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This article presents insights on a participatory theatre initiative implemented in Kenya, with the aim of understanding the changes that were initiated towards the re-establishment of peace between communities. The project was carried out in the aftermath of the post-election violence that took place in the country between 2007 and 2008. Amani People’s Theatre organised a number of theatre-based activities adopting a participatory approach, which ensured the involvement of community members from different tribes. Participants used the plays to re-enact the events, experienced during the conflict and the issues that still affected their communities as a result of those events, and worked together on finding solutions. The article begins with a literature review on Theatre for Development and its progress towards a more participatory approach. This is followed by an introduction of the project and the context in which it took place. The study design and Theory of Change developed for the analysis are then presented, opening the path to a discussion of the findings generated through that framework. Lastly, final reflections bring to light a number of issues that must be considered when working with participatory theatre in peace interventions.  相似文献   

安全化是非传统安全问题形成的必经过程。在非安全领域的问题能够造成(潜在)威胁并已成为国际社会重要议程的前提下,国家所处的安全环境、本国独立维护安全能力所受威胁的认知以及国家与该问题起源地之间的地理距离,是决定该国是否将该问题安全化的主要因素。其中,国家有关自身独立维护安全能力所受威胁的认知是核心因素。英美两国在气候变化安全化上的行为表明:若某非安全领域问题具有全球性,那么国家与该问题起源地之间的距离可以等同于零。在这种情况下,如果国家安全环境受到较大威胁,那么国家认为其独立维护安全的能力也受到较大威胁,本国将该问题安全化的可能性增大。如果国家安全环境受到威胁较小,这将出现两种情况:第一,若国家认为其独立维护安全的能力未受较大威胁,那么本国将该问题安全化的可能性小。第二,若国家认为其独立维护安全的能力受到较大威胁,那么本国将该问题安全化的可能性大。为了限制国家在安全化行为上的反复变化给全球气候治理造成的障碍,联合国可以通过发挥集体安全机制的作用促使气候变化"集体安全化"。  相似文献   

The field of conflict resolution is fractured. Despite many decades of fine research, we still lack a basic unifying framework that integrates the many theories of conflict dynamics. Thus, the findings from research on conflict are often piecemeal, decontextualized, contradictory, or focused on negative outcomes, which contributes to a persistent research‐practice gap. In this article, we describe a situated model for the study of conflict that combines separate strands of scholarship into a coherent framework for conceptualizing conflict in dyadic social relations. The model considers conflict interactions in the context of social relations and employs prior research on the fundamental dimensions of social relations to create a basic framework for investigating conflict dynamics. The resulting model is heuristic and generative. We discuss the theoretical context and main propositions of this model as well as its implications for conflict resolution practitioners.  相似文献   

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