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魏建国 《政法论丛》2005,6(6):27-32
宪政包含着责任政府原则,其核心价值之一,就在于确保国家权力的公共性,以便保证国家权力用于公共服务。透视近代西方国家宪政的发展历程,就会注意到近代西方国家的宪政模式是代议制,而代议制宪政模式的作用机理又是与国家财政的公共化建构紧密联系在一起的。代议制既是近代西方国家的宪政模式,又是近代西方国家财政公共化建构的制度之基。因为,只有确保国家财政的公共化才能确保国家权力的公共性。这也正是近代西方宪政模式与其古典和中世纪时期宪政模式的不同之处:后者主要是通过司法来规制国王所代表的行政权力,表现为司法型宪政模式;而前者主要是通过议会对国家财政的公共化组建和监管,来实施对行政权力的政治规范和约束,表现为代议制型宪政模式。  相似文献   

犯罪化包括刑事立法上的犯罪化和刑事司法上的犯罪化。立法上的犯罪化是解决前实定法上的实质犯罪的犯罪化问题,司法上的犯罪化是实现实定法上的形式犯罪的犯罪化问题。立法上的犯罪化基准其根据是行为具有应受刑罚处罚程度的社会危害性,其原则是刑法的谦抑原则和合理性原则;司法上的犯罪化基准其根据是刑事违法性和社会危害性,其原则是刑法的谦抑原则和合法性原则。  相似文献   

A consignment of individual packages is thought to contain illegal material, such as drugs, in some or all of the packages. A sample from the consignment is inspected and the quantity of drugs in each package of the sample is measured. It is desired to estimate the total quantity of drugs in the consignment. Sampling variation is present in the original measurements and it is not sufficient just to adjust the sample mean pro rata. An analysis is described which takes account of the uncertainty concerning the proportion of the packages that contain drugs and provides a probabilistic summary of the quantity of drugs in the consignment. In particular, a probabilistic lower bound for the quantity of drugs in the consignment is given, which is dependent on the required standard of proof. This is in contrast to the approach based on confidence intervals which assumes that in the long run, the interval will contain the correct quantity the appropriate proportion of the time, but gives no measure of uncertainty associated with the particular consignment under consideration.  相似文献   

A partial identification methodology is proposed in which self-selection into treatment is motivated by the expectation that treatment is beneficial. Identification is partial because it is not possible to establish empirically that treatment is effective. However, it is possible to establish that treatment is ineffective or even harmful. The evaluation methodology combines control function estimation with differences-in-differences in which the treatment effect is qualitative. The methodology is illustrated using administrative data on drug addicts in Israel in which some addicts were treated and others were not. Controlling for observed heterogeneity, we find that there is no significant difference in the change in drug use frequency between the treated and the untreated. Therefore, although it was not possible to demonstrate that treatment is beneficial, it is possible to establish that it is not beneficial. This type of negative evaluation is most probably useful in many other contexts.  相似文献   

英美法系诉因模式的基本特点是刑事审判对象是诉因,法官和检察官原则上无权变更诉因;大陆法系公诉事实模式的基本特点是刑事审判对象是公诉事实,法官有权在公诉事实同一的范围内变更指控罪名;日本公诉事实同一下的诉因模式的基本特点是刑事审判对象是诉因,检察官有权在公诉事实同一范围内变更诉因。三种刑事审判对象模式之间的差异导致它们在不同诉讼价值的实现上各有优劣,刑事审判对象模式上的差异根源于审判方式上的差异。随着审判方式的相互吸收和融合,刑事审判对象模式之间的差异逐渐变小。  相似文献   

One of the new avenues in the study of political corruption is that of neo-institutional economics, of which the principal-agent theory is a part. In this article a principal-agent model of corruption is presented, in which there are two principals (one of which is corrupting), and one agent (who is corrupted). The behaviour of these principals and agent is analysed in terms of the costs and benefits associated with different actions. The model is applied to political corruption in representative democracies, showing that, contrary to common belief, the use of principal-agent models is not limited to bureaucratic corruption. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Both in the United States and in Europe, there is a debate on methodology in legal research. Doctrinalists and multidisciplinarians appear to be in different camps fighting over the ‘true nature’ of legal scholarship. We wonder where this renewed attention for methodology is coming from and what is behind it. Should European legal scholars follow certain colleagues in the United States who believe that doctrinal research is dead and should we all engage in law and … research now? If not, does this imply that there is nothing wrong with mainstream European doctrinal legal scholarship? We believe the latter is not the case. Our hypothesis is that an ongoing instrumentalisation of law and legal research decreases the attention for methodology, for theory building, and for keeping enough professional distance to one's object of research. This threatens to result in a creeping process of herd behaviour, in copy pasting the methodology of judicial lawmaking to legal scholarship and in a lack of transparency and methodological justification in scholarly legal publications. What is desperately needed is more reflection on methodology and theory building in European legal scholarship.  相似文献   

民粹主义司法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘练军 《法律科学》2013,31(1):15-29
民粹主义正在席卷我国司法领域并形成了史上罕见的民粹主义司法现象.民粹主义司法的主要表现形式是利用现代网络平台如微博等实施舆论审判.在民粹主义司法形成过程中,社会精英扮演了重要角色.司法在我国是政府展开社会治理的机构之一,如此之司法职能定位决定了满足民粹主义诉求不可避免地成为司法的一项基本政策.民粹主义司法在谋求案件裁判实质公正的同时表达着对现行法律体制的愤懑与期待等多种民粹主义私货.无核心价值观的民粹主义犹如毒树,民粹主义司法堪称毒树之果,它导致程序公正的应然司法观在我国的确立和巩固阻碍重重.消除民粹主义司法现象需要法院、政府、社会精英和大众传媒的共同努力.  相似文献   

法律保留滥觞于英国的《自由大宪章,》是法治国家的基本法律原则与制度。法律保留包括立法法律保留与行政法律保留。前者作用于立法领域,旨在划定议会立法权力与政府立法权力的界限;后者作用于行政领域,旨在规范行政权力的行使。前者的理论基础是议会民主原则与分权原则,后者的理论依据是法治主义。  相似文献   

刑事违法性之本土语境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事违法性与违法性是中外犯罪论体系不同语境下的特定概念。我国刑法理论中的刑事违法性是犯罪概念的一个特征,是犯罪构成的上位概念,相当于欧陆刑法理论中的形式的犯罪概念。违法性只是欧陆刑法犯罪成立条件之一。弄清这种区别对于完善我国刑法犯罪论体系的路径选择具有现实意义。应将正当行为纳入我国犯罪构成并使其作为消极要件。  相似文献   

于洋 《政法学刊》2012,(2):13-17
劫持人质事件中警队谈判组与攻击单位是处置的核心力量,现场规范架构中谈判小组与攻击单位的配合是处置的关键所在,在和平谈判无望或情况危机时,谈判小组通过及时转入战术性谈判来提供准确情报与引导攻击行动,在保障多方安全的同时可提高攻击效率,最大可能减少伤亡与降低事件处置成本。  相似文献   

王云霞 《行政与法》2013,(4):116-121
本文认为,从性质上讲,对赌协议是一种射幸合同,也是无名合同.其法律适用必须依照合同法总则规定。对赌协议作为私募股权投资中的一个环节、一项重要投资工具,符合社会需求.其并不必然违反法律中的效力性禁止规范,也并不一定侵犯股东的利益。  相似文献   

论人的联合与双向承认法权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的联合既是基于承认的欲望,也是承认的实现形式,从而是自由本身;相互承认是公民联合的机制和形式,公民身份则是落实、体现人的联合及其相互承认的枢机,而一以法权体制笼统之,法权即自由。法权秩序的人性基础体现为"最初之人"与"最后之人"的预设,而昭示了不同文化、政治共同体的自我政治-道德理解,展现了它们对于人世生活与人间秩序的可欲图景的不同憧憬。  相似文献   

Diquat can be extracted with 1-butanol from high pH solution in the presence of several moderate reductants. The red colored reduced compound of diquat in water turns to a purple compound in 1-butanol. The absorption of the purple compound is 0.105 at 383 nm and 0.119 at 520 nm in 1 microgram diquat/ml 1-butanol. The latter value is a little higher than that of the red compound at 495 nm in water. The purple compound is much more stable than the red compound in water. More than 80% of 10 ppm diquat added can be extracted from serum, blood, tissues, urine and some drinks. The extraction with 1-butanol is useful for concentration of diquat contained in large volume. The lower limit of detection is 0.1 microgram/ml 1-butanol. Paraquat is insoluble in 1-butanol under the same condition. Therefore, this method is applicable for the determination of diquat when paraquat is also contained in the solution.  相似文献   

Exif信息检验是数码照片真实性鉴定的一个重要角度,如何充分挖掘和利用Exif信息对于数码照片真实性鉴定具有非常重要的意义.本文在JPEG格式分析基础上,介绍了Exif信息的提取方法,讨论了Exif的缩略图、压缩质量等信息在数码照片真实性鉴定中的应用.  相似文献   

A pervasive interest in the creation of a monolithic system for the administration of justice which is characterized by the lack of fragmentation and goal conflict is found throughout the criminal justice literature. This paper questions the basis and desirability of such a proposal. It is argued that criminal justice exists in a sociopolitical environment in which diverse groups exercise influence in accordance with their own interests. For this reason, it is highly unlikely that a single set of values could be identified upon which to base a monolithic system. It is further argued that goal conflict within criminal justice is desirable in that different interests can be reflected, there is a basis for system adaptation and change, and the system can better promote the smooth processing of offenders.  相似文献   

……四、撤销仲裁裁决案件性质问题的学理分析……(三)撤销仲裁裁决之诉之性质———程序法上形成之诉通过前文的分析和论述,笔者认为撤销仲裁裁决的请求完全可以定位为一种诉,即设立撤销仲裁裁决之诉。同时,笔者认为撤销仲裁裁决之诉在性质上为前文所介绍的大陆法系学理中已经进行论述的程序法上的形成之诉,具体理由如下:第一,正如前文所述,应该在观念上和立法上确立“撤销仲裁裁决之诉”这一概念和救济制度,将撤销仲裁裁决的请求纳入到“诉”的范畴内,只有这样才能使当事人享有作为民事争议的主体而向法院提起诉讼的依据,同时也可以促使国…  相似文献   

论法律科学中的解释与诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用语义学和语用学知识分析了法律科学中的解释和诠释概念。文章认为:法律只能被解释而不能被诠释;在法律科学中,解释是法律方法,诠释是法学方法;解释是语义域概念,诠释是语用域概念;解释是客观性范畴,诠释是主观性范畴。  相似文献   

行政立法责任略论   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
行政立法责任,是法律责任体系中的“飞地”。这与现代社会有行政有法律、有法律有救济的原则格格不入,亦是造成行政立法恣意妄为的主要原因。虽然追究行政立法责任有一定的困难,但这并不能成为行政立法无责任或免责的理由。现实要求确立行政立法责任追究机制以及建立行政立法赔偿制度。  相似文献   

200例活体损伤程度鉴定分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对200例活体损伤程度的鉴定进行了统计和分析(1983~1986)。结果表明:重伤占42.5%,轻伤占57.5%。男性占83.5%,女性16.5%。年龄以青少年组为多。致伤物以拳脚占首位。损伤部位以颅脑损伤最多。并发症的出现率为20.5%;后遗症的出现率为38%。本文对原发性损伤、并发症、后遗症在活体损伤程度鉴定中的重要意义亦进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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