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行政授权机制在实践中呈现三类授权行政样态:立法授权、行政授权以及"社会授权".立法授权实质是行政于立法边界之重塑,以调整立法机关与行政机关的权限,行政机关获得行政自主权,可从实体和程序方面对自主权进行控制;行政授权实质是按照功能主义重新配置行政职权,实现权力在行政层级机关之间的有效转移,针对被授权行政机关权限的扩大,可从事中层级和事后权限两方面进行监督;"社会授权"其实是授权"社会",以实现内部权力"外化",其结果是行政权转化,社会组织获得更大的"自治权利",可从任务判断标准、合规制策略、司法审查多元性方面进行控制.建构中国特色授权行政理论体系是发挥授权机制组织法保障功能的有效途径.  相似文献   

消费者知情权实现一定程度上依赖于经营者强制性信息披露义务的履行.明确经营者强制性信息披露义务是克服市场交易信息不对称的重要手段.体现了经济法维护社会整体利益的价值目标.我国现行<消法>克服市场交易信息不对称的主要方式在于确立经营者的自愿说明义务.解决问题的关键在于法律上直接规定经营者的强制性信息披露义务,对<消法>的模糊性规定予以修正,明文规定经营者四种情形下的强制性信息披露义务.  相似文献   

丁利明 《行政论坛》2012,19(3):55-60
2011年4月生效的《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》就涉外产品责任的选法规则进行了特别立法,但在具体内容上存在着:被侵权人单方选择法律及排除被告无法预见原则的作用范围狭窄、当事人双方意思自治的规定不完善、双重可诉规则及最密切联系原则未能充分发挥作用等问题。为完善我国现行的涉外产品责任法律适用制度,建议在于:第一,在被侵权人单方选择法律的范围内增加产品取得地法;第二,扩大"排除被告无法预见的法律原则"的适用范围;第三,明确当事人双方意思自治的限制条件;第四,在损害赔偿问题上我国法律应坚持双重可诉原则,应规定在损害赔偿限额方面,作为准据法的外国法律与中华人民共和国法律的规定相抵触的,不得适用;第五,在最密切联系原则的立法方式上,应当发挥最密切联系原则克服已有冲突规范机械性的作用。  相似文献   

由于内容、性质、结构、运作机制、存在状态、表现形式、实施效果等方面的区别,政策向法律的转换有必要设定相应的规则。该类规則有:社会需求规则、社会成本规则、内容核定规则、可操作性规則及兼容对接规则。这一命题的探讨对法学研究和法律实践均有一定价值。  相似文献   

组织的科学化管理需要管理者用科学的方法使员工发挥出自己最的积极性。授权已经被许多组织管理者所接受并运用于管理实践中,而我国组织中上下级别观念严重。随着时代的发展,组织管理理念亟需更新。结构授权和心理授权作为授权管理的两个层次为组织科学化管理提出了更高的要求并指出了积极的措施。  相似文献   

立法法修订之后,讨论的话题从立法论转向了解释论。当对其中的授权立法进行体系化思考时,就会发现四类矛盾冲突,进而影响到该制度的法律适用。立法法一方面规定有十一个事项"只能"或"必须"制定法律,另一方面却又允许针对这十一个事项中的部分事项"授权"制定行政法规,由此产生语言用词的冲突。另外,授权财政部、国家税务总局等部门立法决定税率引发的三次关于提升油价消费税事件,影响社会主体权利安定,导致了权力与权利的冲突。"授权期限届满"、"法律开始制定后"与"法律制定完成后",到底哪个时间截点对授权或立法产生终止的效应,三者之间发生了冲突。允许授权不可避免地会出现部门利益和地方保护主义法律化的后果,但又要求防止这个实施效果的发生,由此引发了冲突。欲处理这四类冲突,必须在体系化思考的基础上,结合立法背景、立法实践等予以一一化解。  相似文献   

政治授权:理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以历史为线,系统地分析了政治权力授予的各种观点与实践,总结了人类社会发展中存在的直接授权、超意志力量授权、契约式授权、间接授权、多中心复合授权以及马克思主义关于政治性授权最终消亡的思想。  相似文献   

高等学校与国家、高等学校与教师和高等学校与学生之间的法律关系,是高等教育活动的基本法律关系。能否处理好这三种法律关系成为推进高等学校管理法制化的关键。尽管这三大法律关系已随着我国法制化水平的提高,得到了充分的重视。但是,从实践的角度来看,其中仍还存在着一些不符合教育法律法规和不适应高等教育发展要求的缺陷。针对这些缺陷,必须在明确各种教育法律关系主体权利和义务的基础上,分清不同法律关系的界限,提高高校行使法定权利和履行法定义务的透明度,构建不同教育法律关系主体权利主张和申诉的有效途径,提高高等学校管理的法制化、民主化水平。  相似文献   

马岭 《团结》2004,(3):15-18
法律规则、法律原则和法律概念构成法的三要素,其中法律规则是法的主要部分,具有微观指导性、较强的可操作性、较高的确定性等特点;法的原则是法的纲领、关键之所系。一个法,有了原则就有了中心,全法就易于成为一个有内在联系的整体。法的原则,是法所要坚持的最基本的东西。那么,法治究竟是规则之治,还是原则之治?或者二者兼而有之?我们目前所要解决的立法方面的主要问题是规则问题还是原则问题?我们现在更应当强调规则之治还是原则之治?在不同的规范性法律文件中,原则和规则的分量是不同的我国的法律体系呈现出一种金字塔式的形状,从上而下…  相似文献   

与宪法规定的其他义务相比,第五十三条中的守法义务是更为基本的义务,但是宪法学界鲜有对守法义务的论证。从法理学进路则可证成此守法义务:首先,任一正常的社会都有正当的社会目标,这确保了社会对法律的要求是正当的;其次,法律与社会之间有基于相互性的责任,当法律回应了既定社会的正当要求时,此社会的任一成员都有回应法律的义务;最后,社会成员不证自明的理性确保了回应的必然性。所以,正常社会中的任一理性公民都有宪法上的守法义务。  相似文献   

《铁路法》刑事罚则所规定的有些内容与现行《刑法》的相关规范之间存在着法律冲突问题,同时二者间还存在着特别规定与一般规定、新法与旧法的关系,而且其法律位阶上也有差异。研究表明,《铁路法》中刑事罚则的内容已纳入现行《刑法》,已为现行《刑法》的相关内容所吸收和替代,因此其刑事罚则的内容实际上已失去原有的立法价值。  相似文献   

当前,我国仍处于"人民内部矛盾凸显期、刑事犯罪高发期和对敌斗争复杂期",由于执法环境恶化、法律法规对民警执法权益保护力度不够、维权保障机制不健全等,民警在执法中遭受不法侵害的情况突出,主要表现在暴力抗法、诬告错告、辱骂威胁等方面。督察部门有维权的法定职责,应从营造正面舆论环境、提高执法工作质量和标准、提高民警执法水平和防范能力、丰富创新维权手段等方面入手,建立健全公安维权工作机制,确保公安机关执法工作的正常开展。  相似文献   


This article contributes to conceptualizations of the pedagogical state by analyzing judicial spaces, beyond the courtroom, as key sites of citizenship formation. I explore pedagogical sessions organized by a judicial structure in France, whose geographical proximity to seemingly non-integrated populations in the banlieue allows it to teach them the laws, rules, and institutions that support citizenship. I argue that the pedagogical court seeks to construct governable ‘passive ordinary citizens’ whose main duty is to embody and practice the basic rules of socialization – respect for others and the rule of law – in their ordinary lives as a strategy of crime prevention. In that sense, courts are able to redefine not only the procedural but the substantive elements of citizenship as well.  相似文献   

道德规范表现形式的历史演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王茝 《学理论》2010,(4):33-34
道德规范的产生和形成,有着深刻的社会经济根源,是由一定的社会物质生活条件和社会关系决定的。道德规范随着社会的发展而不断发展,具有历史性和继承性。在人类漫长的道德生活中,道德规范曾有过形态各异的表现形式,大体可以概括为图腾、禁忌、礼仪、风俗、箴言、准则、义务、责任等几种主要的表现形武。道德规范表现形式的历史演进,是一个由蒙昧到理性、由自发到自觉、由低级到高级的发展过程。  相似文献   

Sparked by the critique of practitioners and academics on the excessive managerialisation of development project management, the donor community turns increasingly towards adaptive management approaches. Rather than examining the effectiveness of the new adaptive management trend, the article deals with the more fundamental question of how the underlying relationship between management frameworks and practice can be characterised. To this end, the article analyses the practices of a select number of Dutch Civil Society consortia that are working with a new adaptive management framework. Making use of a practice theory approach, the analysis finds that rules are not directly translated into practice. The presented rules (innovations) are always mediated by antecedent practice, shared histories and interactions amongst individuals, communities and artefacts. Notably, the flexibility provided for in the framework does not reach all links in the aid chain equally and is counterbalanced by the institutional realities of the aid system. The article therewith adds to the literature on everyday development management cautioning against overestimating the effects of management tools, as they operate within and are determined by the funding and accountability requirements of the larger aid regime.  相似文献   

This article examines the process through which a European healthcare dimension has been established and which has gradually extended the rights of European patients to cross-border healthcare. The integrative course has been charted by the legal activism of the European Court of Justice, whereas political voice has largely been absent. Judicial activism alone has applied the principle of the free movement of services to the policy field of healthcare, and thereby further energised the process. The political impact of this specific process of integration through law is, however, clear. The dynamic evolution of Community law has increasingly challenged the national instrument to retain health supply within own borders. Furthermore, the position of the European patient has been empowered by new individual rights, emanating from a supranational locus of rights against which the discretion exerted by national authorities can be challenged. Through the indeterminacy of European rules, open to continuous contestation and clarification, healthcare institutionalisation has proceeded and the European Union has extended into the core of the welfare state.  相似文献   

随着社会转型的深化,社会泄愤类极端事件在我国不断发生。社会泄愤类极端事件的产生既有制度不完善、机制不健全、法治弱化、道德下滑等规则缺陷的原因,也有涉案者在心理方面的个人原因。社会泄愤类极端事件的发生造成严重社会危害,必须高度重视。为了更好地治理这类社会问题,政府、企业和社会等多元主体要协同建立治理网络,重建良好的信任基础和沟通协调机制,重建民主、法治、道德等规则,更好地维护社会公平正义,降低社会伤害事件的频次及危害。  相似文献   


This short review demonstrates how the use of American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) case materials, both throughout intercollegiate competitions and in academic courses, can engage and invigorate students while teaching them crucial skills in a way that few other programs or activities can do. The AMTA case provided for the 2017–2018 academic year, State of Midlands v. Dylan Hendricks, offers a comprehensive introduction to the rules of evidence and crucial criminal law concepts while teaching students the importance of thorough preparation in a way that is difficult to do in a classroom setting. This case requires student attorneys to make difficult choices while preparing their case, witnesses, and evidence for trial. Arriving at an optimum strategy (or strategies) can only occur after critical and reasoned examination of each side of an often complex problem, thereby providing an excellent opportunity for students to use critical thinking skills and to analyze all sides of an issue and all potential outcomes of a strategy. Students must thoroughly study and understand the rules of evidence, rules of criminal procedure, and relevant statutory and case law, and be prepared to use all of these as part of a reasoned, logical argument at a moment’s notice. Overall, this is an exceptional case for skill-building and engaged learning, and can be a valuable tool for faculty and students alike.  相似文献   

期待可能性理论对刑事立法的借鉴意义主要体现在刑事立法应当融入伦理价值判断,应当关注弱势群体方面。在具体的立法设置上,不宜在刑法总则中作出具体明确的规定,可以在分则中就一些具体问题作出规定。期待可能性理论在司法实务中的运用主要体现是,要求法官应当具备衡平观念,在案件的具体裁判中倾注道德判断。  相似文献   

In 2015, the newly elected government of Finland introduced austerity measures designed to improve the public economy, which had not recovered from the financial crisis of 2007–2008. The article examines how the government sought to secure acceptance for austerity by appealing to citizens’ emotions. We analyse how the measures were emotionally motivated and how, according to the parties in power, citizens should and should not have felt about them. The article shows how the politics of austerity produces various and contradictory feeling rules. These seek to temper citizens’ negative emotions towards austerity, such as dissatisfaction over unfair sharing of pain and distrust towards political authority. Interestingly, the rules evoke hope that a better future lies ahead if citizens follow the proposed measures, yet prompt fears of what will happen if they do not. The government also emphasised its transparency and honesty to prompt empathy and trust from the population.  相似文献   

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