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反全球化思潮的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化趋势的发展引发了反全球化运动和理论思潮。反全球化浪潮的直接起因 是世界政治与经济格局的急剧动荡,其实质是反资本主义,在一定意义上对全球化的健康发展作 出了有益的贡献,有些言论也有失偏颇。  相似文献   

方继平 《学理论》2013,(3):15-16
由于近年来信息化和知识经济的推动,全球化迅猛发展。随着全球化的纵深拓展导致全球不平等、不公正现象越来越突出,在这样的背景下,反全球化运动悄然生成并迅速发展成为席卷全球的新浪潮。随着全球化的发展,反全球化也在不断地扩展。全球化和反全球化同时存在似乎成了全球化发展的必经阶段。因此,只有正确对待全球化和反全球化思潮的互动与博弈,客观地确定我国对于参与全球化的谋略,才能把握全球化的机遇,在发展中巩固全球化的正面效应,规避全球化的负面影响,成为全球化的受益者。  相似文献   

在全球性社会变迁的过程中,作为宏观历史进程的全球化和当代新自由主义主导的资本主义全球化缠绕在一起,新自由主义主导的资本主义全球化引发和加剧了一系列全球问题,因而出现了各种形式的反全球化运动。反全球化运动一方面使人们认识到了当今新自由主义全球化的各种弊端,但同时它还具有诸多局限性。如果反全球化运动能站在更高的起点上,整体地、历史地看待全球化历程,摒弃简单化、绝对化的思维和行为方式,反全球化运动将会发挥更加有效的制衡作用。  相似文献   

国际和谐社会:从反全球化运动的视角分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反全球化运动针对国际社会一系列矛盾和问题发出抗议的呼声,要求全球化扭转和纠正其负面效应。尽管它本身有诸多缺陷和不足,但它对民主、公正、包容、持续的全球化的呼唤反映了广大民众的心声,客观上有利于促进国际社会和谐发展的目标。  相似文献   

章秀英 《理论导刊》2003,(11):40-41
反全球化运动揭示了全球化发展存在的四个主要问题:贫富两极分化的加剧,金融危机问题,环境污染日益严重,全球化进程中如何维护世界文化的多样性和民族国家的主权。要解决这些问题,就要建立公正、合理、平等的国际政治经济新秩序,改革国际金融组织,对全球化的“缺陷”进行管理,协调各国、各组织的经济利益,实行可持续发展。  相似文献   

反全球化不仅是对当今世界矛盾的不满,而且它揭露了“全球化时代”各种世界问题的严重性。全球化本身是需要校正的,它带有严重的弊端、缺失和问题。反全球化就是反资本主义全球化。全球化的未来属于社会主义。  相似文献   

纯粹的市场经济会出现市场化与反市场化的"双重运动",经济全球化与反全球化就是这一"双重运动"在国际层面的体现.只有依靠多边主义,多国围绕共同利益,彼此尊重,平等协商,"双重运动"问题才能得到有效解决,经济全球化才能顺利进行.  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着全球化进程的加快和世界范围内反全球化思潮的兴起,国际范围内关于全球化的论争达到了新的高潮。与此同时,伴随着全球化纵向和横向上的拓展所导致的全球不平等、不公正现象越来越突出,全球正义问题凸显。全球正义不仅是当今人类社会一个重要的价值追求,也成为整合全球化与反全球化冲突的基本线索之一。在当下,全球正义的实现还是一个长期的、历史的过程,既不能完全依赖于全球化,也不能完全依赖于反全球化,而是要依赖于两者的互动,依赖于全球主义者和反全球化者所提出的问题的双重反思。如果说,全球化是一个正题,反全球化是一个反题,那么,和谐世界就是一个合题。中国共产党人的和谐世界理念是一种全新的源于中国、属于世界的价值理想,为促进全球和谐打开了新的认识视野,不啻为一种新型的全球正义观,对于整合全球化与反全球化的冲突、最终促进全球正义的实现具有长期的规范、指导意义。  相似文献   

全球化是充满矛盾的过程,反全球化总是伴随着全球化的发展。全球化受益国国内财富分配不均造成的矛盾、全球产业链布局的经济效率与国家经济独立的矛盾、移民和难民与本土居民利益的矛盾、旧规则与新形势的矛盾、国际交往便利性与安全性的矛盾交织在一起,更导致了当前的逆全球化趋势,但全球化是科技发展和生产力发展的必然结果,从根本和长远来看,是不可逆转的。要使全球化朝着有利于世界人民福祉的方向发展,就要正视矛盾,在对立中把握同一、在合规律中求作为、在曲折中求发展、在不平衡中求相对平衡、在追求利益中讲道义。  相似文献   

全球化及其相关问题是人类发展史上的一个现代现象,它是各个国家、地区与民族寻求自身发展的一个过程,是世界政治、经济制度、知识理念、个体与群体心理结构以及文化制度集合而发生的一次深刻的、全方位的秩序转变的过程。现代性全球化所特有的矛盾、流动与风险,引发了对其反偶像性的思考,全球治理模式的认知与建立是本世纪人类生存和发展的重大课题。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(2):161-177

From its inception, the Lega Nord has been a populist social and political movement obsessed with the Other. In the world-view of the Lega Nord, the Other is anything that threatens the cultural and regional identity of Italians in the northern part of the country, particularly the Northeast. In the early 1990s the Other was constituted by corrupt politicians in Rome, Italian economic monopolies and southern Italians. By the late 1990s the Other had increasingly become the forces of globalization that, according to the Lega leadership's shrill arguments, threatened the economic and social fabric of what the party now refers to as ‘Padania’. Woods explores the manner in which anti-globalization became the dominant ideological Other in the rhetoric of the Lega Nord.  相似文献   

经济全球化与发达国家的政府治理范式创新运动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
90年以来,西方发达国家掀起了旨在构建适应经济全球化的政府治理范式运动,以便完善国家创新体系,增强国家竞争力。本着重分析了这一运动的基本内涵、兴起的动因及其理念取向,目的是把握经济全球化时代政府治理范式创新的大趋势,以便为我国行政改革理论的完善和行政改革实践的推行提供有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   


This article explores some strands of the current movement against capitalist globalization. It examines the affinity between punk subculture and autonomous politics taking the Mexican punk scene as an example. Based on participant observation it describes what Bourdieu would call the habitus of punk in Mexico. Recorded music, subcultural style and political ideas arrive into this habitus where they are selectively adopted. Thus, attempts to articulate punk in Mexico to the "anti-globalization" movement are somewhat different than in the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

也谈中国电影工业全球化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代以来,世界电影工业进入以好莱坞为主导的全球化时代,中国电影工业要想融入这个圈子,就必须具备全球化思维,从市场和资源配置一体化的高度思量它的机会和选择,力求在世界电影工业的市场一体化与区域专业化过程中迎接好莱坞的电影产业转移;把握好莱坞创意动力机制全球布局的机会,为中国电影工业提供源源不断的创新和开发能力的体系。  相似文献   

曹勇 《学理论》2011,(22):251-252
全球化对高校思想政治教育带来了机遇,也带来了诸多挑战。本文在全球化背景下,分析了全球化对当前思想政治教育在社会意识形态、思想政治教育方法等方面带来的严重影响,并提出了与全球化相适应的思想政治教育新思路。  相似文献   

现阶段中国对于传播全球化的研究尚处于启蒙阶段,为了能清晰地介绍国外的先进理论,探讨国内当代社会传播全球化的构造,本文选择了国外传播全球化形成的相关理论加以阐释,封国内当代社会传播全球化的构造追行了解析,继而提出了传播与全球化的关系,对中国传播全球化理论的发展进行了探索,希望能封中国公共管理学的发展尽一点微薄之力。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):305-316

Sommer examines the (re-)emergence of anti-capitalist and anti-globalization themes within the ideology and discourses of the German extreme right. He argues that it would be short-sighted to interpret this development simply as another opportunistic attempt by the extreme right to incorporate Zeitgeist issues into its political agenda in order to appeal to a broader spectrum of supporters. An analysis of the latest campaigns of the Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD)—the most successful extreme-right party in recent years—as well as the activities of groups that exist within the larger German extreme-right milieu, the so-called freie Kameradschaften, reveals that the taking up of social questions as well as anti-capitalist and anti-globalization themes marks a deeper shift within the political agenda of the extreme right in Germany. However, the analysis shows that racist and antisemitic issues do not disappear with this shift, but are linked with and incorporated into anti-capitalist and anti-globalization discourses.  相似文献   


With the expansion and deepening of globalization, as well as China's entry into the World Trade Organization, the nexus between economic growth and national security has gained prominence in China since the mid-1990s. How to ensure socio-economic security while maintaining its robust economic growth is now the most serious concern of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Chinese government. This paper addresses three questions: first, it explores why and how the transformation of economic growth and national security as two separate logics to a single domain evolved conceptually over the past two decades in China; second, what kinds of insecurities are generated by China's robust economic growth coupled with the expansion and deepening of globalization, and in which way and to what extent do they challenge China's government; third, what kinds of mechanisms or policy instruments have been adopted by China's government to address emerging economic insecurities while maintaining robust economic growth. The paper concludes that in the case of China, globalization has posed new challenges to economic security, but given that economic insecurity has its particular salience in individual countries, national institutional adjustment or adaptation becomes increasingly important for each country to govern in the interests of economic security while maintaining economic growth.  相似文献   

This article investigates how globalization and organized labour condition partisan effects on different welfare state programs. The main argument is that the conditional effect of globalization on government partisanship depends on how relevant a program is to the needs of vulnerable groups and that organized labour additionally affects this relationship. Analyzing 21 OECD countries between 1980 and 2011/2014, empirical evidence largely corroborates this argument: Firstly, the expectation that partisan differences decrease with globalization in general and especially in weak labour countries in the case of programs that are less relevant for compensation holds true for old-age provision and partly for sick pay insurance. Secondly, and in accordance with theoretical expectations concerning programs that are primarily relevant for compensation, partisan differences increase with globalization, in general regarding education and only in strong labour countries regarding unemployment benefits. Therefore, while globalization constrains national politics’ room for manoeuvre in some areas, parties are still able to follow their ideologically preferred policies and respond to compensation demands in others.  相似文献   

全球化是不同国家、民族伴随资本主义的发展相互间不断交往、交融的过程和趋势.不同的交往观必然会有不同的全球化理路.马克思以"物质交往"为核心,以生产力与交往形式的矛盾运动为规律,延伸出"世界历史"的全球化逻辑;哈贝马斯以"语言交往"为核心,认为交往行为中的相互作用起着比劳动更为重要的作用,并建构了一个没有强迫,但又能保持民族国家主权独立的"世界共同体"方案.两个方案各有利弊,但都没逃脱乌托邦的理想色彩.  相似文献   

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