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马克思主义哲学研究对象的解释学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义哲学研完对象就是马克思主义哲学文本著作,对它既要作认识论研究,又要作解释学研究,解释学研究包括两个方面:其一,研究马克思主义哲学文本的"量"和"质",量是指马克思主义哲学文本的范围,质是指此范围内的文本是绝对具有还是相对具有"马克思主义哲学"性质,马克思主义哲学教科书、恩格斯等经典作家的著作、马克思本人的全部著作不能绝对地、确定无疑地认定为马克思主义哲学著作.其二,研究马克思主义哲学文本的本质--意义,这个意义是体现在文本中的马克思的哲学思想,它是马克思赋予的,而非读者赋予的,它是固定不变的,并可以被认识.  相似文献   

Tony Blair has made no secret of his admiration for the philosophical works of John Macmurray. This article shows that Blair recognises Macmurray's contribution to the understanding of the individual in society. Blair readily acknowledges Macmurray's overriding desire for philosophy to place individuals in their rightful social setting. Yet Blair views this philosophical shift as a reinforcement of modern notions of community that emphasise an obligation to others as well as to oneself. It is my contention that this may be a misreading of the specifics that lay behind the works of Macmurray. By implication, this error in understanding could have led New Labour to pursue a social policy direction that contradicts Macmurray's visions of capitalism and its effects upon human agency, behaviour, rationality and morality. Consequently, this article examines the works of Macmurray in an attempt to show that Tony Blair and New Labour are in danger of making false assumptions on how to revive a contemporary sense of community through the bedrock of a traditional family unit supported by the model of the 'rational economic man'.  相似文献   

Three anthropological contributions within the debates on rationality and modes of thought are considered here: Horton's ‘African Traditional Thought and Western Science’, Gellner's Legitimation of Belief and Needham's Belief, Language and Experience. It is argued that within these texts, seemingly diverse and even opposed in theoretical position though they are, certain anthropological imperatives are common. Various philosophical views are invoked in these works in order to grapple with recurrent problems of social anthropology, a discipline conceived as the ‘empirical philosophy of mind’ and expressing itself as an essentially epistemological discourse. These attempts are unsuccessful but the reasons for their lack of success can be traced to certain constraints within the anthropological problematic itself.  相似文献   

"哲学批评"是两个或两个以上的哲学家、两个或两个以上的哲学流派、两部或两部以上的哲学著作之间的批评."哲学批评学"可以定义为"概括和总结哲学批评活动之功能、原则、方法、规律等等的一门科学"."哲学批评学"的总体框架以哲学批评的定性、哲学批评的模式考察、哲学批评的历史考察为"三根支柱".建设"哲学批评学"的必要性,可以从如下方面去看:哲学的本性要求"哲学批评学"的构建;中国哲学研究的现状要求"哲学批评学"的构建;哲学领域的学科完善要求"哲学批评学"的构建;哲学领域中众多批评材料要求"哲学批评学"的构建.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):141-158

In what sense could discourse ethics be linked with normative problems raised by the ecological crisis? Even if Apel and Habermas have not really addressed this question extensively, and even if their position in moral philosophy seems to develop and reinforce a neo-Kantian anthropocentric point of view, one can find in their works some evidence for the possibility of connecting a dialogical view with an ecological one. In order to defend the philosophical interest in highlighting this possibility, this essay analyses Habermas' position concerning the moral and ontological status of animality in particular, and attempts to situate this position within the history of Critical Theory.  相似文献   

通过对近年来国内研究者关于邓小平政治哲学性质的定位、研究对象和内容、方法论特征、理论贡献和研究方法的理论成果进行梳理,可以看出目前邓小平政治哲学研究中存在着四个方面的问题:研究的水平较低;研究的边界不清;生搬硬套其他学科的范畴和框架;缺少对邓小平政治运作和政治实践案例的理证分析。鉴于邓小平政治哲学研究尚处于起步阶段的状况,我们有必要对邓小平政治哲学的进一步研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

《记法》专门探讨"记忆"问题,是一部介绍西洋"认识论"或"知识论"的专著。《童幼教育》是教育学及伦理学专著,属哲学之一支,既是介绍"西洋法学"、"西洋医学"入中国之最早文献之一,亦是引介"西洋神学"及"西洋大学"之最早文献之一,可说"太西总学之大略"已赖此书输入中国。《西学凡》介绍了哲学学科四年之课程(第一年逻辑学,第二年物理学,第三年形而上学,第四年数学与伦理学),已经把当时"西洋哲学"之全部内容包含完了。《灵言蠡勺》分四篇,一论灵魂之体,二论灵魂之能,三论灵魂之尊,四论灵魂所向美好之情,是晚明一部专门介绍西洋"灵魂"学说之哲学典籍。这些书在中国之刻印,正值"西洋近代哲学"之发源期,它们没有把"西洋近代哲学"介绍到中国来,但却把"西洋近代哲学"之前的"西洋哲学"介绍到中国来了。近代以前"西洋哲学"之完整框架,已经在弗.培根活动的那时节,出现在晚明中国学术界。  相似文献   

2、实在论.在当代美国哲学家看来,实在论、自然主义和实用主义在哲学基本倾向上是一致的,它们之间的关系可以解释为,是一种以实用主义为主导精神,以实在论为基本态度,以自然主义为思想方法的美国特有的生活方式.在当代美国哲学中,实在论和实用主义构成了一幅美国哲学的未来图景.当今美国哲学中的一种重要动向,就是实用主义实在论的兴起.2000年10月在美国纽约布法罗州立大学举行的"美国实用自然主义传统中的实在论的未来"国际研讨会,就充分体现了这样一种倾向.例如,默菲(Mur-ray G. Murphey)指出,实用主义不是要揭示世界的真实情况,而是要说明人类对环境做出有限反应的能力,例如人类根据自己的兴趣或态度对某种所与物(the giyen)作出选择.这里并不涉及真实世界的独立存在问题,而仅仅涉及到外在事物对人类感官产生的感觉刺激,也就是知觉(perception)过程.罗森塔尔(Sandra B. Rosenthal)明确地把实用主义与实在论联系起来.  相似文献   

In 1967, the burgeoning discontent of many political scientists culminated in the establishment of the Caucus for a New Political Science. The Caucus included political scientists of many diverse viewpoints, but it was united methodologically by a critique of behavioralism and by the idea that political science should abandon the myth of a value-free science. In recent years, political scientists have authored numerous commentaries on “the tragedy” of political science, “the crisis” in political science, and “the flight from reality in political science,” while in 2000 these discontents resurfaced in the “perestroika” rebellion, which again denounced the American Political Science Association as an organization that promotes a “narrow parochialism and methodological bias toward the quantitative, behavioral, rational choice, statistical, and formal modeling approaches.” This paper reviews the intellectual origins of New Political Science by examining some of the major works of the late 1960s and early 1970s purporting to establish the foundations of a new political science. It concludes that new political science offers a methodological critique of behaviorialism and a sociological critique of the relationship between political science and political power, but there is no consensus on what constitutes a new political science beyond its critical stance toward the existing discipline.  相似文献   

This article is an assessment of Quentin Skinner's contribution to the study of political change and to the contemporary debate in political philosophy. We argue that the significance of Skinner's work to a large extent has been neglected by political scientists, as they have tended to regard him solely as a historian of ideas rather than as a political scientist. However, Skinner's approach not only offers valuable methodological lessons but a historically grounded framework that accounts for the relationship between human agency and the structural language-context, that make actions meaningful. This allows for a conception of historical change that is neither narrowly structuralist nor exclusively focused on the individual agent. In his most recent historical works, Skinner has entered the main debate of contemporary political philosophy, i. e. the debate between liberals and communitarians. Here, his analysis of the classical republican tradition of political thought, attempts a revitalization of the debate beyond the stereotypes of liberalism and Aristotelianism. This work points towards the possibility of developing a radical reconception of modern liberal democracy.  相似文献   

始于1859年的马克思哲学思想恩格斯化过程持续了36年,结果是恩格斯化马克思主义哲学的形成.恩格斯以哲学著述和立场宣示两种形式向世人申明,他的哲学观点与马克思的哲学思想之间没有任何意见不一致,哲学整体和具体观点两个层面的情况都是如此.文献梳理的结果令人惊诧,二人哲学思想之间的异质性明显可见:1、哲学研究的本体;2、哲学分析框架;3、对相同思想资源的解读;4、对历史唯物主义内容范围的理解;5、对马克思主义理论体系的理解;6、哲学观.事实表明,二人的哲学思想之间确有差别,它影响了马克思主义哲学的基本形态.  相似文献   

With the rise to eminence and influence of scientists in recent years the distinction between scientific judgment and the judgment of scientists has been increasingly blurred. In particular, the meaning and definition of the social sciences and of their auxiliary or more applied disciplines has become confused. On the one hand, several value-centered undertakings such as policy analysis or planning have laid claim to status as sciences, while on the other hand, social scientists have increasingly attacked the legitimacy or reasonableness of the goal of value-free social science. Scientific publicists further confuse the discussion by arguing for the discovery of a value-free, scientific basis for society in which applied science equals policy. The result has been to damage the effectiveness of both scientific and nonscientific efforts, and to confuse the relationship of their activities in the minds of those who regularly feel compelled to cross a variety of scientific and nonscientific frontiers.  相似文献   

Hartmut Kliemt 《Public Choice》2005,125(1-2):203-213
The paper explores some of the surprisingly many relations between theories of public choice and political philosophy. Focusing on variants of Homo oeconomicus it does so systematically rather than historically. But it factors in the history of the two disciplines along with some recent developments in (experimental) economics. This sheds new light on the counterfactual assumption that in politics everybody should be supposed to be a knave and suggests that we better seek factually sound behavioral foundations for Public Choice.  相似文献   

On Gramsci     
The writings of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci have garnered a great deal of interest across debates in both political theory and International Political Economy (IPE). Yet, despite the diversity of issues raised by such debates, similar arguments have been made that are pertinent to anyone interested in understanding the philosophy and strategic importance of Gramsci. The claim here is that similar demands have been made to return Gramsci to his historical context but without considering whether this means that ideas and the conditions that provoked such issues are therefore relegated to the epoch of origination. The argument consequently works through some of the assumptions of an historicist interpretation, whilst also outlining a particular approach that appreciates the contemporary theoretical and practical relevance of a Gramscian-inspired critique of the prevailing global political economy  相似文献   

汤姆·洛克莫尔是研究当代欧陆哲学和马克思哲学的著名学者,在德国古典哲学和马克思主义研究领域颇有影响,现为北京大学人文讲席教授。他出版了《黑格尔:之前和之后——黑格尔思想历史导论》、《马克思主义之后的马克思》、《历史唯物主义:哈贝马斯的重建》、《在康德的唤醒下:20世纪西方哲学》、《非理性主义:卢卡奇与马克思主义理性观》等著作。近日,中国人民大学哲学院臧峰宇教授围绕启蒙的谱系、马克思政治哲学的观念资源与卢卡奇的理性观等问题对话汤姆·洛克莫尔教授,这些讨论关注马克思政治哲学史与马克思主义哲学理解史,在历史语境中勾勒出启蒙哲学与马克思哲学之间关系的一种可能性图景。  相似文献   

哲学发展是内在矛盾的运动,哲学创新是唯心主义和唯物主义历史发展的双重变奏.唯心主义在哲学创新中占有重要地位,并使得唯物主义的哲学创新常常表现为对唯心主义创新成果所含价值的科学解构.马克思实践唯物主义的本义是走向实践,但其学术意蕴则是离开哲学思辨.哲学创新须把握好哲学特有的学术理路,其中,允许唯心主义正常发展有利于哲学学科整体水平的提高.  相似文献   

James Kent 《Critical Horizons》2016,17(3-4):338-357
Siegfried Kracauer's reading of the work of R.G. Collingwood illuminates the crisis point in the relation between philosophy, history and how the present is thought. In this paper I argue that Kracauer's dismissal of Collingwood illuminates a misunderstanding of the latter's philosophical project, and takes no account of a certain affinity between the two thinkers. Collingwood not only shared Kracauer's view that a philosophically oriented historical investigation of the past might offer some hope for the present, but also had a fuller grasp of the philosophical implications of the ambivalent relation between historical time and the present than Kracauer gave him credit for.  相似文献   


This paper intends to continue the work of the late Cheik Anta Diop and to bring it into modern times, limiting myself to the case of Ethiopia and of its philosophical literature expressed in g ‘ < ‘ z language. Cheik Anta Diop claimed that the source of Greek philosophy is the cosmogony of ancient pharaonic Egypt. This paper would like to show that the philosophy which had such a remarkable development in the Greek-speaking world (Ionia, Magna Graecia, continental Greece) came back to its place of origin, to Africa, to Egypt during the late Hellenistic period. It travelled from Egypt to Abyssinia first with works written in Egypt, by Ethiopian scholars living in the Skete monastery, and translated from Greek to g ‘ < ‘ z then with works like The Book of the Philosophers and The Life and Maxims of Sk ‘ nd ‘ s , g ‘ < ‘ z works translated and adapted from the Greek via Arabic. This cultural impact comes to an end as far as g ‘ < ‘ z philosophical literature in concerned with the Treatise of Wäldä 0 ‘ ywåt in the early 18th century.  相似文献   

哲学经历了从理论哲学到实践哲学的发展阶段。理论哲学是脱离实践单纯从理论出发用理论方式解决哲学问题、用不同方式解释世界的哲学;实践哲学则是用实践方式解决哲学问题,不仅解释世界,更重视改变世界的哲学。实践哲学是对理论哲学的超越。马克思主义哲学是新唯物主义的实践哲学,是以唯物主义为基础的实践哲学,而不是实践首要论或实践核心论的实践哲学。用实践唯物主义表述马克思主义哲学只能导致混乱,辩证唯物主义、辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义才能更准确地体现马克思主义哲学的精神实质。  相似文献   

近年来,如何构建马克思主义哲学新体系一直是哲学界的热点问题。它涉及三个十分重要的问题:哲学与世界观的关系问题;哲学的科学性问题;如何认识旧体系的主要不足。在这一领域拥有重要影响的黄楠森先生努力开拓创新,但他依然把马克思主义哲学理解为辩证唯物主义的科学世界观。他提出的马克思主义哲学体系构想没有克服旧体系的不足。建构新的马克思主义哲学体系还是有待完成的艰巨任务。  相似文献   

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