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《行政许可法》是一部涉及几乎所有政府部门(至少90%以上的政府部门办理过,而且今后仍然要或多或少地办理行政许可)和涉及千千万万公民、法人和其他组织切身利益(一个公民在其一生中,可能要办理无数次行政许可,甚至公民在尚未出世,就要办理行政许可——准生证)的法律。该法律7月1日就要正式施行了。在该法正式实施之际,人们对这部法律的出台和它的内容也许还有一些疑问,本文试图给予若干阐释和解答。一、为什么要制定《行政许可法》,以法律规范行政许可制定《行政许可法》可能有很多理由,很多必要性,但最重要的有下述三点:(一)行政许可是市…  相似文献   

杨寅  韩磊 《法学杂志》2006,27(2):17-20
尽管社会各界对《行政许可法》的制定与颁布曾经反响空前、赞誉颇多,但是,该部法律实施1年多来的实践说明,由于观念和体制惯性的影响、实施前清理的不彻底、立法技术本身的不足,以及监督与其他配套制度的不健全等方面的原因,使得其实施的实际效果与人们的事前期待并不匹配。  相似文献   

We address the patent/antitrust conflict in licensing and developthree guiding principles for deciding acceptable terms of license.Profit neutrality holds that patent rewards should not dependon the rightholder’s ability to work the patent himself.Derived reward holds that the patentholder’s profits shouldbe earned, if at all, from the social value created by the invention.Minimalism holds that licenses should not be more restrictivethan necessary to achieve neutrality. We argue that these principlesare economically sound and rationalize some key decisions ofthe twentieth century such as General Electric and Line Material.  相似文献   

This essay identifies obstacles to the inclusion of a competitionlaw regime in the WTO and suggests changes that are likely tobe necessary if competition law is to become an effective partof the WTO. Two obstacles have impeded inclusion of competitionlaw in the WTO's legal regime and are likely to continue todo so. They are (i) a lack of confidence that the norms, practicesand procedures of the WTO rest on a robust conception of communityand (ii) uncertainty and concern about what form of competitionlaw might be included and what its role in the WTO would be.In order to reduce the first of these obstacles, the institutionsand members of the WTO will need to develop a conception ofcommunity that engenders widespread confidence in the WTO'sbasic modes of operation. Eliminating the second obstacle wouldrequire clarification of the kind of competition law that wouldbe acceptable within the WTO, and this, in turn, is likely torequire development of a form of competition law that is specificallydesigned for the WTO and that can elicit the long-term supportof all categories of members. The essay suggests that the competitionlaw issue is intricately interwoven with the future of the WTO.The changes that would be necessary to introduce and successfullyimplement competition law in the WTO are to a large extent thesame as those that the institution will need to make if it isto enrich its role as an institution.  相似文献   

从竞争法角度看反倾销法律制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢海霞 《河北法学》2004,22(3):61-64
反倾销法律制度是WTO法律体系中一项重要的法律制度 ,自GATT第 6条确立反倾销法律制度以来 ,许多国家都在国内制定和适用了反倾销法 ,但是随着贸易自由化的发展 ,反倾销法的滥用就成为一个现实的问题 ,于是就提出了是否要改革现有的反倾销法 ,以及如何进行改革的问题。试图从竞争法的角度来论证反倾销的不合理性 ,并指出了我国在未来的取舍  相似文献   

汤宗舜 《知识产权》2007,17(2):3-10
知识产权的保护各国都订有法律加以规范,但各国给予的保护只在本国境内有效,而知识产权法所保护的客体,即发明、商标、作品等是无形的,很容易依附于各种载体而流往国外,因此也还需要在国外获得保护。为了便利本国国民在外国获得对其发明、商标、作品等的保护,一些国际条约先后签订,规定参加条约的国家互相给予其他缔约国国民以本国国民的待遇。我国已经加入了部分条约,也兼顾了本国法律与国际条约的衔接,但从我国目前的知识产权法律现状看,两者间还存在一些问题。对我国的这些法律与国际条约的关系予以探讨,达到二者间的平衡与完善十分必要。  相似文献   

在新中国近20余年改革开放、恢复法制和推进依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的空前历史进程中,始终伴随着一个强劲耀眼的闪亮点,即中国政府自身的法治化建设:与经济转轨和社会转型同构,通过积极的政府推进型模式,推展依法行政,强化法律对政府行政权运作的规范、限定、监督和制约,构建法治行政和法治政府。在这一不断拓展和深化的法治平台上,最具有代表意义的是《行政诉讼法》、《国家赔偿法》、《行政复议法》、《行政处罚法》、《行政许可法》和国务院1999年《关于全面推进依法行政的决定》、2004年《全面推进依法行政纲要》的相继颁行、发…  相似文献   

我国《公司法》2005年的修改拉开了公司法现代化的序幕。在大量借鉴和引入西方先进公司法制度的同时,我们应审视我国公司法发展和变革轨迹。目前,西方国家公司法发展和竞争的良好态势使学习和借鉴一些判例法国家的先进公司法律制度成为首选,但是,一味将这些属于舶来品的制度进行盲目借鉴,必将导致产生一些不可预知的后果,我国的公司法改革也将可能因此而误入歧途。这就有必要在我国现有公司成文法体系的基础上,适时引入产生先进公司法律制度的方法和途径即判例法方法,以有效推进有中国特色公司法的改革,使我国公司法既能满足自身制度发展的内在需求,也能够沉着应对潜在的区域公司法的制度性竞争,为今后我国公司法的不断改进和迅速发展奠定良好的体系性基础。  相似文献   

One of the biggest challenges facing environmental policy makers at present is that of integrating environmental protection goals into economic policy areas. Unless this is genuinely achieved, it is clear that environmental degradation will continue apace. Though one of the EU's most important areas of economic competence is competition policy, many policy makers and commentators reject the notion that environmental concerns should play a significant role in EU competition analysis. In that light, this article addresses two key questions. First, should this approach apply? Second, if not, what are the principles that govern how environmental protection requirements should be taken into account by decision makers applying EU competition law? In answering these questions, the article puts forward three theoretical arguments as to why, and how, the environmental benefits and damage flowing from goods and services should be taken into account by EU competition decision makers, based, respectively, on legal systematic, governance and economic reasoning.  相似文献   

孙雯 《河北法学》2006,24(1):53-57
反倾销法与竞争法存在一些天然的联系.然而许多国家的实践表明,对外贸易政策的实施,很有可能与其竞争政策相冲突.随着贸易的自由化、市场全球化和一体化的发展,运用产业政策与贸易政策支持国内的产业发展受到越来越多的限制,反倾销法就是典型的体现.从反倾销法和竞争法的经济理论出发,分析了两者的潜在冲突,并试图指出解决反倾销法与竞争法之冲突的途径.  相似文献   

论知识产权法与竞争法在促进有效竞争方面的平衡与协调   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯晓青 《河北法学》2008,26(7):40-49
知识产权法不仅需要维护权利所有人的利益,而且需要服务于维护公平竞争的目标。在知识产权法与反不正当竞争法、反垄断法等竞争法之间,存在一种利益平衡问题,需要实现知识产权的行使与反垄断控制、反竞争控制间的平衡。这种平衡机制总的来说是平衡各种应当保护的利益,主要涉及知识产权的私人利益和促进公平竞争的社会利益。  相似文献   

知识产权法律全球化的演进   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郑万青 《知识产权》2005,15(5):57-60
知识产权法律全球化的演进与全球化的演进历史同步,地方化的全球主义和全球化的地方主义是知识产权法律全球化的两种形式,国际保护条约体系的形成、世界知识产权组织和《WTO与贸易有关的知识产权协议》向我们展示了知识产权法律全球化的演进轨迹。  相似文献   

向在强 《河北法学》2004,22(10):109-112
由于均对各自适用范围做扩张性解释,因而欧共体竞争法与成员国竞争法在适用范围上不可避免地产生了重叠, 二者构成了一利双重控制体系。但这种双重控制体系又是有条件的双重控制体系,即当二者之间有冲突时,应以共同体竞争法的效力为优先。随着统一大市场的形成以及从属原则被确立为欧盟法的基本原则,这种双重控制体系面临瓦解的可能,在未来有必要对两套法律体系的适用范围进行重新划定,从而使其各行其是,互不干涉,而且预计成员国竞争法的地位会得到相应提升,并发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

论市场竞争法的基础   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邱本 《中国法学》2003,(4):96-108
市场竞争法有深广的基础。它根源于人的本性 ,是人的自我意识、经济人和自由等本性的必然要求 ,由人的生存环境所决定 ,已成为市场环境的主题和主词。市场竞争法具有特定对象、时代性、国家干预性和社会公共性等特征。它的调整方法是一种中合、否定和综合的方法。它具有促进经济发展、实现政治民主和弘扬人类文明等功能。它由反垄断法和反不正当竞争法构成  相似文献   

Beaton‐Wells, Caron, and Ariel Ezrachi (eds.). 2011 . Criminalising Cartels: Critical Studies of an International Regulatory Movement . Oxford: Hart Publishing. Pp. xvi + 455. Gerber, David J. 2010 . Global Competition: Law, Markets, and Globalization . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xx + 394. Lianos, Ioannis, and D. Daniel Sokol (eds.). 2012 . The Global Limits of Competition Law . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Pp. xiv + 282. This is a review essay of Caron Beaton‐Wells and Ariel Ezrachi (eds.), Criminalising Cartels: Critical Studies of an International Regulatory Movement ( 2011 ); David J. Gerber, Global Competition: Law, Markets, and Globalization (2010); and Ioannis Lianos and D. Daniel Sokol (eds.), The Global Limits of Competition Law ( 2012 ). It explores the fragmented nature of national competition laws in the context of globalization and several harmonizing trends: the defining role of economics, the strong influence of US antitrust economics and law internationally, and the relative insularity of competition law from other subdisciplines of law. The recent emergence of competition regimes, especially in the BRICS countries, challenges these harmonizing trends, reducing US hegemony. Economics will remain central but cultural and institutional factors that reflect societal values will become more significant. This leads to a contradiction of convergence as to the benefits of competition law internationally and continuing fragmentation along national lines.  相似文献   

Responding to calls to “decenter” American penality beyond the carceral apparatus, this article ethnographically examines administrative process and dissects how it interlocks with criminal justice. To do so, it draws on an admittedly unusual, but theoretically generative, case: administrative gun boards, charged with issuing, denying, revoking, and suspending licenses to conceal carry a firearm. While scholars have examined gun ownership and gun carrying as a social practice, less attention has been paid to gun licensing as a state practice. Drawing on observations of over 900 cases from gun board meetings in two counties in Michigan, this paper examines how administrative process mimics, supplements, and facilitates criminal justice through three mechanisms: procedural pains, in which administrative process resembles criminal justice; parallel punishment, in which administrative process supplements criminal justice through withholding of benefits, entitlements or licenses; and valve‐turning, in which administrative process funnels, or threatens to funnel, claimants into the criminal justice system. Revealing how administrative process and criminal justice become mutually reinforcing, the findings extend and integrate scholarship that shows the material, symbolic, and psychic implications of criminal justice contact, on the one hand, with the increased tendency of administrative contexts to resemble criminal justice institutions, on the other.  相似文献   

国际竞争趋向与我国企业知识产权策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乔生 《知识产权》2003,13(5):36-38
一、从DVD等案看国际竞争的新动向我国加入WTO不久,3C即通过欧盟当地海关扣押了我国约百家企业的DVD产品;随后,欧盟企业以未获专利权人许可为名,企图将我国2元以下打火机挤出西欧市场;2003年年初,美国思科状告我国华为专利侵权,美国安全部门甚至意图通过思科公司对华为展开侵权的刑事调查。上述案件揭示了知识经济条件下国际竞争的新规则:技术专利化——专利标准化——标准垄断化。这是企业知识产权发展的一个趋势,也是企业知识产权管理的一项系统工程。这“三化”目前已不仅仅是某一跨国公司的独立行为,而更多表现为多寡头的专利联营。…  相似文献   

Competition law has become increasingly important in regulating the economy. This article aims to explore how domestic competition law relates to sustainable development. It distinguishes three ways that competition law can take into account environmental and social priorities: through substantive competition rules fostering social or ecological purposes; through exceptions, exemptions and exclusions; and through the enhanced application of competition laws. The first form is very interesting and currently not very widely used. Only a very few countries, such as South Africa, have included substantive provisions to promote social development in their competition laws. Most countries allow for some version of the second form of sustainable competition law. Few countries' laws are as outspoken about their public policy goals as is Spain in its new draft competition law. This new draft law explicitly lists environmental protection and social policies as grounds upon which the government could repeal a competition decision. The third form is relatively unproblematic as it creates a win-win situation for competition and sustainable development. This article surveys some of the most interesting competition law developments across the world and indicates where these domestic regimes take into account environmental or broader social issues when making competition-related decisions such as merger approvals.  相似文献   

李垒 《河北法学》2012,30(9):43-49
信赖保护在授益行政行为撤销和废止中发挥了重要作用.它是行政主体在撤销或废止授益行政行为时必须进行利益衡量的一个重要因素.信赖保护的主要目的在于保护相对人的信赖利益.我国行政许可法首次规定了信赖保护,标志着我国已经关注到相对人的信赖利益保护问题.但行政许可法的规定比较粗糙,特别是在信赖保护的方式、利益衡量、救济以及程序保护等方面还存有缺漏,因此,必须在已有规定的基础上予以重构.  相似文献   

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