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This article explores the multicultural dimensions within the texts of three South African soap operas (soaps). It uses text analysis and interviews as a methodology to expose the intricate web of influences that are all part of the fabric of a South African soap.

The text and discursive analysis are based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Theory of Halliday. The analysis of the texts proceeds from a pre-interpretation stage, through an analysis stage and into a revisit or re-interpretative stage. The creators of the texts as well as commercial bias are seen as politico-economic and cultural influences which may have direct bearing on the texts and are therefore interrogated. The findings confirm no multicultural model for South African soaps and show correlation between commercial interests and homogenised South African stereotypes.  相似文献   


Out-of-home (OOH) advertising media have expanded worldwide and the shape and format of these media globally, as well as in South Africa, have changed considerably. Until recently, the OOH advertising media landscape consisted primarily of outdoor advertising or billboards reaching vehicular traffic, but now has expanded to include a wide range of OOH advertising media types which aim to reach a mobile audience wherever they live, work, play, drive, shop or commute. Currently there is no coherent contemporary framework to compare and select the most effective media options to reach a selected target market in a specific OOH audience environment. This article draws from academic and practitioner sources to propose a classification framework for OOH advertising media in South Africa comprising four major platforms: outdoor advertising, transit media advertising, street-and-retail furniture advertising, and digital and ambient OOH media channels. The framework serves to inform marketers of viable and cost-effective traditional and contemporary OOH advertising media options. It also indicates what platforms are appropriate to reach specific audiences effectively in a variety of environments outside their homes. This is the first framework of its kind for the South African context that offers an orderly, integrated basis for future research.  相似文献   

Prepared originally for presentation at a biennial conference of the Australian Historical Association, this article is a retrospective on the author's term (1988-92) as South African Ambassador to Australia in the twilight of white rule. Apartheid South Africa was firmly fixed in Australian public demonology. The author conceived of it as his role to use the media to project a more realistic image of his country than the demonic stereotype then prevailing. While achieving some success, he found himself the target of ambitious colleagues at home. Thus, besides examining what an individual diplomat did in given historical circumstances, the article touches on the nature of the former South African Department of Foreign Affairs.  相似文献   

Prepared originally for presentation at a biennial conference of the Australian Historical Association, this article is a retrospective on the author's term (1988–92) as South African Ambassador to Australia in the twilight of white rule. Apartheid South Africa was firmly fixed in Australian public demonology. The author conceived of it as his role to use the media to project a more realistic image of his country than the demonic stereotype then prevailing. While achieving some success, he found himself the target of ambitious colleagues at home. Thus, besides examining what an individual diplomat did in given historical circumstances, the article touches on the nature of the former South African Department of Foreign Affairs.  相似文献   

7月5日,南非安全问题研究所、非洲研究所、国际问题研究所和全球对话研究所等研究机构的南非学者一行8人访问了中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所,并与中方学者就南非在非洲和国际事务中的作用问题进行了座谈。南非安全问题研究所高级研究员普林斯·马谢里(HlukanisaPrinceMarshele  相似文献   

The role and representation of female filmmakers globally have been topics of discussion but have not been researched in depth to help garner significant change, especially in the South African film industry. The role of film festivals like the Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) and Encounters help female filmmakers by giving them the platform to showcase their work as well as gain more recognition. However, the number of female filmmakers, and black female filmmakers in particular, are not recognised substantially at these festivals. South African box office reports also indicate that the film industry is dominated by white male directors and that not enough films are produced locally to meet up with the amount of international films that are screened at local cinemas, which is further indication that a gender and race discrepancy is prevalent. There is also the issue of female filmmakers being limited in the fiction film genre and as a result the film industry in South Africa and globally have more female filmmakers making non-fiction films than fiction films. This article will explore the issue of gender and race in the South African film industry, by focusing on the two biggest film festivals: DIFF and Encounters.  相似文献   


This article examines the potential role of soap opera narratives in the construction (or deconstruction) of identities within the South African context. The narratives of four South African soap operas (Egoli – place of gold, Isidingo – the need, Generations and 7de Laan) are analysed. Although identities of race and class are also relevant in soap opera narrative, this article focuses on gender identities. It is argued that soap opera may be constituted as other, and that it might therefore be a possible site for the deconstruction of hegemonic identities. Brief reference is made to Edward Said and the origin of the term ‘Orientalism’. This is linked firstly to the concept of the other, and more precisely the concept of ‘women as other’ as theorised initially by Simone de Beauvoir, but more specific to this article, Luce Irigaray. The second section argues that soap opera may be gendered as feminine and female and consequently marked as other for various reasons. The final section accepts the hypothesis of soap opera as feminine and female, and thus other, and attempts to analyse the relevant soap operas in terms of the negotiating or deconstructing of gender identities and the consequent social relevance of these texts.  相似文献   

今年5月6日,在刚刚洗脱腐败罪名指控后不到一个月,南非非国大主席雅各布·祖玛(JacobZuma)就以总统候选人身份领导该党获得大选胜利,顺利当选南非新总统。祖玛是位极具争议性的政治家,他是南非自1994年种族隔离制度结束以  相似文献   

8月 17日 ,南非安全研究所 (InstituteforSecurityStudies)所长雅格布斯·西利尔斯博士 (JacobusCilliers)等一行访问了中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所 ,并与中方学者进行座谈。西利尔斯博士介绍了南非安全研究所的情况。该研究所于 1990年成立 ,主要研究武器控制、非洲冲突及维和事务、犯罪和治安状况、艾滋病、腐败、恐怖主义等问题 ,侧重非洲之角、中部非洲和南部非洲的研究。该所网站 (www .iss .co .za)包括所有的研究成果 ,读者可以免费阅览全文。西利尔斯博士认为 ,非洲安全面临的挑战主要包括 :非洲国家民主建设不健全 ;政府管理程…  相似文献   

Lynn Parry 《Communicatio》2013,39(2):65-72

Misrepresentation of local whisky as a genuine Scotch whisky was the centre of a high-powered legal wrangle in South Africa. As South African courts tend to favour informed expertise over empirical surveys, the author was asked to act as an expert witness for the plaintiffs. Evidence focused upon brand perceptions created by the label, specifically dominant features as opposed to small print.  相似文献   


This article examines the discursive landscape of anti-piracy campaigns run by the Business Software Alliance (BSA) on behalf of major global software companies. Using semiotic techniques, rhetorical analysis and critical discourse analysis, the article demonstrates the primacy of new capitalism in reinforcing the public understanding of global knowledge economy. But the BSA's strategies and tactics are also found to offer mixed discursive messages, possibly attenuating a major objective of any communication campaign: social behaviour change.  相似文献   

非洲国家要更多地靠自己——南非驻华大使谈非洲联盟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
无华 《西亚非洲》2002,(5):70-71
2002年7月,非洲统一组织第38届首脑会议和非洲联盟成立大会暨首届首脑会议在南非海滨城市德班举行,标志着非统组织画上了一个历史的句号,宣告了非盟的正式启动。8月8日,应中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所的邀请,南非驻……  相似文献   

加强南中合作 促进非洲发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20 0 2年 1 0月 1 8日 ,南非国际问题研究所董事会副主席、南非现任总统塔博·姆贝基的胞弟莫莱齐·姆贝基 (MoeletsiMbeki)先生在中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所发表了题为“加强南中合作 ,促进非洲发展”的演讲。姆贝基分别从“修正的依附论”、“南非的经济地位”、“独立以来的非洲形势”、“南非与非洲其他国家的关系”及“中国和南非面临的挑战”等方面对非洲当前形势及南中合作等问题进行了细致的分析和阐述 ,并回答了与会学者的提问。  相似文献   


In spite of the conventional wisdom stated by various authors that ‘we are living in the information age’ – a communication era characterised by a global expansion in the reach of mass media and electronic information ‘superhighways’ that span the globe – it is clear that there is growing realisation that it is still difficult to reach and communicate with rural communities in South Africa. The main aim of this article is therefore to examine the application of development communication theories in practice when communicating with communities in the Third World. In this article I argue that the viability of and prospects for effective communication with communities depend on three interrelated aspects. Firstly, the viability and prospects depend on current theoretical trends or approaches in development communication, because at the root of development communication – regardless of how this concept is defined – lies the issues of a structured and theoretical approach to community communication which are determined by current trends. Secondly, and crucial to the viability and prospects of community communication, is the question of which development communication methods or media to apply at the various stages of communication to reach the different target audiences. Thirdly, the viability and prospects for successful community communication will be influenced by an integrated approach to the application of development communication methods and media in development communication programmes or strategies.  相似文献   

This article is based on a survey of popular attitudes towards the pure list system that is South Africa's proportional representation electoral system. While the reported findings are broadly positive there are some notable exceptions, located disproportionately among racial minorities and also among sizable numbers of black respondents. Pure proportional representation is unlikely to produce the values that the respondents say they most want from a voting system. The significance of the survey's findings is analysed and reasons are advanced for making changes to the electoral system. The government has opted to retain the status quo for the time being but in the longer term this could be negative for South Africa's democracy  相似文献   

不方便法院原则是普通法系国家有关管辖法律的一个基本特征 ,作为混合法系国家的南非 ,在《海事管辖规则法》制定前 ,南非法院在海事诉讼中并不适用不方便法院原则。《海事管辖规则法》第七条第一款将不方便法院原则引进南非法律中 ,但南非法院是通过判例在海事诉讼中最终确立 ,并详细阐明适用不方便法院原则的具体要求的。目前 ,南非法院适用该原则遵循的是英国法院在其判例中确立的标准 ,特别是在证明责任的运作方式上。不过 ,南非不方便法院原则在担保问题和连接因素问题方面有别于英国的不方便法院原则。南非在 1 992年对《海事管辖规则法》第七条第一款进行了修订 ,但此举并未改变南非海事诉讼中不方便法院原则的证明责任的运作方式。  相似文献   

Political theorists like Bickford (1996) and media theorists like Couldry (2006) have introduced the concept of listening as a complement to long-standing discussions about voice in democracies and in the media which serve the democratic project. This enhanced understanding of voice goes beyond just hearing into giving serious attention to, in particular, marginalised voices. This article reports on an investigation into the ways in which mainstream and community media in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, understand listening as an important part of their role as journalists. Interviews probed the attitudes of journalists and editors towards listening, and also interrogated their own understandings of their role in South Africa, particularly in relation to young people who are finding their political “voice”. The research showed that “listening” as a journalistic practice is seldom understood in anything more than common sense ways and is certainly not an organising principle of reporting and disseminating news. This results in journalism that is events focused, often sensationalist and whose agenda is set powerfully by political actions and actors in the environment. The power of being heard is almost solely in the hands of the journalists, who regard themselves as “the voice of the people”, without actively providing a space for listening to the voices of community members. But, within this generalised environment, there are two very interesting projects in which journalists and editors are actively listening to the issues and stories of citizens and letting them set agendas.  相似文献   

迪克 《西亚非洲》2001,(5):71-71
7月18日,应邀访华的南非伊丽莎白港大学社会科学与人文学院苏珊·博伊森博士与中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所的非洲问题学者就当前南非的政治形势进行了座谈.博伊森女士长期致力于南非政治研究,近年来又开始对南部非洲政治进行比较研究,以期对南部非洲多党制和民主制的成败进行评估.她曾多次访问纳米比亚、莫桑比克等南部非洲国家.  相似文献   

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