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当代中国城市偏向政策的政治根源   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
中外学界对发展中国家现代化进程中城市偏向政策的成因有不同的解释.本文认为,当代中国城市偏向政策的形成有特殊的政治原因.在改革前的"全能主义决策模型"中,统治精英阶层对农民的意识形态偏见,促成了阻止农民影响国家政治决策的制度安排,为城市偏向政策的顺利实施提供了政治保障;在改革以来的"分裂式权威主义模型"中,中国城市偏向政策延续的动力主要不是来自普通市民对国家政治系统的压力,而是来自行政管理者阶层.中国的城市偏向政策将在城市-官僚主导的改革进程中,随着普通市民社会福利水平的相对下降而逐渐消失.  相似文献   


This conceptual analysis explores the psychosocial and cultural experiences of English-speaking West Indians in the United States. Relevant factors include family role changes; parent/child conflicts; prolonged separation from and reunification with parents; finding suitable employment and education-related issues. The challenge for social work is to develop programs for these families that contribute to their social and economic integration. Given the extent to which social, economic and related policies impact on the needs of this population, the author suggests that a multilevel approach which utilizes the micro skills associated with individual intervention and the macro strategies of intervening at the societal and institutional levels is needed. This approach necessarily includes activities such as advocacy and empowerment.  相似文献   

Ideally, the internet will eventually evolve into a global information infrastructure, which, by creating a global information marketplace, will narrow the poverty gap and eliminate many of the existing geographic barriers to prosperity and equality. On the other hand, there is a risk that the internet will concentrate economic activity among the richer countries and thus accentuate the existing divisions between North and South. Which of these scenarios is the more likely will depend to a large extent on whether developing countries are able to gain access to low-cost forms of information technology. Using numerous examples of such technology that already exist in the Third World, we conclude that there is in fact more scope for optimism regarding the Global Information Infrastructure than is commonly realised.  相似文献   

评德国社会民主党的转型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
经过一百多年的发展演变,德国社会民主党从一个受歧视、受迫害的反体制的党变成了认同并参与制定游戏规则的体制内的党,从长期在野的反对党变成了轮流坐庄的执政党.与此同时,它也逐步完成了从革命党向改良党、从工人阶级政党向人民党的转型.这一转型过程值得我们深入研究和总结.  相似文献   

世纪之交欧洲社会党的变革   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
经济全球化和欧洲一体化浪潮的推动,科技革命的迅猛发展,使欧洲社会党面临巨大压力,为适应形势发展,欧洲社会党兴起了一股改革浪潮.这次改革虽然是在"基本价值观保持不变"的前提下进行的,但却涉及到党的社会基础、组织结构和党内生活等一系列较深层次的重要问题,是社会党为因应时变、摆脱困境、实现复兴而作出的战略选择.  相似文献   

和谐社会的构建:从社会排斥到社会融合   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
和谐社会是社会主义的本质追求。目前存在一系列不安全因素影响我国建设和谐社会的进程。构建社会安全网 ,消除社会排斥 ,让弱势群体融入社会 ,维护社会安全 ,是构建和谐社会的内在要求和客观必然。  相似文献   

法国社会党对社会民主主义理论革新的贡献   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济全球化的发展,西欧社会党面临新的挑战.它们都在关注社会民主主义的革新问题,法国社会党在这方面作出了重大贡献.它既强调不与资本主义决裂,又坚持对资本主义的批判;既坚持改良主义,又强调国家的"主观能动性";同时还强调自己是一个"跨阶级的政党",提倡多元主义政治.  相似文献   

The view of terrorists as entrepreneurs is not new. Yet, unlike traditional entrepreneurs, they are not motivated by profits. This article argues that terrorists are social entrepreneurs. They are motivated primarily by social returns. Furthermore, their main output is a public good due to its non-rival and non-excludable properties. Using social entrepreneurship theories, this article presents an alternative view of the incentives behind the formation of terrorist organizations. It concludes with a discussion of policy implications of this framework for combating terrorism.  相似文献   

Research on the governance of publicly funded research does not recognize that social science and 'science' are distinct activities. Neither does it recognize that regulating research policy in purely science and technology terms has undesirable consequences for the social sciences – intended or otherwise. This paper seeks to correct these omissions and considers the governance of social science through the example of regulating 'everyday epistemology' at the science policy level. The British research council system is used in order to demonstrate how social science has been politically constructed as a legitimate enterprise for public funding. We find that social science is in fact regulated by non-social scientists. The result is that social science, seen as a square peg, is forced into the round hole of natural scientific thinking. When this policy is translated into governance structures it creates a 'slave social science' and subverts the role of social science as social science.  相似文献   

Social work is political-normative work (De Boer & Duyvendak, 2004). Hence, the political and policy context in which social work practices take place is crucial in understanding social work as a profession and its social task as a product of the welfare state. The political comes to the fore very explicitly when studying social work interventions with clients of immigrant backgrounds, especially due to the prioritization of the “integration” of migrants on various European political agendas. This article studies how frames on “good citizenship” determine the everyday practices of social workers using data on the Netherlands.  相似文献   

As the use of social media technologies becomes ever more ingrained in the day-to-day functions of public organizations, it is important to develop relevant social media policies to guide their effective use and enable increasingly transparent engagement with citizens. Analyzing the content of such policies can inform scholars about the intended purpose of government’s use of social media. Hence, to build the foundation for a research agenda focused on the role of policy in government’s ability to effectively engage citizens, this exploratory study first identified 156 US cities with a recognizable social media presence and then employed a content analysis to analyze the key elements of their social media policies. Based on our findings, most cities have integrated social media into daily operations, however, many do not provide effective social media policies to guide such use.  相似文献   


This paper uses the World Values Survey to investigate the determinants of perceived social status in India. Caste is still the largest determinant, yet not the only one, as income, education and occupation are all relevant factors. However, only unlikely improvements in those economic attributes could offset the burden of being from a low caste or tribe on perceived social rank. This study is part of the literature that shows how the internalisation of prejudice and long-lasting discrimination may have impaired individuals’ self-esteem. The results stress the need to account for self-depreciation when assessing the efficiency of affirmative action policies.  相似文献   

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