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The implications of the definition of forensic psychiatry are explored, with particular reference to the field as a subspecialty of general psychiatry. The allegation of undue moral uncertainty in forensic psychiatry is denied and the moral issues are revealed to be related to the status of the underlying philosophical disputes. An outline for the organization of the forensic psychiatric assessment is presented. The charge that forensic psychiatry is not as "hard" a science as the other forensic sciences is denied. The administrative and political organizational problems facing the subspecialty are explored. The practitioners in the field are encouraged to recognize that forensic psychiatry is a subspecialty and to work for official subspecialty status. Cautious predictions about the future of the field are provided.  相似文献   

Changes in technology, public policy, and the multi-dimensional relationships of professionals have resulted in renewed interest in the ethics of health care practitioners. This article considers the obligation of dentists to a life of morality in common with all humanity. Additional responsibilities are incurred by a practitioner of dental medicine in keeping the moral rule to "do your duty." These duties are explicated utilizing three classical characteristics of a professional. The Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct of the American Dental Association are the dental profession's guide to ethical conduct. The Principles and Code are traced in their development, reviewed in their content, and critiqued in comparison to the ethical obligations of the dentist as previously delineated. The use of the Principles and Code as a basis for professional self-government is evaluated.  相似文献   

MERRY MORASH 《犯罪学》1984,22(1):97-111
According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, the juveniles who are most likely to have a police record of arrest are those who conform to police preconceptions about delinquent types, who are perceived as a threat to others, and who are most visible to the police. Several individual and peer group characteristics can serve as cues that youths are delinquent or that they pose a threat and can increase visibility. The present study uses a survey approach to determine the relative association of these individual and peer group characteristics with the establishment of a police record. The analysis reveals that in addition to delinquent activities, fitting the common image of a delinquent and dangerous person–that is, being a male in a predominantly, male, delinquent peer group–increases a youth's chances of arrest. Moreover, committing a high proportion of offenses with a group of peers, which results in high visibility, also increases the chances of arrest.  相似文献   

The sexual abuse of children is not new, it's newly uncovered. The authorities are receiving more complaints. The media is showing interest. The public is becoming aware. Its details are not pretty, they can repel and disgust and bring on demands for retribution. The numbers are large, Patterns are beginning to take shape showing who the victims are and who the abusers, and why. The impact is becoming known and it is huge. What one father does to his three children can grow in geometric proportions as those children each do the same to their three children, and these to theirs. The impact on crime is just becoming known: sexually abused children are prone to criminal activities and may well be a major cause of crime. The impact of false reports is also becoming know. The Salem witch trials are always before us. The possibilities of false accusation out of revenge or on a dare, or in a pique are not new, accusations satisfy a child's need for attention and status, and other children may see the possibilities for themselves. But where the sexual abuse is within the family, a hard choice must be made: to punish the offender heavily or to work with the abuser and the family to prevent future abuse. You cannot do both. It appears that the courts can bring highly beneficial results: they can provide comfort for a child victim, but more, they can provide treatment for that child and reduce the pain and guilt and fears and for that child break the cycle of abused children abusing their children who abuse their children who abuse. The courts can provide comfort for a family, but more, they can provide rehabilitation for most families where there has been abuse, restoring their strength and security. The courts can prosecute the abuser and punish him, but more, they can instead often provide rehabilitation for the abuser which is a surer way of preventing a recurrence than the disgrace of a prison. Much needs to be discovered. But from what is now know, the courts and the police and the social agencies need to be sensitized to the problem in all of its aspects. The opportunities for positive accomplishment are great.  相似文献   

Crime scene footwear classification systems can be utilized to look for possible suspects, to get models and brand names for crime scene impressions and to link crime scenes. In this work a computerised footwear classification system is presented. The classification coding of the system has been designed especially for partial footwear impressions which are the most typical in crime scenes. The system is flexible because it is possible to agree within a crime scene investigation unit the way in which the system is to be applied. If outsole patterns are classified accurately in processing for the database, time will be saved in the search process and vice versa. The accurate classification coding is propounded by the fact that only a few experienced users are needed to perform the classification and data storage and all police officers returning from crime scenes are able to perform searches very easily. The users only have to follow the defined rules for geometric shapes. The crime scene investigation unit of the Turku police tested the system for a period of 1.5 years. The system has proved to be of valuable assistance in investigation when several of the hints lead to early solving of a crime. Practical experiences are described.  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal DNA polymorphisms, especially Y-STRs are well established in forensic routine case work. The STRs are used for identification in paternity deficiency cases and stain analysis with complicate mixtures of male and female DNA. In contrast, Y-chromosomal SNPs are a new tool in forensic investigations. At present, Y-SNPs are mainly used in molecular anthropology for evolutionary studies. Nevertheless, these markers could also provide very useful information for the analysis of forensic cases. The aim of the presented study was to test Y-SNP-typing for stain analyses using different methods-SNaPshot and MALDI-TOF MS. Both methods are based on the principle of minisequencing. The selected Y-SNP markers are suited to define the most important European haplogroups.  相似文献   

The paper explains why the productivity of information technology (IT) in the service sector of the U.S. economy is increased by the provision of infratechnology. The size and growth of the service sector and its investment in IT are discussed, and a key fact and a key inference are developed. The fact: The absorption costs of IT are the vast majority of the IT investment costs to the service sector. The inference: Infratechnology investments are an efficient way to increase both private and social benefits of incurring the cost of implementing IT.  相似文献   

尹东哲 《时代法学》2006,4(5):105-110
国家需要具备的条件用于区分国家与其他政治实体。从国际实践看,人民、与别的国家进行交往的能力或者进行国际交往的能力、有效的政府、遵守国际法方面的要求、国家的作用、民主和尊重人权方面的要求等国际法学者提出的国家需要具备的条件或者国家资格的标准不是国家需要具备的条件。国家需要具备的条件是定居的居民、领土、政府和独立。  相似文献   

STEPHEN DEMUTH 《犯罪学》2003,41(3):873-908
The present study uses data on the processing of felony defendants in large urban courts to examine Hispanic, black, and white differences at the pretrial release stage. The major finding is that Hispanic defendants are more likely to be detained than white and black defendants. And, racial/ethnic differences are most pronounced in drug cases. In fact, Hispanic defendants suffer a triple burden at the pretrial release stage as they are the group most likely to be required to pay bail to gain release, the group that receives the highest bail amounts, and the group least able to pay bail. These findings are consistent with a focal concerns perspective of criminal case processing that suggests Hispanics as a newly immigrated group are especially prone to harsher treatment in the criminal case process.  相似文献   

The assessment of Aboriginal skeletal remains and their distinction from whites is an area of major importance to the Australian forensic pathologist. The Aborigines, the indigenous people of Australia, are a distinct racial group with many characteristic anthropological features. The assessment of race is best made from an examination of cranial traits, 20 which are of value. A characteristic pattern of attrition of the teeth provides a method for establishing a skeleton as pre-European contact Aboriginal or postcontact tribal Aboriginal. The limb proportions of Aborigines differ significantly from other races and provide a useful adjunct to other racial discriminants. Quantifiable sex discriminants in the Aboriginal pelvis and femur differ in their ranges of values from other races. The humerus and shoulder girdle are of no value in making a racial distinction and are of limited value in sexing Aboriginal skeletons. Some pathological changes seen in Aboriginal skeletons are of value in corroborating race. These pathological changes include evulsion of incisor teeth, healed "parry fractures" of the ulnae, tibial squatting facets, treponemal changes, and auditory exostoses. The place and manner of burial together with related artefacts, features, and ecofacts may also provide corroboration.  相似文献   

Traditionally, toolmark test exemplars are produced by applying a tool's working surface to a piece of soft metal such as lead. Soft, pliable metals are primarily used for this purpose because they will replicate the microscopic grooves present on a tool's working surface without damaging the tool. In this paper the authors present an alternative material for the preparation of test toolmarks. Jewelry modeling or carving waxes are utilized in this study. These waxes are designed for the jewelry modeling industry to create very fine, highly detailed wax models of jewelry pieces that will be cast in various metals utilizing the lost wax casting method. Jeweler's waxes have been found to be ideal for preparing test toolmarks from exemplar tools. The test tool's working surface is applied to a piece of the appropriate wax in a manner consistent with the tool's design. The replicas obtained are exact, highly detailed, 1:1, negative impressions of the exemplar tools working surface, have a long shelf-life, and are suitable for use in toolmark examination and comparison cases.  相似文献   

This study investigated deliberate self-harm (DSH) in young inmates. The objectives are twofold: first, to identify the social and clinical characteristics of inmates who commit DSH; and secondly, to ascertain the types of personality who are vulnerable in order to be able to predict future inmates who may harm themselves. A cross-sectional design was used to study psychosocial correctional personality characteristics and clinical pictures in inmates with DSH versus a control group without DSH. The measures used to evaluate different variables were a standard protocol and a self-report questionnaire (MCMI-II). Although the two groups compared are homogeneous and similar in terms of different psychosocial variables, inmates with DSH presented a significant background of maltreatment. Borderline, passive-aggressive, and antisocial personality disorders best discriminated both groups. The detection of borderline, negativistic, and antisocial disorders may help the medical services of penitentiary centers to predict youths with a possible risk of DSH. Despite the results obtained, longitudinal studies are needed to help clarify other risk factors, as well as other risk factors leading to self-harm behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this essay is to defend a claim that a certain consideration, which I call unworkability, is universally and necessarily relevant to legal reasoning. By that I mean that it is a consideration that must carry legal weight in the justification of some judicial decisions in every legal system in which (1) all disputed matters of law can be adjudicated, and (2) all judicial decisions are to be legally justified. Unworkability's necessary relevance has important implications for a theory of relevance presented by Rolf Sartorius. On this theory, nearly all considerations that are relevant to a judicial decision are supplied by legal principles embedded in the legal rules and decisions, or by extralegal principles dependent, in some way, on the legal principles. (The exceptions to the embedding thesis that Sartorius would, no doubt, recognize are elaborated in the text but can be set aside here.) But there are possible legal systems which do not contain an embedded legal principle concerning unworkability; and nonetheless, unworkability is relevant to judicial reasoning in those systems. Hence, a theory of relevance that relies on principles embedded in the content of rules is too simplistic. Some substantive considerations are relevant for other reasons.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the relationships among social-demographic characteristics, attitudes, and violence, drawing on cultural theories. Structural equation modeling techniques are employed to examine data from a representative sample of the general population and a sample of ex-offenders. The findings indicate that age, gender, and SES are related to attitudes toward retribution and courage and to disputatiousness. Further, attitudes toward courage and retribution have significant effects on disputatiousness and violence, which explains a substantial portion of SES effects. The results suggest that lower-class persons are more likely to engage in violence to a large extent because they are more punitive and place greater emphasis on showing courage in conflicts.  相似文献   

朱华 《河北法学》2008,26(4):182-187
在我国短时间内废除死刑并不现实,当务之急是规范死刑适用。抢劫犯罪的死刑主要适用于致人重伤、死亡的抢劫犯罪和其他情节极为恶劣的抢劫犯罪。在认定主要刑事责任人时应全面考察罪中、罪后、罪前等多方面情节。自首、立功等法定从宽处罚情节一般只及一罪;"先杀后抢"、"先抢后杀"的宣告刑应基本一致;在抢劫犯罪中一般不存在被害人有过错的情形;"赔偿免死"的前提是犯罪分子真诚悔罪。酌定从宽情节的适用亟待规范。  相似文献   

The study involves 204 cases of interpersonal assault reported to the police during a period of 1 year. The patterns of domestic violence and community violence involving friends, neighbors, and strangers are described. The most common type of violence reported to the police is community interpersonal violence in which victims are mostly females and perpetrators are mostly males and members of gangs. Cases of rape are reported, whereas spousal violence tends to be underreported. On the whole, female victims are more likely to be younger than their male counterparts, whereas the male perpetrators are more likely to be unemployed. Repeat assault is found in 43 instances. Possible psychological and sociological explanations are offered for violent gang activities. The need to sensitize the police to become more involved is emphasized. The author proposes suggestions that may help reduce the incidence of community violence.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is: how strong are people's opinions and policy preferences on the issue of drugs and drug users influenced by their own exposure to drug problems? From a general population survey conducted in eleven European cities, it is concluded that opinions and policy preferences are influenced only to a limited degree by exposure. The people who are not exposed to drug problems in their neighbourhood are more strongly inclined towards a repressive approach than the people who are affected by drug nuisance. Personal experiences with illicit drugs play an important part in the viewpoints. People who have tried drugs themselves lean far more strongly towards a health approach. That tendency is even stronger among those who are exposed to drug-related nuisance.  相似文献   

Treating individuals with chronic illness and disability requires attention to physical, psychological, and social factors. These unique challenges are optimally addressed by utilizing a biopsychosocial approach, while considering the potential array of both gains and losses that chronic pain patients experience. The benefits a patient receives from remaining ill are often referred to as secondary gain. In medicolegal settings, a common example of a secondary gain issue is the effort to obtain financial compensation. While secondary gain can be one factor that contributes to perpetuating illness and disability, there are often more powerful losses that lead to such perpetuation. The losses associated with pain and disability are not frequently discussed. The overall purpose of this paper is to identify primary, secondary, and tertiary loss issues in chronic pain patients, and address issues related to how these factors are important within a medicolegal/forensic context.  相似文献   

This is a study of possession offences, with the focus on those intended to penalise the risk of a serious harm. Offences of this kind are examined in the light of basic doctrines of the criminal law, and in the light of the proper limits of endangerment offences. They are found wanting in both respects, and are also found to pose particular sentencing problems. The conclusion is that many risk-based possession offences are unfair, save those that require proof of a further intent or those aimed at a failure properly to safeguard a dangerous object.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates on the relation between globalization, migration, and transnational organized crime. The case selected is on ethnic Albanian organized crime and its migration to Western Europe and the United States. There are a few perspectives on the ability of organized crime to take advantage of globalization in an effort to expand their criminal markets. One view is that criminal groups, similarly to multinational corporations, are taking advantage of globalization and are opening outposts in Western cities. The opposing view is that organized crime groups are highly localized and territorial. This paper tries to answer the following questions: Are Albanian groups operating in the USA and Europe part of the same species originating from Albania and Kosovo? Are these groups coordinated by a central organization in the country of origin that sought opportunity to exploit the process of international integration? The paper concludes that the migration of Albanian organized crime may not be a strategic business choice. Therefore, rather than fitting the stereotype of hypersophisticated international organized crime bureaucracies found in news reports, this study suggests that many Albanian organized crime groups are localized and spontaneously formed. What might appear to be the product of globalizations is, in fact, the consequence of state repression or wars between rival criminal groups. The conclusions are based on a mixed-methods approach, including interviews with experts, Albanian migrants and offenders, and in-depth analysis of court cases.  相似文献   

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