工合成的化学品的品种日趋复杂,其可能带来的对环境和健康的风险越来越大。危险化学品的安全管理和事故应急管理面临严峻的挑战,扎实做好危险化学品的生命周期(生产、经营、储存、运输、使用、和废弃处置全过程)的安全基础工作成为关键。  相似文献   

危险化学品公路运输事故频繁发生,已成为严重影响社会公共安全的流动危险源。本文分析了危险化学品公路运输事故特点,总结了国内外危险化学品公路运输事故研究现状,指出我国目前研究的不足。在对危险化学品公路运输事故特点和研究现状充分认识基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了建设性的防灾对策及建议。  相似文献   

根据我国现行的安全生产格局,论述了重大危险源监督管理体系的构成,体系的构成主体为生产经营单位、安全生产监督管理部门、安全生产中介机构以及社会监督等四部分,分析了重大危险源监督管理体系中各要素在重大危险源监督管理中的作用和扮演的角色以及怎样实现对重大危险源的控制.  相似文献   

重大危险源安全规划与监控是城市安全的重要保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴宗之  关磊 《刑警与科技》2005,(12A):122-125
本文提出了我国城市化进程带来的城市安全规划问题,论述了重大危险源安全规划的内容和方法,介绍了重大工业事故预防体系和重大危险源实时监控系统的技术要点,建议在城市规划中加强安全规划和建设,以确保可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文介绍了近年来中国重大工业火灾、爆炸、中毒事故简况,论述了城市重大危险源监控与重大事故应急救援体系建设的关系,作者提出城市重大危险源辨识、监控是建立重大事故应急救援体系的基础和前提,并建议在城市重大事故应急救援体系建设中应将重大危险源监控、土地使用安全规划、社区安全建设、应急救援规划等有机地统一起来,加强安全科学和应急管理学科建设与人才培养,将公共安全作为我国可持续发展的重要内容等.  相似文献   

重大危险源监控在国家重大事故预防和应急救援体系中具有双重的价值,本文分析了重大危险源监控系统的内涵和技术特点,提出从安全相关系统及安全完整性的高度来把握其设计原则,建议安全系统与基本控制系统相分离,通过关键技术研究强化事故预警功能,以系列标准化建设规范政府与企业端重大危险源监控的实施。  相似文献   

A visionary manager will occasionally encounter a “wave-of-the-future” technology that can change the manufacturing process. Since such technologies are relatively unknown to others in the organization, its implementation can make or break its success. New Process Gear (NPG) plant, a division of New Venture Gear, Inc., has experienced this scenario with its robotics installation. This field study examines several robotics installations at NPG, starting with the earliest installation and proceeding through its latest installation of a complete robotics system. Through this experience, five areas emerged as necessary for successful new technology adoption: opportunity identification, high-quality equipment, supplier competence, training, and teamwork. By examining the robotics implementation process through various installations over time, several important lessons can be gleaned about new technology implementation that may be applicable to other technology applications.  相似文献   

We present a test of the crime-deterrent effect of police-monitored street-viewing CCTV cameras using viewsheds of areas that were visible by cameras via direct line-of-sight and that were digitized using easily replicable methods, Google Maps, and standard GIS tools. A quasi-experimental research design, using camera installation sites and randomly selected control sites, assessed the impact of CCTV on the crimes of shootings, auto thefts, and thefts from autos in Newark, NJ, for 13 months before and after camera installation dates. Strategically-placed cameras were not any different from randomly-placed cameras at deterring crime within their viewsheds; there were statistically significant reductions in auto thefts within viewsheds after camera installations; there were significant improvements to location quotient values for shootings and auto thefts after camera installations. There was no significant displacement and there was a small diffusion of benefits, which was greater for auto thefts than shootings. The system of cameras in Newark is not as efficient as it could be at deterring certain street crimes; some camera locations are significantly more effective than others. Results of a system-wide evaluation of CCTV cameras should not be the only basis for endorsing or contesting the use of CCTV cameras for crime control or prevention within a city. Future research should test whether the effectiveness of CCTV cameras are dependent upon the micro-level attributes of environments within which they are installed.  相似文献   

Offender assessment and classification is becoming an increasingly important part of correctional supervision and intervention. Over the last several decades, several different methods and “generations” of offender classification have emerged. Of most value appear to be third-generation, actuarial, dynamic risk/need assessments. With any new correctional strategy, however, there is a need to investigate the use of these risk/need assessments on offender subgroups in order to inform issues, such as reliability and prevalence of criminogenic risk factors. The present study utilized data that were gathered using the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R). Results and comparisons of these assessments were investigated and presented for Native American and non-Native American offenders as well as male and female offenders. Discussion of the results, implications, and recommendations for further research are presented.  相似文献   

刘计划 《中国法学》2012,(5):133-148
解构我国检察机关刑事审判监督职能表明,三种行使方式都系诉权范畴,即属诉讼职能。其中,向法院提出"纠正意见"名不副实,实为一种异议;抗诉案件改判比例极低,与检察机关"在刑事抗诉中始终站在客观、中立、公正的立场上,代表国家对法院确有错误的裁判实施法律监督"的辩称不符,二审、再审中的抗诉不过是检察机关提起的上诉和申请再审;对审判人员职务犯罪案件的侦查,实为检察机关调查事实、收集证据的追诉活动,因定性为监督,造成诉讼法律关系混乱和诉讼职能冲突。将检察机关在刑事审判程序中的职能区分为诉讼职能和监督职能,是我国传统刑事诉讼理论研究中的误区,并无实际意义,相反却滋生了诸多负面效应。  相似文献   

唐俊辉  何晖 《行政与法》2005,(2):43-45,48
行政权失控的关键原因是行政监督制度与权力结构失衡。同时行政监督制度与权力结构不可能保持绝对、静止的平衡。所以有效制约行政权的基本思路就在于保持行政监督制度与权力结构之间的动态平衡。此外,本文还从行政监督制度建设的角度简约地探讨了保持该平衡的原则与措施。  相似文献   

"检察建议"是《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法修正案(草案)》中新近确立的一种检察监督方式,从法律规定应当科学、合理,以及适应检察监督实践的角度上看,对于这种新的检察监督方式,立法上除了应当明确其个案监督的性质、基本特征外,还应当从"检察建议"的适用条件与事项、"检察建议"程序上的强制力,以及赋予被建议方异议权等方面做必要的完善。  相似文献   

王海军 《法学家》2022,(1):1-14
我国的“法律监督”概念,乃是在借鉴和理解苏联的检察机关定位、监督职能和“检察监督”概念之基础上形成的。苏联法中的“检察监督”,是在维护法制统一的目标下,以一般监督为核心,以垂直领导为组织保障所形成的概念。基于对“检察监督”的认知,“法律监督”在中国最初是作为一个法学概念被提出,并初步完成概念转型。“法律监督”入法成为法律概念后,在中国法的语境中生成新的意义,最终获得宪法上的内涵并具有了中国化的理念和制度内涵。在强化诉讼监督及监察体制改革的背景和“四大检察”新格局下,“法律监督”在职能维度成为一个具有宪制基础并拥有广泛监督职能的专门制度,是党领导下法治建设的重要成就之一。“法律监督”概念的核心内涵已经定型,但职权配置方面依然处在动态演进之中。  相似文献   

In the English literature, facial approximation methods have been commonly classified into three types: "Russian,"American," or "Combination." These categorizations are based on the protocols used, for example, whether methods use average soft-tissue depths (American methods) or require face muscle construction (Russian methods). However, literature searches outside the usual realm of English publications reveal key papers that demonstrate that the Russian category above has been founded on distorted views. In reality, Russian methods are based on limited face muscle construction, with heavy reliance on modified average soft-tissue depths. A closer inspection of the American method also reveals inconsistencies with the recognized classification scheme. This investigation thus demonstrates that all major methods of facial approximation depend on both face anatomy and average soft-tissue depths, rendering common method classification schemes redundant. The best way forward appears to be for practitioners to describe the methods they use (including the weight each one gives to average soft-tissue depths and deep face tissue construction) without placing them in any categorical classificatory group or giving them an ambiguous name. The state of this situation may need to be reviewed in the future in light of new research results and paradigms.  相似文献   

近年来外国人涉毒犯罪案件不断增多,毒品犯罪案件已成为外国人在广东省境内犯罪主要的类型,呈现出犯罪主体有组织化、犯罪手段多样化、利用物流快递渠道贩毒、案件处理过程复杂等特点。广东警方整合各方资源,通过加强国际刑事司法合作、完善日常管理和重点管控模式、依法将在粤外国人的非正式组织纳入政府管理、建立快递业的禁毒“大查控”体系等措施有效地遏制了在粤外国人涉毒犯罪的增长态势。  相似文献   

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