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在客家祖地福建宁化,不仅有香甜可口的擂茶和微苦带甘的凉茶,还有香喷喷的米茶。客家米茶在祖国博大精深的茶艺中也是一枝独秀的奇葩。早在三国魏张揖《广雅》中已有“米茶”的记载,时人  相似文献   

SITTING in a Chinese parkor garden is the opportu-nity to indulge one's sensesin the sight and fragranceof peach, plum and cherryblossom, the sound of softly sinuouserhu music and the delicate flavor ofgreen tea sipped from a delicate por-celain cup. Gardens in the Kingdom ofHeaven are exquisitely miniature with-out being fussy. It is hard to believe thatChinese garden landscapes are man-made, created by specialists inspired bytheir eternal quest to mirror human na-ture by such means as th…  相似文献   

Ovet the past two thousand years of China‘s porcelain production. different kinds of product -celadon, white potct:lain, blue and white porcelain and eoloured porcelain - were dominant in different periods. However, in the 15th century (the early Mingdynasty), Qing Hua porcelain replaced celadon and became the dominant variety both in terms of production and export. Originated in China, Qing Hua porelain is primarily while, with a superimposed blue design - delicate and light irt eolour. Its patterns never fade, and the designs of flora, fauna and other characters in the Chinese ink and washed painting style are pteasing to the eye.  相似文献   

legends of Jade     
GOLD may be the worldacknowledged interna-tional hard currency,but within the contextof millennia-old Chi-nese culture, jade is infinitely more pre-cious. There is an ancient Chinese say-ing: "Gold may be evaluated, but jade ispriceless."In the China of 8,000 years ago,jade was regarded as a distillation ofthe essences of heaven and earth, andhence sacred. Its dominant role with-in Chinese history and culture makesjade and jade craft a symbol of Chi-nese civilization. Whereas Westernpre-hi…  相似文献   

Clean and scale the fish, and cut out gills and guts. Cut off the fish head and halve. Cut open the fish along the length of its backbone, leaving the tail on. Cut out the backbone and ribs. Make diagonal cuts on the surface of the fish. Marinate the fish flesh and head in cooking wine and salt. Dice onions, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and carrots, and scald them. Heat oil in wok. Coat the fish head and meat in flour and egg yolk. Deep fry until  相似文献   

I feel certain that in one of my mom's past lives she was Chinese and had her own restaurant. You could not tell this by looking at her of course, but her passion for cooking is proof enough for me. This is further endorsed by the magnitude of dumplings in our house. Whenever I come home the refrigerator is loaded with mom's homemade dumplings or their Slavonic cousins, known as vareniks. When I visited Beijing for the first time in October 1999 I  相似文献   

Snuff bottles     
Snuff bottles first appeared in China in the Ming dynasty(1368-1644) and, as their name suggests, were originally indeed used as a container for snuff tobacco, first of all by the Manchu, Mongols and Tibetans. The reason for their popularity at that time is to be found in the customs of those ethnic minorities: because those ethnic groups mainly led a nomadic life that entailed frequent use of hay or firewood.  相似文献   

THE bow and arrow craftsmanship of the Ju Yuan Hao workshop in Beijing was recognized as one of China’s National Intangible Cultural Heritages in 2006.It was among the first cultural traditions to be given the title.At the time,48-year-old Yang Fuxi was one of the few master craftsmen remaining adept at traditional Chinese bow and arrow construction.Yang’s workshop,called Ju Yuan Hao for generations,produces some of the more complex bow and arrow designs of ancient China.Creating them today still requires many hours of  相似文献   

“母子相会汤”起源于古大理国时,其国王段思平是剑川人,自幼父母双亡,在家曾以盘地种蚕豆和放牧牛羊营生,后来当了国王,时常思念母亲,每年让弟弟思良及好友董伽罗回剑川城北院榜村带些蚕豆籽和蚕豆分蘖枝,在王府制作烹调成“母子相会汤”食用,以示恋乡之情思母之恩,在段氏统领大理国的316年间,相继22位国王传承延用,使“母子相会汤”这以名菜流芳于世,成为剑川白族一种独特的传统饮食文化。 夏历九月,在广阔的田野,有许许多多的白家女,足穿稻草鞋,身披白羊皮,腰挎小竹箩,手持短木钻,一刻也不敢怠慢地为蚕豆作物钻筑五寸…  相似文献   

Rinse the shelled shrimps and drain off the waten Add 2 grams salt,egg white and cornstarch and water mixture. Marinate until ready to use.  相似文献   

江苏是中国工艺美术发展最早的地区之一。改革开放以来,我省工艺美术产业发展迅速,规模总量逐年增大,出口创汇大幅增长;国家级工艺美  相似文献   

Cao Jieming, born in 1954, learned inkslab engraving as a boy from master of the craft Wang L0sen. After 40 years of study and practice of inkslab engraving, Cao has evolved a distinctively refined style, apparent in strong but srnooth carved lines. Cao's representative works have won rnultiple awards at national and international exhibitions. In 2006, Cao was officially designated as national representative inheritor of the She inkstab making craft.  相似文献   

历史悠久的树皮布,是以植物树皮为原料,经过加工而成的最原始的无纺布。《山海经》载:“生黎……有刀未尝离手,弓以竹为弦,绩木为布,尚文身”。宋.乐史撰《太平寰宇记》卷169《琼州条》……“生黎,巢居深洞,绩木皮为衣,以棉为毯”。清.张长庆撰《黎岐纪闻》载:“生黎隆冬时取树皮,捶软,用以蔽体,夜间即以代被,其树名加布皮,黎产也。”虽然树皮布在人类社会发展、物质丰富的今天早已失去它的使用价值,可是它在人类社会发展进程中却有着不可替代的特殊地位,因为有了树皮布才可证明,人类衣物是从无纺布到有纺布的发展过程。因此,有关专家指出:…  相似文献   

青峥 《观察与思考》2008,(24):60-61
其实你也玩过 桌游,顾名思义指桌上游戏,就是几个人可以在桌子上面对面玩的游戏。这种游戏形式当然不新,我们平常的打麻将、下象棋都是在玩桌游,只不过是用一种富有中国特色的方式。  相似文献   

疑是银河落九天——璀璨流辉的云南民族银饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
~~疑是银河落九天——璀璨流辉的云南民族银饰@孙和林  相似文献   

瞿华娣  周小东 《春秋》2010,(1):48-49
紫砂艺术在中国有悠久的历史和广泛的社会基础。宜兴紫砂(器)之所以闻名,就是因为其有得天独厚的矿砂原料和巧夺天工的制作技艺。  相似文献   

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