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需要干预经济关系论——一种经济法的认知模式   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
应飞虎 《中国法学》2001,(2):132-144
需要干预经济关系论基于对市场缺陷的动态性、干预成本的不可避免、政府失灵的普遍存在以及法治的功能局限的认识 ,界定了国家干预的范围 ,确立了干预者和被干预者之间的双向互动制衡关系 ,因而蕴含了均衡干预、有效干预、经济民主、被干预者对干预者的干预以及经济法权威的价值理念。在实践中 ,需要干预经济关系论有助于确定国家与市场的职能边界 ,有助于克服制度僵化 ,及时进行制度变迁 ,有助于促进政府体制改革 ,克服国家完全理性假设  相似文献   

国际法的基本理论不能为其有效性的研究提供自足基础,引入国际制度理论的视角更为可行。弱法特质的国际法凭借其制度性优势,在棘手环境关系中显现出不同程度的有效性。问题的结构、制度的属性以及更广泛的背景等关键因素,深深影响着国际法有效性的程度。  相似文献   

张旭  单勇 《法学论坛》2008,23(1):77-82
对于犯罪与文化关系的解读,研究视角的选择颇为重要.在体察以往研究的基础上,本文认为文化的规范性是犯罪与文化关系研究的连接点和研究视角.在犯罪学和文化学的跨学科研究场域中,以此为视角,通过探讨文化规范性的本质与意义,进而重新梳理犯罪与文化的关系,前瞻犯罪与文化关系研究的发展趋势,试图推进犯罪文化学在我国的形成.  相似文献   

国家政治决策和刑法的变革问题是一个既关涉政治,又关涉法律,特别是刑法的问题,也是一个既宏观又微观的问题.深入考察国家政治决策和刑法变革关系发展的历史,认真分析现实中两者关系存在的问题,展望未来两者关系发展之趋势,以求裨益于我国政治之发展和刑法的进步,是一件非常有意义的事.  相似文献   

推进区域法治发展,这是中国法制现代化进程中的一项重大议程。一般来说,区域包括全球意义上的区域和国家层面的区域,后者是指主权国家范围内以特定的行政管辖层级为基础的地区单元,或者是以一定地缘关系为纽带而形成的若干行政管辖层级的地区单元的集合体,因而构成了本文的讨论范围。区域法治发展是国家法治发展的有机组成部分,是国家法治发展在主权国家的特定空间范围内的具体实现。国家层面的区域法治发展研究的方法论,是一个多层次的有机系统,这里主要从法哲学方法论意义上加以研究。马克思提出的多样性统一的概念命题,为我们研究区域法治发展问题提供了有益的启示:区域法治发展既是一个自然的历史过程,具有内在的统一性,又具有鲜明的多样性的品格,进而呈现多样性统一的运动样式。个别化的方法原则,这是从黑格尔到19世纪德国世俗历史主义的思想流变进程中逐渐形成的方法论准则,在马克斯·韦伯那里达到了集大成。批判地改造并运用个别化的分析原则,有助于我们发现区域法治发展现象的内在奥秘。这里需要注意的是:拟应妥当地处理好整体性与个体性的关系;揭示和概括个体行动的本质性关系;努力探索个体性行动的因果性联系;从现实中升华并形成思维类型;对研究对象展开具体的历史性的分析;高度重视价值基础和价值评价的特殊意义。  相似文献   

方柏兴 《当代法学》2016,(6):138-147
强调律师独立进行辩护,不受被告人意志左右的“独立辩护人”理论存在逻辑上的缺陷,并引发了实践上的消极后果.基于有效辩护和尊重被告人自我决定权的理念,在协调被告人与辩护律师的关系上,有必要提倡一种新的思路.此种思路可以在理论上概括为权利保留原则.其中,被告人作为辩护权的权利主体,对直接影响自身关键性权益和道德自由的保留性权利享有最终的决定权.一旦被告人在权利行使上与辩护律师发生冲突,根据权利性质的不同,可以分别适用被告人主导型和协商型的解决模式.辩护律师与被告人的约定、被告人行为能力受限、被告人与辩护律师沟通不能以及权利行使违反律师法定义务则构成权利保留原则适用的例外情形.  相似文献   

翟翌 《政治与法律》2012,(1):90-100
作为基本权利的社会权有不易实现之困。与西方自由主义宪法不同,中国宪法的社会主义本质决定了其有诸多社会权内容,且更应注意其实现。具有法定效力、内容明确、与个人有直接法律利害关系的低层级"国民经济与社会发展规划"是具有中国特色的社会权实现工具,与之相关的行政行为可提起给付类诉讼。此种诉讼的证明责任、判决形式具有与一般行政诉讼不同的特点。原告除有符合起诉条件的初步证明责任外,还需负担"直接而确切的因果关系"证明责任。具有特殊内涵的法院"答复判决"不仅可避免司法权不考虑财政压力过度干预行政权的后果,还可激发以人大审议为核心的政治过程。  相似文献   

家庭治疗起源于现实的需要及对一种新的理念和方法的尝试,代表了心理治疗领域一个新的发展方向。经历了发展的黄金期,受到后现代建构主义、女性主义、多元文化主义的质疑与挑战,家庭治疗进入了一个新的发展时期。整合是当代家庭治疗发展的主要趋势,在整合的同时更加强调治疗过程的系统化与综合性,并致力于对特定情境下特定家庭问题的研究,以响应不断发展变化的家庭事实。  相似文献   

西方女性主义思潮对传统家庭治疗理论模式和方法造成冲击和影响是从20世纪70年代后期开始的,可以将其概括为四个主要的方面:其一是强调用政治的眼光看待家庭;其二是反对"谴责母亲";其三是主张从社会性别的视角看问题;其四是正视家庭暴力.当人们尝试以女性主义所引导的视线来认真地对我们的社会生活、家庭生活审视一番,人们就会在那些已被认为是司空见惯的事实、理所当然的真理背后找出存在的问题.女性主义将会为家庭治疗领域的整体发展做出自己的重要贡献.  相似文献   

There is little research to date on the role of sibling relationships in mitigating attachment-related trauma. This paper is a clinical case study that illustrates the therapeutic process involved in working with siblings as well as the parent–child dyad, following a history of intra-familial trauma. We present an attachment-based treatment approach that recognizes and makes clinical use of a secure sibling attachment system. The process of facilitating therapeutic change in children with an insecure attachment style in relation to their parents, contrasted with a relatively secure sibling attachment system, is discussed. The implications of improved parent–child relationships on family outcomes, as well as on sibling relationships, are also explored.  相似文献   

This research study examined the perceptions of parents, and victims of domestic violence, after receiving filial therapy. Specifically, parents were trained in a 10-week filial therapy model, Child–Parent Relationship Training. At the completion of the study, parents were given a semi-structured, open-ended style interview to gather information about their experiences. Themes emerged from the data participants provided, such as: experiencing increased warmth and trust in the child–parent relationship, changed parenting style, and decreased parental stress. Additionally, narratives reflect the positive influence the training had on parents’ perceptions of violence. A summary of the essence of the parent’s experiences is included.  相似文献   

家庭治疗是对个体心理治疗的一次革命,它挑战了"以个体为整个心理范畴中心"的基本信念,将所存在的问题或症状从个体转向了关系,从家庭环境的人际背景和家庭生命周期中寻找心理行为障碍的原因,认为家庭是解决与家庭相关联的个人问题的治疗所,通过家庭或更大的机构在内的系统的改变,来处理和消除个体所存在的问题或症状,提供了一种新的分析人类行为的框架,代表了心理治疗的一个新领域和新方向.  相似文献   

Little attention has been devoted to studies of adolescent family violence offending, yet research on adult populations show that victim relationship may make a difference in how offenders are treated in the criminal justice system. Given that the intergenerational transmission of violence may operate through adolescent family violence, a detailed examination of these youth is warranted. Through an analysis of detained youth in a small northeastern state, this study examines differences in court treatment between family and non-family offenders. Family violence offenders are significantly more likely to be minor offenders and to be female than are non-family offenders. Results of logistic regression show that, all else being equal, family violence youth are treated more leniently by the court than non-family offenders. Finally, while most youth are released to community dispositions, there are no differences in court-ordered family counseling between family and non-family offenders. These findings point to areas of needed research on adolescent family violence offenders and larger policy questions about how such youth should be treated relative to other youth. A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, CO.  相似文献   

Jan Faust's (2017) book entitled Reunification Family Therapy: A Treatment Manual, is a well‐organized, evidence‐based resource for clinicians who intervene in one of the most challenging and complex problems in high conflict shared custody‐parent‐child contact problems. She provides a comprehensive conceptual framework for this work, which is grounded in Family Systems, and details more specific interventions that address individual, relationship and larger system issues. The addenda contain useful tools and resources to structure treatment, including a 14‐session Fundamental Treatment Plan.  相似文献   

ERIC W. ORTS 《Ratio juris》1993,6(3):245-278
The author revisits H. L. A. Hart's theory of positive law and argues for a major qualification to the thesis of the separation of law and morality based on a concept of systemic legitimacy derived from the social theory of Jurgen Habermas. He argues that standards for assessing the degree of systemic legitimacy in modern legal systems can develop through reflective exercise of "critical legality," a concept coined to parallel Hart's "critical morality," and an expanded understanding of the "external" and "internal" perspectives on legal systems. Following Habermas, he argues that modern positive law must retain systemic legitimacy. After suggesting criteria for measuring systemic legitimacy, the author concludes that the concept provides a useful approach to contemporary problems of "lawless" regimes and "law's imperialism."  相似文献   

Although child neglect and substance abuse co-occur in greater than 60% of child protective service cases, intervention outcome studies are deplorably lacking. Therefore, a home-based Family Behavior Therapy is described in the treatment of a woman evidencing child neglect, substance dependence, domestic violence and other co-occurring problems. Treatment included contingency management, self control, stimulus control, communication and child management skills training exercises, and financial management components. Results indicated improvements in child abuse potential, home hazards, domestic violence, and drug use, which were substantiated by objective urinalysis testing, and tours of her home. Validity checks indicated the participant was being truthful in her responses to standardized questionnaires, and assessors were “blind” to study intent. Limitations (i.e., lack of experimental control and follow-up data collection) of this case example are discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

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