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新精神活性物质更新快,种类繁多,缺乏国际条约的监管,列入联合国管控目录困难,加之一些国家和国际社会对大麻等毒品管控降低,给我国在新精神活性物质类毒品的监管带来困难.具有成瘾性和社会危害性的新精神活性物质才能成为列管对象,毒物分析技术人员在列管程序中扮演极为重要的角色.我国对新精神活性物质的监管法规规定了相关列管程序,毒...  相似文献   

沈敏 《法医学杂志》2021,(4):453-458
毒品滥用是全球关注的社会性问题,也是法医毒物学领域所面临的新挑战.毒品是国际禁毒公约和有关法律法规规定管制的能够使人形成瘾癖的麻醉药品和精神药物的统称,其管制的品种与范围根据不同时代和地区而定.通常认为,第一代毒品主要是指海洛因以及阿片类物质,第二代毒品则以甲基苯丙胺等为代表,而第三代毒品即新精神活性物质(new ps...  相似文献   

合成大麻素类(SCs)新精神活性物质是指人工合成的内源性大麻素CB1和CB2受体激动剂.该类物质多以香料、花瓣、烟草和电子烟油等形态出现,吸食合成大麻素对人体具有较强的致幻、镇定和抑制作用,从而产生强烈的快感,但伴随着精神错乱、头昏眼花、嗜睡、躁动、烦躁、恶心以及呕吐等副作用,其对公众的健康和安全构成重大威胁.通过对合...  相似文献   

苯乙胺类新精神活性物质是世界第三大合成类毒品,具有兴奋与致幻的双重作用。该类物质结构变幻莫测,通过结构修饰衍生出了2C、苯丙胺类、DOX、NBOMe、FLY等系列化合物,其危害性远远高于传统类型毒品,严重威胁个体健康和公共安全。随着苯乙胺类新精神活性物质结构的不断变化,对于该类物质的代谢研究也受到越来越多的关注。各种体内外代谢模型和液相色谱-高分辨质谱的应用使苯乙胺类新精神活性物质在人体内的代谢过程逐渐清晰,极大地丰富了该类物质的代谢数据,涉及的生物转化反应主要包括氧化脱氨、O-脱甲基化、N-乙酰化、羟基化等。通过对苯乙胺类新精神活性物质的结构、分类及其相关的代谢模型、代谢物分析方法、代谢产物鉴定等方面进行综述,以期为该类物质的滥用监测提供基础数据。  相似文献   

新精神活性物质是法医毒物学领域近年来的研究热点之一,为客观、全面地展示该领域的发展历程与前沿趋势,以境内学者在中国知网(CNKI)、Web of Science(Wo S)收录期刊上发表的法医毒物学领域新精神活性物质研究文献为研究样本,使用Note Express、Cite Space软件对作者、机构、关键词等进行定量考察、数据分析,使用Gephi生成知识网络谱图。我国新精神活性物质研究的发展紧扣禁毒实践需求,不断更新技术手段并扩充对化合物的认识,研究角度涵盖结构鉴定、定性定量方法、代谢途径表征、毒代动力学与毒理学性质、毒情监测等。通过文献计量学方法构建了法医毒物学领域新精神活性物质研究图谱,以期为法医毒物学的深化研究提供参考信息。  相似文献   

目的对缴获的嫌疑药片进行定性定量检验。方法采用GC/MS确证、GC/FID内标法定量检验。结果三起不同案件的嫌疑药片,均检出芬纳西泮,含量为0.5%~1.1%。结论不同时间、不同地区缴获的三起数量较大、外观基本相同的嫌疑药片活性成分均为芬纳西泮的检验结果应引起我国禁毒执法部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

目的 建立新精神活性物质(new psychoactive substance,NPS)盐型测定的离子色谱分析方法.方法 建立离子色谱法分析NPS样品中6种有机酸根离子(乙酸根、酒石酸根、马来酸根、草酸根、富马酸根、柠檬酸根)和5种无机阴离子(氟离子、氯离子、硝酸根离子、硫酸根离子、磷酸根离子)的定性和定量分析方法.采...  相似文献   

合成大麻素类是目前涵盖物质种类最多、滥用最为严重的一类新精神活性物质,代谢物鉴定研究可以为合成大麻素滥用监测提供基础数据,是目前的研究热点.合成大麻素结构修饰的主要趋势是戊基吲哚或吲唑环戊基末端上的氟原子取代为氢原子,这大大提高了化合物的生物活性,涉及的主要代谢反应包括羟基化、氧化脱氟、酰胺水解、酯水解.液相色谱-高分...  相似文献   

新型精神活性物质的行政过程是诸多行政行为的耦合,包括授权与确认、治毒行政的实现、权利救济与监督三个不同的阶段,涵盖规范——行为——救济的不同内容。总的来看,当前新型精神活性物质的行政过程主要在规范体系、组织结构、治理手段、行政程序,法律监督程序等阶段存在不足。为此,有必要树立以警察行政为核心的新型精神活性物质行政治理模式,从行政治理依据、行政组织架构、扩充治理的具体手段、基本行政程序、监督与救济在内的方面出发,进一步完善其行政治理体系。  相似文献   

合成卡西酮类是一类具有与苯丙胺类毒品类似结构的新精神活性物质,服用后可产生与苯丙胺、可卡因等毒品类似的兴奋作用.近年来,国内外合成卡西酮类的滥用现象日趋严峻,对社会治安与公共健康均造成了严重威胁.本文着重探讨几种常见合成卡西酮类物质,归纳其在动物自主活动实验、药物依赖模型实验中的研究结果,总结其在动物体温调节、学习记忆...  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the European Early Warning System in 2005, >700 new psychoactive substances (NPS) have been listed. This review article presents for the first time the Swiss narcotic law in perspective of scheduling of NPS, and compares it to the regulations of the German speaking neighbours Austria and Germany.The Swiss way is a fast and effective way for scheduling NPS, with the purpose to restrict drug trafficking and for controlling the NPS drug market: the legal basis for scheduling substances of abuse is the “Law about narcotics and psychotropic substances” (BetmG, SR 812.121), which includes the “narcotic law directory (BetmVV-EDI, SR 812.121.11) suitable for listing all controlled substances. The BetmVV-EDI, SR 812.121.11 contains seven indices, with index e specifically designed for the fast scheduling of NPS. Newly appearing NPS can either be controlled under a structure analogues definition or by listing single substances. The list of single substances is updated at least once per year, and structure analogues definitions can be implemented, in order to keep track with new developments on the NPS market. The latest version from November 30th 2018 contains ten different structure analogue definitions and 207 single substances. Requirements to list NPS are their appearance on the NPS market, suspected psychotropic effects and their suggestions by Forensic professionals. As soon as substances are newly placed, on Schedule I of the 1961 Convention or Schedule II of the 1971 Convention by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the World Health Organization they can easily be transferred from index e to index a-d of the BetmVV-EDI, SR 812.121.11. The Austrian law uses a structure analogue and single substances approach (introduced in 2012, one update in 2016), whereas the German NPS law (established in 2016, no update yet) only lists two structure-analogue-definitions. All three legislations have defined which core structures, kinds and sites of substitutions are regulated.  相似文献   

本文介绍了合成大麻素化学结构的规律性,针对已经管控的合成大麻素进行了构效关系的研究,并在此基础上预测了可能出现的新结构类型.同时,介绍了两个合成大麻素鉴定的案例分析.  相似文献   

An expert examination is a medical examination performed by a doctor on the order of a police officer or investigating judge. It includes a clinical examination of the subject, collection of samples for toxicological analysis, and the doctor's assessment of whether the subject is under the influence of psychoactive substances. The doctor requires expert knowledge, skill, experience and sufficient time to successfully perform the examination. Since the accurate assessment of the effects of psychoactive substances present depends on a comprehensive evaluation of toxicological test results, the calculation of results at the time of the event and the results of the medical examination, an unprofessionally performed examination can have far-reaching consequences, primarily legal in nature.  相似文献   

The illicit market for new psychoactive substances is forever expanding. Benzodiazepines and their derivatives are one of a number of groups of these substances and thus far their number has grown year upon year. For both forensic and clinical purposes it is important to be able to rapidly understand these emerging substances. However as a consequence of the illicit nature of these compounds, there is a deficiency in the pharmacological data available for these ‘new’ benzodiazepines. In order to further understand the pharmacology of ‘new’ benzodiazepines we utilised a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) approach. A set of 69 benzodiazepine-based compounds was analysed to develop a QSAR training set with respect to published binding values to GABAA receptors. The QSAR model returned an R2 value of 0.90. The most influential factors were found to be the positioning of two H-bond acceptors, two aromatic rings and a hydrophobic group. A test set of nine random compounds was then selected for internal validation to determine the predictive ability of the model and gave an R2 value of 0.86 when comparing the binding values with their experimental data. The QSAR model was then used to predict the binding for 22 benzodiazepines that are classed as new psychoactive substances. This model will allow rapid prediction of the binding activity of emerging benzodiazepines in a rapid and economic way, compared with lengthy and expensive in vitro/in vivo analysis. This will enable forensic chemists and toxicologists to better understand both recently developed compounds and prediction of substances likely to emerge in the future.  相似文献   



We argue that inadequate frameworks to compare similar gang control strategies, and the scarcity of well-designed evaluations have hindered our ability to determine the effectiveness of existing programs. This article proposes a new typology of gang control strategies to use with logic models as tools to improve gang program evaluation.


We conducted a systematic review of gang control strategy evaluation reports and created a typology from the studies identified. Studies were selected on the basis of methodological quality in order to reflect only rigorous evaluations with credible research findings.


Forty-five studies were selected and reviewed. Studies were classified in homogeneous categories based on the targeted population and the objective of the strategy. We infer logic models that consider the activities, outputs, and outcomes of each type of strategy.


A better framework for the comparison of similar studies may allow meta-analyses to be conducted, thereby improving our knowledge of what works. Logic models can move the field forward by allowing researchers to understand why some programs work and others do not. The improvement, both in quality and quantity, of program evaluation in gang research is crucial in order to move beyond claims of promising approaches.  相似文献   

The distribution or consumption of traditional drugs has become the subject of stringent penalties throughout most of the world and synthetic designer drugs have become the alternative. Novel psychoactive substances, also called ‘legal highs’, are highly varied in terms of chemical composition. These substances are advertised and distributed as an alternative to traditional drugs on the Internet, making identification of new substances and enforcement difficult. For this article, we downloaded and analysed 28 Russian-language online drug marketplaces which distribute traditional and novel psychoactive substances. All marketplaces used a noncontact drug dealing method where the seller and the buyer communicate through the Internet to arrange for payment and delivery of drugs without meeting face-to-face. Geographic information, price, amount, substance type and payment method data were extracted. Findings indicate such marketplaces are able to operate due to the ability of their clients to pay anonymously with the virtual currencies Qiwi and Bitcoin.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):617-626
Corrosive substance attacks have become a growing issue within the UK. Although most commonly occurring in gang-related offences, there are high profile instances where this type of attack has been used to attack women to disfigure and destroy livelihoods. Despite the increase in such attacks, there has been very little published research into the recovery of forensic evidence from items used in these crimes. The effect of corrosive substances on the recovery of different types of forensic evidence is unknown, and there is no guidance for laboratories processing exhibits contaminated with corrosive substances regarding optimum treatments. This pilot study focused on establishing the effectiveness of a range of fingermark visualisation processes in recovering fingermarks on surfaces exposed to concentrated sulfuric acid (acid) and potassium hydroxide (alkali). Results indicate that on non-porous surfaces vacuum metal deposition and powder suspensions remain effective, and on porous surfaces fingermarks could still be visualised with physical developer. Alkalis were found to be more detrimental than acid environments in this limited study. The results demonstrate that fingermark recovery is still feasible on surfaces exposed to corrosive substances and provides encouragement that treatment protocols could be developed for this type of exhibit.  相似文献   

The emergence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) has raised many issues in the context of law enforcement and public drug policies. In this scenario, interdisciplinary studies are crucial to the decision-making process in the field of criminal science. Unfortunately, information about how NPS affect people's health is lacking even though knowledge about the toxic potential of these substances is essential: the more information about these drugs, the greater the possibility of avoiding damage within the scope of a harm reduction policy. Traditional analytical methods may be inaccessible in the field of forensic science because they are relatively expensive and time-consuming. In this sense, less costly and faster in silico methodologies can be useful strategies. In this work, we submitted computer-calculated toxicity values of various amphetamines and cathinones to an unsupervised multivariate analysis, namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and to the supervised techniques Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy and Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis (SIMCA and PLS-DA) to evaluate how these two NPS groups behave. We studied how theoretical and experimental values are correlated by PLS regression. Although experimental data was available for a small amount of molecules, correlation values reproduced literature values. The in silico method efficiently provided information about the drugs. On the basis of our findings, the technical information presented here can be used in decision-making regarding harm reduction policies and help to fulfill the objectives of criminal science.  相似文献   

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