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A discriminant function analysis of deciduous teeth to determine sex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Studies of deciduous teeth have concluded that crown size differences in these teeth between males and females are not reliable sex discriminators, in contrast to such differences in permanent teeth. This study measured the mesiodistal and faciolingual crown diameters of all deciduous teeth, as well as those of the permanent first molars, of 162 children from the Burlington Orthodontic Growth Study, conducted earlier in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. All 40 deciduous tooth diameters (20 mesiolingual and 20 faciolingual) were significantly different between the sexes, as were the permanent tooth diameters. Using three to five measurements of deciduous teeth, discriminant analyses of several samplings of these children produced discriminant functions in which 76 to 90% of the holdout samples were correctly classified by sex. Combinations of deciduous and permanent measurements were used to classify 83 to 85% of the holdout samples correctly. When compared with published data on other sample populations, the Burlington group is the most dimorphic for deciduous teeth and is within the range of permanent tooth dimorphisms of other populations. The level of classification accuracy, when using discriminant analysis of the deciduous teeth, can approach the accuracy levels of analysis using the permanent teeth.  相似文献   

The absence of population-specific standards for sex, age and stature estimation for rural Guatemala is problematic for the forensic analysis of skeletal remains recovered from clandestine graves attributed to the recent armed conflict in that country. In order to increase the reliability of the forensic analyses being undertaken in Guatemala, standards for metric determination of sex were developed. Data was collected on several bones; the results for the humerus are presented here. A sample of 118 complete humeri (68 male and 50 female) was studied; maximum length, maximum diameter of the head, circumference at midshaft, maximum diameter at midshaft, minimum diameter at midshaft and epicondylar breadth were measured and subjected to discriminant function analysis. The classification accuracies for the univariate functions range from 76.8% for the maximum diameter at midshaft to 95.5% for the maximum diameter of the head. The classification accuracy for the stepwise procedure was 98.2%.  相似文献   

The pelves of 100 white skeletons were measured on both sides for the following: (1) length from the superiormost aspect of the pubic symphysis to the nearest rim of the acetabulum (PS-A), (2) length from the highest point of the pubic tubercle to the nearest rim of the acetabulum (PT-A), (3) acetabular diameter (AD), (4) the vertical distance from the anterior aspect of the ischial tuberosity to the farthest rim of the acetabulum (IT-A), and (5) greatest femur head diameter. From these, three indices were derived: AD/PS-A (acetabulum/pubis index), AD/PT-A (acetabular diameter/pubic tubercle-acetabular rim index), and IT-A/PS-A (ischium-acetabulum height/pubic symphysis-acetabular rim index). The left AD/PS-A ratio and left IT-A height proved statistically to be of greatest discriminating value. Using these two variables, a discriminant function was derived which correctly separated 98% of our sample. The acetabulum/pubis ratio alone correctly assigned 95%. With either the discriminant function analysis of two variables or the acetabulum/pubis index as a single predictor, 97% of our sample of known sex was correctly identified if all specimens that fell within a doubtful or overlapping range of values were sorted by femur head diameter.  相似文献   

The race and sex of the human skull can be determined by craniometry. In this paper we suggest that a large number of craniometric measurements does not necessarily give the best possible discrimination for race and test the performance of subsets of variables drawn from various skull regions, or extracted mathematically on the basis of their discriminatory power. We also suggest that the best discriminators for race are not necessarily the best for sex, and that skulls of unknown provenance are best tested first for race and then for sex, using different variables for each purpose.  相似文献   

Reliable methods for sex estimation during the development of a biological profile are important to the forensic community in instances when the common skeletal elements used to assess sex are absent or damaged. Sex estimation from the calcaneus has potentially significant importance for the forensic community. Specifically, measurements of the calcaneus provide an additional reliable method for sex estimation via discriminant function analysis based on a North American forensic population. Research on a modern American sample was chosen in order to develop up-to-date population specific discriminant functions for sex estimation. The current study addresses this matter, building upon previous research and introduces a new measurement, posterior circumference that promises to advance the accuracy of use of this single, highly resistant bone in future instances of sex determination from partial skeletal remains. Data were collected from The William Bass Skeletal Collection, housed at The University of Tennessee. Sample size includes 320 adult individuals born between the years 1900 and 1985. The sample was comprised of 136 females and 184 males. Skeletons used for measurements were confined to those with fused diaphyses showing no signs of pathology or damage that may have altered measurements, and that also had accompanying records that included information on ancestry, age, and sex. Measurements collected and analyzed include maximum length, load-arm length, load-arm width, and posterior circumference. The sample was used to compute a discriminant function, based on all four variables, and was performed in SAS 9.1.3. The discriminant function obtained an overall cross-validated classification rate of 86.69%. Females were classified correctly in 88.64% of the cases and males were correctly classified in 84.75% of the cases. Due to the increasing heterogeneity of current populations further discussion on this topic will include the importance that the re-evaluation of past studies has on modern forensic populations. Due to secular and micro evolutionary changes among populations, the near future must include additional methods being updated, and new methods being examined, both which should cover a wide population spectrum.  相似文献   

Determination of sex and estimation of stature from the skeleton is vital to medicolegal investigations. In the present study, an attempt is made to determine sex and estimate stature of an individual using data derived from lateral cephalogram in Central Indian population. Skull is composed of hard tissue and is the best preserved part of skeleton after death, hence, in many cases it is the only available part for forensic examination. Lateral cephalogram is ideal for the skull examination as it gives details of various anatomical points in a single radiograph, also it easily provides architectural and morphological details of skull superstructures and intra-cranial details for comparisons. A discriminant function derived from 10 cephalometric variables provided 99% reliability in sex determination. The formulae obtained from regression analysis using the maximum length of skull showed very high degree of reliability for estimation of stature in males as well as females.  相似文献   

Sex determination of unknown skeletal material is one of the most vital determinations made by forensic anthropologists. Numerous studies have focussed on the differences, both osteometric and morphological, between the sexes of a particular racial phenotype and population. Previous work by a variety of researchers has underscored the necessity of population specific standards. The purpose of this research is to metrically assess sex differences in the pelvis of South African whites and blacks and develop standards tailored to these groups. Data were collected from 400 known sex/race skeletons from the Pretoria and Dart Collections. Nine measurements (traditional and newly developed) were taken and subjected to SPSS stepwise and direct discriminant analysis. Results indicated that there are significant differences (p < or = 0.001) between the sexes of both races for most measurements. Discriminant function analysis selected ischial length as the most sexually dimorphic dimension in whites (averaged 86% accuracy), while acetabulum diameter was most diagnostic in blacks (averaged 84% accuracy). Six functions were developed from the pelvic dimensions. Highest accuracy was achieved from Function 1 (including all dimensions) which averaged 95.5% correct classification in whites and 94% in blacks. Functions based on selected parts of the pelvis were not as effective and ranged from 73-86% in whites and 72-84% in blacks. This research provided evidence of the significant sex differences that exist between the pelves of South African whites and blacks whilst measurements used here for discriminant function analysis gave classifications with high accuracies. These results can be used to aid in the identification of human skeletal remains in South Africa.  相似文献   

The authors studied sexually dimorphic differences in coxal shape using geometric morphometric analysis of 15 osteometric landmarks recorded by multislice computed tomography (MSCT), based on three-dimensional reconstructions of 65 Caucasian adults. Geometric morphometric analysis, principal component analysis, canonical variates analysis, and other discriminant analysis (Goodall's F-test and Mahalanobis distance) were performed for the three separate bones of the left innominate (pubis, ilium, and ischium), the modified pubis (pubis and ischiopubic ramus), the modified ilium (ilium and ischial spine), three bone complexes (ischiopubic, iliopubic, and ilio-ischial), and the complete innominate. A cross-validation test was also performed. All areas studied were dimorphic, but results for sexual dimorphism in decreasing order were as follows: the modified pubis, followed by the ischiopubic complex, the iliopubic complex and the complete innominate, the pubis, the modified ilium, the ilio-ischial complex, the ilium, and finally the ischium. These results show the potential of this approach for future anthropological research.  相似文献   

Sex assessment is one of the first essential steps in human identification, in both medico-legal cases and bio-archaeological contexts. Fragmentary human remains compromised by different types of inhumation or physical insults may frustrate the use of the traditional sex estimation methods, such as the analysis of the skull and pelvis. Currently, the application of discriminant functions to sex unidentified skeletal remains is steadily increasing. However, several studies have demonstrated that, due to variation in size and patterns of sexual dimorphism, discriminant function equations are population-specific [1,2,5,12,61]. In this study, in order to improve sex assessment from skeletal remains and to establish population-specific discriminant functions, the diagnostic values of the carpal bones were considered. A sample of 100 individuals (50 males and 50 females) of known sex and age was analyzed. They belong to a 20th century identified collection from the Municipal Cemetery of "San José", Granada (Spain) and housed in the Laboratory of Anthropology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Granada (Spain). The age of the individuals ranged between 22 and 85 years. Between four and nine measurements of each carpal bone were performed [41,59]. Discriminant function statistics showed a sex assessment accuracy as high as 97.8%. The results suggest that carpal bones can be used for assessing sex in both forensic and bio-archaeological identification procedures.  相似文献   


In order to assess the internal structure of Risk Matrix 2000 in an Italian sample of 308 adult males convicted for sex abuse, a principal component analysis with Promax rotation was performed. The results identified a structure with three factors that explained 53.8% of the total variance: the first factor concerned items referred to the criminal career of the offender; the second factor concerned the age of onset in committing crimes; the third factor was more strictly related to the offenders' attitude towards the sex crime/s, and reflects the aggravating items of the S scale. These results allows us to have the first validated tool on an Italian sample for assessing the level of risk for recidivism.  相似文献   

Determination of sex and estimation of stature are important aspects of forensic identification of an unknown individual. In the absence of pelvis the sex is assessed from long bones and cranium as they both provide high accuracy in sexing. The present study is an attempt to assess sex and stature from long bones of the forearm using recently deceased forensic cases in Istanbul, Turkey. The sample is composed of 80 males and 47 females with an average age of 36 and 30 years, respectively. Length measurements from the radius and ulna were obtained by exposing the epiphyseal ends of the long bones in a fashion similar to dry long bones. Discriminant function statistics showed a sex determination accuracy as high as 96%. Regression analysis was used in stature estimation from these two bones. Ideally osteological remains are necessary to make standards for osteological identification. These materials are not always easy to obtain and those available seem to be less ideal when they do not represent a current population. Forensic anthropologists therefore should develop techniques that utilize autopsy remains.  相似文献   

Age estimation in forensics is essential in cases involving both living and dead subjects. For living subjects, age estimation may be used to establish an individual's status as a minor in cases involving adoption, criminal responsibility, child pornography, and those seeking asylum. Criteria for age estimation in the living have recently been put forth by The Study Group on Forensic Age Diagnostics. The group has proposed guidelines with a three-step procedure: a physical examination and anthropometrical analysis; dental analysis by orthopantomogram (OPG); and X-ray study of the left hand and wrist. The board of FASE highlighted advantages and limits of each method, and suggested practical solutions concerning the age estimation process for adults and subadults. The aim of this study was to verify the applicability of the Greulich and Pyle, and Demirjian techniques on a sample group of Italians, whose ages were known, in determining the skeletal and dental age, in addition to evaluating the reliability of these techniques. 535 subjects between the ages of 7 and 15years were examined, each one undergoing both an orthopantomography (OPG) and radiography of the left wrist and hand. The data obtained underwent statistical analysis. The analyses have shown that a correlation exists between skeletal and dental age, and real age. Age estimation carried out using the Greulich and Pyle method has shown itself to be especially accurate on the Italian sample, particularly in the age ranges of 7-9years and 10.4-11.5years. The Greulich and Pyle method has shown itself to be reliable for the sample analyzed notwithstanding the ethnic differences between the original sample of reference and those analyzed in this study. Application of the Demirjian technique resulted in an overestimation of dental age. This difference is shown to be more highly significant in the higher age ranges. The combination of the Greulich and Pyle, and Demirjian methods have revealed a difference regarding real age, which turns out to be more modest in the younger age ranges and more significant in older subjects.  相似文献   

Canines are usually used in anthropological and forensic sciences for sex and age determination. The best methods to estimate age are based on secondary dentine apposition, evaluated from periapical X-rays. The aim of this study was to propose a new method of sex and age estimation using 3D models to obtain more precise predictions using tooth volumes. Fifty-eight dental CT scans of patients aged 14-74 with a well-balanced sex ratio composed the sample. One hundred and thirty-three healthy canines were modeled (Mimics 12.0). The sample was divided into a training sample and a validation sample. An age formula was determined using the "pulp volume/tooth volume" ratio. Sex prediction was adjusted with total volumes. Applying the equations to the validation sample, no significant difference was found between the real and predicted ages, and 100% of the sex predictions were correct. This preliminary study gives interesting results, and this method is worth being tested on a larger data sample.  相似文献   

Recently, a metric approach to skeletal sex determination was published by Paiva and Segre which is based on the summation of two triangular areas defined by three distinct craniometric landmarks: Porion, Mastoidale, and Asterion. According to the authors, values for the total triangle > or =1447.40 mm(2) are characteristic for male crania, while values < or =1260.36 mm(2) are indicative of female skulls (95% confidence). In order to evaluate the method's validity, two sex- and age-documented samples of different provenience were analyzed (N=197). The results show that while the indicated measurements display significant sex differences, the technique is of little practical meaning where a single individual must be independently classified. It is hypothesized that differences in the expression of sexual dimorphism as well as a population-specific variability of the asterion location undermine the value of the mastoid triangle as a sex determinant.  相似文献   

The identification of unknown remains is very important. When unknown remains are found, anthropologists first determine their sex and age. The sex of most skeletons is determined by their shape. In the hyoid bone, the shape is sex related, so it can be used forensically to determine the sex. This study focused on sex-based morphometry of the hyoid bone in Koreans using digital photographs. Hyoid bones from 52 males and 33 females were examined. For each subject, we took 34 measurements from photographs using a computer program, and the data were analyzed statistically using SPSS 11.0. Twenty-one of 34 measurements had significant sex differences (p<0.05). The discriminant functions based on three measurements (X(1)-X(3)) were as follows: The accuracy of discriminant functions is 88.2% in both groups, so these can be used to distinguish males from females in a statistically significant manner.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The examination of skull sexual dimorphism has been the subject of numerous morphologic and craniometric studies, but the disadvantage of these studies is that they are dependent on the experience of the operator and involve subjectivity. In 1996, a team from Taiwan refined the methods enabling the sex of an individual to be determined using cephalometric plots made from lateral teleradiography. To validate their work using a European population, 114 dry skulls (59 men and 55 women) were examined. Cephalometric plots were made on lateral teleradiography with an orthodontic software and 18 cephalometric variables were analyzed. Sex was determined with 95.6% accuracy using the 18 variables discriminant function. A subset of eight variables was selected and could predict sex with the same accuracy. In conclusion, it can be said that skull-sexing methods using lateral teleradiography seem always suitable but the most indicative variables could differ relative to the ethnic population concerned.  相似文献   

The HUMARA CAG repeats polymorphism was studied in an Italian population sample. Polymerase chain reaction amplification and automated fluorescent analysis were used. A total of 19 and 15 repeats was observed in female and male subjects, respectively, and one new allele was found. The authors conclude that this X-linked short tandem repeat, typed without ambiguity and with a heterozygosity of 0.902, is useful in parentage testing of female subjects.  相似文献   

Measurements were made on the basis of the osteological collection of the chair for anthropology, Moscow State University (70 cases), and on the basis of a series of skeletons (10 cases) from among burial places of the Novospassk Monastery (males aged above 18-20). Eleven sizes of Martin program (length, diaphysis circumference and epiphysis width) were fixed onto the humerus, radial, femoral and shin bones. Simultaneously, the development of the osseous relief elements in the above bones (a total of 18 signs in each skeleton) was evaluated by Fedosova program. The data was processed by SPSS. Discriminative analysis was used as a basis to work out a diagnostic model that can be used to determine a somatotype by the humerus, radial and femoral bones. The classification accuracy is 75%. The method should be applied in those cases, when the appropriate bones are available. If the available combination of bones is different from the above, the routine method is recommended for use, i.e. determination of a somatotype by the skeleton massiveness.  相似文献   

Sex dimorphism in the Nepalese dentition is described using univariate and discriminant analyses. Canines showed the greatest univariate sex dimorphism, followed by the buccolingual (BL) dimension of maxillary first and second molars. Overall, the maxillary teeth and BL dimensions showed greater univariate sex differences. However, less than half of the measured variables (46.4%) showed statistically significant differences between the sexes and the magnitude of sex dimorphism was reduced when compared to other populations. Moreover, reverse dimorphism--where females showed larger teeth than males--was observed in the mesiodistal dimension of mandibular second premolars. This reflects reduction in sexual dimorphism observed through human evolution and the consequent overlap of tooth dimensions in modern males and females. A specific purpose of the study was to develop discriminant functions to facilitate sex classification. A group of functions were developed considering the possibility of missing teeth and/or jaws in forensic scenarios. The functions permitted moderate to high classification accuracy in sexing (67.9% using maxillary posterior teeth; 92.5% using teeth from both jaws). The superior expression of sex dimorphism by means of discriminant functions is in contrast to the univariate results. This is due to discriminant analysis utilising the inter-relationship between all teeth within a dentition--these tooth correlations are not utilised in univariate analysis which results in a loss of information. It is inferred that large-scale statistically significant univariate differences are not a prerequisite for sex assessment.  相似文献   

The cranial thickness was measured in 64 individuals (43 males, 21 females) autopsied at our institute. The thickness was measured by taking a biopsy with a trephine at four specific locations on the skull. Complete medical records and pathologic autopsy results were available. While none of the individuals had suffered from diseases affecting bone or bone metabolism as such, a large sub group consisted of individuals with a history of, and autopsy finds consistent with, chronic substance and alcohol abuse. There was no statistically significant difference in cranial thickness measures between this group and the rest of the material. Subsequent analyses failed to reveal any correlations between the cranial thickness and sex and age and height and weight of the individual. This is in accordance with most earlier studies, which likewise show no correlation, or only very faint trends, between cranial thickness and these parameters. This study, thus, adds to other studies showing that cranial thickness cannot be used in aging or sexing human remains. Likewise, in a forensic pathological setting, cranial thickness cannot be inferred from the individuals stature and build, which may be an issue in cases of interpersonal violence with cranial trauma.  相似文献   

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