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沈敏 《法医学杂志》2021,(4):453-458
毒品滥用是全球关注的社会性问题,也是法医毒物学领域所面临的新挑战.毒品是国际禁毒公约和有关法律法规规定管制的能够使人形成瘾癖的麻醉药品和精神药物的统称,其管制的品种与范围根据不同时代和地区而定.通常认为,第一代毒品主要是指海洛因以及阿片类物质,第二代毒品则以甲基苯丙胺等为代表,而第三代毒品即新精神活性物质(new ps...  相似文献   

合成大麻素类是目前涵盖物质种类最多、滥用最为严重的一类新精神活性物质,代谢物鉴定研究可以为合成大麻素滥用监测提供基础数据,是目前的研究热点.合成大麻素结构修饰的主要趋势是戊基吲哚或吲唑环戊基末端上的氟原子取代为氢原子,这大大提高了化合物的生物活性,涉及的主要代谢反应包括羟基化、氧化脱氟、酰胺水解、酯水解.液相色谱-高分...  相似文献   

新精神活性物质具有更迭快、种类多、毒性强的特点,业已成为继传统毒品和合成毒品之后的"第三代毒品".新精神活性物质的出现对个人和公众健康构成越来越严峻的威胁,也对传统的毒品管制制度提出了巨大的挑战.为应对新精神活性物质问题,以联合国为平台的国际组织与国际社会均进行了一系列措施,我国于2015年出台《非药用类麻醉药品和精神...  相似文献   

合成大麻素类(SCs)新精神活性物质是指人工合成的内源性大麻素CB1和CB2受体激动剂.该类物质多以香料、花瓣、烟草和电子烟油等形态出现,吸食合成大麻素对人体具有较强的致幻、镇定和抑制作用,从而产生强烈的快感,但伴随着精神错乱、头昏眼花、嗜睡、躁动、烦躁、恶心以及呕吐等副作用,其对公众的健康和安全构成重大威胁.通过对合...  相似文献   

目的 建立联合傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectrum,FTIR)、气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)、高分辨质谱和核磁共振波谱(nuclear magnetic reso-nance spectros...  相似文献   

目的 建立基于傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)、气相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱(gas chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry,GC-QTOF-MS)、超高效液相色谱-线性离子阱-四极杆-轨道阱质谱(ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-linear ion trap quadrupole-orbitrap mass spectrometry,UPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap MS)和核磁共振氢谱(1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,1H-NMR)技术联合鉴定未知样品的方法。方法 采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪直接检测未知样品;未知样品用含内标SKF525A的甲醇溶液溶解,上清液供GC-QTOF-MS和UPLC-LTQOrbitrap MS检测;未知样品用氘代甲醇溶液溶解后供1H-NMR检测。结果 未知样品获得的红外光谱特征吸收峰为1 6...  相似文献   

目的 建立新精神活性物质(new psychoactive substance,NPS)盐型测定的离子色谱分析方法.方法 建立离子色谱法分析NPS样品中6种有机酸根离子(乙酸根、酒石酸根、马来酸根、草酸根、富马酸根、柠檬酸根)和5种无机阴离子(氟离子、氯离子、硝酸根离子、硫酸根离子、磷酸根离子)的定性和定量分析方法.采...  相似文献   

目的对缴获的嫌疑药片进行定性定量检验。方法采用GC/MS确证、GC/FID内标法定量检验。结果三起不同案件的嫌疑药片,均检出芬纳西泮,含量为0.5%~1.1%。结论不同时间、不同地区缴获的三起数量较大、外观基本相同的嫌疑药片活性成分均为芬纳西泮的检验结果应引起我国禁毒执法部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

近年来,新精神活性物质(new psychoactive substance,NPS)作为第三代毒品迅速扩张,已经成为我国禁毒防控体系中的重要关注点.而污水分析作为目前禁毒领域的毒情监测新技术,是一种客观、实时、准确、便捷、有效的毒情监测方法,近些年逐渐应用于NPS的监测.本文对生活污水样品的采集、目标物稳定性研究、生...  相似文献   

近年合成大麻素类物质(synthetic cannabinoids,SCs)的危害及滥用引起社会广泛关注,它们不仅具有类似天然大麻的致幻性,还有更强的副作用,包括潜在的神经精神毒性,严重影响人类身心健康。因此,国内外研究人员对合成大麻素及其代谢物的检验方法进行了相关研究。本文主要介绍了SCs的生理药理作用、主要分类等,对其检验方法研究进展进行了综述与展望,探讨了各检验方法的应用范围与选择依据,以期为SCs相关案件的检验鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了合成大麻素化学结构的规律性,针对已经管控的合成大麻素进行了构效关系的研究,并在此基础上预测了可能出现的新结构类型.同时,介绍了两个合成大麻素鉴定的案例分析.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the European Early Warning System in 2005, >700 new psychoactive substances (NPS) have been listed. This review article presents for the first time the Swiss narcotic law in perspective of scheduling of NPS, and compares it to the regulations of the German speaking neighbours Austria and Germany.The Swiss way is a fast and effective way for scheduling NPS, with the purpose to restrict drug trafficking and for controlling the NPS drug market: the legal basis for scheduling substances of abuse is the “Law about narcotics and psychotropic substances” (BetmG, SR 812.121), which includes the “narcotic law directory (BetmVV-EDI, SR 812.121.11) suitable for listing all controlled substances. The BetmVV-EDI, SR 812.121.11 contains seven indices, with index e specifically designed for the fast scheduling of NPS. Newly appearing NPS can either be controlled under a structure analogues definition or by listing single substances. The list of single substances is updated at least once per year, and structure analogues definitions can be implemented, in order to keep track with new developments on the NPS market. The latest version from November 30th 2018 contains ten different structure analogue definitions and 207 single substances. Requirements to list NPS are their appearance on the NPS market, suspected psychotropic effects and their suggestions by Forensic professionals. As soon as substances are newly placed, on Schedule I of the 1961 Convention or Schedule II of the 1971 Convention by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the World Health Organization they can easily be transferred from index e to index a-d of the BetmVV-EDI, SR 812.121.11. The Austrian law uses a structure analogue and single substances approach (introduced in 2012, one update in 2016), whereas the German NPS law (established in 2016, no update yet) only lists two structure-analogue-definitions. All three legislations have defined which core structures, kinds and sites of substitutions are regulated.  相似文献   

An expert examination is a medical examination performed by a doctor on the order of a police officer or investigating judge. It includes a clinical examination of the subject, collection of samples for toxicological analysis, and the doctor's assessment of whether the subject is under the influence of psychoactive substances. The doctor requires expert knowledge, skill, experience and sufficient time to successfully perform the examination. Since the accurate assessment of the effects of psychoactive substances present depends on a comprehensive evaluation of toxicological test results, the calculation of results at the time of the event and the results of the medical examination, an unprofessionally performed examination can have far-reaching consequences, primarily legal in nature.  相似文献   

Diphenidine is a dissociative drug that shows several psychotropic effects including euphoria, shifts in perception of reality, hallucinations, and transient anterograde amnesia. In this study, a case of acute intoxication occurring after diphenidine intake is reported. A 30‐year‐old Caucasian male was hospitalized after he was found in a confused and agitated state and unable to communicate. The physical examination displayed tachycardia, miotic pupils, and increased both body temperature and respiratory rate. After a liquid–liquid extraction procedure, GC/MS analysis revealed the presence of diphenidine in plasma and urine at concentrations of 308 and 631 ng/mL, respectively. Methylphenidate and diclazepam were also detected in the plasma. The clinical progress of the patient was favorable, and his symptoms were cured with a symptomatic treatment. The combined circumstantial elements and toxicological results of the case reported revealed the occurrence of an acute intoxication ascribable to the recreational abuse of diphenidine.  相似文献   

The social problems of drug abuse are a matter of increasing global problem. Nowadays, international agencies need fresh methods to monitor trends of the use of illicit drugs. In this sense, small amounts of drugs are transferred to banknotes and they could be detected and quantified. An analytical procedure based upon extraction with organic solvent, liquid chromatography separation, and mass spectrometric detection allowed the identification of 21 drugs and metabolites in 120 used Euro banknotes collected in the Canary Islands (Spain). Most of the banknotes analyzed showed detectable drug residues (92.5%). Cocaine was the most frequently detected drug, present in approximately 90% of the samples. In addition, 75%, 35%, and 15% of the banknotes showed residues of amphetamine derivatives, opiates, and benzodiazepines, respectively. An average of three drug residues per banknote was detected. In summary, the presence of drug residues in banknotes could be useful as tracer for drugs prevalence.  相似文献   

氯胺酮胶体金标记单克隆抗体免疫层析检测板的研制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的建立一种简便快速检测氯胺酮的方法。方法将20nm胶体金颗粒标记的抗氯胺酮单克隆抗体,均匀浸在吸水玻璃纤维上,用点膜机将氯胺酮-BSA和纯化后的羊抗鼠IgG多克隆抗体在硝酸纤维薄膜分别划1mm宽的检测线(T线)和质控线(C线),然后依次将吸水玻璃纤维、硝酸纤维薄膜和吸水滤纸粘贴于白色的塑料片上,切成0.5 cm×10 cm大小,制成氯胺酮胶体金标记单克隆抗体免疫层析检测条,并组装成检测板,并检测其特异性和灵敏度。结果氯胺酮胶体金标记单克隆抗体免疫层析检测板在对46种药(毒)物的测试中,仅识别氯胺酮及其主要代谢产物,其准确性为97.6%,检测氯胺酮的阈值为1000ng/m l。结论氯胺酮胶体金标记单克隆抗体免疫层析检测板在5m in内可检出样品中的氯胺酮及其代谢物。  相似文献   

The 4- Aminophenol (4-AP) colorimetric test is a fast, easy-to-use, and cost-effective presumptive assay of cannabis plant material producing different chromophores with THC-rich cannabis (blue color) and with CBD-rich cannabis (pink color). The main drawback of the 4-AP test is a brief observation window where the color rapidly changes to black, limiting the utility of the test. We now report for the first time, the identification of the product chromophores between 4-AP and CBD/THC as well as propose an explanation and a solution for the color degradation of the chromophores. The identification of the chromophores is provided by spectroscopic (UV–Vis), chromatography, and mass spectrometry (TLC and LC-QToF-MS). Oxidation of excess 4-AP (Reagent A) in the presence of NaOH (Reagent B) produces the black color observed for the previously reported 4-AP tests and reported in the literature. The adjustment of reactants concentrations and volumes of 4-AP:THC/CBD to a 1:1 ratio significantly reduces the black oxidation by-product and increases the observation window up to 2 h instead of the previously reported 5–10 min. For the first time, mass spectrometry and chromatography confirmed that the reaction of THC and CBD with 4-AP produced chromophores with m/z (M + H) = 420, consistent with proposed indophenol structures. The TLC method developed confirmed the separation between CBD and THC chromophores. The specificity of the test is also reported, showing false positive results for the presence of THC (blue color) for samples of thyme and oregano. LDA and SIMCA models showed that the optimized 4-AP procedure performs better than the previously reported 4-AP color test.  相似文献   

The rise of fentanyl and fentanyl analogs in the drug supply pose serious threats to public health. Much of these compounds enter the United States through shipping routes. Here we provide a method for fentanyl screening and analysis that utilizes pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) lined paper to recover drug residues from parcel-related surfaces. The paper used is commercially available repositionable notes (also called post-it or sticky notes). From this paper, mass spectra were obtained by paper spray-mass spectrometry (PS-MS), where PSA paper served as both a sampling and analysis substrate. Seven fentanyl-related compounds were analyzed: fentanyl, 4-anilino-N-phenethylpiperidine (4-ANPP), N,1-diphenethyl-N-phenylpiperidin-4-amine (phenethyl-4-ANPP), valerylfentanyl, 4-fluoroisobutyrylfentanyl (4-FIBF), carfentanil, and p-fluorofentanyl. These compounds were recovered by PSA paper and identified by PS-MS from packaging tape and plastic at 50 ng and from cardboard and shipping labels at 100 ng. The impact of cutting agents on PS-MS analysis of fentanyl analogs was explored. No trends of analyte suppression were found at high concentrations of the cutting agents caffeine, diphenhydramine, and lidocaine when recovered from surfaces. A cartridge that required no precise cutting of PSA paper prior to sampling or analysis was evaluated for use in PS-MS for fentanyl screening. Recovery and detection of fentanyl from plastic sheeting was demonstrated with this cut-free cartridge. The cut-free cartridge showed somewhat less consistency and lower analyte signal than the standard cartridge, but performance was suitable for potential screening applications. In combining PSA surface sampling with PS-MS for drug screening, both sampling and detection of fentanyl-related compounds is simple, rapid, and low-cost.  相似文献   

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