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Colin  Gray 《Political studies》1994,42(1):25-39
The end of the Cold War has wrought havoc among Western students of strategy as well as among and to the political institutions of the post-war period. Many erstwhile 'strategists' have decided that it is more correct for the 1990s to become specialists in security, even global security. This paper examines critically, in strategic perspective, the purported connections between economic well-being and global security. The proposition that a strategic, more broadly a 'realist', perspective either neglects or discourages ethical considerations is also discussed. There is less than meets the eye to claims for a rising pre-eminence for economic issues vis a vis a global security, while the very concept of a global security is more attractive than it is useful.  相似文献   

Both advocates and opponents of retrenchment have treated it as an undesirable, last‐ditch strategy for states that have already experienced severe decline. This article presents a formal model that identifies an unrecognized benefit of retrenchment: It can provide declining states with valuable information about rising states' future intentions. By removing constraints over the behavior of rising states in a particular region, a declining state can induce hostile risers to attempt revision of the regional order. This, in turn, makes a riser's cooperative behavior more credible as a signal of benign intentions, allowing the decliner to oppose hostile types while accommodating benign ones. In contrast to the existing focus on retrenchment as a desperate strategy taken from a position of weakness, this article suggests that the informational benefits of retrenchment are greatest when it is undertaken early, from a position of strength.  相似文献   

世博会被称为经济、文化、科技领域的奥林匹克盛会。自1851年第一届世博会诞生于英国伦敦以来,世博会一直是世界各国激烈竞争,展现国家文明、文化与工业经济发展成就的良好机会,因此倍受世人持续青睐和广泛关注。  相似文献   

This article examines the politics of the October 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), focussing on the points of difference between the main political parties (and within the Cameron coalition government) and the political dynamics of the review process. In examining how the government's core mission to reduce the country's ‘historic deficit’ impacted on the review process and outcomes, we are also able to highlight the practical results of a political philosophy that is currently being implemented across Whitehall. We argue that defence is a path‐finding policy area for a new kind of post‐industrial bureaucratic environment typified by a ‘thin‐client’ and ‘smart customer’ function that interacts with industry.  相似文献   

The Gaullist settlement of 1958 reconfigured the political institutions of France, introducing into the republican mainstream a new form of leadership politics. Adapting the literature on political opportunity structure (POS) theory, and using the French left as a case study, can help us understand how political parties, ideology and leadership adapt to political institutions and norms. It also illuminates what the consequences are of such adaptation in the contemporary period, particularly as regards the institutionally bound roles of political 'character', protocol and discourse. The paper appraises the relevance and appropriateness of POS theory to leadership politics in France.  相似文献   

  • In contrast to most political marketing theories which imply that such concepts as ‘voter‐orientation’ or ‘voter‐centric political management’ are trivial and uni‐dimensional, this article will take its starting point from an alternative perspective.
  • It draws on the concept of political marketing ‘postures’, i.e. a multi‐faceted conceptual entity, based on varied dimensions of political marketing orientations. The main duality consists of the constructs of ‘leading’ and ‘following’, with an auxiliary (and complementary) dimension of ‘relationship building’.
  • This article provides an exploratory methodology to operationalize this concept, which will also be initially tested empiricially, using expert judgements as well as electorate's perceptions.
  • Changing postures will be exemplified within a longitudinal application of the concept to perceptions of Tony Blair as Prime Minister.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The events of 9/11 have influenced policy making in public administration. The Homeland Security Act of 2002, which created the Department of Homeland Security, contained language that empowered the secretary of homeland security and the director of the Office of Personnel Management to establish a personnel management system outside the normal provisions of the federal civil service. Why did civil service reform succeed as part of this legislation when previous attempts at large‐scale reform had failed? A case analysis of the enactment of civil service reform in the Homeland Security Act points to theories of policy emergence and certain models of presidential and congressional policy making. In this case, civil service reform became associated with national security instead of management reform. An assessment of the rhetorical arguments used to frame this policy image offers a powerful explanation for the adoption of the personnel management reforms in the Homeland Security Act. This case has implications for understanding how policy makers might approach future management reform agendas.  相似文献   

Conflicts between favorites and underdogs are everyday phenomena. We examine their strategic behavior in an experimental contest, and find behavior partially consistent with predictions. Favorites given a first-mover advantage do overcommit effort relative to Nash. Underdogs often select the best response effort level given the favorite's move. Overall dissipation of the prize was significantly higher with the strategic commitment relative to Nash. qu]Life is not so mathematically idiotic that it allows only the big to eat the small, for it happens just as often that the bee kills the lion, or at least drives it mad.  相似文献   

For autocrats facing elections, officers in the internal security apparatus play a crucial role by engaging in coercion on behalf of the incumbent. Yet reliance on these officers introduces a principal‐agent problem: Officers can shirk from the autocrat's demands. To solve this problem, autocrats strategically post officers to different areas based on an area's importance to the election and the expected loyalty of an individual officer, which is a function of the officer's expected benefits from the president winning reelection. Using a data set of 8,000 local security appointments within Kenya in the 1990s, one of the first of its kind for any autocracy, I find that the president's coethnic officers were sent to, and the opposition's coethnic officers were kept away from, swing areas. This article demonstrates how state institutions from a country's previous authoritarian regime can persist despite the introduction of multi‐party elections and thus prevent full democratization.  相似文献   

建立社保基金投资管理体系的战略思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国社保基金的投资管理一直处于十分混乱状态:沉淀于地方省市的1600多亿缴费余额统账混用,没有统一的投资管理策略,回报率低下,存在巨大的金融风险;“全国社保基金”投资策略不尽合理;中央政府不得不额外每年财政转移予以专项补助。将上述三块资源统筹考虑,提出将账户基金、统筹基金、储备基金分离出来,为其设计了不同的投资策略与制度:账户基金应实施完全的资本市场的投资;储备基金应完全走向国际资本市场;统筹基金增值保值问题是个世界性难题,提出应首先完成省级统筹,实行“三离开”的投资原则,并首次提出须避免和谨防“东亚化”的投资倾向,吸取东亚的教训,应为其设立三个投资管理体系。为配合上述投资体系的建立,提出了调整社保缴费比例的设想,认为这个基本框架既符合国际惯例,又符合具体国情,具有中国特色;既有制度创新,又为未来诸如地方开放地方债市等发展留下了空间;既保持了职工收入替代率没有降低,又增强了社保制度的财政可持续性;同时还减轻了国家的财政负担。  相似文献   

政治纪律的核心是"向中央基准看齐",同党中央在政治、思想、组织、行动上保持高度一致。这是维护党的领导、维护中央权威、维护党的团结统一、维护党的路线方针政策贯彻执行的重要保证。政治纪律的精髓是人民利益高于一切。为了维护绝大多数人的利益,必须自觉抵制同中央离心离德的错误思潮和违背党章规定的错误言行,不允许对抗或拒绝执行党的重大决策、不允许搞"团团伙伙"和"小宗派"。执行政治纪律的最高境界是把中央决策精神与本职工作相结合,有所创新、有所创造。自觉遵守政治纪律重在提高马克思主义理论修养,从而坚定共产主义理想和中国特色社会主义信念,加深对党的路线方针政策的理解,提高执政能力。  相似文献   

The paper considers how planning as a political activity is underpinned by concepts of justice and how professional practitioners are consistently faced with making ethical choices in the public interest. The key objective is therefore to identify the centrality of ethics in praxis. In this context, political liberal theory is empirically useful in exploring both the role of participants and the processes employed in strategic planning. A case study analysis generates key issues which are relevant to planning in the wider arena and an extensive series of interviews provides interesting insights into the dynamic between those involved and the effectiveness of procedures followed.  相似文献   

The Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition government has committed itself to a Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDR) in 2010. The government and the country face very hard choices to bring United Kingdom defence and security policy back from the brink of bankruptcy—both financial and strategic (Gow). To succeed, it must overcome the failings of the past (Chisnall, Dorman, Rees) and take a truly open and radical look at all aspects of policy and process—including the Trident independent nuclear deterrent (Allen), relations with Europe (Witney) and the importance of cyber‐issues in the future security context (Fisher). It must get strategic concepts right to provide flexibility with credibility (Stone). It must deliver ‘what the military wants’: true strategic prioritisation, radical defence acquisition reform, and credible balancing of resources and commitments (Kiszley). The scale of the challenge facing the United Kingdom in—and beyond—the 2010 SDR is why The Political Quarterly convened a workshop early in 2010 involving MPs, practitioners, retired military personnel, journalists, commentators, business people and academics, and publishes these associated papers. Most of all, to overcome the failings of the past, there must be a radical move beyond the welcome first steps of the Cameron–Clegg government to introduce a National Security Council and a National Security Advisor, to reconfigure relationships within government, across departments and with Parliament to have a government figure of accountability and responsibility—a Secretary of State for Security Policy, primus inter pares with other Secretaries of State—to make sense of the questions needing to be asked and answered (Gearson and Gow).  相似文献   

Military engagement of insurgents risks destruction of religious monuments and historic structures, and political and economic instability that follows armed conflict enables looting of antiquities. In combination, threats to cultural structures and movable cultural patrimony compromise cultural security. This article explores the potential of the art market for open-source intelligence assessments of cultural security. A comparison of the market value of artifacts of different ethnic origins provides a measure of the risk of looting of cultural patrimony by geographic region. Intelligence assessments of the relative desirability of cultural artifacts by region of origin can inform strategic planning to mitigate looting in conflict zones and to alert security services to emerging threats of trafficking in cultural patrimony.  相似文献   

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